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Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith? ~ ???

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Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith?


Jesus’ said in the Sermon the Mount, in which he said: “Stop being anxious.” (Matthew 6:25)

God Understands Our Imperfections

The Bible does not teach that lack of faith is the cause of all anxiety. 
Living as we do during “critical times hard to deal with,” it is virtually impossible not to experience anxiety to some degree. (2 Timothy 3:1) 

Faithful Christians cope with daily anxieties that are triggered by poor health, old age, economic pressures, family strife, crime, and other problems. Even in ancient times, GodÂ’s servants faced fears and worries.

Persistent anxiety, however, can wear us down and lead to loss of trust in God. The apostle Paul referred to lack of faith as “the sin that easily entangles us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

God Knows Our Needs
The Scriptures help us to make a distinction between general anxiety and the sin of lack of faith. 

Daily feelings of anxiety or even a momentary lapse of faith because of human weakness should not be confused with the complete lack of trust in God that springs from a wicked, unresponsive heart. 

Christians, therefore, need not be plagued by guilt just because they periodically experience anxiety.

Nevertheless, caution is necessary so that anxiety does not grow out of proportion and dominate our lives. Hence, the wisdom of Jesus’ words when he said: “Never be anxious and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to put on?’” This he followed with the comforting words: “For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. 

Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”—(Matthew 6:25-33)

How to help others with a disorder:


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Wow wow this is the best things for me today it shows just how our love for one another is. I have never met the ones who take time to put this information together but I know you are my brothers and

Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith? ??? Jesus’ said in the Sermon the Mount, in which he said: “Stop being anxious.” (Matthew 6:25) God Understands Our Imperfections The Bible

@Darlene Love you cause you serve Jehovah! Keep the Faith!  Agapė, ???

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Wow wow this is the best things for me today it shows just how our love for one another is. I have never met the ones who take time to put this information together but I know you are my brothers and sisters and your love is shown on this loving gift  to me and others I am a pioneer for 38 years and you dear brothers and sister help me to keep my joy and served Jehovah to the fullest way possible thank you so,much 

agap'e Sister Hamilton

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15 minutes ago, Darlene said:

Wow wow this is the best things for me today it shows just how our love for one another is. I have never met the ones who take time to put this information together but I know you are my brothers and sisters and your love is shown on this loving gift  to me and others I am a pioneer for 38 years and you dear brothers and sister help me to keep my joy and served Jehovah to the fullest way possible thank you so,much 

agap'e Sister Hamilton


Love you cause you serve Jehovah! Keep the Faith! 



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Anxiety and stress are caused by caring too much  about things that crazy people care about.

Most anxiety can be eliminated by ELIMINATING FROM YOUR LIFE crazy  people, drama queens,  hypochondriacs, and people who want "just a minute of your time ...", and complain when you give them an hour.

Learn to say NO! ... and learn to be extremely rude about it !

When someone monopolizes the conversation ... walk away, or disconnect the phone in mid-sentence.

FREEDOM and PEACE come when you tell the willfully clueless to go take a hike, and refuse to be a part of their panic state.

Learn to whistle!

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I  had  such  a  person  before  a  time...  but  one  day  I  learned  it  and  changed  step by step  -  Now  I've  more  rest  and  peace :)

But  its  not  easy  to  do....  it  takes  time  when  you  will  be  friendly,  bec.  this  person  also  loves  Jehovah,  but  is  not  a  JW !   We're  all  humans @James Thomas Rook Jr.  thats  it :( 

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