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Online Dating Reality Check

Guest Kurt

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Jehovah's Happy People.s foto.

Jehovah's Happy People.s foto.

Single Christians who are looking for a marriage mate recognize the risks of online dating sites, especially the risk of developing a relationship with a person whom one knows very little about on Social Media. Yes, We're talking about Facebook, Instagram, ..Snapchat. Etc.
So You're Single and looking.
The Bible says: “Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, . . . because the days are wicked.”—Ephesians 5:15, 16.
Brothers, you could be chatting online to a Con-Man named Phil, not a Sister.
Sisters, You could be talking to a Sexual Predator, or a Con Man from another Country, not a Spiritual Brother.
Yes, it's true, Online dating is very risky business. Many have been robbed, stabbed, beaten ferociously, raped, killed and dismembered after meeting lying, manipulative psychopaths online. Let this be a Stark warning for those who wish to meet with someone they've been chatting with online.
The Bible says: “The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.”—Proverbs 22:3.
We'll like to add, Please Do Not Send Your Hard Earned Money To Anyone. If you are being asked for money, (Red Flag) you have met a Con Artist looking for a meal ticket. Just Say: "No" And BLOCK them. No one wants to be Traumatized.

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Jehovah's Happy People.s foto.

Would You Like To Get Married?
Here are some tips to dating in the Truth.
Dating Is No Cheap Thrill, so know if you're ready to take that important next step in your personal life. Dating in many cases will eventually lead to marriage.
1. Firstly, Pray to Jehovah about meeting the right person to marry. (Remember, Your relationship with Jehovah should be the most important thing in your life, and it should remain that way.)
2. You may not want to advertise that you would like to get married but, make it your goal to get out and socialize as much as possible, even visiting new congregations once in a while to meet new people.
3. Be Respectful and Friendly to new prospects you meet, and remember to smile. The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
4. Don't overlook those excellent single sisters or brothers in your own congregation, the right person might be sitting right next to you.
5. Look your best at all times. You can be wearing something simple but, make sure it's well put together and you're practicing proper hygiene.
6. If you're a guy, know that you're the one that's going to have to take the initiative and pursue any Sister you're interested in, and not the other way around. In addition, sisters do have the right to choose who they would like to get to know.
7. It's not all about the physical attributes of a person. Being good looking says nothing about the way a person is on the inside, their spirituality, sense of reasoning, their decision making skills, morals etc.
Don't be in a hurry to go out with someone on a date, please take your time and observe that person to know if they're what you're looking for in a mate.
8. When you do meet a good person, be upfront and honest about yourself and your endeavors. Remember, you don't want to hurt and disappoint someone later, when the truth comes out.
9. The Brother should open doors, pull out chairs, let her order first and pay for the first date. Remember you're trying to make a good impression, so make sure you make the date special. Brothers, don't forget to buy her flowers, cheesecake, gourmet cookies, chocolate or whatever you think she would like. Lol
10. Don't disappoint Jehovah by dating or marrying someone who is not in the truth. Being single is far better than being married to someone who is not in the truth.
Choosing the right partner could affect many aspects of your life, spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically. It's very important to choose wisely.

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If you are going to meet someone you have been communicating with, do it as if it were a business meeting, gather with the person at a public place like a meeting at the Kingdom Hall or a  restaurant and for a brief time. Be careful if the person wants to go to a different place. 

Better off if you take a friend or a mature person to go with you to meet this person at the public place. 

First of all you are trying to meet in person a friend, not a spouse 

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I disagree with that. I have never dated anyone I would not see as the end result possibly marrying, although I realize that a person SHOULD date as many people as possible ... not so much to decide who to marry ... but to decide who NOT to marry.  My daughter once asked me about a Brother who she was dating, and was upset because he was dating other girls.  I told her that if you are not engaged, either party was free to date as many as they could manage ... and SHOULD.  

It is important to know which "fish" you need to throw back into the pond.

I think Kurt's Item No. 6 is EXTREMELY important .....

On 12/2/2017 at 11:27 AM, Kurt said:

6. If you're a guy, know that you're the one that's going to have to take the initiative and pursue any Sister you're interested in, and not the other way around. In addition, sisters do have the right to choose who they would like to get to know.

The way civilization has survived is with rule No. 6. 

It's like a football game .... men play offense, and women play defense..  Both skills are a necessity, and a person must be competent .. or your life is ruined by default.  It is like going to a gunfight with a knife.

Whatever does not kill you MAY make you stronger ... but at the expense of great pain and a LOT of scars.

One Brother was particularly aggressive with my daughter, and she told him "Bother me any more and my Dad will kill you ... yes, he will go to prison ... but you will be dead."  The Brother backed off and as it turned out, he is in prison now for the rape of two other Sisters. Kind counsel in dulcet tones would have been wasted on him.

Never bring a knife to a gun fight.

It is a game that must be played competently, and honorably ... but it is a game ... and there are winners and losers.

Sometimes you do not find out the score for several decades, as the "rules" are changed in the middle of the game.




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52 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

My daughter once asked me about a Brother who she was dating, and was upset because he was dating other girls.  I told her that if you are not engaged, either party was free to date as many as they could manage ... and SHOULD.  


What was your daughter reaction after you told her that? If I may ask, I'm curious :) 


55 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

One Brother was particularly aggressive with my daughter, and she told him "Bother me any more and my Dad will kill you ... yes, he will go to prison ... but you will be dead."  The Brother backed off and as it turned out, he is in prison now for the rape of two other Sisters. Kind counsel in dulcet tones would have been wasted on him.

She is brave woman, a great example, poor of those sisters :( 

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On 12/18/2017 at 11:50 PM, Nicole said:

What was your daughter reaction after you told her that? If I may ask, I'm curious :) 

This comment was not presented on top of a vacuum ... but in the context of learning social skills by trial and error, and increasing the PROBABILITY of a successful  search for "Mr. Right". 

It appeared she took the advice at face value, as she nodded, and looked thoughtful. My guess she was running many multiple scenarios in her mind at the time.

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Jehovah God is the originator of Marriage. (GENESIS 1:28-a) Further, God blessed them, and God said to them:  " be fruitful and become many, fill the earth."  Jehovah God didn't married humans of the same sex & tell them become fruitful. Jehovah God blessed Adam & Eve the first humans on earth, male & female, they had childrens. Abel & Cain their sons. ..

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