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Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !

Queen Esther

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Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193 NORTH - MARITIBA - BRAZIL
Nord-Maritiba, Brasilien

Today's Saturday text has been John 6:38. Our slave does not walk with half measures to tell us clearly that once dedicated, it is wrong to live a double life. If there is ever a conflict between what we want and what Jehovah wants, what will we do?
This could illustrate the position of Jehovah's Witnesses and their dedication in the so-called baptismal vows that have been written by the slave, so since 1985 every person who wants to be baptized must publicly proclaim "yes" to the following question: " Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with the organization led by the spirit of God? "
Why is it required to publicly confess to belonging to the organization? Has God required this from you? Did the first century Christians declare that they were in association with the apostles led by the spirit? The truth is that this question must be answered publicly.

In fact, some identified themselves as belonging to prominent Christian elders, which is why in the first words of his first letter, the apostle Paul rebuked some of the Corinthians who claimed to belong to Paul, Cephas and others. So why did the apostle so vigorously oppose some of the Corinthians who claimed to belong to him? Paul's answer says it all: "Paul was not fixed on a tree for you, was he not, or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" 1. Corinthians 1:13
The real problem is this: we all tend to be followers of men. It is a trend in all of us. That is why although they were anointed and received miraculous gifts of the spirit, some of the members of the Corinthian congregation claimed to belong to certain prominent apostles. Paul took strong measures to crush that trend. And that is a problem.

Given the fact that there is now a growing number of people who are ceasing to associate with what they once confessed to recognizing as the organization directed by the spirit of God, it is evident that the dissociated are followers of men to a large extent. This becomes more evident when people stop striving to fulfill God's will because they stumble over the misconduct of some pastors of our organization. In other words, these people base their dedication to God on the actions of others. As long as they perceive that their elders are true, they stay the course. When they perceive that their elders have a bad behavior, that cancels their dedication.

We follow an organization, but not men.

r the practice. This is because the State -which the Family Judge represents- has the non-derogable responsibility of ensuring the human and personal rights of all persons and even more of those in special vulnerable condition. (ANB / ANR)

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Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193 NORTH - MARITIBA - BRAZIL                                         ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸

PERSONAL REFLECTION WE DO NOT FOLLOW MEN Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193 NORTH - MARITIBA - BRAZIL Nord-Maritiba, Brasilien Today's Saturday text has been John 6:3

That  is  just  people - thinking....   IMPORTEND  IS :  Noah  obeyed  loyal,  what  Jehovah  wanted  from  him !   He  complied  exactly  the  plan  of Jehovah  -  so  he  helpe

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Letzte Sitzung vor der Gründung neuer Gemeinde 193   NORD - MARITIBA  -  BRAZIL.jpg

Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193


                                        ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?

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Yes, this is Jehovah's organization, in the care of men on earth overseen by his Son in heaven. I have always looked at it this way. I would have been grateful for the ark being built and listening to Noah's preaching gained access to board it and survived the waters that destroyed all life. But later whe it came to my knowledge that Noah was a drunk, even for one time, I would not be incensed at him for this reason, but still grateful that he did just so in building the ark and made the way for my salvation. What happens now is between him and Jehovah.

This organization is the one way through the great tribulation, even with the imperfect men at the helm. What happens after we survive, will be between them and Jehovah, because Jehovah will indeed clean out all wickedness, before any enter into the new world of righteousness. Leaving now would be quite detrimental to any who do, like those who did not give ear to Noah!

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2 hours ago, John Houston said:

But later whe it came to my knowledge that Noah was a drunk, even for one time, I would not be incensed at him for this reason, but still grateful that he did just so in building the ark and made the way for my salvation. What happens now is between him and Jehovah.

I highly doubt would've approved of Noah if he was a drunk. I think it's a lot more likely that his drunken incident was isolated and not indicative of his regular behavior. Noah was only human, and I can't imagine the PTSD of being the sole family to survive a worldwide cataclysm. I would drink.

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That  is  just  people - thinking....   IMPORTEND  IS :  Noah  obeyed  loyal,  what  Jehovah  wanted  from  him !   He  complied  exactly  the  plan  of Jehovah  -  so  he  helped  to  rescue  the  mankind  in  the  future,  maybe  also  YOU  and  ME  :)   in  40 years  on  and  off  a  little  more  drinking...  hahaha  :D

He  was  building  a  HUGE  ship,  the  ark,  in  a  difficult  time  and  he  worked  it :x    WHAT  a  great  deed,  WOW !!   -   YES,  let  us  think  in  THIS  way...   and  being  grateful  for  all  his  wonderful  doings !!

THANKS,  @John Houston  :)

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