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Canadian Government to Review Medical Rules Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses

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For this, they will consult with Jehovah's ExWitnesses.

The press article says:

This is the report of the medical examiner Luc Malouin the death of Eloise Dupuis, a young Jehovah's Witness died a week after giving birth and who had refused a blood transfusion, causing the member of Taschereau to act.

The letter sent to the Vice-president of the Commission of Institutions, the member of the Parliament for Verchères Stéphane Bergeron, specifically mentions members of sects who are in emergency medical situations, especially women.

Although the Liberal Party has a majority in the Institutions Committee, Ms. Maltais hopes that she can convince the majority of the members to study the matter in a parliamentary committee. "Jehovah's Witnesses, former Jehovah's Witnesses, representatives of hospitals and public health could testify, the idea is to understand, because forensic reports will always say that all the rules have been respected. free and voluntary consent when a person has been in a cult for years and is under pressure, "says Maltais.

Published last week, the coroner's report indicated that Malouin is independent and without undue influence how her religious community Eloise Dupuis had rejected a blood transfusion in October 2016. The 27-year-old resident of San Marguerite, Beauce died in the Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis a week later.



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I think I may have helped to make the title understandable.... Maybe someone else has a better idea?

Get some help with writing the headings - most of them are not making sense in English. Kind regards M.

CANADA STUDIES THE BEHAVIOR AFTER THE DENUNCIATION OF A POLITICS AGAINST JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. For this, they will consult with Jehovah's ExWitnesses. The press article says: This is the

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Wish I knew of this mild organization that doesn't pressure anyone to reject a transfusion. I'd like to join it. Why not just come out and say the truth if you stand behind it? Why the legal safe-speak? It seems two-faced. The org detests blood transfusions and will totally shun an adherent who breaks from this direction. This comes in addition to the threat of extermination at Armageddon and eternal death. That's the truth. 

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