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Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!

Srecko Sostar

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here is a nice comment or two made in the video:    "The male animal has no season in which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act" "a brother sits on the lap of one of his ma

Famous Christopher Hitchens speech where he said,  "It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thoug

I have to say that I am utterly speechless at this. The Holy House of God must not be so holy if there is a need for this kind of video. 

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@Jack Ryan Anything having to do with stimulating the genital sex organ is 100% masturbation (self-gratification). According to the community that deals with helping those who find themselves in a battle with pornography and masturbation: Masturbation is stimulating ourselves for sexual pleasure.

The Reboot member who had said this is 100% correct to what he had said.

another thing to note is one should not be wasting away something of which they can literally create life with to a pixel-screen.

As for the whole Pillow ordeal, it is one of the things talked about by this community also known as the Reboot from Masturbation/Pornography Movement.

As stated before, such things is not a joke, regardless of who practices such or watches vile things, it leaves such ones broken and addicted for the dopamine levels get to a point that the habit becomes that of a drug, and often find themselves even more broken when such a habits destroys their life and or relationships, thus kicking in the low-esteem, depression and a list of other things.

I would go more in depth in this regard, since such a topic I am not shy about speaking about because I have spoke to people who are dealing with such, even one family member of mine who won his battle, but such things that can be said in the darkest places cannot be said here for information can be very explicit at times, mainly when it is critical to combating sch a problem.

That being said, the pillow action is also in connection with those suffering from wet dreams and the like.

Before you want to follow the band wagon and make allude to such jokes, I rather you pay a visit to the community that knows a whole lot about such things, you can look up the pillow stuff there also.

There is also Ted Talks about such things, you can review the information, however, I warn you now, what will be said is not PG Disney friendly even though what is being said is to help combat the addiction to masturbation and pornography, you have been warned.

Other then that, the practice of such is very common and the industry who produces the material knows of whom they are targeting, they tend to target males more as much than they do females because males can easily subdued by an image/video of a woman who partake in such a vile industry, it is no question that all people, even among Jehovah's Witnesses, are not immune to such.

Proverbs 5:8 and 7:8 are really good verses in such matters, we can even take example from Joseph (Not the Husband of Mary, the OTHER one).

Should one fall, it should not be the end of the world for them, for if something causes you to fall, simply stand back up, the community I linked are not that religious, some are, not all of them, but some have relapsed in their fight, but with determination and motivation, they get back up, they fall and rise up again until eventually they break free from the chains of that sin.

All and all, the picture is very lame, granted to what can be seen of the community in question who, as I said, deals with this stuff, look up pillows regarding this community, that alone should tell you more than you need to know. For such ones provide a bit more help should one chooses to seek it, in addition to testimony and stories of others of others, regardless of their sex and age, they speak up. Stuff like this some of is around the world DO NOT joke about and we have a good reason as to why this is, but people are ignorant to the demons people are fighting within themselves, especially in a world who thinks such is okay or teaching sodomy to children as if it is normal - very sickening.

The whole dopamine stuff we can get into another time, for that alone seems basic, but truly it is vast regarding this category.


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2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I hope they don't start supplying Caleb and Sophia dolls to the bethelites.

That is a negative remark, granted the topic at hand and what is discussed in regards to what you have said, mainly when one realizes that the characters used by JWs, Caleb and Sophia are children, thus your remark is basically alluding straight Shota/lolicon, which is Japanese slang for you-know-what. On the other side of the spectrum, the situation is far worse in this regard and a huge fight has been taking place since the reveal of what I am referring to. There is a war going on,  with those catering to pedophilia by means of actual dolls, even robots, that look like children for a sole ill purpose, in that same fight, such things is seen as a replacement for those who wish not to get into an actual relationship, i.e. if any males wish not to date, marry, mate with a female, the are catered the idea of robotic dolls, which is something that is very bad of which is being promoted as something as a good thing, when really it is not. As we speak such things are being mass-produced. This also draws into connection of human sex trafficking as well, the majority being minors being kidnapped and or forced into it.

It is comments like this that drives those against these things wildly mad. But it would seem it is only who make the remark assuming such is a joke, that my friend, is no joke, especially if you are aware of how grim things are in this domain, and who is actually ware and against such things, that being said, there is nothing to joke about.

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6 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I hope they don't start supplying Caleb and Sophia dolls to the bethelites.

I took that as a joke ... but then again ... if the Governing Body through its "s-POKES-people", their "Helpers" declare that if two people are naked in chairs, facing each other, and masturbating WHILE WATCHING EACH OTHER is NOT pornea ... WHICH THEY DID ... that is enough to make your head spin and exclaim "What the HELL is going on up there! ?"

... are they COMPLETELY and TOTALLY divorced from reality?

2 CHAIR pORNEA .mp4Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4

Caleb and Sophia Dolls for Tony .jpg

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. On the contrary, any contact and or touching/or simulation of the male and or female reproductive organs is sexual contact. It is considered as pornea, it is also in the same category of masturbation.

As for tight pants in Christendom, a lot of folks has taken issue with tight pants, just a few days ago some Christians went off on tight pants - unhinged, one of them even made a few, in addition to mainstream pastor gestures when on stage.

I myself take issue with inappropriate clothing for both male and female. You cannot praise God and appear as though you should be on stage with a K-pop girl group and or wear tight pants like a rock boy band of the 90s.

If I recall, the tend began when punkers began to wear the pants/jeans of girls, eventually the trend took flight from there. Now we have men wearing things like Rompers, you don't want to know what that is - but since it is public, it is obvious to everyone.

That being said, tight pants, is said to not be good for males anyways, it can cause problems for one's health -  ironically.

As for the joke about Caleb and Sophia dolls, truth be told, there are robot dolls in the works that resemble adult man and or women, as well as appear as children, hence Japanese slang. If you are familiar with the movies such as iRobot, Matrix and or perhaps the Terminator, expect in the next couple of years robot dolls will soon be a replacement for males and females who lack a romantic partner, the very reason why there is a war going on for people who are [A] against this stuff, be included because it would pose as a problem in the future, as it is now doing, for every dollar being made in production and selling of such things for ill purposes and a sole intent - brazen conduct  People who are for this stuff and think this is a future and they honestly believe they can relief the sexual cravings of such persons, even the likes of pedophiles, again, of what is being made by the Japanese, hence the Jap. slang used.

So in short, we see this in movies:



Now something of which has become a reality, as seen here (some robots more realistic than others for the one below is an early one):


A picture of this robot up-close shows that the intent of the creator is to make said robot look like the Actress, Scarlett Johansson.

Other than that, stuff like this is very serious. And someone like myself is very against such things mainly when it comes to what is being discussed via this topic and as to what Matthew have said.

It can get worse, outside of people using robotic dolls for brazen conduct, you also have the ones who will soon be taking your job:

A.I. and robots can and will be dangerous, in this sense, not only they will be taking jobs very soon and being 10 times if not more steps ahead of you, they will eventually replace even mates and or partners, at the same time encourage people to do ill intent, rapist, pedophiles, and a list of other things, thus promoting said things, which is can very, very bad for any and everyone.

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