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Does the Governing Body live on-campus or off-campus?


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1 hour ago, AllenSmith said:

Your jealousy is showing JTR. If you don’t like your present status in life, you should have upgraded yourself from waste management engineer to some other higher paying Job. Then maybe you wouldn't care who lives in a gated community that is dedicated to serving God.


Then perhaps, you can reacquaint yourself with the Promise you now shy yourself from God, by reintroducing yourself, in understanding scripture to benefit your Christian Life, NOT manÂ’s Worldly Ideologies. Proverbs 29:25, Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Corinthians 1:27


Then pass it on to your little, friends here! There are one hundred and one ways to view scripture, Romans 8:5, but ONLY one, that is “acceptable” to GOD!!! ¬¬


@James Thomas Rook Jr.

Only enter this section if you feel strong enough spiritually to defend yourself biblically. As you probably are aware, not everyone on Facebook, Twitter and the Internet is nice and civilized. Some are rather rude. You are hereby forewarned.


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6 minutes ago, Witness said:

@James Thomas Rook Jr.

Only enter this section if you feel strong enough spiritually to defend yourself biblically. As you probably are aware, not everyone on Facebook, Twitter and the Internet is nice and civilized. Some are rather rude. You are hereby forewarned.


There is only one person in the world that this warning does not have to be given to.

(Hmm. a twinge of hesitation as to whether I should even say this, for he does have significant redeeming features. Ah, well - one must go with the online persona one has adopted)

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3 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

Could you please explain why you keep insisting all of Christendom churches are mega churches....I sure don't belong to a mega church and the church I attend isn't worth billions of dollars like the watchtower is or these other mega churches, why do you keep insisting all churches are mega churches and all pastors live like Hinn? 

And you guys have yet to explain why they had to build a highly secured luxury compound and still don't provide one dime in charity.

No one is insisting, for you are the one who brought up Billy Hinn and compare him to church leaders of the JWs, and what we did was response, nothing more nothing less, than you started to throw in "your church this, your church that", and I was the only one who response was made to your church was regarding "charity the act of buying and selling inside a church" because you stated that a JW told you that it was sinful to do such inside a church, and you assume this is just JWs when a majority of Christians feel the same way while others do it anyways and ignore scripture.

Plus it is fact and true, that Mega Churches do take in a large amount of revenue compared to most churches out there, for they have about 2,000-40,000+ coming in every week and if majority out of that number range who donates turns out to be a big number, this is the reason why it is said that Mega Churches is a Big Business. As for the Vatican, they have well over that amount, city blocks of people showing up wherever the Pope is, and revenue is generated from that, in addition to the money taking in by secondary sources such as government/state, etc. It is nothing compared to those outside of the Mega Church circle, however, some single churches tend to seek out money to better themselves than the ministry.

Second, every Jehovah's Witness have their own choice to donate to a charity of their choice, as do every Christian and non-Christian. No one is stopping anyone from doing as such because the individual has the right to manage their own money and choose to spend their money how they see fit. But never in a lifetime you'll catch them turning their churches into a place of commerce, as I stated before because JWs to it's core is still a Christian Primitivism denomination (Restorationism) for that is of which they came from (History of Christianity even makes this known). Restorationists NEVER reap donations by buying/selling inside their church (temple).  The Jehovah Witness whom you claim to have told you that was wrong for it to call it a sin, but, such an action is prohibited to even take place inside churches. You gotta start thinking if Jesus came to your church right now, because he is the head of the church, you think he would be cool with the church raising money inside their churches by selling/buying stuff and or fundrasiers inside the temple itself? He wouldn't be too pleased, and if it was his father, he would most defiantly not be too pleased with that.

For this is the view of majority of Christians who take to heart of what is said in the bible, not just a JW thing as you want to claim it to be.

3 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

So about the life and times of the gods of the watchtower: this is just a small example.


Of course they don't live lives like the likes of Hinn, or Olsteen or other fake preachers. But still everything is provided for the gods of the watchtower, they are the key holders to the millions of dollars they control.

Now you are contradicting yourself, look at what you said earlier: Those 7 men you worship now realized how they want to live in Luxury like Benny Hinn or the Pope, fly first class, stay in 5 star hotels and don't lift a finger for the billions of dollars they control. Sounds like your jealous of them.

Now then, I know who Cedars is, I was the one of the many who made mention of his best friend (whom I had defended) being attacked by the people who seem to be gunning for JWs, for death threats, insult, and the like was side by the Anti-JW group, some things far worse coming out of the Anti-JW camp as the days went on by, even on the man's channel whereas he made private now to stop being harassed by Anti-JWs but they wouldn't stop after the damage has been done, if you do not know this, it has something to do with what took place in the Passaic and Orange County in November around the days the fascist group, ANTIFA was suppose to take action, which I made comment about even responding to you who supported this.

I said, also the video stated, the people's reaction to former religious members attacking a religion they use to be part of that was borderline extremist when it came to their against against the faith, in addition, it was also said that better ways of handling things. For it came to a point where even those sticking up for the man and JWs were subjected to being verbally too, to make things more interesting, Anti-JWs even attacked a gay man who considered that what they did was going overboard. The one who led a charge to attack this man was a London native, goes by the name TheGreatapostate and some other guy with glasses on YouTube, who verbally attack Cedar's friend and anyone who supported what he had to say. The thread I made such mentions of this event, which I made my comment on the thread that pertains to what took place, ironically, you were present, you, a Christian, in support of the attack that even the locals deemed as out of line, but I guess it further proves my point of some Christians encouraging Christian Infighting. You may want to speak on your pastor of infighting in the faith since you now reminded me.

Anyways, as for your source,

First understand First Class and Business Class are 2 different things.

That being said, the article speaks of a single church leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses. That single person is said to have had his wife with him also (so it should not be so hard to narrow down who is married and who isn't or any of them being present in Africa), as the article says, as for your claim you make it seem all of them are doing this, plus you were dishonest on saying they took First Class, when the alleged information states Business, which is far different from First Class. But now we know that this 2016 article is only makes mention to one who is married.

Now the biggest kicker here is Africa and going there in the Fall, and Africa has several points for end destinations all with different prices that change every time, and seeing that the cost as allegedly $4,500 per person (husband and wife), the factors you would have to look at is what airline they used for the article states that they are not going to jeopardize an employee who just called them in; withholding information as some said in the comments.

The season they took the flight on, obviously being Fall (September), a time whereas tickets are stupid expensive and can go up and down almost every hour, but still maintain high numbers and depending on the actual airline that is used. We also can see that most likely that the flight was Non-Stop overseas, additional amount to the already piled up expensive; for Non-Stop is usually somewhat of an extra pay.

The article didn't disclose the location, obviously, but the range of the alleged price points to either Lagos, Johannesburg, Cape Town,  or Casablanca around that range.

So for example if you were to go to Johannesburg, from New York to that location

If you take Non-Stop (sometimes 1 stop)

Normal-  base $966 (price ranges: https://www.google.com/flights/#search;f=JFK,LGA,EWR;t=JNB;d=2018-03-09;r=2018-03-13)

Prices: $700-$8,000+ (Coach/Premium Economy)

Business- base $5,578 (price ranges: https://www.google.com/flights/#search;f=JFK,LGA,EWR;t=JNB;d=2018-03-09;r=2018-03-13;sc=b)

Prices: $3,000-$20,000+

First Class- base $11,900 (price ranges: https://www.google.com/flights/#search;f=JFK,LGA,EWR;t=JNB;d=2018-03-09;r=2018-03-13;sc=f)

Prices: $11,000-$31,000+

For the other places it varies, but you kind of get the picture from one location.

Since it isn't Fall, it isn't easy to pinpoint the actual airport or attempt to do so, as for New York to Africa, I would assume this church leader and his wife had used John F. Kennedy International Airport, since it isn't that far off from Warwick. From there you can see the various airlines available there too, take a look, they got different colors and shapes: https://www.airport-jfk.com/airlines.php 

In the end, this is a one time instance with a single church leader from a source, who is mentioned in the comments to not be giving much information. That being said, it debunks the private plane claims, as some the opponents of the faith have said.

Lastly, I am pretty sure this leader didn't go to Africa to fool around. If the guy went to expand and or preach the ministry and help out his brothers and sisters in the faith, as the comments claim he did not, then he is advancing the ministry by spreading the gospel and assisting the church members as a church leader should be doing, not going to an all you can eat buffet, and spend days luxurious hotel doing absolutely nothing until time comes for him and his wife to return. For anyone going to somewhere, there is always a reason, no one likes wasting time.

You may as well through in the 5 star hotels as you mention, so I can look up the prices for that too, for those are easy because they do not skyrocket every season.

It would have been insane if they did use first class and went to Africa to not doing anything at all, which defeats the purpose of Evangelizing/Missionary work and stuck to wasting time than using the time to advance the gospel. Also surely you could have phone better than that, I can't help but think you pulled this link from a quick google search (literally), for it is the first thing on the list when you look this up. But hey, that is what Google is for, huh.


4 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

Now then you should know these sources you pulled is very, very outdated. Thought you might go for something recent than 1-shot google searches of anything attempting to further your claims which are rather weak, so to speak.

The first one is about 7 years old (for as of right now it is 2018 if no one here has noticed). Its focus is about the UK churches of JWs who have accumulated 4 million pounds (4,000,000 GBP) or more, which in USD is about $5,580,360.00 (roughly 5,000,000$ USD+) possibly more for in that same thread they go way back, however, the numbers still sit in the million dollar ranges and most likely could have gone up by then. Plus mind you, this is the same website where one of its members originated from who claims that "Jehovah's Witnesses have/own weapon stashes and ammunition inside their churches hidden away, believing in some guy named Fearon who had mentioned this" this was during the whole Russian situation that took place. (I got proof of this comment too before the user deleted everything she said).

Your second link is even older.15 years old. The JWs at the time didn't have JW.org, they had Watchtower.org, so you did yourself a favor by digging up a thread with a prehistoric website link that has since ceased its function. Anyways, this goes hand in hand with the above of how those response in the comment section.

In all 3 links one thing mentioned as a main focus, especially the comments, is regarding JWs and charity and or donating. When the reality here is, spreading the gospel, is indeed a charity, for one doesn't have to build a school, hospital, start a mini-org for children, etc.

For example, I can be tyrant religious fanatic and build schools an orphanages under my name, and yet I am still a ruthless and bad person, but in your eyes, me contributing as such automatically clears me of my sins when I still do as such, especially if I continue to do what I do and act as a foolish man to my church and to the public.

Anyways, one can do those things for it is a choice, which is understandable for you and everyone around here, because God gave us Free Will, but people of a faith do not necessarily have do those things, for again, their choice, plus some take not being part of the world with sheer seriousness so they stick to building churches only for that is vital to expanding the gospel and to spread it out even more and if they have a singular charity thing going on within their church via donations, no one is stopping them from doing so if the money is going towards something positive for God's Word and or the benefit of the church.

For donating does contribute to spreading the gospel, for I am sure the guy who went to Africa, as I said, didn't go there to party like a rock star, most likely he went to a church of his faith, as a leader would do so to speak the gospel to the followers of the same faith. For in Africa there are hundreds of JW churches, possibly each of them containing 4-5 or more congregations with other languages in said churches.

So Church leaders and or Pastors are obligated to do as such, but there is a thin line between Christians who spread the gospel and those who preach the prosperity gospel. For as long as their money is used solely to advance the Great Commission, then there shouldn't be a problem or means of attacking people who do what they are suppose to do compared to some Christians who do not do what is needed.

Aside from preaching the gospel, as I said before, JWs do relief effort, which is also a charitable thing to do as do other Christians. During a disaster, it is common for them, as do others, to go and help out their brothers and sisters, as well as anyone else who is in need. Some Christians do not boast to the news or the social media of helping out, they just do it because they see it is the right thing to do. But sadly when another guy does it is seen as normal, but when a group does it, it is considered propaganda, so in a way, people can be hypocrites with this mindset.

So the thing is, Spiritually, they are doing a charity when it comes to the Great Commission and physically, they will help out if given the chance, which you claim as with your hate-parade that they do not do anything with their time and or money to benefit people.

An outsider can see the lies of someone who shows hate to a group and it can be seen from you here.

4 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

So I would like you to back up your insistence that all churches of Christendom are mega churches and their leaders live like the pope  or Hinn/Olsteen, etc. 

No one said ALL of Christendom nor was anyone insisting only you said that, twice, attempting to make it seem as if others here stated such and no one is foolish to consider that ALL Christians do the same thing as the mega churches do, however, some churches do things for the money and not for the ministry, re-read the posts from your Benny Hinn claim and onward. The only thing said is that majority of Christendom (I also said "they are Christians in Christianity", "some Christians" and or anything pertaining to that) does this, nowhere it is said all Christians do this, but it is true and fact that even outside mega churches, some preach the gosepl for the money, and the money alone, a few names can easily be dropped here as proof, especially in the United States for such is crystal clear to those who really knows what is going on, for the prosperity gospel is not limited to the Vatican nor the Mega Churches, but also to standalone churches and or anything of the like, and it isn't big in the Non-Trinitarian space because Non-Trinitarianism is very small compared to the others, JWs are Non-Trinitarian you can see the list here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity Under Non-Trinitarian there is like a few compared to the the others mentioned.

But what is true is that all Christians evidently in Christendom will speak on those who practice the prosperity gospel, and proof of this is everywhere. For I even said the following: " A fun fact is all Christians will speak of pastors of Christendom who do live lavish lives" as for my other comment for buying/selling inside of a church, that is indeed true because mainstream Christians are always doing this, therefore, it is an issue with some people who are against it, as well as those in Christendom who are also against this also.

Churches that have one having to pay a pastor to visit them, churches who reap money via tithing to benefit the pastor and he/she alone, the list goes on and clearly you yourself seem to be not aware of such things in Christianity itself when it comes to various churches and how they operate. Whether they ask for money or not, the biggest factor is whether it benefits the pastor and his fellow workers only or does it support the ministry? There's no in-between. or the choosing of both sides.

You brought up your church so I will say something once again about it, but I will not speak of buying/selling in a church this time because I already addressed this, and you pretty much revealed that your church is of mainstream Christianity with your earlier comment, thus, my response.

Your church could be operating as normal as can be as a few others, but there are churches that may appear similar to yours, but only keeps the church running to benefit the pastor and the pastor alone, as well as his employed workers close to the pastor inside the church and the like, for the money generated isn't really used for the spreading of the gospel, as a said before.

As long as your pastor doesn't use the money for something ridiculous, but uses the money to support the church and maintain it, to support you as a member of that church as others in it, and if they choose to give money to a charity should they choose to do so or not (in some cases they only stick to one charity and not charities of the world), then it is all cool beans.

I believe your church leader, your pastor, is a good man, family man most likely and just like everyone else, he is imperfect, and will do anything that is best to protect his flock. He may not have known any better when it came to mixing commence with the temple, for mainstream Christians are brought up by traditions of former/past members and are not really taking into account of Jesus views such or how his Father, God, views it, but some may be ignorant and truly do not know, so they are spared for this, but some know what the bible says and knowingly do this, these persons will not be spared because the Father in heaven sees them, for nothing is hidden and everything is naked when Yahweh sees us down below on the earth itself. That is why I suggested that it may be best to talk to your pastor about how Jesus reacted to what took place in his Father's Temple, as I tell other Christians this who try to convince me that doing so in a church is not wrong, when clearly it is if you have other Christians shying away from it or even prohibiting it, but some who defend this practice will only add more fuel to the fire should anyone read those bible verses and the history of those in Christendom.

An example: should your pastor use the money to benefit himself more than you and the others, then that is a problem, especially if the donations taken isn't being used for advance the ministry, dunno if you go to minister to people, for that is what a Christian should be doing, but without support from the church to do so, you are pretty much stuck like a fish out of water without the resources to spread the message of the bible. That would most definitely be a problem and of concern, the point of which I have made and will continue to make time and time again should the situation calls for it, for majority of Christians operate this way while a few from Christianity do not, who genuinely consider the gospel as a priority over other things.

All in all, the only issue that will not sit well with other Christians(I felt like I said this one too many times to you already) is doing events in a church via buying/selling inside a temple itself,period. For I had said this, time and time again, to everyone here, and elsewhere. One of the reasons why Christians and non-Christians tend to speak of of churches who take in money and do not benefit the gospel.

Other than that, the Word of God and spreading the message is the best thing one can offer, for some Christians do not have much but the scriptures only, others having nothing at all but the scriptures itself, unlike you, I have been to and seen Christians who have nothing and they don't ask for things either, for they are that God's Word is far more important than anything else when it comes to giving. And that Christians have a choice to donate to support the ministry if they choose, and they can donate to charities and organizations that they know that is truly helping others, as some will just donate to Christian only organizations and relief efforts, ignoring non-Christian ones. But in the end, it is choice, and doing so in a way that does not break what is written by law, in scripture.

In the end is all comes down to what is being done with the money and resources, which puts a very large line between those who are doing what is needing to be done and those who are not.

PS: Christendom not only consist of multiple denominations, even though some of them are false, but they consist of various groups be it of mega churches, small town churches, organized churches, etc. Read up on your history of Christianity because it sheds more light on what is being said here, if you want you can start with the 1st century and onward.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I used to live in Malibu, California, on the Beach ... and in Hollywood, California in a "Hill House", overlooking Los Angeles lights and watched ships out at sea from my back deck ... from income generated by my own hand.

You NEVER know what you are talking about, and this is no exception.

You also never answer important questions, but attack the person asking them, as you have done here.

You are possibly a very fine Brother, among some I probably would not get along with, otherwise.

I used to live near and grew up by wonderful beaches and the food was always ready and fresh whereas when you walk in the streets, people were open to each other and always happy, singing even. The house were big, but all houses were big and luxurious looking in the area. Time went on by it seems Technology has changed all that, and being in the US technology seems to be the norm now, for even children nowadays don't have the latest action figures or toy as kids in the past always go for, but instead, the latest tech, tablet, etc. Latest video games, why call up friends to come over and play like back in the day when today you can play online with each other, not having to set foot outside of your home. Next thing you know, we will have machines cleaning our house for us, since the market for that is slowly growing.

But yeah, times were good back then, but I am happy I had the chance to experience it.

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There is no argument that there are quite a few con artist using religion as a front to live in million dollar compounds. But there are religions that do bring in a lot of money, but also put out a lot of money in charity. And to say Jesus wasn't into charity, I would like to see the scripture that says so.

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6 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Therefore, this statement is nothing more than a copout, by attempting to somehow wash the hands (SHIFT) of responsibility as Pilate attempted to do by the murder of Jesus!!!!

This statement is posted under the section “Controversy”.  I suppose you take it that attacks by JWs against their own members are not included in the warning? 

Matt 24:11,12


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57 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

There is no argument that there are quite a few con artist using religion as a front to live in million dollar compounds. But there are religions that do bring in a lot of money, but also put out a lot of money in charity. And to say Jesus wasn't into charity, I would like to see the scripture that says so.

Well the way you were throwing your rocks into the lake, so to speak, that seem to be a case since you began pushing out claims resulting in writing checks you can't cash.

In addition to that, no one said Jesus wasn't into charity, as Christians, we are to be open and willing in giving/receiving, whether we have the means to do it or not for we we have such choices to do so because we have free will, for God has given this to us, examples being helping out with something, donating to a church-only charity and or outside charities, buying resources for members of your church who are in need, using money to go help out in disaster hit areas.

This one would will probably rustle your jimmies since you are a contributor to Christian Infighting and don't like JWs, but a JW in CSE community has donated a bit of his money to help out a teenager named Anthony Borges, perhaps if you read what took place in parkland Florida just a couple of days ago, you would know who this individual is, 15 year old, taking 5 bullets to protect 20 of his classmates from a gunmen and thanks to his actions no one else was harmed; he survived, said to be in critical condition, but the good news is that he is in stable condition, as of yesterday.

But yeah, Christians should open to be charitable, for one shouldn't judge a person and or group for their choice in this regard.

Now then, yes, Jesus Christ is someone who takes no problem with charity, the giving and receiving to others, which is indeed expressing various qualities in doing so, HOWEVER, he was not a fan of buying/selling within the church, be it for a charity,  for the church, for the pastor, or the like, inside the TEMPLE was clearly forbidden. God the Father of the Christ was not a fan of this either. In English, since you didn't get it the first time: Not to make the House (Temple/Church) a place of commerce.

One of the reasons why I also said that: Some Christians will take issue with mainstream Christians who makes the TEMPLE [Church] a place of commerce [BUY/SELL/VENDOR/ETC]

I ask you this question (an obvious example of course): if your church is doing what it is doing by having such take place in a church, or any church for that matter that holds on to this "tradition" as they call it, and Jesus suddenly entered and witnessed what is talking place inside the church other than teaching, how do you think he would response? Or better yet, how would his Father response when he sends an angel to give message to the things he has seen taking place?

But it seems people have to baby you by re-posting scripture of what I said, which is in strong context/and connects with John 2:16 (Read your bible):


For scriptures, other than the verses in John that was previously mentioned, what comes to mind regarding the selling (or buying) in the church are these verses Jeremiah 7:11, Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, and Luke 19:45-46, which describe incidents when Jesus cleansed the Temple. When He saw the kinds of activities that were being carried on in His Father’s house, He became very angry. Clearly, this was not what the Temple was built for as well as Yahweh's reaction to such regarding the Temple that bares His name.

John 2:16 points to these verses:

Matthew 21:12-13

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

(12) And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.

(13) He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”

Note: What is written is of the Laws that Jesus and the Jews adhere to which applies to the Temple (the church), and what is written is to be followed. Read up the first 5 books in the Bible to understand such Laws, or simply look at Deuteronomy for an idea at least of such written laws; Laws of the Jews.

Mark 11:15-17 (18-19)

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

(15) And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.

(16) And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple.

(17) And he was teaching them and saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.”

Mark informs us about what is taking place afterwards in verses 18 and 19

(18) And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking a way to destroy him, for they feared him, because all the crowd was astonished at his teaching.

(19) And when evening came they went out of the city.

Luke 19:45-46 (47-48)

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

(45) And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold,

(46) saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.”

We see here that what Jesus only does is teaching in the temple, nothing more, for teaching benefits the spread of the gospel and obviously, just like in Mark, those who were plotting against him to have him killed.

(47) And he was teaching daily in the temple. The chief priests and the scribes and the principal men of the people were seeking to destroy him,

(48) but they did not find anything they could do, for all the people were hanging on his words.

Now in the Old Testament, we have what God the Father saying something similar.

Jeremiah 7:11

Evil in the Land

(11) Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, I myself have seen it, declares the Lord [YHWH].


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1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

 But there are religions that do bring in a lot of money, but also put out a lot of money in charity. 

No argument with this. It might be good to acknowledge this more frequently than is done.

Nonetheless, it is a bit like you hire a worker to reroof your house and he paints the house instead. Even though it did need painting, you are not happy. If he had painted in addition to reroofing, you would have been thrilled. But he painted instead of.

So it is with preaching good news and charitible works. Preaching always has the priority. See, for example, Matthew 9:35:

And Jesus set out on a tour of all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news of the Kingdom and curing every sort of disease and every sort of infirmity.

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On 2/22/2018 at 11:10 AM, AllenSmith said:

Therefore, understand the premise of Gods followers, with physical objects. An understanding that should be well known by those that comprehend, Acts 17:24, which makes this post a meaningless point.

Allen, I am so very glad to see you use the same scriptures I repeatedly share with JWs. 

John 4:24; Acts 17:24

We can conclude by the words of Acts 17:24 that God’s House – His dwelling -  is his Temple NOT made with hands. And that Temple, as scripture verifies, would be in the hearts of the anointed Body of Christ. John 2:19-21; Matt 16:18; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 21:14; 1 Cor 6:19-21  If we agree with this, then surely you can also plainly see the hypocritical teaching in this video.


And this one:


Since the Watchtower clearly exposes its idolatrous ways by calling meeting places, “God’s House”; basically, temples built with hands” (Acts 17:24), shouldn’t His true Temple/anointed ones question why God’s Temple is so defamed by substituting man-made buildings as more valuable than God’s Holy Temple made up of His "living stones"?  1 Pet 2:5,9

“Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?  Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,

I will dwell in them and walk among them;
And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
 “Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord.
“And do not touch what is unclean;
And I will welcome you.
 “And I will be a father to you,
And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,”
Says the Lord Almighty.  2 Cor 6:15-18

Please, just reason on this.  The organization’s teachings of upholding and boasting in, man’s visual desires are a stumbling block to God’s true Temple – and to you, and all other JWs. 


 “But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”  Matt 16:23





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