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The Adam and Eve story comes from the cycle of the zodiac

Jack Ryan

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.In the sign of Libra to be exact...the start of the fall at the autumnal equinox........fall did I say?

In the sign of Libra you have three of the ancient classical planets involved....first though.....you have to know the seven planets of the ancients.....and you all do!.....you just don't know you do.


The seven planets are....the moon,mars,mercury,jupiter,venus,saturn and the sun.

Do you know why you know them?....they are the seven days of the week!

Monday is the moon day,Tuesday is Mardi in French...mars day,Wednesday is Mercredi...mercury day,Jeudi is jupiter day or Thor's day....(because Thor is jupiter is zeus....they are forces and concepts....not real gods),Vendredi is friday....venus day,Saturday is obviously saturn's day and sunday speaks for itself.....the seven planets.

However in the story of the autumnal equinox....three of the planets are involved....the sun (the good guy)....venus .....the goddess of love and apples,and saturn...the grim reaper....god of darkness.....satan.

The sun falls in Libra.....as does Adam....(it's the fall of sunny boy at the autumnal equinox every year as his reign ends)....Saturn climbs (exaltation/darkness once more takes over from the light) in Libra and Venus rules Libra.


Look at the box on the right of the wiki page to see the characters.

So you have the sun,saturn and venus (e-venus....the autumnal equinox is the dusk.....the eve-ening of the year).

You can see Venus with the scales at Cardiff castle.....



Venus above showing the scales of Libra and the bull of Taurus....she rules both of these houses.


Venus of Arles holding the apple of Hesperides.

Venus is also connected to the 5 pointed star........and lo and behold....cut inside an apple and you get the 5 pointed star......and the planet Venus also gives us a 5 pointed star in astronomy also.


See if you can work out any other stories that come from the zodiac.....there are loads.

It's all stories about parts of the cycle.....

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.In the sign of Libra to be exact...the start of the fall at the autumnal equinox........fall did I say? In the sign of Libra you have three of the ancient classical planets involved....first tho

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