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I refrain from the controversy but I write my message in an attempt to get someone to question.
Brother Sanderson during the interview about his visit to Russia said some interesting words.
"The Nazi camps have not stopped us, the communist regime has not healed ... we have the help of Jehovah."
Roughly speaking, this is the meaning (they are not the exact words).

Obviously the only intelligent question we should ask ourselves is: "What is God's will for us at this time?"

If the prophecy of Daniel 8:11, 12 is something past, that is already true, then we must not worry.
If, however, this prophecy is being fulfilled right now (or is still future) then we should stop for a moment and carefully evaluate these words. 

It exalted itself even against the Prince of the army, and from him the constant feature* was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down.+ 12  And an army was given over, together with the constant feature,* because of transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success.

I realize that some of you have "easy polemics" so I'm not going to argue.
The Bible says to pay attention to prophecy and not to believe every inspired expression; it's not true?

So we wait to see what happens.
If it happens that the king of the north is able to "succeed" then maybe someone will ask himself some questions? will you question your absolute certainties?

Perhaps someone will come to understand that MAYBE was better to pay attention to the prophecy BEFORE these come true.

However, all this will not happen because it is unthinkable to call into question an understanding of the "faithful and discreet slave"!
So we can be calm.

Good reflections to everyone


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Nobody even knew that it was still the king of the north after glasnost. I think there was a published comment once that the identities of those kings was then unclear. The terms have not been used fo

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33 minutes ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

If it happens that the king of the north is able to "succeed" then maybe someone will ask himself some questions? will you question your absolute certainties?

Nobody even knew that it was still the king of the north after glasnost. I think there was a published comment once that the identities of those kings was then unclear. The terms have not been used for some time.

33 minutes ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

However, all this will not happen because it is unthinkable to call into question an understanding of the "faithful and discreet slave"!

No, I don't think it is. What is unthinkable (except by those who do it) is to rebel against them. Everyone knows they are people and can make mistakes. But Jehovah's people also exercise faith, which has been borne out from the oldest times, that God works through humans and does not take kindly to ones that trash them.

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