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Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!

Srecko Sostar

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here is a nice comment or two made in the video:    "The male animal has no season in which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act" "a brother sits on the lap of one of his ma

Famous Christopher Hitchens speech where he said,  "It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thoug

I have to say that I am utterly speechless at this. The Holy House of God must not be so holy if there is a need for this kind of video. 

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13 hours ago, Gone Away said:

Probably depends where and when they indulge.

Or how far they've gone off the rails, which will enable grounds of excommunication, mainly if the person in question is aware and accepting that his actions are not wrong vs. those who are in agony who speak up on their problems and seek help, such ones are not expelled compared to the ones that are expelled for committing the act willfully, but yes, it depends. Some people commit masturbation and view pornography will eventually dwell into things that is not normal to them, bizarre even, others will go about seeking to actually get themselves in sexual immortality such as sexual relations and so forth. Another factor is anyone in a relationship can shatter what they have due to this addiction, they'll be lucky if the mate helps them to break free from the addiction.

Regarding the addiction, better to stamp out the weeds in the grass before it grows, next thing you know, the one with the addiction will take it a step further, and will end up meeting people for one sole purpose, granted today's society allows one to do such, as they say, hookup with others by a simply click and or swipe.

Somewhat unrelated, but a brief example of someone who has been heavy on this addiction, but today is fighting against it and inspiring others to do the same:

An example I can bring up in this case is a story about a man who had it rough as a teenager into his adulthood regarding this addiction. He's been watching pornography and masturbating since he was in his 2nd year in high school when such was introduced to him by peers at school, and after high school, around the age 20-21, his addiction grew to the point where he is unable to focus, unable to sleep properly and eventually he began seeking as well as talking to prostitutes and eventually over time, he found one via online, for this time the struggling man had some money and he knew exactly want he wanted and what he is doing. How he changed over time in an instant was like dodging a bullet, for he was well on his way to meet the prostitute, as he said, an Asian woman, he entered the room and everything and before anything had been done, he stopped himself at the entrance and went about his own revelation of things, telling himself what was it he was doing, what did he get himself into, thinking to himself and ignoring what the woman was telling him, and he simply fled he area, as the woman was trying to tell him where he is going, as he puts it, she was trying to influence him to come back and carry on with what was going to happen. From that day on, has been working to better himself, although he, as do many continue to fight to not relapse, this man has worked to inspire others to stay away from masturbation and pornography. He is also someone who is trying to live a peaceable life too, he is also a YouTuber, and like many who are fighting against masturbation and pornography, he is one of them. This is the only image I can pull of the man that isn't a huge picture, but this is an image of him months after what took place.



This is but one of many stories from those in the trenches.

That being said, this is the next step in fear of those who practice the addiction. For some people, they end up falling to the point they cannot get up, so the help is necessary. For this is why problems like this it is best to speak to someone about it, but some do not because the fact that their actions is made known by someone else, they will feel embarrassed. To some Christians, if they do practice such they feel worthless in the face of God, but God knows we are imperfect, and we sin, by means of His Son, repentance is a possibility, for we repent and while we do so, we speak with others so they can also provide some help.

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20 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Therein lies the problem, Anna.

EVERYBODY who considers themselves a Christian, in every religion "Christian based" on Earth, has their own deeply felt ideas about what a Christian should be.

Makeup, tattoos, eating of foods or not, forbidding  clergy to marry, and the list is literally endless, as it varies with "new light", old light, flashing light, colored light, black light, etc.

Something that CAN be interpreted to fit a translator's, or interpreter's preconceived notions of their personal morays, WILL BE. 

This is where the common sense smell test has to take place.   Masturbation  MAY be alluded to in Paul's writings, but in the Old Testament, When Jehovah was a "harsher taskmaster", and NOBODY could obey the Old Covenant regulations .... THERE WERE NO REGULATIONS ABOUT THIS SUBJECT.

This was at a time when nearly EVERYTHING ELSE  was regulated.

Hard evidence, what we REALLY know from what is ACTUALLY clearly and unambiguously written is that Jehovah only mentioned it as something that Onan did, and the criticism was ONLY that he did not impregnate someone.

                                                            Look it up.

With this perspective, whatever Paul was talking about, common sense would dictate it was NOT THIS.

I am of course only guessing ... but understanding humans' propensity to want to control EVERY ASPECT of other peoples' lives ... and commonly  going beyond the things that ACTUALLY "written", and those same amateur tyrants can make a good living, by inducing guilt in the guiltless.

LEAVE THE PEOPLE ALONE.   ( God does NOT care about this )

DON'T BE A "BUSYBODY"  (... remember THAT scripture? )

Because ALL translators and interpreters are subject to what they do being filtered and colored through their own perspective, it is CRITICALLY important that we  do NOT GO BEYOND  the things in the Bible that are clearly and unambiguously written.

For a hundred years the Society has continuously "overreached" for organizational stability, and have had their butts chewed completely off! 

Overreaching, even with the best of intentions ( with which the road to hell is reportedly paved...)  generates tyranny,  and error .... and ingrained, induced mental illness.

Once this takes root, common sense no longer becomes all that common, and the Pharisees win, and that means the people  .... lose.

If they leave the TRUTH ... chased away ... it is the same as manslaughter.

And we who continue to carry these unnecessary heavy burdens become slaves, only to be  sheared and eaten.

Next thing you know, it will make perfect sense to treat our own family, spiritual and physical, with extreme cruelty.

There is a very simple solution.

"Do NOT go beyond the things that are written."


I am not fully aware of this discussion as it has only been coming up on my emails for the past 3 days. However it is my opinion that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have been going beyond the things written for many years. As they falsely claim to be the 'faithful and discreet slave class' they then use this claim to make any rules and statements they wish. I haven't watched the masterbation video but it would seem to me that the GB are acting like politicians, trying to direct the floodlight in a different direction, away from the Child Abuse serious problem in the Org, of which the GB are the cause....  However i did find in Leviticus at ch15 v16 Jehovah does mention about a man being unclean if he has an emission of semen. ....  Moving on. Your underlined sentence about mistreating our own family. Is this a nudge at the Shunning problem in the JW org ? If not it should be. The GB of the JW org make up their own rules and 'laws' and the Elders follow like puppets, obeying without question. The GB has 'chased away' many people. Many of them victims of Child Abuse and many others that try to help those victims. So the GB of the JW Org are guilty of manslaughter if those 'outside the Org' will be judged unworthy on the 'Judgement Day'.  My opinion is that the GB are the 'evil slave class' that mistreat the servants of the house of God. But where it goes from here i  have no idea... If we are close to the 'end of this system' then surely Yahweh / Jehovah has to show everyone the true way to serve Him properly. If not then how can we be considered unworthy, if we haven't been shown the honest 'truth'.  This stupid Masterbation video at such an important time just shown how lost the GB are. and it shows that they are not the 'faithful slave'. As for 'telling all' to the Elders, no definitely not. We should confess our sins to God through Jesus Christ and ask forgiveness on the basis of Jesus' sacrifice, not confess our sins to mere men who have no authority from God. It can be clearly seen that the Elders have no idea how to manage anything other than the running of the 'meetings'.... Since leaving the JW Org I have continuously prayed to God using both names Yahweh and Jehovah and always prayed through Jesus Christ. I am reading the 4 gospels over and over now and finding things I never noticed before. but I will confess one thing, I have not yet moved forward. So I am waiting on God through Jesus Christ and the holy spirit to give me direction through His written word. Otherwise what options do i have as I believe the scriptures when they say 'Put not your trust in earthling man'.  However i am confused by one more thing. It has always occurred to me that God's written word was never written for all of us to understand properly. It seems to have been written for only the Anointed to understand and then for them to instruct those who show faith. But if we cannot be sure who the anointed truly are then we have a problem. 'By their works you will know them' for sure, but would that really mean going through every 'christian type religion' ? Enough for now. Please do not be angry with me for sharing my thoughts even though they may be off topic. 

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31 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Since leaving the JW Org I have continuously prayed to God using both names Yahweh and Jehovah and always prayed through Jesus Christ. I am reading the 4 gospels over and over now and finding things I never noticed before. but I will confess one thing, I have not yet moved forward

It is because you are kicking against the goads, like Saul was when he was told he was just making it hard on himself. Stop doing that and you will recover and again move forward.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is because you are kicking against the goads, like Saul was when he was told he was just making it hard on himself. Stop doing that and you will recover and again move forward.

Sorry don't understand. The scriptures say 'Keep knocking and it will be opened to you'. So i keep knocking by regular prayer. 

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If you keep on knocking through regular prayer and continued reading of the Bible and yet are still not moving forward, apparently that is not enough.

Put aside for a moment the question of whether or not the GB is doing a good job; the point is that there needs be some organized human component of the divine/human interface to move God's work forward in a practical way. Otherwise, individual Christians end up merely flailing away ineffectively, and in time, are absorbed into the popular culture.

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12 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

he point is that there needs be some organized human component of the divine/human interface

If this thesis is wrong ? What then? You have premise. But if you handle with wrong premise all your conclusions based on wrong premise will be questionable or useless. 

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5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If you keep on knocking through regular prayer and continued reading of the Bible and yet are still not moving forward, apparently that is not enough.

Put aside for a moment the question of whether or not the GB is doing a good job; the point is that there needs be some organized human component of the divine/human interface to move God's work forward in a practical way. Otherwise, individual Christians end up merely flailing away ineffectively, and in time, are absorbed into the popular culture.

Ah but the Pope is organised and so is the Archbishop, and probably most leaders of most 'Christian' religions, but it does not make them right and it does not give them God's approval. So to follow the direction of a GB that does not have God's approval and is not directed by God's holy spirit would be 'the blind leading the blind'. And how could a person, with a clear conscience, go on the ministry to try to bring more people into an Organisation which allows such wicked Child Abuse to go on. And how could such a person follow the wicked rule of shunning innocent people just because the GB says so.... Yes I agree with you, God has to show us the right Organisation to be part of, but the JW Org does not seem to measure up to it. You seem to put aside the fact that the GB proclaim to be the 'Faithful and discreet slave' and they say that no one else but them have this special communication with God. So for you to say the GB may or may not be doing a good job is rather strange if in fact you believe the proclamation they make about themselves.

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19 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

GB proclaim to be the 'Faithful and discreet slave'

For decades and decades GB  claimed that FDS of 1918/19 was set over all of Christ's property. Now they claim they are not. Now they claim that this setup will happen in the future. 


  42 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

the point is that there needs be some organized human component of the divine/human interface

Does this fact strengthened by evidence proved that  JWorg needs to be organized human component of the divine/human interface?

Other religious group can bring out similar claims too.

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35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

For decades and decades GB  claimed that FDS of 1918/19 was set over all of Christ's property. Now they claim they are not. Now they claim that this setup will happen in the future. 


  42 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

the point is that there needs be some organized human component of the divine/human interface

Does this fact strengthened by evidence proved that  JWorg needs to be organized human component of the divine/human interface?

Other religious group can bring out similar claims too.

The GB claims that only those 8 men themselves are the 'faithful and discreet slave'. Although there are many more humans that claim to be of the anointed those 8 men say that the others are not important... Where do they get their authority from to say such things ? They also say that some who claim to be anointed are 'mentally unbalanced'. These 8 men pass judgement on other anointed brothers and sisters, whilst praising themselves up. Luke 14 v 11 "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted"....  I think God may have these 8 men removed and replaced by more humble servants of His.  It seems strange to have only 8 men when there were twelve tribes of Israel and Jesus himself chose 12 men as his closest companions. It also seems strange to have a GB of mainly white Americans. The Org is now Earthwide and therefore it would seem more logical to have a 'body of 12 men' from all the nations possible. Each man would have more understanding of the problems people from his own country face... And maybe also God would use others from the anointed to be more active and giving more input. This is of course only my opinion. 

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12 hours ago, Gone Away said:

Well why not go and find something that does. You might well be knocking on the wrong door like this.

I'll continue my daily Bible reading and my prayers to God and hopefully something will happen to give me some direction. Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem but it was a long time (in human terms)  before it happened. Patience is required for many things. Should I expect God to answer my prayers immediately ? No of course not. Maybe i am being put to the test. Maybe God wants to know if I'm sincere. Or, maybe there will be big changes within the JW Org and it will 'cleaned out' and then have God's approval.

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