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How and why is the Jehovah's Witness' translation of the Bible different than some more common translations?

Jack Ryan

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

(What the hell does that even mean, anyway?) 

It [brazenness] means (among other synonyms): 

audaciousness, cheekiness, discoutesy, disrespect, effrontery, impertinence, insolence, rudeness, 

I can see where you might have a problem with it.



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That's interesting. Where did you hear that? Do you have the reference? Yes indeed. Revelation 22:18-19. I wonder if the Catholic Church has noted that text as well?

You heard wrong. You heard wrong.

How and why is the Jehovah's Witness' translation of the Bible different than some more common translations? The ENGLISH translation was theoretically accurately translated into the New Word Tran

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