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Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.

Jack Ryan

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1 hour ago, DespicableME said:

LOL!!! , if anyone decides to go nude to prove a point? Know Caesars indecency laws




And then there's Europe -ya American prunes! I mean prudes :D


It doesn't mention the UK, where nudity is also legal, (unless it causes distress to the viewer. Makes sense. I just love British laws, lol)

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Sometimes things are so insane that you think someone is repeating a Parody off of "The Onion" .... but then you realize .... these folks are dead serious.

It’s okay.  Your comments made me think of myself and my own experiences.  I take it all in stride now.  Thanks for sharing!!!  ... now my problem is makeup.  LOLOLOLOL #itsgoodtolaugh

I can imagine a situation where it was a sister's fault that the entire songbook had to be updated again. And, although it's pure speculation, it wouldn't be the first time something like this happene

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

if he had adopted the same tone as to dress and grooming, he could have pointed to me as Exhibit A

Writers get away with a lot of things. It's like scientists and scholars, being disheveled is expected and accepted. There was a brother (elder) who gave a talk at our hall a few years back, and I kid you not, he looked like he had just come back from a day at the beach, surfing. Blonde sun kissed hair barely skimming short of his clavicle. And yes, believe it or not he was Australian!! I guess tanned Australians, like writers and scientists, can get away with a certain look....

P.S. Anyway, I must get back to the more serious topic of 607 on the other thread, now that my browser problem is fixed...

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9 minutes ago, Anna said:

Writers get away with a lot of things. It's like scientists and scholars, being disheveled is expected and accepted.

It is not generally known that I am a writer. The first book is only two years old. And I have never done anything to call specific attention to the blog. They just cut me slack - apparently because they think I am an all-around good guy. I am a peacemaker, not inclined to push and shove,  and that reputation goes far today.

Truth be told,  the books are not exactly flying off the shelf as they ought. I need better marketing.

The ebook version of the Russian book will be free at first - it is public interest. It will be the first book that I get into print.. Self-published as a paperback is a piece of cake. As to hardcover, I will pursue it once I figure how to go about it. 

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Just now, TrueTomHarley said:

even the books are not exactly flying off the shelf as they ought. I need better marketing

Better marketing maybe, but you must understand that you are addressing a VERY limited audience. Although 8 million could be considered a fair number, many of those are skeptical and won't read anything published by a brother unless it comes with Bethel's blessing. Maybe that's who you need to talk to! Just kidding. But you must admit, I do have a point. (I still want to order a book for my mother in law, which one would you recommend?) 

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11 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I need better marketing.

What if you took a stack of coupons for the book(s) and attached them to small pieces of gum, and then surreptitiously stuck them to the bottom of every chair in the hall, repeating this process in 100 or 200 Kingdom Halls in the next year? Over the following year, the gum would lose its gumminess (Mt 5:13?) and then your coupon would be picked up by hundreds of different people over time. It'd be like a silent book tour where most of your effort is spent chewing and sitting down, and shifting your seat more often than most.

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16 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

What if you took a stack of coupons for the book(s) and attached them to small pieces of gum, and then surreptitiously stuck them to the bottom of every chair in the hall,

I have only netted a couple hundred sales through that method. It sounds good, but the payoff is less than you might think.

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14 hours ago, Anna said:

Although 8 million could be considered a fair number, many of those are skeptical and won't read anything published by a brother unless it comes with Bethel's blessing.


14 hours ago, Anna said:

Better marketing maybe, but you must understand that you are addressing a VERY limited audience.

No. The brothers are but one audience and not necessarily the primary one. It is also newsmakers, news reporters, and even former Witnesses - in the Return to Me fashion, only less 'preachy.' Our definition and the general world's definition of that term will differ. To the extent possible, I use theirs. The book does not go into anything doctrinal, anyway. Where it is found, it is tangential. 

The book covers communist history, our campaign of letter-writing, the appeal, NWT ban, and branch seizure. A neutral person at any one of those trials might wonder what the gov't has against JWs. There obviously is something, but they do not say. They just steamroller over us to arrive at apparently a decision already made. So later on I offer the reasons for opposition and mount a defense & that is the majority of the book.

One must know what one can do and what one cannot. I do not weigh in (significantly) on the 607 stuff here because I know I cannot. With regard to Russian background, I can. Few brothers can explain the world from the world's point of view. I try to tackle that - time will tell if it is done well or not. I also do not follow the western media pattern of demonizing the country or its leaders. Most of our people can explain, from a spiritual point of view, what is happening. Fewer from the Russian citizen's point of view, and almost nobody from the government's point of view. I try to reverse the order.

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On 1/8/2018 at 17:41, Anna said:

I wondered why this issue was even raised.

Now when they have only few magazines per year they need to have some extra, additional material to write about. And because all important theme they were already told and wrote, now they must invent some new clear, hot water to talk about and to make deeper spiritual knowledge, insight in the bible for the flock that still stayed inside. :))) 

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