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Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!

Srecko Sostar

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here is a nice comment or two made in the video:    "The male animal has no season in which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act" "a brother sits on the lap of one of his ma

Famous Christopher Hitchens speech where he said,  "It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thoug

I have to say that I am utterly speechless at this. The Holy House of God must not be so holy if there is a need for this kind of video. 

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. Depends on the person. I've seen and met those who literally deaden such desires totally and think very ill of those who subject themselves to such.

The big thing is, one who is in suffering of such a problem, they have to combat it. It comes back over and over again and it is up to that person to conquer this fleshy desire.

It is not an easy fight either, mainly for those that are deep in it as if they are chained by the immorality. There was a nice quote I read somewhere, wish I remembered it, but it will come to me when I recall it in regards to this.

But yeah, I've seen and talked to people who are broken by this addiction and trying to piece themselves back together, it is not a pretty sight.

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23 hours ago, Anna said:

Sure, but in this instance I was talking about one thing specifically. There is more chance of someone having immoral thoughts when they masturbate, than if they take a cold shower.

Plus, someone who is masturbating cannot be said to be deadening their desire as per Colossians 3:5, (generally speaking, as there are always exceptions to the rule)

At times cold showers don't always work. What needs to be done is keeping yourself busy with other things, or find new hobbies, read more, be around people, friends and family members and or others because being alone is the worse thing that can happen when those thoughts come to mind, but when you keep yourself busy with other things, the chance of avoiding masturbation and pornography is increased.

True it isn't easy for some, there are those who if see a woman or man, they are immediately triggered. In the anti-masturbation community, there are those who avoid going to the beach because they would see someone in a bathing-suit, which will trigger them, others who try to o their best to do other things while at the same time flee from what is fueling the temptation to act upon fleshy desires. Going to the gym is another method of avoiding the habit, but at the same time, the guy would have to avoid all the Beckys in the Gym, while the girl have to avoid all the Tylers in the gym, it isn't easy, but what helps some is listening to music as they workout. But 100% of the time when one actually kicks the habit, they become better people, even feel better and by means of their experience they help others.

Another problem is in today's society, sex sells, and it is all over the place, advertised, on the TV, in the books, even video games, speaking about video games, most Japanese game developers (I'm looking at you Tomonobu Itagaki) tend to add lewd and or inappropriate contain to the games, so it may not be the violence and or difficult of a game that gets someone, it is the inappropriate sexual immortality in the game itself that will cause some problems, and knowing how Japan is, they have a culture and community that is centered around sexual immortality. What adds more fuel to the fire is hackers, they tend to add pornographic imagery to a game that can cause a young one or a teen to later explore such things without warning, examples here, a Super Mario game being affected by hackers: https://www.polygon.com/2018/6/22/17494552/nintendo-switch-hack-super-mario-odyssey-luigis-balloon-world

And there is yet ANOTHER problem, the dark side of the internet whereas anything that EXIST (literally anything) will be turned into something very very inappropriate, so it is all over the place, so one has to avoid pornography as well as masturbation like the plague.

So we have to be very very careful, granted that the internet is accessible by anyone, anytime, anywhere.

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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If i understand English sentence construction correct you said 2 separate things, correct me please if i am wrong, or give me explanation.

1) masturbation never leads to.... sexual immorality with another person?

2) masturbation never leads to .. thoughts about sexual immorality  with another person?

Two separate things. But if 1) doesn't happen, then 2) probably will. 

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This might be a good time to REVIEW about a 7MB video clip of the FAMOUS "Pillowgate" Videos ( the complete video for Brothers at Bethel is almost a gigabyte, and the one for Sisters is about 95MB).

You can be sure that the GB is CERTAINLY giving plenty of food for thought, at the proper time.


We ALL should benefit from this ... uh.... this "sound counsel".


Knowing how important this is, I tried to upload the full videos, but the system choked on it, and would not accept it.


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I admit to a prejudice against anything having the suffix 'gate' attached to it. It strikes me as too stupid of a word device, a sure sign of running with the herd.

I haven't seen the videos, not being part of the intended audience.

One way that the internet can lie, even while telling the truth, is through endless repetition of something meant to be heard once, giving the impression that they talk of nothing else over there.

JTR (amazingly) is right. The Bible nowhere mentions masturbation. That said, it pretty clearly is an unclean habit, covered under the topic of gaining self-control, and when one becomes enslaved to it, it can warp one's personality.

I'd say the organization's coverage of it is just about right: occasional discussion in articles geared mostly for young people, with the caveat that it is not the end of the world should one suffer a relapse. The video JTR titillates over was never on the website. Ten years of conventions contain but one mention of it that I can recall.

Adultery and fornication, on the other hand, is mentioned all the time. The degree of repetition is meaningful, yet that measure is completely lost of the internet, the perfect forum where persons can assert themselves wise while proving themselves foolish, turning down all matters of context as 'strawmen.'

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The whole point of my berating this particular issue is that is "low hanging fruit", that is to say,  this is an almost universal experience of almost EVERYONE that is alive, or ever lived, , whereas murder is (presumably) NOT., so it is an EASY subject to address ..... But even that is not the main  point.

The MAIN point is " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  

Jehovah God has spoken against MANY things, sometimes dozens or perhaps hundreds of times.  O.K. ... THAT is "O.K. to reiterate as good counsel, but for crying out loud ... things that He has expressed NO OPINION ON WHATSOEVER .... leave the people alone!

Do not load a heavy burden upon them because we feel down to OUR bones that it MUST be the will of God ... WHEN GOD IS IGNORING IT.


I feel it is disingenuous, and clownish, and narcissistic. 

But THEY like it, and I can see no reason to burden people by lying that it is the will of God that they not paint their faces.  I could even say this is "an unclean practice" and immoral, if I believed that (which I do not), and invoke ambiguous scripture, or MANY scriptures that pretended to support whatever  pet agenda I might have.

The MAIN point is " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  

When we do, it opens up a Pandora's Box of creating a mindset that allows for ANY pet idea or bogus agenda to become acceptable ... and when invoking the false authority of God to support our sad, criminal silliness, we dishonor God, and chase people AWAY from the TRUTH.

I could expound on this theme for many pages .... but the major problem we have in the Truth today, is Victorian culture and personal preferences ... ARE PRESENTED AS THE WILL OF GOD!

This actually slanders Jehovah and his Christ, making them hand puppets where we are supplying the words.

The MAIN point is " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  

This issue is just the classic example of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

" Do not go beyond the things that are written".  





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8 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


is Victorian culture and personal preferences ... ARE PRESENTED AS THE WILL OF GOD!

I have commented before that strict avoidance of all earthy language (which if I recall correctly, reliably triggers your outrage, so that I have sometimes employed it just to get you going) is more a Victorian relic than a biblical one. When Elijah taunts that maybe Baal has excrement, I somehow can't picture him using that clinical word.

That said, there is one of the 'Church fathers,' I forget who, who rails against masturbation, painting it as a huge sin. 

Of course, that is not to say that we must follow the church fathers. It is to say, though, that condemnation of masturbation is not a product of the Victorian age.

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