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Can Jehovah’s Witnesses be called Christians?

Jack Ryan

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There is some sort of contradiction in this phrase...can't quite put my finger on it???? Anyway, it's good to remember that not all Catholics followed their leaders over the years. Many good folk

This should always be acknowledged. We don't do it. They do. If it were done in addition to, not instead of, the work Christ primarily assigns his followers, it would put them head and shoulders

To be fair, there has been a Jehovah's Witness group that had been recorded giving supplies and water to people and some guy uploaded a video of this during the whole Texas Hurricane thing. Opposition

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(Revelation 3:14) “To the angel of the congregation in La·o·di·ceʹa write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God:

(2 Corinthians 1:20) For no matter how many the promises of God are, they have become “yes” by means of him. Therefore, also through him is the “Amen” said to God, which brings him glory through us.

(Acts 11:26) 26 After he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year they assembled with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

Jesus is the Faithful  and True Witness for his father God (Jehovah).  He is also called the "Amen". He is also called Christ or Anointed One.   Therefore his followers are Christians and Witnesses of Him and of his Father. 

In other words they must be Jehovah's Witnesses like him.



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I would say actions speak louder than words.

The Catholic Church runs hospitals, food banks, shelters that assist the entire world and have been doing so for over a thousand years.

The JW's make a big deal about sending water to people in Houston who have lost thier homes..... and by that I mean THEIR OWN PEOPLE..... 

Talk to me when you guys are actually working to help humanity in general instead of focusing on everyone's eternal damnation.

Jesus fed the hungry and took care of the sick.... EVEN IF THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.


Jehovah's Witnesses are told not to donate to charities and give all money to make watchtowers that have been calling for Armageddon since 1879.

Try actually LIVING as a Christian and then come talk to me about whether or not you can be called so.

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7 hours ago, Claudia Sanchez said:

I would say actions speak louder than words.

There is some sort of contradiction in this phrase...can't quite put my finger on it????

Anyway, it's good to remember that not all Catholics followed their leaders over the years. Many good folk in the Catholic Church have tried to live as Christians despite their actions. Related image

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7 hours ago, Claudia Sanchez said:

The Catholic Church runs hospitals, food banks, shelters that assist the entire world and have been doing so for over a thousand years.

This should always be acknowledged. We don't do it. They do.

If it were done in addition to, not instead of, the work Christ primarily assigns his followers, it would put them head and shoulders above anyone else. (assuming good moral standards elsewhere)

The illustration I like is of the couple who hires a babysitter to care for the children. When they return, they find the children neglected and the babysitter has painted the ceiling. Even though the ceiling did need painting, they are not happy.

8 hours ago, Claudia Sanchez said:

The JW's make a big deal about sending water to people in Houston who have lost thier homes..... and by that I mean THEIR OWN PEOPLE..... Talk to me when you guys are actually working to help humanity in general

The reason Jehovah's Witnesses do not rebuild the whole city is that they are mostly volunteers using vacation time, which is not unlimited. The answer is for all other groups to be similarly mobilized.

8 hours ago, Claudia Sanchez said:

I would say actions speak louder than words.

Yes. Would that each Catholic was involved in the noble works you speak of.

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Regardless of what weed-like Christians did, the wheat-like Christians still have to follow Christ. He is the one who is showing us the way back to pleasing the Father. He is a Reconciler and Ambassador for Jehovah God.  He said to follow his steps closely. So that means that anyone who finds the word Christian distasteful does not know or understand the scriptures below:

 (1 Peter 2:21) In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely.

Also those who scorn the name are scorning something God-given.  It was by divine providence that the true worshippers  were called Christians. See Acts 11: 26 in my first comment.

*** nwtstg Christian ***
A God-given name for the followers of Jesus Christ.—Ac 11:26; 26:28.

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14 hours ago, Claudia Sanchez said:

I would say actions speak louder than words.

The Catholic Church runs hospitals, food banks, shelters that assist the entire world and have been doing so for over a thousand years.

The JW's make a big deal about sending water to people in Houston who have lost thier homes..... and by that I mean THEIR OWN PEOPLE..... 

Talk to me when you guys are actually working to help humanity in general instead of focusing on everyone's eternal damnation.

Jesus fed the hungry and took care of the sick.... EVEN IF THEY WERE CHRISTIANS.


Jehovah's Witnesses are told not to donate to charities and give all money to make watchtowers that have been calling for Armageddon since 1879.

Try actually LIVING as a Christian and then come talk to me about whether or not you can be called so.

To be fair, there has been a Jehovah's Witness group that had been recorded giving supplies and water to people and some guy uploaded a video of this during the whole Texas Hurricane thing. Opposition eventually came to this video and did whatever it took to vote down, dislike and eventually get the video removed/or user made it private because the hate in the comment section was off the charts, an hour later a video popped up from another user claiming JWs didn't do anything at all. I know this because I am that One Storm Trooper that hangs around the block a couple times, if you catch my drift lol.

Since I watched the video before it got removed, not only did the JWs help their own, but they did indeed help others, the same could be said for Mexico and Florida and Puerto Rico. Not everyone Christian can prove works by opening a shelter, school, etc. The only thing that matters is the good YOU can do as an individual Christian and promote the teachings of Jesus Christ about his Father and the Kingdom that is to come.

I was told by someone in a place I use to work at, he was a non-religious guy who respects Christianity (only a few denominations), he had said to me that if Jesus was alive today, he would do the good that he can do with the little he has, and one of the main important things that matters most is getting the gospel of the good news across by any means necessary, and that is what counts. But building those things would be a plus, but it isn't necessary to get the message out.

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