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Proverbs 4:18 - ‘Light Getting Brighter’

Srecko Sostar

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17 hours ago, Rosalie Barry said:

As the Bible says the light gets brighter as we get closer to the end

:)) I apologize, but wish to react on this "fraze", on this "fama" from WT Company. 

In Prov 4:18 we read this; "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day."

First of all the main point here is THE PATH and not the light! Path of some person (righteous one) can go in good direction only with help from higher Source (the light aka God and this LIGHT is NOT CHANGEABLE  as it is JW light of/on interpretations.

Light from god is the same in all stages of the day - no shadows.

In literal meaning of Proverbs, daylight gets brighter because of sun. But this light changes his intensity in the same day. Until evening you are in the dark again.

In parable (with modern fulfilment on WTBTS inc.) or allegorical meaning picture looks something like this short description ; :)))

WT JWorg is the sun (despite the fact that JW members firmly believe how their and WT source of "light" is JHVH ), because WT doctrinal explanation are making full day circle - morning, noon, evening, night. And just as the daylight have all this phases, the same "destiny" WT interpretations have too. In the "morning" some of WT teachings looks like it shows something what promise big hope. In the "noon time" this teaching firmly stand as "the truth based on bible evidence". As daylight lose his power "evening" bring disappointment to JW people (and GB bible scholars too) and  through the dark period of night some sleepless people (bible scholars) try hard to see where they made mistake. And after working in the night (without the proper light) they are ready to bring "new light idea" in the "morning" of a new day.        :))

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... and just like the Sun ... the light DOES NOT grow brighter.   Our Sun is a variable star, yes, but over a very long period of time ... but every morning it gets brighter BECAUSE obstructions

It works the exact same way with physics and chemistry .... and astronomy. At one time we thought an atom was indivisible ... hence the name ... but now we know even its parts have parts have par

:)) I apologize, but wish to react on this "fraze", on this "fama" from WT Company.  In Prov 4:18 we read this; "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the

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On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 11:49 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

But this light changes his intensity in the same day. Until evening you are in the dark again.


Proverbs 4:18 “But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light

That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.”


In this Scripture, the path is LIKE the morning lightUNTIL FULL daylight.
It is about the way the light gradually WILL definitely continue to grow brighter.


The Scripture is not about nighttime and darkness. It is only using the GROWING of the light as an illustration of HOW the “PathGROWS brighter, meaning you can see better (have better understanding), because it is brighter now than it was before (when the understanding was not as clear as it is now).

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... and just like the Sun ... the light DOES NOT grow brighter.  

Our Sun is a variable star, yes, but over a very long period of time ... but every morning it gets brighter BECAUSE obstructions are rotated out of the way.

... same with Theology.

The light was ALWAYS THERE!

It was HUMANS obscuring it.

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9 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Actually ... it's not the Sun coming up ... but the horizon going down..


1 hour ago, DeeDee said:

is like the bright morning light

In the MORNING the sun is coming UP...not going DOWN

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7 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

... and just like the Sun ... the light DOES NOT grow brighter.

The SUN does not get brighter, but the LIGHT gets brighter...

That is how I know when it is time to get up...When I can SEE! :)

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16 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

... same with Theology.

The light was ALWAYS THERE!

When Jesus was here he said at John 16:12, 13:

     “I still have many things to say to you, but you are NOT able to bear them NOW. However, when that one comes, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own initiative, but what he hears he will speak…"


So, it would seem that the light was not all there when Jesus was here...

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57 minutes ago, DeeDee said:

Proverbs 4:18 “But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light

That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.”


In this Scripture, the path is like the morning lightÂ…UNTIL FULL daylight.
It is about the way the light gradually WILL definitely continue to grow brighter.


The Scripture is not about nighttime and darkness. It is only using the GROWING of the light as an illustration of HOW the “Path” GROWS brighter, meaning you can see better (have better understanding), because it is brighter now than it was before (when the understanding was not as clear as it is now).

Thanks Dee for respond.

As you very well pointed out - this is (just) ILLUSTRATION. This verse, as i think now, have purpose to illustrate, to give perspective, picture about way of living of one group of people (righteous people, or more precisely said - about people who tend, strive to be accepted by God and who will be after they completed their way of living, under the Law, because this is about Jews old nation, will be, would be declared as righteous by this same God JHVH) 

For Jesus followers, to be declared righteous by God it is something else in "game". People need to have faith, not deeds of "righteous" by Law, law, rules, organizational arrangements, accepting particular doctrines and similar.

What is growing in Proverbs? Path or light? Do we need to use literal words  of this and that and then transport possible meaning, make transition of bible idioms from one meaning to another, for purpose to explain why our personal or organizational errors, wrong interpretations, beliefs, teachings in the past time are EXCUSES AND JUSTIFICATION  for lies, wrong interpretation and ideas of CLERGY people who run WT and who accused others who not accept or disagree or have no faith in TEMPORARY, current "truth" that in fact is NOT TRUTH - but only opinion.    

If people have "dark light" of human interpretations and opinions that are FORCED (by GB) as only way, then your path is not "path of righteous" but path of "blind faith believer", fanatic, zealot - who follow earthly humans not god. 

Yes, Scripture is about dark and light. Daylight and darkness. And Bible warns about this. :)  


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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

living, under the Law, because this is about Jews old nation,

With Jesus the OLD Law of the Jews (the Mosaic Law) was replaced with a NEW Law..."the law of the Christ." (Gal. 6:2)

The Law was simplified. (Matt. 22:35-40)

Galatians 6:2 Go on carrying the burdens of one another,

and in this way you will FULFILL the law of the Christ.


Matthew 22:35-40 – And one of them [the Pharisees], versed in the Law, tested him [Jesus] by asking:

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

He said to him:

“‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’

This is the greatest and first commandment.

The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’

On these TWO commandments the WHOLE Law hangs and the Prophets.”

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What is growing in Proverbs? Path or light?

If you were on a path in the night, you cannot see the path.

If you shine a flashlight on the path, then you can now see the path.

When it becomes full daylight, you do not need to use the flashlight anymore.

Now the light is bright enough for you to clearly see the path.


The older teachings of the WT are like the flashlight...

They shine SOME light on a darkened path.

As the light gets brighter, our path is easier to see.

Then we do not need to use the flashlight anymore.

The OLD understandings are not as bright as the NEW understandings.

So, the flashlight is turned off, and you walk in the NEW source of light.

Does that explain it?


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2 minutes ago, DeeDee said:

Does that explain it?

By your opinion (if you take in consideration all you know about all WT explanations until now, past "wrong" teachings and new teachings that are temporary looks as "true" teachings, but you never know what tomorrow will bring and nullified or changed what you embraced today as "new light") in what period of 0-24 hours WT are in present time? 

But also in what hour of day has been first Christians? Because as i had read reports from Bible, i can draw same parallel between them and WT from Russell to nowadays JW. They had wrong interpretations, expectations, rules for living, divisions, injustice, moral fails and similar. And they passed as Path, Movement. Or they has changed and became organized religion under name Catholic church. And then again you have dissidents and movements and protestants movements and you have 19 century and all those new "religions" that run from Catholic and Protestant. :))   

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49 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

(if you take in consideration all you know about all WT explanations until now, past "wrong" teachings and new teachings that are temporary looks as "true" teachings, but you never know what tomorrow will bring and nullified or changed what you embraced today as "new light")

We know that things WILL change as the LIGHT gets BRIGHTER on our PATH of following God.

For those of us who "TRUST in Jehovah," we trust that Jehovah WILL give us WHATEVER we need, WHEN we need it.

        “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart,

                 and do not rely on your own understanding.

          In all your ways take notice of him,

                  and he WILL make your PATHS straight.” - Proverbs 3:5, 6

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