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Which nations disappear in Armageddon?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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You really love the tone of your voice, do not you?
You did not understand absolutely what I wrote, but obviously you love to listen to yourself.
I quoted 1 John 4: 1 writing "Behold what is happening".
You have made a question about nothing.

I apologize for my poor and imperfect English; you try to understand.

I did not skip the second part of 1 John 4: 1 to twist a writing.
On the contrary: this writing you have to apply to my statements.

I wrote that the war between Russia and the USA will break out (including the N.A.T.O nations) and this is a biblical prophecy.
The cause of the outbreak of this war will be Babylon the Great (or the nation of Israel) and it is for this reason that "in her the blood of all those killed on earth is found".

Now, those "killed on earth" are not those killed by the dawn of time, but only those who will be killed during the day of the Lord - Revelation 1:10

This is the main reason (not the only one) for which Babylon the Great must be destroyed. However it will not be destroyed during this first attack but it will be destroyed near the war of Armageddon (which is still future, and does not concern this terrible war).

Now, the point I wanted to make clear is this (be careful).

Are the statements I have just made true?
Are they false?
is this a correct interpretation or is it false?

Since you do not want to question yourself in the light of the Scriptures, I wrote "stay and watch what happens".

If what I wrote does not come true, then you can remember this conversation with a smile, thinking about how I was naive, stupid, presumptuous or even "false prophet".

Only the facts show the truth or the lie.

So when I mentioned 1 John 4: 1 (I repeat) I did it to reiterate this concept.
Since nobody really cares (apparently) to elaborate on a topic in the light of the Scriptures, I can not do anything but publish the mkie research and leave all the "debates" to you.

I believe that instead of making unnecessary debates, we should study the Bible without cultural or religious conditioning (this means loving one's religion above the Bible) and this statement was addressed to all those who feel safe and think they already have all the answers.

We should take advantage now, now that the war has not yet broken out, to "make sure of everything" - 1 Thessalonians 4:20, 21

We should take advantage now, now that we are living a period of relative tranquility, to make Biblical knowledge our protection - Ecclesiastes 7:11, 12

We should take advantage now, now that we are not yet under the tribulation, to "beg in every time to escape what will have to happen" - Luke 21:36

This, in general, does not happen because you all feel in an iron barrel.
You have all the answers because your religion gives you false assurances - Isaiah 28:18

You have raised the words of some men above the words of God and this means "to adore one's own religion" above God.

I do not want to have any further discussions about it.
There was nothing to add to my previous comment.
I wrote "you are watching what happens" and the implication was "look if what I wrote is true, or it does not come true".

Continue with your criticism, your comments, your debates ... go and see every comma, make a lengthy discussion.
I do not care.
I conclude with exactly what I wrote at the beginning.
On the contrary, I use the same "modus operandi", so maybe you will not make another long and useless novel.
1 John 4: 1 reads: Beloved, but test the spirits [inspired statements] to see if they are from God (B), for many false prophets have gone out into the world (C).

So ... "watch what happens".
Have a good time

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Chapters 19 and 20 of Revelation will unveil some significant details about the war of Armageddon and what will happen next. These details will include two major changes to the current understandi

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10 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

You really love the tone of your voice, do not you?
You did not understand absolutely what I wrote, but obviously you love to listen to yourself.

When it comes to anything biblical I am critical, this goes for anything as well as false claims, false information or anyone's means to twist scripture and or the very bible canons itself. Anyone who is familiar with my posts here and how Christians operate at CSE, they'll know that when it comes to anything of the like - the responer is and will always be, critical, at the same time confutes any accusations and or claims big or small, should said claim is false or in error.

The community in question is here: [1] https://christianity.stackexchange.com [2] https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com both of which that are connected and should you do the same there as you do here, I can say you will be met with serious criticism, an they do not take religion/Christian Infighting lightly and will point that out if need be.

I understood what you wrote also,but it does not shield the claims and accusations that are stitched into some of the comments of yours.

10 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I apologize for my poor and imperfect English; you try to understand.

No worries, as long as everything is readable, you are fine.

10 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I did not skip the second part of 1 John 4: 1 to twist a writing.
On the contrary: this writing you have to apply to my statements.?

I wrote that the war between Russia and the USA will break out (including the N.A.T.O nations) and this is a biblical prophecy.
The cause of the outbreak of this war will be Babylon the Great (or the nation of Israel) and it is for this reason that "in her the blood of all those killed on earth is found".

NATO is US backed, they are among the list of US allies that will help them in a warmongering conquest. The thing is, Russia does not want war, period, but the actions of the United Nations and the Deep State, is pushing the US and allies to seek war with Syria, and Russia, and their allies, even among the UN, do not want this, and are open to defend Bashar Al-Assad, of whom the US blamed for him for chemical attacks, mind you, Assad was not the man who attacked his own people, let alone killed the Christians int he country, it was the actions of Jayish Al-Islam, the very enemy of Assad of whom the US and allies is supporting, said group, if part of Al-Quedina, you can see the details of the information in my post down below:

If that isn't enough for you, one of my sources made it very clear of who the US an their allies, even the UN, is supporting against Syria, Russia and the like. Mind you the video is a bit graphic, even though some parts are blurred.


As for the Harlot, Babylon the Great, she is not just the current Israel alone, she is all over the place, even in America, etc. When the Nations start to dwell within the realm of religion to the point they begin to stamp out other faiths, you'll know what time it will be, and for some, it will be way too late. Russia and their allies are not so cool either, but they are the pieces on the chess board, in turn, still part of Babylon the Great, an example would be, they allowed Satanist to mess around with Jehovah's Witnesses before banning them, elsewhere all people who oppose the RoC will be met with serious, serious consequence, no matter what age you are, regarding US and Israel allies, the ones they supported, they shot up and killed a Christian family, dumbing their bodies in a single well of which the village gets their water from, the very reasons why Christians, right now in Syria, have sided with Bashar Al-Assad because enough was enough, and US is marked as an enemy, while Israel and Saudi Arabia will attack with sheer brutality should Iran congregated in Syria - after all, Israel was the one who jumped the gun on the April attack.

There is no doubt something big will happen, but God himself will take action at a specific time of which he had chosen, which is unknown to all of us, for we do not know when the Father will speak on the day of Judgement to start, people can guess, people can wait, but they will not know what the Father knows.

But should it interest you, there has been a lot of talk about religious unity, something is to happen in Texas in a couple of months, Babylon's view of religion, as it was done in 2016, will be done in Texas in the month of October, if you live in the US, I suggested you not go to such an event, despite how peaceful they try to make it.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

This is the main reason (not the only one) for which Babylon the Great must be destroyed. However it will not be destroyed during this first attack but it will be destroyed near the war of Armageddon (which is still future, and does not concern this terrible war).

Ok, but now you are contradicting yourself with what you said before, a claim that still has no source or answer to. Other than that, H'armageddon is already know and before it does happen, times brutal tribulations will ensue, as far as I know, people have already made bunkers. It may be on point like those old dystopian future based movies, but more realistic and difficult.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Now, the point I wanted to make clear is this (be careful).

Are the statements I have just made true?
Are they false?
is this a correct interpretation or is it false?

Since you do not want to question yourself in the light of the Scriptures, I wrote "stay and watch what happens".?

If what I wrote does not come true, then you can remember this conversation with a smile, thinking about how I was naive, stupid, presumptuous or even "false prophet".

Well then, if you think as such, I suggest you give proof and a source to these claims of yours:

  •  Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive".


You made this comment, if you want to proof yourself as not false - give proof to a source to such a claim.

  • I do not know what you think but the WT has said that "all the prophecies have been fulfilled and that we are waiting only for the cry of peace and security and therefore the attack on false religion". Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive".

The Same can be said about this one, you said this and I confuted, as did with the other claims.

As for the false accusations, anyone who is families with my comments will not the things you have said directed to me - is indeed, false.

Other then that, you can prove yourself right now to give detailed proof to the 2 items mentioned above, otherwise, 1 John 4:1 is applied here, thus making these things, these claims of yours - as false, therefore, your spirit has been tested without much of an effort.

If you know who I am by means of my history on this forum, I am someone who does not like dishonesty, and I know dishonesty when I see it, even in the smallest error.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

So when I mentioned 1 John 4: 1 (I repeat) I did it to reiterate this concept.
Since nobody really cares (apparently) to elaborate on a topic in the light of the Scriptures, I can not do anything but publish the mkie research and leave all the "debates" to you.

I told you, I believe twice to post such in detail, which you have not, that is why my older comment was more inline with what 1 John 4:1 is really about, I even took the time to cited my source and proof of the claim in regards to this verse, if you missed it, it was the colorful one not to far up: 


11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I believe that instead of making unnecessary debates, we should study the Bible without cultural or religious conditioning (this means loving one's religion above the Bible) and this statement was addressed to all those who feel safe and think they already have all the answers.

But you make it religious by using scripture against a religious group, The Jehovah's Witnesses, this act is called Christian Infighting, or in another term, Christians Persecuting Other Christians, not on doctrine mind you, but on the belief itself.

Other then that, it was not a debate, per-say, it was more of a correcting of the wrong, for knowing me, leaving something that is in error going unchecked will only cause more damage later on - and error does not sit well with me or anyone else, mainly if a claim is coined with no proof.

And I'll say it again, it is outlandish for a man to love a religion over the bible, for this claim makes no sense, I even posted the definition of religion, but I do not think you have read it, this time I will link:

I hope you never make that claim to someone in person, for if you do, they will critique you on what the word Religion even means, which in itself speaks more than the claim you are bringing up right now.

Religion basically mean the practice of a faith = Christian/Christianity = teachings = adhere to God's Spoken Word and the practices of His Son, and examples left by us by the followers = She Being Part of us, She meaning The Church, of which the Christ is the Head of.

If in your eyes people love a religion, they we should all be guilty of being Christian, regardless of denomination, we can take it a bit further, all Religions of all branches are guilty, but the false ones and the true ones. See? Does not make any sense, hence why I linked you the definition.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

We should take advantage now, now that we are living a period of relative tranquility, to make Biblical knowledge our protection - Ecclesiastes 7:11, 12

Advantage of wisdom

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

We should take advantage now, now that we are not yet under the tribulation, to "beg in every time to escape what will have to happen" - Luke 21:36?

This, in general, does not happen because you all feel in an iron barrel.
You have all the answers because your religion gives you false assurances - Isaiah 28:18

Being Awake and making supplication in regards to the Luke verse.

Isaiah 28:18 is regarding the death and the grave. And no it is not because of my faith, it is because I study the bible day in and day out. And due to biblical studies, discernment to root out error and falsehood as well as dishonesty.

It would seem you have no learned from making false accusations, yet you want to play that card again, we can go about that as soon as you post proof to 2 of your claims, otherwise, the table would have turned twice for you.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

You have raised the words of some men above the words of God and this means "to adore one's own religion" above God.

Who are these men you speak of? If you read any of my history here, I tend to keep God's Word as number 1, that is why I always mention this word hermeneutics, which means the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts.

Can you cite a source for one who "adore one's own religion"? This is the first time I ever heard such a claim in regards to someone of a faith. I hope you do have a source for this one, so this brings the count to 3.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I do not want to have any further discussions about it.
There was nothing to add to my previous comment.
I wrote "you are watching what happens" and the implication was "look if what I wrote is true, or it does not come true".

Then next time pick your words wisely, and your claims, otherwise they will be confuted.

So how what is true about God and World War 3 comment from you? What about the false claims whereas everyone here knows how I respond and yet you make a false claim against me? How I this true?

Just as Jesus had did, I stand and confute those who make such error and dishonesty, regardless of who that is a Muslim, a JW, Unitarian, Black Israelite, etc.

If someone makes an error, a twist in scripture, infighting and outlandish claims, and the like - they will be confuted, and they will be met with actual criticism to their false claims, therefore, such ones have their spirits tested, and will be rooted out for their error, no matter who it is.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Continue with your criticism, your comments, your debates ... go and see every comma, make a lengthy discussion.

Cite your  sources and perhaps things would be different. This I still await, otherwise, those claims, like the false accusations, are deemed a lie, therefore, is false.

11 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

I conclude with exactly what I wrote at the beginning.
On the contrary, I use the same "modus operandi", so maybe you will not make another long and useless novel.
1 John 4: 1 reads: Beloved, but test the spirits [inspired statements] to see if they are from God (B), for many false prophets have gone out into the world (C).

So ... "watch what happens".
Have a good time

modus operandi does not change God's Word and what His Word means, let alone His laws.

It may be a novel to you, but I give detail of what is true and nothing but truth as well as pointing out error, such as the ones you claim and it is clear as day to all here who reads on this very thread. Next time you want to make claims, make sure it is true, this was the case with 2 others on this forum who have been exposed for their error, count that, it is 3, for there was whereas I gave a history of Christians banning something.

Also if you are going to make a false claim, make sure it is not in the sight of those who are real Bereans who can act upon their discernment and defend what is true no matter what, even if it means rooting out the lies painted on others, which you have done, and the error on your part about God and World War 3 comment.

I won't be having a good time, like a Christian, I will be vigilant,and enduring, no matter what, and doing what the early Christians and our fathers have been doing, teaching the real truth of the gospel and defending it, as well as rooting out falsehood of those who try to push their mainstream Christianity over the truth.

As for the claims, you can either say nothing, so we know the conclusion, or you can attempt, but will result in the same outcome, unless what you had said is indeed true, then it would be different, other then that I suggest you read up more on what is going, mainly about the nations and religions perhaps you will wonder why a specific faith is declining all over the world, hence why they side with those in government.

Other then that, you are indeed smart, but it seems you are still blind for the errors you spouted out in your comments, but the more you read, the more out of the blindness you dissolve.

The truth will set you free, do what you will with it, should you choose it.

PS: before you wanna take shots again in regards to my beliefs, I suggest you do some homework on how I am, which is very easy to see by means of my profile history.

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Don't you mean "disappeared"?  Past tense since the watchtower predicted armageddon so many times?


1877 'The End Of This World; that is the end of the gospel and the beginning of the millennial age is nearer than most men suppose; indeed we have already entered the transition period, which is to be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation Dan. 12:3." (N.H. Barbour and C.T. Russell, Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This World, p. 17).

1888 "In this chapter we present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that the date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men. And be it observed, that if this is shown to be a fact firmly established by the Scriptures, it will prove; Firstly, that at that date the Kingdom of God, for which our Lord taught us to pray, saying, Thy Kingdom come, will obtain full, universal control, and that it will then be set up, or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions." (The Time Is At Hand, 1888, p. 76, 77)

1889 "Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty (Rev. 16:14) which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's word." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, The Time Is At Hand, 1889 Ed., p. 101. The 1915 Edition of this texts changed "A.D. 1914" to read 'A.D. 1915')

1894 "Seventeen years ago people said, concerning the time features presented in Millennial Dawn, They seem reasonable in many respects, but surely no such radical changes could occur between now and the close of 1914: if you had proved that they would come about in a century or two, it would seem much more probable. What changes have since occurred, and what velocity is gained daily? 'The old is quickly passing and the new is coming in.' Now, in view of recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They say that they do not see how present conditions can hold out so long under the strain. We see no reason for changing the figures-nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble." (Zion's Watchtower, Can It Be Delayed until 1914? C. T. Russell July 15, 1894, Also in Watchtower Reprints, l894 p. 1677)

1894 "A few more years will wind up the present order of things, and then the chastened world will stand face to face with the actual conditions of the established Kingdom of God. And yet the course of the Church is to be finished within the space of time that intervenes." (Watchtower p. 56, 1894)

1894 "We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble." (Watchtower July 15, 1894, p 266; p 1677 reprints)

1917 'There will be no slip-up...Abraham should enter upon the actual possession of his promised inheritance in the year 1925' (Watchtower Oct. 15, 1917, p. 6157)

1918 "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection." (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89)

1920 '...we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected' (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920, p. 88)

1920 '...we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected' (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920, p. 88)

1966 "According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E Six thousand years of man's existence on earth will soon be up, yea within this generation. The rein of Christ...to run parallel with the 7th millennium ..." (Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, 1966, p. 29-30)


1966 "Discussion of 1975 overshadowed about everything else. 'The new book compels us to realise that Armageddon is, in fact, very close indeed,' said a conventioneer." (Watchtower 15/10/1966, p 629)

1968 "Why Are You Looking Forward To 1975?" … "What about all this talk concerning the year 1975? Lively discussions, some based on speculation, have burst into flame during recent months among serious students of the Bible. Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam's creation. The nearness of such an important date indeed fires the imagination and presents unlimited possibilities for discussion." (Watchtower, Aug. 15, 1968, p. 494)

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

@Jesus.defender Copy and Paste will not help your resolve here, it would seem you like jumping into something that has already been confuted.

Not my resolve.


Copy and paste? Yes, from watchtower materials.


here are some more.


Will the men of Sodom be resurrected?

Yes....Watchtower 7/1879 page 8
No.....Watchtower 6/1/52 page 338
Yes....Watchtower 8/1/65, page 479
No.....Watchtower 6/1/88, page 31
Yes...Live Forever (old Ed.) page 179
No....Live Forever (new Ed.) page 179
Yes...Insight, vol. 2., page 985
No...Revelation book, page 273.


Would a true prophet of God make false prophecies about World War II?

‘The Nazis will destroy the British.’ (Fifth Column, p 15)

The new book titled Children will prove useful ‘in the remaining months before Armageddon’ (Watchtower, 15 September 1941, p 288)

‘The end of Nazi Fascist hierarchy will come and will mark the end forever of demon rule.’ (Watchtower, 15 December 1941, p 377)


1983 "Avoid independent thinking...questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization." (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1983 pg. 22)

1983 "Fight against independent thinking." (Watchtower, Jan. 15, 1983 pg. 27 )

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@Jesus.defender Again, nothing of which you have post will not help you nor does what you have made mention of is not of this topic. I believe most of your comments are copy/paste, especially with what you have made a response to with elsewhere. The irony is, if fit the bill for what I had addressed here and it is fact that the typical mainstream, such as yourself, do not apply what the bible says, therefore, your spirit, has been tested.

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On 6/24/2018 at 12:30 AM, Space Merchant said:

@Jesus.defender Again, nothing of which you have post will not help you nor does what you have made mention of is not of this topic. I believe most of your comments are copy/paste, especially with what you have made a response to with elsewhere. The irony is, if fit the bill for what I had addressed here and it is fact that the typical mainstream, such as yourself, do not apply what the bible says, therefore, your spirit, has been tested.

I have told you YES, i do copy and paste. In this instance, FROM THE WATCHTOWER ORGANISATION as it is much easier than typing it all out.

May you repent of your sin and be born again.

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48 minutes ago, Jesus.defender said:

I have told you YES, i do copy and paste. In this instance, FROM THE WATCHTOWER ORGANISATION as it is much easier than typing it all out.

May you repent of your sin and be born again.

I know, but I choose to address whenever I feel as though should be addressed. You are not copying from the Watchtower, you are copying from an Anti-Watchtower website and it is evident by means of your little picture show. Other than that, you seem to not be able to make an explanation of your own so you find "help" from the only source of which you love so much.

You cannot tell a man who has not sinned nor is blind to repent, for a man who believes that the Holy Spirit was present during Pentecost as a person, for a man who believes a person, a Spirit strengthened Samson, for a man who believes a Spirit had intercourse with a virgin, for a man who believes that a person enabled a muted man to speak, the list goes on, is the same man who is needing repentance. As for your last copy and paste mix up, clearly you do not know what it means to be born again, let alone the origins of the baptism, for should one ask you as to why John baptism HIS people in the Jordan River, it is 100% fact, Trinitarians do not know such an answer compared to one who actually studies the bible. Therefore, one who needs to take the conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus about being born again, this man needs to repent, the very man who shows hatred to his neighbor, this man needs to repent, a man who urges others to break God's Laws, this man needs to repent, for a man who does not know right from wrong, this man needs to repent.

This man in question, is you, for you are no defender, no, you are merely a Trinitarian follower who accepts falsehood and speak of mis-truths, a truth deserter.

What a shame, but all of you are the same, nothing to show for it, but I guess according to your belief, this person of yours is on a mission.


That being said, anything you say regarding the bible, will only be proven with biblical fact and truth, as it was done previously, and it can be done now, deserter.


Other than that, you've yet to make acknowledgment to the verse that is of topic, 1 John 4:1, and clearly, such is being used against you.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I know, but I choose to address whenever I feel as though should be addressed. You are not copying from the Watchtower, you are copying from an Anti-Watchtower website and it is evident by means of your little picture show. Other than that, you seem to not be able to make an explanation of your own so you find "help" from the only source of which you love so much.

You cannot tell a man who has not sinned nor is blind to repent, for a man who believes that the Holy Spirit was present during Pentecost as a person, for a man who believes a person, a Spirit strengthened Samson, for a man who believes a Spirit had intercourse with a virgin, for a man who believes that a person enabled a muted man to speak, the list goes on, is the same man who is needing repentance. As for your last copy and paste mix up, clearly you do not know what it means to be born again, let alone the origins of the baptism, for should one ask you as to why John baptism HIS people in the Jordan River, it is 100% fact, Trinitarians do not know such an answer compared to one who actually studies the bible. Therefore, one who needs to take the conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus about being born again, this man needs to repent, the very man who shows hatred to his neighbor, this man needs to repent, a man who urges others to break God's Laws, this man needs to repent, for a man who does not know right from wrong, this man needs to repent.

This man in question, is you, for you are no defender, no, you are merely a Trinitarian follower who accepts falsehood and speak of mis-truths, a truth deserter.

What a shame, but all of you are the same, nothing to show for it, but I guess according to your belief, this person of yours is on a mission.


That being said, anything you say regarding the bible, will only be proven with biblical fact and truth, as it was done previously, and it can be done now, deserter.


Other than that, you've yet to make acknowledgment to the verse that is of topic, 1 John 4:1, and clearly, such is being used against you.

God bless you.

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@Jesus.defender I expected that. Id you have nothing to add to this discussion regarding 1 John 4:1, why respond at all? Like a child you are lost, you do not know the bible well as you think and what God's purpose and will entails. Then again, those of the mainstream tend to lose themselves to false teachers, very tragic.


Other than that there is a REAL enemy who is deemed a threat to me, you, despite your Trinitarian blindness, and even JWs. The fact you do not know this threat, you'll end up like those in Washington DC a while back, for such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall. This threat that consist of the nations, will indeed disappear when the time comes.

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38 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

for such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall.

If you have already elaborated on this, I missed it. I have appreciated some of your views that include political references because they are much more astute than those of any average U.S. or Western-allied citizen who is dependent on corporate media such as FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc., which have very little truth value. Of course, not that it matters whether I agree with you, but you have a very interesting take on Bible prophecy. I don't believe "predictions" based on Bible knowledge hardly ever come true. I believe that events will reveal Bible truth in time, of course, but I don't believe that anyone who points to a future fulfillment tied to "the times and seasons" will ever be right except by coincidence.

So, because I am a complete skeptic, you can probably see through my motive. I would like you to explain what you mean by "such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall"? If I am still participating on this forum in the Winter, I'd be happy to discuss what had likely gone wrong with your prediction about the Fall. Because it will likely prove Jesus correct again when he states that the times and seasons are in the Father's jurisdiction. Of course, I'm not picking on you. I believe such predictions from ANYONE ( @Brother Rando, @Israeli Bar Avaddhon, The Watchtower, or from anywhere else) are "wrong" for Biblical reasons.

If you are willing to provide a few more specifics, it will make this discussion easier sometime after December 22, 2018. I want to make sure that "during the Fall" refers to 2018, and doesn't mean during the Fall of Babylon.

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44 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

If you have already elaborated on this, I missed it. I have appreciated some of your views that include political references because they are much more astute than those of any average U.S. or Western-allied citizen who is dependent on corporate media such as FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc., which have very little truth value. Of course, not that it matters whether I agree with you, but you have a very interesting take on Bible prophecy. I don't believe "predictions" based on Bible knowledge hardly ever come true. I believe that events will reveal Bible truth in time, of course, but I don't believe that anyone who points to a future fulfillment tied to "the times and seasons" will ever be right except by coincidence.

So, because I am a complete skeptic, you can probably see through my motive. I would like you to explain what you mean by "such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall"? If I am still participating on this forum in the Winter, I'd be happy to discuss what had likely gone wrong with your prediction about the Fall. Because it will likely prove Jesus correct again when he states that the times and seasons are in the Father's jurisdiction. Of course, I'm not picking on you. I believe such predictions from ANYONE ( @Brother Rando, @Israeli Bar Avaddhon, The Watchtower, or from anywhere else) are "wrong" for Biblical reasons.

If you are willing to provide a few more specifics, it will make this discussion easier sometime after December 22, 2018. I want to make sure that "during the Fall" refers to 2018, and doesn't mean during the Fall of Babylon.

Armageddon is actually not a place but a condition or situation. "Why are the nations agitated and the peoples muttering an empty thing?  The kings of the earth take their stand And high officials gather together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one." (Psalms 2:1-2)

"Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. " (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

"And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)

All the nations that are made up the earthly kingdoms or governments.  Jesus taught us to pray for his Father's Kingdom to come.  What will it do??   "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever," (Daniel 2:44) 

Since 1914 the following prophecy has been undergoing fulfillment: (Rev 16:13)  And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one who stays awake and keeps his outer garments, so that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.

Actually its Spiritual, the second death is symbolized by the lake of fire which represents everlasting destruction. Those outside our inner rooms will simply die off and those who have gained a favorable position with the King are granted Life.  That means they simply keep on living. The ones counted righteous simply outlive the wicked.  "For evil men will be done away with, But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there." (Psalms 37:9-10) 

In response one of the elders said to me: “These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?” (Rev 7:13)

So right away I said to him: “My lord, you are the one who knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." (Rev 7:14) 

Take care,

Brother Rando


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