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Which nations disappear in Armageddon?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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@JW Insider There is a group, with many branches that all connect back to the Pope, Francis, of the Vatican. He's been going on a conquest for a while now to gather religious leaders as well as their followers to join his cause in seeking peace and unity. For since he began his travels, he had recruited many religious leaders, as well as politicians and people of the countries that he has visited, one namely being the people of Portugal with the 2 girls who were said to have seen the ghost of Mary (info), clearly we know who is really at work here. He had a desire to take this unity to another level, around 2016 in Washington DC, he held an event, backed by those who sent him out, called Together 2016, which is bigger than its Kairos, Pulse,etc. Movement branches because it included the Pope as a main focus.

This is an example of their promo back in 2016:

Those in connection with the event are listed by name here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Together_2016

As you can see, the drawing in of those not well adapt to what the Bible teaches, are the very ones to be drawn in, for the mainstream Christians love this kind of stuff, they attack the Pope, but fall on their own sword when they join these events because it makes them, as they say, united, which will result on an increase on such ones like this to be very negative towards the minority Christians who are clearly against the Pope and anything he has connection to regarding faith and politics.

A lot of people, even JW opponents love to talk about NGOs, not realizing there is thousands of NGOs out there and there is only a FEW out of said thousands that are both sponsored and meet the necessary requirements to take part in UN decisions and the like, having a role in such. This was the case with the NGO known as Elijah Interfaith, an NGO backed and takes part in UN affairs as well as politics and it is the only religious NGO that is sponsored that stands out and actually could make strong decisions within the United Nations. Moreover, it was evident as to what is to come due to what has been talked about from the early 2000s to the day Pope Francis, in 2015, had addressed in 2015 prior to the Together 2016 event: http://time.com/4049905/pope-francis-us-visit-united-nations-speech-transcript/

Another factor is the role situation with the banning and harassment of JWs in Russia, which came at a time whereas a historic event taken place when the Pope met the leader of the RoC, later on, the leader of the RoC going on a so called Spiritual Journey and eventually with the aid of political NGOs in France and others, resulted in the ban of JWs, which in turn increased more power to the RoC, but it does not stop there, for the RoC's hand even covers those who is against clearly against it.


Now we have those who are in connection with what the Pope is doing, The Kairos Movement, also referred to as the Kairos Conference. They seek to united all faiths and at the same time the falsehood of the mainstream is there. Such an event contact speakers like Kenneth Copeland, Francis Chen, and many, many more.



There was also the whole situation with the October 2017 Reformation, blustering the conquest for unity getting a whole bunch of Methodist, Protestants and several others into the fold.

The goal for them is very simple, they already teach mainstream Christianity and they have already drawn in such ones, even the non-religious. These are also the same people who speak falsehood and not of what the bible teaches and should you or anyone else say otherwise, they will do what is needed to paint you as an enemy or a blasphemer, the very reason why when those of a Christian minorities does something bad, be it a crime, abuse, stealing, etc they get more flack compared to those who are in the mainstream for the mainstream not only teach a falsehood, but they stick together with their group very strongly. The ironic thing is, even those who are not for the Pope, they still apply and accept what his underlings profess, such as Chen and Copeland, or any propriety or charismatic preacher out there.

Such people are indeed the enemy, for as they have alluded to in the past, if you are not with them, you are against them, for if you are not part of the conquest for peace and unity they are in pursuit of and still are, you are pretty much an enemy to them, or false.


Together 2018 will be held in Texas, it will be hosted by this man as seen in these pictures, Nick Hall (his web contains his bio):





Where in Texas? Specifically Texas Motor Speedway on October 20-21 of 2018.

To quote the information of where this is cited:

Today, evangelism movement PULSE announced plans for the next Together event to be held Oct. 20-21, 2018 at Texas Motor Speedway, a venue in Fort Worth, Texas that can hold more than half a million people. The event will feature an all-star lineup of speakers, pastors, artists and leaders from various backgrounds with the aim to promote unity and lift up the name of Jesus. “In an age defined by division that often labels us as those who are for and against politics, issues and each other—Jesus invites all of us to move closer,” said Nick Hall, PULSE founder and evangelist. “He alone offers the hope and leadership we desperately need and Together is about calling people from all backgrounds to move closer to Jesus and the world around us.”

The list goes on and this is just the surface. Mainstream Christians are easily subdued by these problematic events like people being swooned by the music a DJ is playing not realizing the music being played has brief remarks to negative and or inappropriate things, for a man who listens will realize the music is bad and just leave the scene, but one who does not remains. They like what they see, they like what they hear and they accept it regardless, not realizing the devil is in the details.

It is very sad to see that many people are blind and have not heard the truth, and it is very tragic and mind-boggling to see those who know the truth and remain ignorant of what the truth is, but it would seem on this day an age the truth is being made known and even the non-religious will stand up to the mainstream and their Trinitarian doctrine, in addition to those who adhere to the bible and the early Christian church, these ones speak against the errors of the mainstream as well.

The irony of it all also the same people who speak ill of JWs and express a sheer hatred for them, are the very same ones who go to these events. Such ones are hypocrites.


That being said, there is more information out there, I tend to be brief with it because it is that much.

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

there is more information out there, I tend to be brief with it . . .

Figured it had to be something like that. I am relieved that the Fall date was not derived or divined from some passage in Revelation. Since about 2013 I've noticed a lot of large-scale marketing attempts by the Roman Catholics, LDS, and of course even JWs and others, and I'm not sure that the continuation of "interfaith" movements is not also just another marketing idea that someone brainstormed for the Pope. I'm glad you are keeping an eye on things like this, but I have my doubts that the 2018 version will be any more significant than 2016, 2017, or even those big ecumenical attempts by Catholics in 1964 and 1965. The differentiation of ideologies between youth and "establishment" in 2015 and 2016 showed itself to be significant through political rallies, and the Catholic Church was "smart" enough to try to pull off a piece of that for themselves. It was not as active as the 1960's but even a Bernie Sanders or someone like him in countries outside the US, was easily able to rally an instant, if naive, crowd. I'm sure the Pope thought: why not me?

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@JW Insider Probably, but these groups are increasing in numbers as the months go on by. The interfaith situation consist of many religious leaders Deepak Chopra, 14th Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh and many more, who have sided with the Pope and the UN in regards to the conquest for peace and security, as well as political figures, who also joined in. But these events being held by these groups we will have to wait and see the numbers, but it is already kind of obvious that they are growing because the mainstream tends to teach younger ones about the Trinity, that Jesus is God at an early age and those that think otherwise are denying Jesus (for they only say this when you speak against the Trinity concept), they even have camps for children as to which they teach this stuff.

Yeah, this is true. The Pope is known as the most influential out of the large list of religious leaders so any talks about unity for they all believe in the same thing, it is very easy to sway people to his side likes flies to honey, in addition to the high political following he also has since he is very close with such leaders. That being said, such ones like to gain more converts by means of such events, I can already tell that when October comes around there will be a lot of talk, both positive and negative.

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On 6/26/2018 at 2:30 AM, Space Merchant said:

@Jesus.defender I expected that. Id you have nothing to add to this discussion regarding 1 John 4:1, why respond at all? Like a child you are lost, you do not know the bible well as you think and what God's purpose and will entails. Then again, those of the mainstream tend to lose themselves to false teachers, very tragic.


Great, ONE verse that we can discuss.


I keep saying i give up on you, yet i still come back to you. Strange how much i love you despite your rudeness and obnoxiousness.


1 John 4:1. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."


To that verse, i say AMEN.

I am not a prophet. I have never CLAIMED to be a prophet.


But, the anti-Christian cult you love to defend DO claim to be a prophet and HAVE presented false prophecies.


But all you can say is "these have been refuted before".


Well, anyone can SAY that, but to PROVE it is another thing.


On 6/26/2018 at 2:30 AM, Space Merchant said:

Other than that there is a REAL enemy who is deemed a threat to me, you, despite your Trinitarian blindness, and even JWs. The fact you do not know this threat, you'll end up like those in Washington DC a while back, for such an enemy will rear its ugly head in Texas during the Fall. This threat that consist of the nations, will indeed disappear when the time comes.

I am not american so i have NO IDEA what you are talking about.


Our enemy is satan. And unfortunatly, he is very good at his job.


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5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

Great, ONE verse that we can discuss.

That is what I addressed before.

5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

I keep saying i give up on you, yet i still come back to you. Strange how much i love you despite your rudeness and obnoxiousness.

Must be the cologne, Joop is a primary preference and no, I am very strict, critical nowhere am I obnoxious or rude. For if I last recall, you rants is very evident to JWs here, you call me rude, yet you shed Christian Infighting tactics and antics, come on now, Deserter.

5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

1 John 4:1. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

To that verse, i say AMEN.

I am not a prophet. I have never CLAIMED to be a prophet.

Ok, we know what the verse is, you want to discuss it, yet you barely said anything at all. You have to do better than that. Those who want to learn the Bible are not going to take tolerant that from you and in the realm of hermeneutics, it will not be tolerant and it will be confuted the second it is seen.

5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

But, the anti-Christian cult you love to defend DO claim to be a prophet and HAVE presented false prophecies.

JWs, as said before, are Restorationist, a Christian group do are not of the mainstream. The irony here is, the source of which you take most of your information from is an advocate for wanting Jehovah's Witnesses not only to be like the mainstream, but to abandon Laws of which Go had made, in addition to abandoning what Jesus had entrusted the church.

As for prophecies, the Jehovah's Witnesses never have claimed to be inspired, for they are simply lowly followers of the Word and take into regard of who and what God is, and take into account his purpose and will, just as Jesus have. Moreover, any man who follows the bible 100% is deemed a cultist by the mainstream, for the mainstream is known to cherry-pick and spout falsehood compared to a bible strict individual who speaks nothing but the truth, both Restorationist individuals, as well as a group, for it is primarily the JWs as a Restorationist group for the others have fallen to the mainstream, follow the Bible strictly, therefore, when one studies their Christology, they understand of where they are coming from, I am not going to take the banter from a man who claims they deny Jesus, or those who claim JWs have a weapons cache and poison in the basement of their Churches, that is absurd, an the only people to believe such are JW opponents, apparent you do also, for you adhere to what a Wiccan follower is putting on the website of the opposing side to JWs.

As for Cults, I know a cult when I see one and throughout my life and experience, I had seen firsthand of what a cult who uses the bible to bring forth underground sex rings, making militants and or brides out of children, the killing of animals and the drinking of their blood, the list goes on, for the bunny hole is very deep, some of such that I know cannot be say will make the any man or woman here cringe to think of such that actually exist. On the other side of the spectrum, there is parts of the world, such cults that perform rituals and the like whereas influence and or manifestation of an evil spirit is actually possible, which was the case with a story I had stumbled upon a few years back regarding a Christian youth group that had quite the surprise during nightfall.


That being said, you no very little compared to someone such as myself who had seen, heard the testimony of others regarding such things, some of which, relatives and fiends have been affected by such things to a grander scale, leaving them scarred or literally ripped to shreds by those who practice this stuff, a friend of mind, who lost a cousin of his for those who practice such have killed her in the most brutal way possible.

So when we speak of real Anti-Christians and Cults, clearly you haven't really understand the grave scale of the wicked on the earth, what power it has and what it can do, therefore, real Christians need to endure and remain vigilant and maintain their faith, for as seen in Jude, maintaining our faith, our salvation is a hard fight when it comes to the truth.

Other than that, I am neutral with those who are also seeking truth because any mistake can put one such as myself in front of the white throne, and such a risk I, or anyone isn't willing to take. But idling about I do not, for anyone who speak of mistruths and conspiracy, such ones will be dealt with, and even ones who adhere to a false teaching, pushing their false truths and man made understanding into the bible, these persons will not be refuted, they will be confuted with actual information of what the Bible says, in addition to a correction to making false claims to one's Christology, ESPECIALLY when such ones use false bible verses to push the Triune God belief, in addition to twisting inspired verses to push said belief. Clearly, that does not sit well with me, or anyone who is bible strict  and a response and correction will be made.

5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

But all you can say is "these have been refuted before".

If you actually have read this section and what was posed, you'd understand, therefore, I have stated, this has been refuted before.

5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

I am not american so i have NO IDEA what you are talking about.

Yet you adhere to what the mainstream teach about the bible, for they believe not only the Father as God, but they believe Jesus as God and they believe the Holy Spirit is God, perhaps a forth God also, for Trinitarians also believe that God's Spoken Word is also God. In addition to that, you adhere to an obvious faith opponent who clearly hates not just Jehovah's Witnesses, but the Bible as well, which is very evident to the hypocrisy and the conspiracy spreading.

And no, you would not know what this enemy is because you tend to stick to solely attacking Jehovah's Witnesses, for you, not even applying what 1 John 4:1 even means, over and over again.

The true enemy is what your following/group adheres to and only them, for if you were truly vigilant, you'd realize what a danger such a threat is, and such has originated from both Israel and the Vatican, it's power is stronger in America because anyone can easily be swayed to follow such, it will not be a surprise if you yourself adhere to it for such ones follow the Trinity, just as yourself. If a poor man in the EU can see this threat, you cannot spout any excuses.

That being said, a Zebra has no idea that a Lion is nearby, and before you know it, it is too late, which seems to be the case when the devil is seeking to devour someone.

5 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

Our enemy is satan. And unfortunatly, he is very good at his job.

Indeed, somehow he manage to get people to think of Jesus being God, when we see in the Bible, Satan already knew that the Messiah, Jesus is the Son of God. Moreover, our early Christian brothers and sisters of the early church knew the Father as the only God and Jesus as his Son, never made any mention of the Holy Spirit being a Person, years down the road, there was the whole debate of Jesus being God or not, and an unholy alliance between the Trinitarians and the Modalist which lead to a brutal death of a man who clearly had a different view than them, eventually, his followers were threaten with death and as time passes, an Emperor came around and would kill any man who didn't adhere to the Trinity, therefore, forcing people into the belief, it does not stop there either, we had such ones twist the bible in order to justify slavery, the killing of anyone deemed un-christian, the support of polygamy, etc, while those who know their bible had to remain in total secrecy as all this was going down.

Now we have the present day, for the Trinity is dominant, only like a fire, those who adhere to bible truths will make themselves known, be it those in a group or individuals, and God recognizes such people who knows what the Bible is all about.

Lord knows what should the end time and tribulations come, and what the Trinitarians will do, but surely, they will be quite the gnashing of the teeth.

As for you, I am critical against you because clearly you are not ignorant, you possibly do not know any better, but the response seen by you makes me very skeptical, but you are not as different as other Trinitarians who are clearly lost, the very reason I brought up the Bob the Builder guy, for you express the same way as him, he is like this in person.

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@JW Insider Well it began today, around 7AM in Texas, had people talk about this to me today only for me to give them information why this is not okay:


This movement is like a thorn to the side for some, even to some Muslims ironically:


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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

@JW Insider Well it began today, around 7AM in Texas, had people talk about this to me today only for me to give them information why this is not okay:


This movement is like a thorn to the side for some, even to some Muslims ironically:


Oh dear. That is so sad. All those misled people. And it seems to be all about Jesus, God isn't mentioned, I don't think. 

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34 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Oh dear. That is so sad. All those misled people. And it seems to be all about Jesus, God isn't mentioned, I don't think. 

Those of Babylon do not see Jesus' God, they see God as Jesus, they even call Jesus Yahweh or Jehovah, they refering to the Christ as Hashem, El Shaddai when the Bible tells us he is God's Son. This began with Pope Francis who pushed the Together group to be a major event, and thus all the branches of Babylon partake in such, even the likes of Kairos and a list of others, as of right now Peek is in Texas.

The very reasons why people who think of Babylon's religion, they do not know who is among them, who is affiliated, how many are in Babylon and the like and such things have been talked about for early a decade. Among all things, people who know their Bible should be aware of what this is and to be careful.

On the other side of the spectrum, such ones like this push for interfaith as well, for they spout the same words as CNN's Ted Turner and such ones seek to unity all faiths and convert them, those who are against them are treated as unbelieving ones, Unchristain.

The hands of the great harlot even reaches your country too, for this isn't the first time this was done. As we speak a lot of Christians who profess what is true is speaking against this, this also includes Muslims too for this movement claims them too - a common enemy, the religion of Babylon the Great who is on a conquest for unity, the spreader of apostasy in things untrue.


I had to deal with a Karios follower who was quick to say I am denying Jesus for saying Jesus is God's Son, it is crazy.

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