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Russia Must Erase Bible Qutoes From NWT As Precautionary Measures

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Note for our Russian readers
All Russian brothers and sisters are erasing all biblical quotes from the translation of the new world, their blogs and Facebook pages, to the threat of being arrested for using our version of the Bible. They are only allowed to use the other Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant Bibles.
Our Russian brothers have blocked the JW page Org.

For this reason, we offer you the biblical quotes exclusively from the translation of the new world.

We are a powerful and United people. We love you Russian brothers.



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Note for our Russian readers All Russian brothers and sisters are erasing all biblical quotes from the translation of the new world, their blogs and Facebook pages, to the threat of being arrested f

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..... This is why when I go out in service, for many years now ... I use the American Standard Bible, which the Society printed from 1944 to 1992 ... with a yellow tape label  on the binder that says "AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION", that can be easily seen at a glance by the person at the door..  When they say the NWT is not a "Real Bible", I say in return that I use the American Standard Version, and show it to them.

I came into the Truth in 1962 when the first NWT first came out and it had a GREEN cover .... and for years I heard "That's not a REAL Bible ... REAL Bibles are BLACK".

The Core Truths of salvation can be listed on a single page of paper .... so using the new "Silver Sword" 2013 NWT is not that important.  I MUCH prefer the pre-2013 NWT over the new one, for reasons I have stated here many times .... including that  the nuances that have not been "simplified" that carry a great deal of information.

Actually, my theology has evolved over the years, and I am tired of studying some opinions ad nauseum that although the GB admits (February 2017 Watchtower) that they are neither inspired or infallible, they say it through gritted teeth, as though someone is behind them with a bayonet on a rifle. 

Perhaps those pesky Australian Royal Commission folks.

However, my favorite scripture is James 1:27 is best expressed in the NIV Bible, which makes life and theology VERY, VERY simple.

James 1:27New International Version (NIV)

" Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

I don't get any simpler than that ... and it can be written on a 3x5 inch index card.


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