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How Long Can You Live? ~ ? ~ Turritopsis - Lives Forever?

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How Long Can You Live? ~ ? ~ Turritopsis - Lives Forever?

WHEN Harriet died in 2006, she was about 175 years old. Of course, Harriet was not a human. She was a Galapagos tortoise, and she lived at a zoo in Australia. Compared with us, Harriet had a very long life. But in comparison with other living things, her life span was not extraordinary. Consider some examples.

• The freshwater pearl mussel, say researchers in Finland, may live for 200 years.

• The burrowing clam (ocean quahog) often lives beyond 100 years and has even been reported to live more than 400 years.

• Various trees, such as the bristlecone pine, the giant sequoia, and some species of cypress and spruce, live for thousands of years.

Yet humans, who are generally considered to be at the apex of terrestrial life, do well to live for 80 or 90 years—despite our sometimes extraordinary efforts to extend life!

What do you think—is eight decades or so the best we can hope for? Or is there the possibility that we can live much longer? Many people hope that science and medical technology hold the key.

Why Do We Want to Live Forever?
For thousands of years, thinking people have wrestled with that question. Is there a logical, satisfying explanation—one that harmonizes with both our physical makeup and our natural desire to live forever? Millions of people would answer with a resounding yes! Why? In the Bible, they have found the most satisfying answers about human nature.

From the outset, the Bible plainly states that humans, while having some things in common with other creatures, are fundamentally different. For example, at Genesis 1:27, we read that God created humans in his image. How so? He gave us the capacity to display love, justice, and wisdom. And as the One who lives forever, God implanted in us the desire to live forever. He “planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds,” says Ecclesiastes 3:11.—The Amplified Bible

Physical evidence that humans were originally designed to live much longer than we do can be seen in the power of the brain, especially in its potential to learn. The Encyclopedia of the Brain and Brain Disorders states that the long-term memory capacity of the human brain “is virtually unlimited.” Why have this capacity if it were not meant to be used? Yes, in fundamental ways, humans reflect God’s original purpose for mankind. Then why do we grow old, suffer, and die?

Turritopsis - Lives Forever?
From wikipedia:
Theoretically, this process can go on indefinitely, effectively rendering the jellyfish biologically immortal, although, in nature, most Turritopsis, like other medusae, are likely to succumb to predation or disease in the plankton stage, without reverting to the polyp form.

No single specimen has been observed for any extended period, so it is not currently possible to estimate the age of an individual, and so even if this species has the potential for immortality, there is no laboratory evidence of many generations surviving from any individual.

If you would like to gain that faith on how you can live forever, please speak to JehovahÂ’s Witnesses locally or visit our Web site at jw.org.


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Jellyfish have lived on this Earth for about 300 Million years ... with absolutely no brain .... There is still hope for all those  who value long life at the expense of rational thought.

Humans  are  sinners  -  so  their  life  is  short  until  now !   Many  plants  and  animals  getting  alot  older  than  humans...  we  know  that !   One  day  it  will 

How Long Can You Live? ~ ? ~ Turritopsis - Lives Forever? WHEN Harriet died in 2006, she was about 175 years old. Of course, Harriet was not a human. She was a Galapagos tortoise, and she lived a

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5 hours ago, Gilbert Delcamp said:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axolotl@Bible SpeaksAxolotl - Some have indeed been found restoring the less vital parts of their brains. They can also readily accept transplants from other individuals, including eyes and parts of the brain—restoring these alien organs to full functionality.


@Gilbert Delcamp

Then we have “hope” now and “forever!”

Thank you, nice! 

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