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Which nations disappear in Armageddon?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 5:34 AM, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

it is not "four people" who decide whether it is written in chronological order or not but the context.


Thank you for explaining your thoughts. Now I understand your point. Your thought that Revelation is in chronological order might be right, or it might not be right… After all, “He… Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment. He reveals the deep things and the hidden things…” (Daniel 2:21, 22) Daniel had been given knowledge of things that only he was made privy to. Perhaps due to your diligent study of Jehovah’s word, Jehovah has also done this in your situation.


Our unified understanding of Scripture has changed in the past. And it will continue to change so long as scriptural light grows brighter “until full daylight” (Proverbs 4:18). Only Jehovah knows for sure what order he means in Revelation. Whenever he wills that we ALL understand something he makes that understanding known to the F&DS, who then provides that food “at the proper time” to ALL of us (Matthew 24:45; Psalm 145:15).


Fortunately, whether or not Revelation is in chronological order has absolutely no effect on the Bible’s wonderful message to mankind. To be considered worthy to partake in that wonderful future that Jehovah promises us in that message, it is important that we continue to obey Jehovah and do his will. Since his will is that NO PERSON will be destroyed and ALL will attain to repentance, we need to do whatever is in our power to help others to come to know Jehovah’s love for them and to come to love him, as well (2 Peter 3:9; John 3:16).


When we love Jehovah, we never want to go against his will. That is why we never want to be the cause of “stumbling” to ANY person (Romans 4:13; 14:20; 16:17; 1 Corinthians 1:22, 23; 8:9; 10:31-33; 2 Corinthians 6:3; Philippians 1:9, 10; 1 John 2:9-11). Surely your diligent study and devotion to Jehovah’s word is bringing a large smile to Jehovah! May you keep yourself “in God’s Love”(Jude 21).


P.S. Note that the Scripture (Matthew 24:45) only promises that "FOOD" will be provided at the "PROPER TIME"...It does not claim that the food (knowledge) itself is "PERFECT" and "UNCHANGEABLE." There is every possibility that Jehovah will decide that there is a time in the FUTURE that will be the "PROPER TIME" for us ALL to understand something differently than we do at the PRESENT TIME.


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Chapters 19 and 20 of Revelation will unveil some significant details about the war of Armageddon and what will happen next. These details will include two major changes to the current understandi

If I had to make a wild guess, I would say that you are 35 or younger and that you have pioneered at one time. You are obviously heady and have become impatient with those who are not. You are gifted

You did not respond to any inquiries about your ministry. Why don't you try the following? I stumbled across it once. It has transformed my ministry. Maybe it will help yours. Say something

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Thank you, DeeDee, for your kind and peaceful response.
In this way we should discuss the Word of God even if we did not agree on the interpretation.
I fully agree with you on some things.
Jehovah's wonderful message does not change and He wants none of us to be destroyed.

The good news of the Kingdom can be preached without having to "clash" on certain understandings.

However, I am deeply convinced that each of us personally has to make a careful study of the Word of God and this also includes an understanding of the prophecies - Proverbs 2: 1-5
Prophecy is not a secondary thing and should not be underestimated - 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21

The Bible encourages us to make sure of everything and this responsibility does not have only the "faithful and discreet slave" but each one of us.

Moreover I would like to remember (and I do not want to make controversy) that the "slave" will be declared "faithful and discreet" only at the beginning of Armageddon (not before).
In this regard you can find the explanation in the Watchtower of July 15, 2013 (the first study article entitled "Tell us: when do these things happen?").
With this I do not want to say that what the governing body teaches "is all wrong". I have respect for those who have this important responsibility.

So this means that today there are sincere people who try to understand the Bible, but there is still no "faithful and discreet slave".
Surely this understanding will again be "modified" because it is too uncomfortable for some but it does not matter.

The Bible is clear in this regard: each of us must study carefully and meditate on the word of God.
This includes the fact that if you come to understand some things that are different from the official understanding, you must talk about it with respect.
This is what I'm trying to do.

Of course I can be wrong, like everyone else, so it is appropriate to have an open conversation in the light of the Scriptures without having preconceptions.

This does not mean "to stumble" someone because those who truly love God and His Word do not stumble - Psalm 119: 165
I am not saying that the Bible is not the Word of God, is not it?
I am not saying that Christ is not the Son of God.
I am not bringing another teaching.
These things could "stumble" but I have the utmost respect for the Word of God.

I have not dedicated myself to the "faithful and discreet slave" or even to a human organization.
I dedicated myself to Jehovah and the words of Jehovah are found exclusively in the Bible.

Those who love God try to understand His Will through His Word and do not remain waiting for "others" to do research in his place or to tell him what to believe and what not to believe.

So, concluding the speech, even if I partly share what you write about the hope and the good news of the Kingdom, if Revelation was written in chronological order, the question is not "secondary" at all.

This means that the times of fulfillment of certain prophecies are wrong (even some dates that we consider very important) and also certain subjects are completely different.

The most important thing, this would mean that our expectations for the future are not in harmony with the Word of God.
It also means that some prophecies could be fulfilled right now and we, focused on other things, do not realize it.

the prophecy "shines in a dark place" but have we really lent "more than the usual attention"? - 2 Peter 1:19, 20; Hebrews 2: 1
Or are we living on rent waiting for someone else to tell us what to believe and what to do?
Jehovah will judge us personally and not as a people.

I wish you to personally ascertain these things without "cheering for a team" because, as you can see, it is not very easy to talk about the Bible with the brothers.
The near future may be different from what we imagined.

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3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

This does not mean "to stumble" someone because those who truly love God and His Word do not stumble - Psalm 119: 165
I am not saying that the Bible is not the Word of God, is not it?
I am not saying that Christ is not the Son of God.
I am not bringing another teaching.
These things could "stumble" but I have the utmost respect for the Word of God.

Maybe it is time to make peace with Israeli. True, I think he is a little full of himself, but that is not a crime. 

I just fret that there will one day be direction to go into the interior rooms and some will be like the sons of Lot, thinking a joke is being played..

I fret that someone might become like those characters who were searching the scriptures, thinking they could thereby secure  life, oblivious to Jesus standing right before them.

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Your fears are founded.
Also I think there's a risk that someone started to adore what was meant to be a medium. Like the copper snake.
Also I think that some people have started to depend entirely on some people, without doing research in the Word of God.

I think this will be useful to distinguish who really loves the Word of God (and therefore is able to get back into question) by those who love a human organization. Who likes to do accurate research and who, on the contrary, loves tranquility.
Those who love to dig into the Word of God and those who love to hear say "everything is fine." We do our research for you. "
I think it's "Better is the end of a matter than its beginning" and so we just have to wait.
In the meantime, we have the Bible with us.
Maybe someone will understand that "being Bereans" means carefully evaluating "IF things are really like that" and it is different from concluding, always and in any case, that "things are just like that".

But "things have to be so by force" otherwise you are an apostate or, if all goes well, a person full of yourself.


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Please Keep Awake! (Mark 13:33)…because idols come in many innocent and unsuspected forms. If we want to, we can recognize them by our complete adoration and obsession for the idol.


Satan is a Master of Distraction and likes nothing better than for Jehovah’s true worshippers to be distracted by idol worship. And he is SO cunning that he quite often “tricks” us into believing that we are NOT worshipping an idol at all! But Jehovah can see that Satan has truly deceived us and that we ARE worshipping the “idol” rather than him! We might say, “But it is a good thing that I am paying so much attention to this good thing.”


The fact is, Satan is gleeful because he has already won when we are no longer giving Jehovah our all, but are giving our all to something else. Satan blinds us so that we don’t even realize what has happened. It starts slowly…then gradually our extreme attention for the thing gets to the point of making that innocent thing an “idol.”


I speak from personal experience, because Satan has tricked me more times than I can count. And the “idol” can be as innocent and unsuspected as something like our diet or exercise or…


P.S. Satan is EXTREMELY SNEAKY and MEAN!!! He uses things that are good and “Light” as snares!


P.P.S. Since EVERY person who visits this website does not know and “truly love God,”

discretion is needed to not stumble “the other person.(1 Corinthians 10:24)

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7 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I think this will be useful to distinguish who really loves the Word of God (and therefore is able to get back into question) by those who love a human organization. Who likes to do accurate research and who, on the contrary, loves tranquility.

If I had to make a wild guess, I would say that you are 35 or younger and that you have pioneered at one time. You are obviously heady and have become impatient with those who are not. You are gifted in some areas but are not very well-rounded. "Full of yourself" was not an accurate nor kind description on my part. I'll take it back. I think you are hurt by your perception that many brothers seem a bit dull spiritually, and show little interest in what you are undeniably good at. Deep "research" you have found for many of them is just uncovering what the slave has said on this or that point and spitting it back to them. You would go deeper and you know that it is possible and not a bad thing in itself. It's not that you would reach your own conclusions over prophesy that is alarming. It is the fact you are so ready to judge those of greater years who have traditionally done it that is. Paul spoke of the 'pattern of healthful words.' Once you have the pattern, you can continue along those lines. You need not have every thought pre-thunk for you. But I fear this quick dismissal of headship is not the pattern that Paul speaks of. You needn't wait for them to think a thought before you think it. But denegrating them is another thing entirely. It is immodest, and that is among the reasons I take a stab that you are a younger man.

I would ask that you look at those verses like "if all were the head, where would the body be?" and "he gave some as this, some as that, some more as such-and-such with a view toward the building up...." Our people are too quick to acquiesce to headship, you say. They should roam around themselves more and not be content to be spoon-fed. My suggestion is that you accept that is the way people are - anywhere. Not all have the same gifts.

Not all are heady. In fact, most of our people are hands-on doers in this or that way - not heady. It's the way it is, Israeli. It is what Jehovah has given. Do not let your gift trip you up. Use it to build up and not tear down. Find that verse that tells us to regard the other person as superior to ourselves. Focus on it. How are they superior to you? Not in in-depth search of the scriptures, probably. You have bases well-covered there. Look for other areas in which they are superior and be instructed by them.

You say you really love the Word of God. i don't doubt it. Expand in how you love it. Expand at being a workman handling the word of truth aright - teaching it at the door & learning to love people so that you can be on the same wavelength as they to teach it. Notice the word used is "workman" That flavor is in all translations. They were builders and masons and handymen back then, just like today. They were not scholars. You are. Make it your gift that you bring to the altar. Don't count as inadequate those who bring different gifts. 

I would think you would be cheered by recent direction of Jehovah's Witnesses. Magazines will be but 6 a year, and then they will repeat. No more countenancing of those who fall into magazine placing. They are being nudged to improve (or learn) their teaching. Are there some who look to the jw.org logo almost like an idol, as some have charged?  'Keep your hands off it' is the impetus of the April article. Do some fawn over GB members and want selfies with them? 'Stop doing that,' they say. We don't take no selfies with nobody. They are aware of the problems you mention. They are moving in your direction

The C.O from our circuit was assigned the Warwick circuit next. So I razzed him to the effect "Now you are in trouble! You can razzle-dazzle we yokels here, but what will you ever do when you get there?" Through a friend I heard him about his new assignment. He was initially very uncomfortable playing circuit overseer before these ones. He felt inadequate. But he said that they are so very humble and unassuming that all that nervousness dissipated quickly. It is a type of report one hears frequently.

You misinterpret what you think is slavish devotion to them. They do nothing to exalt themselves as men and much to discourage it. What you missread is that not all persons are scholars. Or even thinkers. They have come out of a world where they perceived all is lie and spin and manipulation. They have discovered a source that they are convinced is not. They trust the source. They are not over-eager to dive back outside where again every word must be carefully weighed. They have other things to do. They want to get into the nitty-gritty of life and they do it, satisfied that the have the spiritual food base covered.

Let the entire Word of God and all theocratic arrangements mold you. Not just the parts you naturally take to. Look to the parts you don't and run them through your veins a few decades. It will make you complete and powerful over time. Don't chafe at the congregation. You are something that many of them are not. Learn that they have substantial gifts, too, and exert yourself to appreciate them more.

Am I close? Or did I miss by a mile? If it is the latter, it will not be the first time.


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56 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I would think you would be cheered by recent direction of Jehovah's Witnesses. Magazines will be but 6 a year, and then they will repeat. No more countenancing of those who fall into magazine placing

Also, I like the new system at our midweek meeting for "sample conversations" which will now be formatted to systematically develop one  Bible thought at a time, from the initial call trough to the first and second return visit.

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

We don't take no selfies with nobody.

Except Br. Lett. He loves selfies with the friends. I can attest to that as he was present at one of our circuit assemblies and my friend took one with him. There was a whole long line waiting to do the same thing. Ironically it was after one of those talks about Idol worship, or something like that. As we passed our friends, my husband and I said to each other loudly so they would hear "see those Idol worshipers". It's OK, they know us well and laughed. We like to rib people.

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Dear DeeDee,
I perfectly agree with what you write.
However, let's try to apply these your words to 360 degrees.
By nature, I often question myself but, as you can see, there are many people who are not able to do it.
The only weapon we have for not falling into Satan's deception is to study the Word of God carefully - Matthew 4: 5-7
Each of us can fall into error but whoever is able to call into question can try to fix that mistake.
But whoever is not able to do it (because you are an apostate if you try to re-discuss anything) then it is very easy to fall into Satan's deception.
it was the people of Israel who fell into error when they were convinced that "they had the Temple of God" and therefore they would be protected.
Does not it seem the same attitude that some have today?

The Israelites had the Temple and we have jw.org
The Israelites had the temple but we have "the faithful and discreet slave" that, as I pointed out in the Watchtower of 2013, is not yet declared "faithful and discreet".

Each of us can fall into error but at least distinguish between those who really study the Bible and those who study the Bible only if they do not have to contradict "the official understanding".
I share what you write, but we apply these words to 360 degrees.
Thank you

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Dear TrueTomHarley,
I focus on the most important words you wrote.
My criticism of the "governing body" has nothing to do with "lack of respect" or "denigration".
I do not understand why you have to confuse a (even strong) criticism with the lack of respect.

What we can not understand is that we have two different concepts of respect.
Always saying "yes, you're right" is a form of respect? Really?
Or is it a form of formal worship?

I have respect for those who have a great responsibility, but this does not mean that they have to recognize everything they say or do.
Finally it is a question of balance.
I try to explain the point.

In my study of the Bible I come to understand some things (maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong but in honest conscience).
As long as the interpretations of the governing body are secondary, I can also "make ends of nothing".
When some interpretations in my opinion (perhaps wrong) are not in harmony with the Scripture, what should I do?
According to you I should "shut up" because "they deserve respect".

My total and unconditional respect is addressed to the Word of God. it's clear?
This means that if a teaching goes against the Word of God (even if done in good faith) I give precedence to the Word of God.
I have dedicated myself to Jehovah, do you understand?
I have not dedicated myself to the "faithful and discreet slave", not to "jw.org" not to "warwick" or anyone else.

I have learned from the Bible that you must study personally and accurately, and you must draw your conclusions once you have meditated and prayed.
My conclusions (right or wrong) are that many brothers have become "idolaters" because they have elevated "commands of men" over the same Bible!

The things you wrote are true only in a small part.
I did not look for a probable idolatry and then find it in the Scriptures.
the opposite has happened.

To see that many brothers take a picture with the character of the governing body, or that they buy the medallion with the inscription "YHWH", or that they buy flags or t-shirts with the inscription "jw.org" it makes me sick (it's true ) but it does not make me stumble.

Do you know why I do not stumble over these things?
Because I had read in the Bible that this would happen.

I speak of biblical understanding.
mine is not "a protest" or a revolution.
Mine is exclusively a biblical research and my attempt is to bring attention to the Bible.

Also I would like to point out something.
speaking with DeeDee I wrote clearly (it's just an example) that the apostle Paul identifies the trumpet related to the spiritual resurrection as "the last trumpet".

I would be happy to have a conversation, without preconceptions, to understand if Revelation is written chronologically or not.
I have published many articles on this blog.
Has there ever been a constructive conversation?

Have we ever entered the subject in an attempt to understand what the Bible says?
Or have our "conversations" stopped at "you are not the faithful and discreet slave" or "are you an apostate" or "you can not have the biblical understanding" and similar things?

Who is the idolater?
Every day we are encouraged to "study the Bible" but what does this mean in your opinion?
Does it mean "study the Bible only if your conclusions are in harmony with the Governing Body"?
My personal experience counts for nothing and it is not because of my personal experience that I started making these articles.
On the contrary: these are my research without preconceptions, in the light of the Scriptures.

I consider the Bible the only authority and so you too.
However, there are other "authorities" that prevent you from carefully examining the Scriptures.
There are the "masters of the Law" who claim to be the only ones to understand it.
There are those who say "Yes is right" or "No, it's wrong".

Do you really believe that these articles of mine are "born" from the fact that I saw hypocrisy and idolatry in some brother?
Absolutely not.
Do you believe that I have "mounted my head"?
Absolutely not. Interpretations belong to Jehovah.
I do this because it is a responsibility.
Then, of course, you can believe what you want.
Some people (but I would dare to say "many") consider the guide (which is only a middle) as the ultimate end of worship.
The copper serpent was a loving provision by Jehovah that the people would not die but after a few years became an idol.

You are really sure that the medium that would lead us into the "promised land", did not become an idol?
You are free to think about what you want but when we turn off our faculties of perception and consider the words of men equal or superior to the Bible, this is idolatry.

Jesus, who was the most knowledgeable person ever existed, said many times "is written".
You say, practically always, "The faithful and discreet slave says" even if what he says strides with the Word of God.

Everyone makes their own assessments.
I am nobody and I can not judge anyone.
Jehovah is the just judge, only him.
If you are convinced of "studying the Bible without preconceptions", agree.
The right thing to do would be to help each other but this is not possible because every "criticism" is seen as "lack of respect".



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3 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

The right thing to do would be to help each other but this is not possible because every "criticism" is seen as "lack of respect"

You did not respond to any inquiries about your ministry.

Why don't you try the following? I stumbled across it once. It has transformed my ministry. Maybe it will help yours.

Say something like: "I'm hoping for a minute of your time, no more. I will read a scripture, you tell me what you think, and I am gone! Good idea?" (it may be rude to do this in countries where they insist on palaver, but the U.S. is not one of those countries)

If they say no, I am true to my word and leave. A surprising number will say yes - it is not much you have asked for and you have put a time limit on your own call.

Once you read whatever you've selected, add a sentence or two explaining why you read it. At this point, you have given a substantial witness. Punt. Say something like: "the next move is yours and you don't have to make one. If you have observations, questions, comments, we can talk a bit - that's why Witnesses come. Otherwise, thanks for you time, and I'll move on."

If you truly love the word of God and are suspicious of anything from men, I would think that you would love this technique. You may not like the following, but it is not required: If they indicate they can spare a few minutes, I will often start them a video, with the comment: "this runs almost 4 minutes, but you don't have to listen to it all. The minute it gets boring, hand it back." Some do, but not many.

The videos are not the last word on anything but they cover an important idea and develop it. You can then go anywhere you want. I often leave at that point, unless specifically asked to stay. I make use of the card a lot directing to the website. 

Full disclosure: I don't like most of the sample presentations I see enacted at the meetings trying to arouse interest in this or that magazine. I will be happy to see them go. It will mean more emphasis on actually teaching the Bible. 

I didn't read closely most of your dissertations on prophesy. This is not to disrespect you. But you could be hit by a truck tomorrow and then where would I be? It is not wrong for you to look deeply into aspects of God's word. It is even commendable. But you give the appearance, perhaps without intent, of setting yourself up as a teacher. It is immodest to do so. It is at least immodest to rebuke those who have a great deal to show for their stewardship. You didn't respond to my conjecture that you are a young man. I am therefore more convinced that you are - it shows between the lines. You can tell a lot by not just what someone says but also by what he does not say - places he does not go. A young man need not be told to "shut up." I don't think I have done that, though there may be something that can be taken out of context. 

But Elihu waited a long long time before addressing older ones who actually did need it. And Moses struck out to fix things, only to find his real contribution would not come for 40 years. And a young Jesus amazed his elders with his answers and with his own questions, not with his dissertations.  Even he did not just spout off before these older ones - he reserved that for later when he was better equipped and had grown and had actually accomplished something by way of kingdom preaching and disciple-making. 

I am a little worried that while you look deeply into aspects of God's Word, it is the whiz-bang cool passages you delve into. Spend more time delving into the ones less glamorous having to do with putting on the personality of the Christ. I say it not to put you down, but to ensure that your undeniable talent does not become a snare for you.


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Dear TrueTomHarley,
have you gone from criticizing my posts to get to give me advice on how to "put me better" in front of others?
Well, I thank you for this and I will take your advice to heart.
In the next article I will write I will only ask a series of questions. Can I count on your Scriptural answers?
I do not find myself indispensable and if I "end up under a truck", I am sure that other people (before me or after me, and perhaps better than me) would raise the same issues, the same "problems".
This is one more reason to focus on the contents of a speech and not on the person.

I agree with you that the most important thing is to be focused on the example of Christ. This is undoubtedly the most important and perhaps the most difficult thing to achieve.
I must point out that one aspect of Christ's personality (among many other aspects) was love for the Word of God.
I do not think I have "arrived" or even a "right" person.
I have so many things that I must improve and what I have understood (if I have understood it) is thanks exclusively to the undeserved kindness of God.
Also for this reason I feel like my duty to speak to my brothers, despite the difficulties and criticisms, of these things.
I believe that it is very important.

I thank you for the Scriptural examples you mentioned and I thank you sincerely for the concern you show towards me.
I assure you that I take great care not to become a victim of my own speeches.
I question myself very often.
Simply, my love for the Word of God urges me to look for answers in the Bible, only in the Bible.
If I am convinced through the Scriptures that certain of my conclusions are wrong, I assure you that I change immediately and even everything.

I have no interest, no one, to make me followers.
If you have an important message to give to people, you try to do it, is not it?
You try to give this message even if you know it will be "hard to accept" is not it?
I assure you that I would have spared many "headaches" if I had avoided writing certain things.
it is much easier to "keep quiet" than to start certain conversations.

So I thank you very much for your advice on how to start a conversation.
I will take these advice to heart but I will continue to talk about the things I have understood because this is true respect for the Word of God.
And indeed I encourage all those who read this message to participate in the conversation not "to cheer a team" nor starting from the principle to establish "who is right" but only with the aim of better understanding some prophecies of the Word of God.
And, be it clear, this also includes the possibility of having to accept (only the possibility) some truths that are very different from those that have been taught to us.
To accept, one must be mature.
Thanks again, TrueTomHarley, and so I hope I can start a frank and respectful conversation only with the Word of God.

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Reading Revelation, it is clear on the order, just as you put Israeli. 

Verse 1&2, tells us the angel seizing Satan and placing him in an abyss for a period of a 1000 yrs.  Afterwhich he is let loose. Now while he is gone, are you saying we are on our own, without any rule from the heavenly Government during his absence? The next verse 4), thrones for the 144,000 are placed; and the remnant from earth would have to go to be seated on them at this time, correct? Having gained immortality, death has no sting, as Paul put it at 1 Corinthians 15:55. These 'holy ones' have no final test to go through, right? Verse 5), says that the rest, who could that mean? Only could refer to those humans alive at the end of Satan's final test; these will have gained life, where again Paul's words have true meaning at 1 Corinthians 15:26, this would be true for all of us then. When Satan is released, that coincides with what is written at 1 Corinthians 15:24,25, when Christ has ended sin and imperfection in humans and on this planet. Genesis 1:26 will be done as purposes by Jehovah. Satan will be loosed on a global Eden, with a planet full of Adam and Eve's, perfect without need of a mediator. Some though will follow after him, as John wrote 'nations of the four corners' and this evil, its master and followers will be destroyed, forever. Now how if in you scenario, after Satan is destroyed, dead ones are raised, not being educated from the scrolls, not worshipping shoulder to shoulder, using the pure language of obedience to Jehovah's sovereignty?


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