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Is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses ‘Inspired’?


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On 7/31/2018 at 1:35 PM, UcyImd1 said:

Everyone is inspired.

Yes, in smaller or bigger scale. But we need to accept that when talking about inspiration as general phenomenon and feature
in all humans we must not be focused only in religion aspects of this "divine" gift. Musician, poets, painters, writers, people who made things - all of them are inspired from time to time. 

But if one person or group claim that he/they are inspired ... or on contrary... if one person or group denied that gift in him/them and claim that they are not inspired while talking or doing something .... both of this group must be taken very carefully and warily. You never know what is with them :))))

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”Jehovah leads and feeds those in the earthly part of his organization by means of “the faithful and discreet slave” under the direction of Christ, the “head of the congregation.” w16 November pp. 14-

So every changed teaching; say, about “this generation”, or failed Armageddon dates, was a gift from Christ, because the governing body ASKED for Holy spirit on the matter.  Or, did they forget

Check it out... Which change was the result of Christ's direction and not the Wt leaders' own understanding?

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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I do not know how it is in country you living, but chlorine is still implemented in water purification and much more.

This I agree with. Chemicals in our water, in our food in products, chemicals that damages the body and or the environment. The sad reality is even if you fight against it, there is no resolve and I learn this the hard way several years ago.

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12 hours ago, Gone Away said:

The one that indicates that "concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."

I presume you are talking about what constitutes a "generation" in Jesus prophecy at Matt.24:34?

Well isn't it obvious? We cannot actually know how long the generation Jesus spoke of is until "all these things happen".

If Jesus wanted us to know how many years were meant here, he would have said the number of years wouldn't he surely? So actually trying to put a number to it by convoluted mental gymnastics based on 101 general understandings and comparisons of what constitutes a "generation", Biblical or otherwise, is just a game to play while you're waiting for the bus.

Nice table though , with an excellent theme scripture, very well demonstrated. That, I can use actually. Thanks. ?

What people also fail to see is that those of that generation, those destined for Priesthood are seeing the signs of the end times which will lead to a great tribulation that is possibly on a whole other hardcore level beyond of what we can understand. 1922 of what took place prior to the League of Nations well into the whole situation with Israel, jumping years upon years later, the sudden conquest for peace with religious leaders joining forces with bankers, politicians and even those of the MSM who supports them, making the claim since we all believe in one God we should unite, things of that nature of which was not really done before in the past, and it getting stronger and stronger each day and very visible to those destined and those among the righteous and meek.

Most certainly, this generation will not pass away, for these persons of the church do indeed see these things. Speaking about signs, the conversion of followers to a branch of these religious leaders will take place in several months, I can already see very soon this being talked about in the religious space by all persons, and surely I will address it here too for briefly I made this known in another post on this forum.

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