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3D Visualization and Augmented Reality for Surgery


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The surgeon is about to get a few new tools. Some might even call them superpowers.
For years, surgeons have relied on microscope oculars or other camera systems to operate. Even so, they typically depend on their own eyes and interpretations to execute the most precise of tasks. In these cases, his or her head is down, thereby limiting peripheral vision and communication with staff, while straining his or her back and neck muscles for hours at a time.This is not a great combination of factors, especially during the most intense operations.
This past year, two of the most intricate surgical practices, ophthalmology and neurology, have been experimenting with new technology that not only keeps surgeonsÂ’ heads up, but also immerses the surgeon into a high resolution, 3D visual representation of their subject.These stereoscopic systems also use data to generate visual templates for surgeons to execute certain tasks within a surgery. Experts and surgeons that have piloted the new systems believe the added comfort and visual information will allow surgeries to operate more efficiently and effectively.Additionally, medical residents will now have a clearer picture of exactly what the surgeon is seeing and doing, thereby gaining a better anatomical and technical understanding of surgery than ever before.


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AR in ACTION convenes the top minds in the Augmented Reality Ecosystem to accelerate conversation and collaboration amongst industry innovators, thought leaders, investors and corporations, who are looking at real-world implementations of AR Solutions.

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