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I THINK WERE GETTING A ICE AGE HERE AGAIN! - 100 ? years never so cold! - ❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️

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Arctic warming means we're getting an ice age here again?     

@Ann O'Maly No more Ice Age Please? 100 years going back in time makes me frozen! ??????

Immortality of a human soul is the biggest lie ever perpetrated on humanity ... "global warming"  caused by man is the second biggest lie.

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59 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I used to do solar insolation studies for a living ... THIS is why we have climate change.

Milankovitch Cycles.

...and the fact that Sol is a variable star.

But these effects are only pieces of a larger picture; environmental and climate scientists have already factored that in.

38 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

BECAUSE it is getting warmer ... bacteria are pumping out more CO2.


Direct evidence of human contribution to atmospheric CO2


35 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

CO2 is ...PLANT FOOD !

Plants extract carbon from the AIR to make wood, etc, and poop OXYGEN.

But you need sufficient quantities of plant life to offset the excess CO2. And also ...

"From logging, agricultural production and other economic activities, deforestation adds more atmospheric CO2 than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world's roads"

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Most of the Planets sequestration of carbon through photosynthesis ... and the resultant release of oxygen when the CO2 molecule is broken up, is done by Ocean plant life ... NOT land plants ... but about that... there are more forests in the United States now than there were at the time of the founding, due to wildfires that are controlled by man.

The planet has been devastated by fire many times. ... and when it rains, the carbon mixes with the rain and becomes acid rain ... clearing the atmosphere. ( and eating your cars paint job).

As a person who has calculated land areas for a living, I can tell you that unless your quote:

7 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

"From logging, agricultural production and other economic activities, deforestation adds more atmospheric CO2 than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world's roads"

has hard data done by actual measurements .... AND those measurements are accurate ... that quote is a meaningless lie. Do you REALLY think the author of that quote ACTUALLY counted the trees, and the cars, trucks, and such? And that is just the BEGINNING or rational basis to START such calculations.


You have been duped.

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35 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Most of the Planets sequestration of carbon through photosynthesis ... and the resultant release of oxygen when the CO2 molecule is broken up, is done by Ocean plant life ... NOT land plants ... but about that...

Plants cannot live on CO2 alone

36 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

but about that... there are more forests in the United States now than there were at the time of the founding, due to wildfires that are controlled by man.

Great. Have the conservation and regrowth of U.S. forests kept pace with the deforestation rates in the rest of the world, primarily the Amazon?

38 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

As a person who has calculated land areas for a living, I can tell you that unless your quote:

52 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

"From logging, agricultural production and other economic activities, deforestation adds more atmospheric CO2 than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world's roads"

has hard data done by actual measurements .... AND those measurements are accurate ... that quote is a meaningless lie. Do you REALLY think the author of that quote ACTUALLY counted the trees, and the cars, trucks, and such?

The author took the figures from studies. 

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It's a win-win-win situation for everybody !

1. You get to "save the planet" by giving them money ... or having the government confiscate it and give it to them.

2. They will assume all of your artificial  guilt, liberating you from feeling helpless.

3. They will become rich beyond the dreams of avarice ... due to the scale of the "problem".

Even better than the Catholic Church selling Indulgences for criminal sins, and FAR more profitable.

The greatest scam ever conceived by the mind of man.

...makes me jealous I did not think of it first !

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The reason I linked to the article was to respond to your idea that an increase in CO2 is good thing because ... PLANTS. We need sufficient quantities of plants to use up the CO2. If people keep chopping down huge land areas of forest, there won't be enough plant life to absorb all this supposed beneficial CO2. But too much CO2 isn't good for plants anyway, and they need more than that to survive and thrive. See the article 'Plants cannot live on CO2 alone' linked to earlier.

Excess CO2 results in the acidification of the salty oceans which in turn harms ocean life - including plant life. You mentioned acid rain before. Even though you said it's a result of mixing carbon and rainwater (it actually results from mixing sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides with rainwater), you apparently didn't join the dots of how damaging it would be and is to plants!

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Of course, Ann ... I was of necessity giving a very abbreviated synopsis with the emphasis on what happens with Carbon, only, because of the often bandied about phrase "Carbon Footprint".

It does not affect me at all if you believe it all takes place because of elves and mushrooms ... I just hate to see honest people scammed by the stampeding herd mentality, and them being cheated through intricate webs of lies that will make the Carbon Certificate Brokers incredibly rich .... at gullible peoples' expense.

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59 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I just hate to see honest people scammed by the stampeding herd mentality, and them being cheated through intricate webs of lies

Sometimes the stampeding herd mentality is right (like those who advocate 2+2=4). Sometimes the stampeding herd mentality is wrong (like when the consensus was that we lived in a geocentric universe). 

You will have to provide some darned, good, scientific arguments to overturn all the evidence that the acceleration of global warming is being caused by man.

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