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Mormon's "Mountain Meadows Massacre"

John Lindsay Barltrop

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........perhaps they did that to those that they massacred at the "Mountain Meadows ".........it may have helped their conscience???

I worked with a direct descendent of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I learned a lot about this tragedy where over 120 men, women, and children lost their lives to Morman treachery. They used the white

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I worked with a direct descendent of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I learned a lot about this tragedy where over 120 men, women, and children lost their lives to Morman treachery. They used the white flag and promise of freedom to lure the people of the wagon train out in the open. Apparently 8 is the age of reason so although younger ones died, most were older. The mormans even took the bloodied clothing from the victims, and 13 young children. The families of these ones had to fight for a year to get them back. As a side note the wagon train led by Baker and Fancher was extremely wealthy. Fine livestock and horses, one of which was worth close to $1 million, money, furniture, goods,etc was taken; it was never returned. These ones on the wagon train were going to California to start a cattle and horse empire with the animals they had with them. Among the direct decendents and others the belief is strong that Brigham Young was the one who instigated the slaughter. But the LDS church denies that and has not apologised for what they did. There is a Mountain Meadows monument where some of the dead have been interred. The LDS and the defendants have worked to have this done, although the defendants had to push hard for these innocent souls to be recognized. The descendents also fought for and received national park status. 

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4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

I worked with a direct descendent of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I learned a lot about this tragedy where over 120 men, women, and children lost their lives to Morman treachery. They used the white flag and promise of freedom to lure the people of .............................Meadows monument where some of the dead have been interred. The LDS and the defendants have worked to have this done, although the defendants had to push hard for these innocent souls to be recognized. The descendents also fought for and received national park status. 

Thanks for that information, and from several of the accounts that I have read of the massacre, Brigham Young was either the instigator or at least involved. I have a set of 4 DVD's entitled "The West" and it is a 12 hour documentary using old photographs and narration and deals with the triumphs and tragedies in the 'days of the wild west' and this massacre was included. It was also not backward in telling of  the slaughter of the American Indian tribes..........and of course the "right" of every American to own/carry a gun............to an outsider it looks as those days of the 'wild west' are still there with the mass shootings that take place in America.

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I said: on the 16/1/2018 "........to an outsider it looks as those days of the 'wild west' are still there with the mass shootings that take place in America."

Unfortunately the tragic circumstances of this recent massacre in Florida has proven my words correct..........mind you I guess that is not particularly hard to do, when you consider that there have been 32 massacres involving single gunmen since the year 2000.

I still maintain that this is all tied up with the second amendment and those who feel that it is there inalienable right to carry a gun.

Even so called third world countries cannot come anywhere near that unenviable record.

It is certainly undeniable evidence that we need God's Kingdom to sort out matters concerning Satan's world. How we as Jehovah's servants hope that is "Just Around the Corner.'

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