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Jehovah God Will Save the Earth ? and the Penguins ? His Promise!

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Jehovah God Will Save the Earth ? and the Penguins ? His Promise!

Purpose. Like all other created things, the earth was brought into existence because of Jehovah’s will (“pleasure,” KJ). (Re 4:11) It was created to remain forever. (Ps 78:69; 104:5; 119:90; Ec 1:4)

God speaks of himself as a God of purpose and declares that his purposes are certain to come to fruition. (Isa 46:10; 55:11)

He made his purpose for the earth very clear when he said to the first human pair: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.” (Ge 1:28)

There were no flaws in earth or the things on it. Having created all necessary things, Jehovah saw that they were “very good” and “proceeded to rest” or desist from other earthly creative works.—Ge 1:31–2:2.

ManÂ’s habitation on earth is also permanent. When God gave man the law regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, he implied that man could live on earth forever. (Ge 2:17)

We are assured by Jehovah’s own words that “all the days the earth continues, seed sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease” (Ge 8:22) and that he will never destroy all flesh again by a flood. (Ge 9:12-16)

Jehovah says that he did not make the earth for nothing but, rather, that he has given it to men as a home and that death will eventually be done away with. God’s purpose, therefore, is for the earth to be the habitation of man in perfection and happiness with eternal life.—Ps 37:11; 115:16; Isa 45:18; Re 21:3, 4.

That this is the purpose of Jehovah God. 

Photo by @BrianSkerry. ??

Polar Love: A mother gentoo penguin and her chick admire one another within their nesting site in Antarctica. The third largest of all penguin species, gentoo penguin parents are especially nurturing. Both parents help to build their circular nests of stones, moss and grass from the surrounding area. 
Hatchlings will stay in the nest for up to a month, while the parents alternate foraging duties and caring for the chick.

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gentoo Penguins are ‘near threatened,’ with numbers declining as a result of natural predation and ice melt caused by global warming. Spending time with these animals was hypnotic, I didn’t want to leave!


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Jehovah God Will Save the Earth ? and the Penguins ? His Promise! Purpose. Like all other created things, the earth was brought into existence because of Jehovah’s will (“pleasure,” KJ). (Re 4

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