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Does the Governing Body live on-campus or off-campus?


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The key to understanding anything ... is CONTEXT! In context, what is being said is "If you are invited in as a guest, and shown hospitality ... do NOT go shopping around for better food and acco

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TrueTom returns to his abode after another hard day fleecing the flock.    

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Ever wonder why the GB needed an Eighth Member?

The more likely reason is due to the way that the Governing Body sees themselves. When the teaching was changed in 2012 to make the Governing Body the equivalent of the "faithful and discreet slave" there were eight members of the Governing Body. There were only eight active members when the following Watchtower article was written in 2009, and when one of these 8 died in 2014, he was just recently replaced so that there are currently 8 members again:

*** w09 6/15 p. 22 par. 10 The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body ***

  • Although all spirit-begotten Christians engaged in the preaching work, only a very limited number—just eight different men—were used to write the 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures.

Earlier in the same article, that same point was made with reference to all 12 of the apostles, which indicates that the point was meant to lead up to this idea that now focuses on just 8 who were feeding the rest:

*** w09 6/15 pp. 21-22 pars. 6-9 The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body ***

  • When Jesus appointed his 12 apostles, their primary work involved being sent out to preach the good news to others. . . .  However, as time went on and the Christian congregation was about to be established, the role of an apostle became an “office of oversight." What was the primary concern of the 12 apostles? The answer can be seen in the events following the day of Pentecost. When a dispute arose about the daily distribution of food to widows, the . . . 12 apostles gathered the disciples and said: “It is not pleasing for us to leave the word of God to distribute food to tables.” . . . So the primary responsibility for the spiritual feeding work rested with the apostles.—Acts 2:42.  In time, others were entrusted with weighty responsibilities. . . . They also became known as apostles, although they were not included in the original 12.

Several churches literally keep committees of 12 in leadership positions over their entire church to imply apostolic succession. If the article above had ended on the point just quoted, some would have thought that the Governing Body might be more easily defended as a body of 12 members, too. But the article immediately moved from "the 12" to "the 8."  The fact about the 8 Bible writers might be closer to the type of succession that is implied. It's a point that has been repeated more often than most have been aware of, not just as a point of fact, but since the 1980's as a direct indication of how the benefits of 'spiritual food' today found precedent with the 8 'inspired' men of the first century:

*** w85 11/1 p. 27 Part 1—Modern Stewardship of God’s Sacred Word ***

  • In time, eight Jewish members of this congregation were inspired to produce an additional 27 books,

*** ws chap. 13 The “Prince of Peace” Turns to Those Outside the New Covenant ***

  • 9. Did the widening out of the attention of the Mediator of the new covenant mean that the ministry of the new covenant had ended on earth?
  • 10. Who today are benefiting from the ministry of the new covenant as rendered by the eight writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures?
  • 11. (a) How long has the new covenant been in effect, and what does this indicate? (b) The remnant of the ministers of the new covenant serve in what capacity today?

*** w16 January p. 26 par. 16 “We Want to Go With You” ***

  • As in the first century, Jehovah and Jesus today are feeding many through the hands of a few. Only a few anointed Christians in the first century were used to write the Christian Greek Scriptures. Similarly today, only a few anointed Christians have been appointed to provide spiritual “food at the proper time.”


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13 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:
  • When you read parallel accounts it seems pretty clear what he meant. :
    • Matthew 10:11 “Into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave.

    • Mark  6:10 Further, he said to them: “Wherever you enter into a home, stay there until you leave that place.

  • Luke9:But wherever you enter into a home, stay there and leave from there.
    • You  DO agree- don't you?

Matt 10:11 – NWT, “search out” 

For a more rounded meaning:

“And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence”  Does this support going “house to house”?

exetasate exetasate G1833 vm Aor Act 2 Pl OUT-INTERROGATE inquire-ye !

ἐξετάζω exetázō, ex-et-ad'-zo; from G1537 and ἐτάζω etázō (to examine); to test thoroughly (by questions), i.e. ascertain or interrogate:—ask, enquire, search.

Luke 9:4 – “And whatsoever house ye enter into, there abide, and thence depart.”

menete menete G3306 vm Pres Act 2 Pl BE-YE-REMAINING be-ye-remaining !

μένω ménō, men'-o; a primary verb; to stay (in a given place, state, relation or expectancy):—abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry (for), × thine own.

Luke 10:7 – “And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.”

Upon entering the city or town, Jesus directed them to “ascertain”, through questions, which house may offer an invitation for them to remain/dwell. 

Tell me, how do any of the scriptures that you quote, support going “house to house” – house over house, door to door, as JWs have been doing for years?  And in doing so, keeping a log of each individual who was ‘accepting’; even the names of their animals, kids, etc., which they have come under fire for, in other countries?

What do you think Jesus meant by saying, “go not from house to house”?






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12 minutes ago, Witness said:

What do you think Jesus meant by saying, “go not from house to house”?

The key to understanding anything ... is CONTEXT!

In context, what is being said is "If you are invited in as a guest, and shown hospitality ... do NOT go shopping around for better food and accommodations".

It is as simple as that.

CONTEXT.... IS everything!

Your mind is clouded by your agenda.

"Quote Mining", however should not be a capital offense.

....for the first one.

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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The key to understanding anything ... is CONTEXT!

In context, what is being said is "If you are invited in as a guest, and shown hospitality ... do NOT go shopping around for better food and accommodations".

It is as simple as that.

CONTEXT.... IS everything!

Your mind is clouded by your agenda.

"Quote Mining", however should not be a capital offense.

....for the first one.

Agreed. Most people do not look for or take the verse into context. This is why when you go to the SC scene, if you do not know your bible well, you will get dog piled before you can say God or Jesus. It gets even worse when you have a Jew or a Muslim who knows the bible far more than you in terms of truth, context and understanding - that is where some Christians face total embarrassment for not knowing the scriptures, and there is many examples online of this, I think I linked a video or two about this already.


Context is everything, benefit from understanding, gain knowledge, teach what is true the correct way.

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6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The key to understanding anything ... is CONTEXT!

Yes, it is.  Examine the context from a secular point of view, who also gives scriptural contextual support to his conclusion:

Albert Barnes Notes on the New Testament:

Matt 10:11 – “And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide til ye go thence.”

“Who in it is worthy”.  That is, who in it sustains a fair character will be able and disposed to show you hospitality, and will treat you kindly.  This shows that they were not suddenly and needlessly to throw themselves in the way of insult or want. “

On a regular basis, JWs receive insults in their door to door work…repetitively and ‘needlessly’.

“And there abide”.  There remain; as Luke 10 adds, “Go not from house to house.”  They were to content themselves with one house; not to wander about in the manner of vagrants and mendicants; not to be men of idleness, and fond of change; not to seem dissatisfied with the hospitality of the people; but to show that they had regular, important business; to show that they valued their time, were disposed to give themselves to labour, prayer, and meditation; and to be intent only on the business for which he had sent them.  If ministers of the gospel are useful, it will be by not spending their time in idle chitchat, and wandering about as if they had nothing to do; (hmmm, I remember those days “in service” with “pioneers” who never missed their coffee break) but in an honest and laborious improvement of every moment in study, prayer, preaching and religious visiting their people. 

At Luke 10:7, he footnotes 1 Tim 5:13:

“And besides they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle but also gossips and busybodies, saying things which they ought not.“

There is no good connotation attached to going “house to house” within the Bible. 

This was a harvesting work directed by Jesus and Holy Spirit, not as Watchtower leaders expect today, following their own agenda as to what to preach, and how. Sheesh, JTR, you, of all JWs here, know that Watchtower’s “new light”, does become “old darkness” – and if once darkness, always darkness.  2 Cor 6:14   Why would Jesus bless such a “good news”? Since the Wt declares another message than what Jesus or the disciples preached; which is, “come to Jehovah’s (“spirit-directed”) organization for salvation”, (Hab 2:18,19)  and doing it in the stubborn manner they choose; I believe, they are clouded by their own agenda; and I am quite aware of what that agenda is.  Those under the “woman” New Covenant promise are under attack by a force that can only be discerned with spiritual understanding.  Jesus knew this would happen, and both he and the Father knew how.  2 Tim 3:1-9; 2 Thess 2:1-4:9-12; Rev 13:1,4-10

How can you not see this?  A hundred years ago, an organization develops that takes on a unique “preaching work” spearheaded by anointed ones.  They become quite efficient at covering each house in a territory – repetitively.  This has never been done before.  The incoming contain more anointed ones along with many others.   During the time of the end, a remarkable “Beast” and false prophet comes against the “saints”.  Has the Catholic church surrounded the “camp of saints”?  Will a political entity successfully surround the “camp of saints”?   

Satan’s net is already full of anointed ones (Rev 12:3,4,15) and those who innocently fall into the same trap - the organization.    Hab 1:9-11,15-17  They are flooded with Satan’s lies, which indeed is darkness.  Interestingly, Satan has used the same method of capturing those “under priests” that he used to scout out Jesus – their High Priest.    

An example of productive “harvesting” is Ruth, following the direction of Boaz. Ruth 2:8,9,12,17





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2 hours ago, Witness said:

Who are you referring to?  Brown or Barnes?  Barnes wrote books against slavery.  

Barnes was not one for slavery (pro slavery), you are correct about this, however his faith, the Presbyterian (Church Government), were split regarding slavery, some against, some for it -  this goes for other things too, such as today's PC USA (not PCA), who are open on liberal and progressive, the inclusion of homosexuality and the like compared to the PCA who are not for such things, for the PCA Presbyterians are conservative bible readers.

Presbyterians have several denominations, mainline being PC USA, some who adhere to the confessions and Creeds, hence, the belief of the Trinity. Like past counterparts, the Presbyterians, regardless of denomination are indeed split on a number of things, as stated before.

They are govern by a session of elders in local churches (ruled by a plurality of elders), etc. They are also Evangelicals, for they are the type of people of faith to do missionary based works and activities (belief in missions, spread gospel worldwide).

Other then that, there are those within the same faith who differ from Barnes completely. Barnes however, his work is unique, but I don't think he was the type to gun or defame brothers and sisters in Christianity by means of his works, not the ways of Christians who adhere to what is deemed true compared to those who stray from what is true.

There were also some Christians Albert Barnes was not even aware of, so even if he had the chance, he would not do such to them, for they are all seeking truth after the many movements within the Christian faith.

Long story short, there were some Presbyterian who accept slavery and will fight someone to keep it as such, this faith,, for if we were alive in those times and we debated against slavery, we will meet with such persons who will defend something that is utterly wrong.

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