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God’s Kingdom Government—A Reality Today! ~ ???????

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God’s Kingdom Government—A Reality Today! ~ ???????

“How can so many countries, with such diverse cultures at such different stages of development, agree? It has been said that only an attack from another planet will unify the human race.”—The Age, Australian newspaper.

Is the United Nations the Answer to World Peace? ~ God’s Kingdom Government—A Reality Today!

Many have put their hope for world peace in the United Nations organization. Is the UN a government that can bring true peace and security to the world? Without a doubt, there is no lack of political rhetoric that sounds inspiring and promising. For instance, in its “Millennium Declaration” of 2000, the United Nations General Assembly made this solemn resolve: “We will spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war, whether within or between States, which has claimed more than 5 million lives in the past decade.” Such proclamations have won the UN praise and admiration from many quarters, as well as the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. In thus honoring the UN, the Norwegian Nobel Committee stated that “the only negotiable route to global peace and cooperation goes by way of the United Nations.”

Despite all of this, has the United Nations organization, established in 1945, proved to be a government that is able to bring genuine and lasting world peace? No, for self-interest and nationalistic aspirations of its member nations have frustrated many of its efforts. The public’s impression, in the words of one newspaper editor, is that the UN is no more than “a kind of barometer of global opinion” and that “its agenda is full of issues that have been debated for years with little if any progress towards solution.” The question remains: Will the nations of the world really be united someday?

How does Jehovah God view such a reaction on the part of human rulers? “The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision. At that time he will speak to them in his anger and in his hot displeasure he will disturb them.” Then, Jehovah will tell his Son, the anointed King of the Kingdom: “Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession. You will break them with an iron scepter, as though a potter’s vessel you will dash them to pieces.”—Psalm 2:4, 5, 8, 9

This final crushing of the opposing nations with an iron scepter will take place at Armageddon, or Har–Magedon. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, describes this climactic event as “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” to which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are being gathered together. (Revelation 16:14, 16) Under demonic influence, the nations of the earth will finally be united with one objective—to war against God the Almighty.

The time when humans will mass together to fight against God’s sovereignty is fast approaching. Ironically, their “unity” will bring them no personal benefits. Instead, their action will be a prelude to the long-awaited peace for all mankind. How so? In that final battle, God’s Kingdom “will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [of the world], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44) God’s Kingdom, not any human organization, will be the government that will fulfill mankind’s desire for world peace.

(Psalm 2:1-12) Why have the nations been in tumult And the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing? 2 The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one, 3 [Saying:] “Let us tear their bands apart And cast their cords away from us!” 4 The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision. 5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger And in his hot displeasure he will disturb them, 6 [Saying:] “I, even I, have installed my king Upon Zion, my holy mountain.” 7 Let me refer to the decree of Jehovah; He has said to me: “You are my son; I, today, I have become your father. 8 Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance And the ends of the earth as your own possession. 9 You will break them with an iron scepter, As though a potter’s vessel you will dash them to pieces.” 10 And now, O kings, exercise insight; Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth. 11 Serve Jehovah with fear And be joyful with trembling. 12 Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed And YOU may not perish [from] the way, For his anger flares up easily. Happy are all those taking refuge in him."




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God’s Kingdom Government—A Reality Today! ~ ??????? “How can so many countries, with such diverse cultures at such different stages of development, agree? It has been said that only an attack f

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