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Proverbs 4:18 - ‘Light Getting Brighter’

Srecko Sostar

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Well the Bible was not rewritten in our time. What Bro Rook is saying is that the truth was always there but we were not able to understand it. Jesus said and knew that we would not then have been able to bear it. As time progressed we would understand it.  And the time is now , so we are understanding better.


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... and just like the Sun ... the light DOES NOT grow brighter.   Our Sun is a variable star, yes, but over a very long period of time ... but every morning it gets brighter BECAUSE obstructions

It works the exact same way with physics and chemistry .... and astronomy. At one time we thought an atom was indivisible ... hence the name ... but now we know even its parts have parts have par

:)) I apologize, but wish to react on this "fraze", on this "fama" from WT Company.  In Prov 4:18 we read this; "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the

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It works the exact same way with physics and chemistry .... and astronomy.

At one time we thought an atom was indivisible ... hence the name ... but now we know even its parts have parts have parts.

at one time we thought there were canals on the planet Mars, and deep jungles on Venus.

... before that, the Earth was flat, and the center of the Universe.

At one time the rudimentary "Periodic Table of the Elements" only had  earth, water, air, and fire.

... and yes, people that did not believe these things were shunned, banished, and burned at the stake.

We learn from our mistakes .... sometimes.

The relentless search for the TRUTH always comes with mountains of innocent bodies as collateral damage.



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11 hours ago, DeeDee said:

Galatians 6:2 Go on carrying the burdens of one another,

and in this way you will FULFILL the law of the Christ.

With this verse you made important point. Knowledge about something is important, Teaching/doctrine about something is important. Organizational policy and rules are also important. BUT means nothing and can be false and err and can be replaced with another way of thinking and conclusions. You have, as you mentioned previously, Mosaic Law aka perfect, everlasting commands by god JHVH. But what happened with this Perfect and Eternal, The Best Law of the World?? Deleted! By Jesus and by JHVH.

If you/we apply that same "principles" on WT history of interpretations, even if we make agreement/consensus how all teachings and practice from this "only one true religion" are"was in line with TRUTH and RIGHTEOUS----- such conclusion and belief and persuasion give no guarantee that this/such set of religious "truths" will stay truth forever.

If it is so with this, why WT and GB "force" people to believe how only this what they teach can bring them life? And those who disagree naming as apostate or unbelievers or sinners or condemned for destruction in Armageddon?        

Galatians gives answer. Not WT set of beliefs. :))

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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

... same with Theology.

WT represented themselves (in Proclaimers book pages 132) as Progressive, Not Creed-Bound (organization).  

But also on page 133 they quoted Russell and the idea of Progressive Truth. 

Furthermore, different to this quotations, on pages 708,709 they said how Understanding is Progressive.


Obviously we have few and more elements that makes confusion. 

What is connected with term progressive?                                                                                                           1)organization, 2) truth, 3) understanding and 4) light (as they made explanation on Proverbs;"light getting brighter", light=JHVH or The Truth, truth (aka understanding) getting brighter aka truth are progressive as Proclaimers book highlight that Russell said.

Because we living on Earth, from our perspective Light (Sun) moves from E-W and getting brighter and give us more light and warm. Not Earth rotation :))))) And because the same reason, many, almost all, of bible reports are from Earthly perspective not from Heavenly perspective. Events and their descriptions and even conclusions are made by earthly observer. Some of especially inspired messages in dreams or vision or in other mental and emotional states of some persons is extraordinary event.  

WT claim how they are not inspired by JHVH but He leds or guide them to such progressive understanding because they (GB) cultivate fruitage of spirit. Are they only one who cultivate fruitage of spirit? 



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This is one of many verses the watchtower takes liberty in changing it's context. They use it to change doctrine, but this verse is not about changing doctrine. It's about righteous people will walk in the light, wicked people will walk in utter darkness. 

So they replace the words 'light getting brighter' to 'new light'. But that doesn't work either because in the bible the only one bringing new light is satan transforming himself into light.

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4 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

they replace the words 'light getting brighter' to 'new light'.


Actually, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures does not use the words “new light.”

Here is what the wording is:


(Proverbs 4:18) But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.

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18 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

What Bro Rook is saying is that the truth was always there but we were not able to understand it.


15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It works the exact same way with physics and chemistry .... and astronomy.

Thank you. Now I understand what was meant by:


22 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

... and just like the Sun ... the light DOES NOT grow brighter.  


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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

why WT and GB "force" people to believe how only this what they teach can bring them life?

God has given us the gift of free will, so no one is "forced" to do ANYTHING...

God is also the one who reads hearts and will not destroy any who repent (1 Pet. 3:9)...

God is also the one who had written in the holy scriptures these words at Heb. 13:17:

Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive,

for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account,

so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you.


God wanted the Israelites to obey Moses when he was leading God's people...

God is now leading his people by way of his earthly organization.


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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are they only one who cultivate fruitage of spirit? 

Gal 5:16-24 encourages us all to "Keep walking by spirit" and then explains what the "fruitage" is, so we should all TRY to cultivate the fruitage of the spirit.


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