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Is it time for this forum to close its doors?

Ann O'Maly

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46 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

it makes the JW org feel like a company rather than a religion.

In period of my leaving this organization i realized that WT (and all other entities under WT, as JWorg, CCJW and all other) are in fact Company with branch companies, branches of Mother Company.

That recall me this moment on vine and branches of head vine :)))

But in Bible vine is Jesus not Mother Organization aka WT :))) and branches are not registered daughter or sister companies but people. 

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I won't speak for the @admin since he is probably not even aware of this "controversy" right now.... BUT.... I just can't imagine Jesus Christ creating JesusChrist.org to publish his words..

My thoughts exactly @The Librarian So many concerning takeaways from this article. 1. It's a-okay for the org to completely restrict an entire area of preaching (social media). Social media

From the April 2018 Watchtower, p. 30-31. This is a bona fide, unadulterated copy (honest).  What are your thoughts on this article? Btw, I hope the irony of posting this here is not lo

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2 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

" .... Some brothers have been drawn into online debates and thus have brought added reproach on Jehovah’s name. An online forum is not an appropriate setting for “instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed.”' Sounds like another control grab. They don't want people having online discussions independent of the org, and that's sad. 

This is the real reason the 2nd Mid-week meeting, usually in someone's home ... commonly known as the "Tuesday Night Book Study" was eliminated, years ago.  It in reality had NOTHING to do with saving gasoline, which was the lame excuse for it's being cancelled globally, among other lame excuses.

People were having "Goodie Nights" about once a month with cakes and pie, and other goodies, afterwards ... AND DISCUSSING THINGS AMONG THEMSELVES, after the  Book Study.

Malignant, evil things, like "That paragraph six made no sense to me... did it make any sense to you?"

I particularly remember the "Commentary on the Book of James" ... longer by far than the actual Bible Book of James ... that made no sense to me ... but I thought at the time  it was my spiritual state being so poor EVERYBODY was "getting it" ..... except me.

I am sure JW Insider has more details than I about who wrote it, and why .... but many years later I found out that the book we studied globally, once a week, was written by a group of Brothers as an inside joke to see what they could get away with ... and the entire writing committee was several years DF'd later for apostasy. 

This explanation may or may not be true ... I wasn't there ... but THIS explanation made perfect sense to me.

I do know that I have brought up the "Commentary" several times with Elders who were there at the time, merely stating it was longer than the Bible Book ... and they did not want to talk about it.

Perhaps I should have offered then a piece of pie.

... for MANY reasons ... it  goes well beyond sad ....


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14 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I am sure JW Insider has more details than I about who wrote it, and why .... but many years later I found out that the book we studied globally, once a week, was written by a group of Brothers as an inside joke to see what they could get away with ... and the entire writing committee was several years DF'd later for apostasy.

You should read it again, and try to see what it was exactly that you didn't get. Be happy to discuss it in a new thread.

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57 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This is the real reason the 2nd Mid-week meeting, usually in someone's home ... commonly known as the "Tuesday Night Book Study" was eliminated, years ago.  It in reality had NOTHING to do with saving gasoline, which was the lame excuse for it's being cancelled globally, among other lame excuses.

People were having "Goodie Nights" about once a month with cakes and pie, and other goodies, afterwards ... AND DISCUSSING THINGS AMONG THEMSELVES, after the  Book Study.

Malignant, evil things, like "That paragraph six made no sense to me... did it make any sense to you?"

I particularly remember the "Commentary on the Book of James" ... longer by far than the actual Bible Book of James ... that made no sense to me ... but I thought at the time  it was my spiritual state being so poor EVERYBODY was "getting it" ..... except me.

I am sure JW Insider has more details than I about who wrote it, and why .... but many years later I found out that the book we studied globally, once a week, was written by a group of Brothers as an inside joke to see what they could get away with ... and the entire writing committee was several years DF'd later for apostasy. 

This explanation may or may not be true ... I wasn't there ... but THIS explanation made perfect sense to me.

I do know that I have brought up the "Commentary" several times with Elders who were there at the time, merely stating it was longer than the Bible Book ... and they did not want to talk about it.

Perhaps I should have offered then a piece of pie.

... for MANY reasons ... it  goes well beyond sad ....


That's pretty interesting, and it sounds convincing, but do you have any proof of it?

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Perhaps with the new internet coming we will will share the Good News, but will it all become, Propaganda? Perhaps the end is closer than we think? Never give up sharing the Good News even though, some countrues think it’s false and “terrorism?” God’s Word is Alive it will never die. Perhsps education is on its way out also? More to happen! Keep on the Watch! Keep focused and pray for direction! 

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11 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

that's a control measure in the uncontrollable world of the internet. 

In general, does 'uncontrollable' carry positive or negative connotations? Can you appreciate that they might not want to dive into it?

11 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

Some brothers have been drawn into online debates and thus have brought added reproach on Jehovah’s name.

I have seen it. I try not to be Exhibit A.

11 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

An online forum is not an appropriate setting for “instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed.”'

Have you found that it is?

11 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

They don't want people having online discussions independent of the org,

You have it exactly backwards. They do want people having their discussions independent of them - don't drag their artwork or logos into it.

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On 12/30/2017 at 7:18 AM, Ann O'Maly said:

Witness said about there still being Facebook pages for Lett and Morris. I guess we are to understand these are fraudulent. :)

I guess.  Although this page has Lett written all over it.  But, sure as I post this link, the page will be gone.  

If indeed it's authentic, who's guilty of lying; the writer of the article, or the GB who reviewed it?



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10 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

That's pretty interesting, and it sounds convincing, but do you have any proof of it?

I do not know what you want specific proof of, but I was there, and paying close attention.

  It made a BIG impression on me as I noticed the only regular really "fun" thing that we had was shut down, and the inanity of the "save gas" excuse now rings even MORE hollow as I travel 4 hours to an Assembly, when I used to travel 1 .5 hours.

You could ask any Elder that was there during that time period ... and ask to see the directive from the GB that shut that meeting down, with one of the SPECIFIC lame excuses that it was to save gas, in that directive. It was read at the meeting and posted on the Kingdom Hall bulletin board.

Remember, unless you use approved words, in approved phrases, about approved ideas. using approved examples ... you will not be called on to give a comment. 

Unless you are 90 years old, and you ramble on a lot about your experiences in 1943.


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38 minutes ago, PommyGit said:
On 12/29/2017 at 9:56 PM, biddy2331@gmail.com said:

This forum is so full of apostates that it should be closed down


When you joined up, there was a general warning that said something along the lines of, "Be prepared to have your views/opinions/beliefs challenged."

What about that did you misunderstand?


... and I think ANYONE with the SLIGHTEST bit of common sense should be taken out into the Kingdom Hall parking lot and MAIMED!


Stupid apostates!


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