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Prophetic 'Crackpot' Michael Rood Hypes Scholar Nehemia Gordon's Work

Queen Esther

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What an interesting ‘discovery‘  A Biblical scholar discovered 1,000 manuscripts proving that the original Hebrew name for God is not Yahweh, as scholars believed, but is actually Yehovah.

ITS  NEARLY  THE  SAME  LINK -TEXT  LIKE  ABOVE  BY  MINE,  KURT The original Hebrew name of God re-discovered in 1,000 Bible manuscripts, January 25, 2018 ( Nehemia Gordon )

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What an interesting ‘discovery‘ :)

A Biblical scholar discovered 1,000 manuscripts proving that the original Hebrew name for God is not Yahweh, as scholars believed, but is actually Yehovah.

Nehemia Gordon and his team discovered the 1,000th manuscript containing the original Hebrew name of God, known as the Tetragrammaton, on Saturday, completing his effort to confirm it as Yehovah since discovering the first, previously untranslated Hebrew sources with that spelling in late 2016, according to Religion News Service.

Scholars believed for 200 years that the name was spelled Yahweh, based on what they could glean from Greek texts and the fact that most Jewish texts only included the consonants, in part due to the ancient belief that GodÂ’s name is too sacred to be spoken. Prior to this, all scholars knew for sure was that the consonants were YHWH.

Gordon began the project to find 1,000 Hebrew manuscripts containing the name Yehovah in February 2017, shortly after he discovered five Bible manuscripts containing the full spelling of the Tetragrammaton. The discoveries that followed included a full spelling in the Cairo Codex of the Prophets, written in 895 A.D., and full spellings in three manuscripts written with Babylonian vocalization — an ancient form of writing first invented in the 6th Century that adds vowels to Hebrew consonantal texts to ensure proper pronunciation. Gordon also discovered the full Tetragrammaton in two of the oldest Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible, which he found in the Russian National Library.

Gordon studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he earned a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelors Degree in Archeology. In addition to his work in discovering the Hebrew name of God, he has helped with translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other manuscripts written in ancient Hebrew.

Scholar Claims WeÂ’ve Been Saying GodÂ’s Name Wrong For 200 Years.....

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The original Hebrew name of God re-discovered in 1,000 Bible manuscripts,
January 25, 2018

Nehemia Gordon.png

( Nehemia Gordon )

On January 21, 2018, Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon and his team of researchers discovered the 1,000th Hebrew Bible manuscript containing the original name of God in Hebrew with vowels.

For two hundred years, scholars have believed based on Greek sources and conjecture that the Hebrew name of God was originally pronounced “Yahweh.” In late 2016, Gordon found never-translated traditional Jewish sources that explicitly identified the vowels of God’s name in Hebrew as “Yehovah.” This is similar to the English Jehovah, but with a “Y” and the emphasis on the final syllable.

God’s name, known as the Tetragrammaton, is written in most Hebrew Bible manuscripts with one of its vowels missing, making it unreadable in accordance with an ancient Jewish ban on speaking the name. Despite this, Gordon had previously discovered five Bible manuscripts with a full set of Hebrew vowels proving the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton was known to Jewish scribes as “Yehovah.”

The project to find new evidence corroborating this discovery, began in February 2017 and in less than one year Gordon found 1,000 more Hebrew Bible manuscripts with the full vowels “Yehovah.” These included the two earliest known Hebrew Bible manuscripts with vowels, Russian National Library, Evr. II B 100 from the year 894 AD and the Cairo Codex of the Prophets from 895 AD. Gordon and his team also found the vowels “Yehovah” in three manuscripts written with the lost “Babylonian Pointing,” discovered in the Cairo Genizah in 1896.

Gordon is the host of the “Hebrew Voices” podcast, which was downloaded 5.1 million times in 2017. He is also the author of the popular book Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence, which discusses the Jewish ban on speaking the “ineffable” name. Gordon holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelors Degree in Archaeology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has worked as a translator on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and as a researcher deciphering ancient Hebrew manuscripts. Gordon has written two popular books on the Hebrew origins of Christianity and is active in interfaith dialogue, speaking at synagogues and churches around the world.

For more information on this discovery see:

Photo caption: The Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4) in the 10th century Damascus Crown with the recovered vowels of the Tetragrammaton.

1,000 Manuscripts with Yehovah,.jpg


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The Name of God
The religious world is abuzz about the current work of Hebrew Bible Scholar, Nehemia Gordon. In a press release published on January 25th, 2018, Religion News Service announced that Gordon and his team of investigators just discovered the 1000th witness of God's name spelled out fully with vowels, thus suggesting that, "We've Been Saying God's Name Wrong for 200 Years." Even since this release, the team has found more validation from other sources.
Readers of the Bulletin are likely aware that according to Jewish tradition, the four Hebrew letters that comprise God's name, known in scholarly material as the tetragrammaton (meaning four letters), are not to be pronounced. Despite this rule, many students of the Bible realize that in Biblical times, there was no such restriction. The name occurs more than 7,000 times in the Hebrew Bible. Even a casual reading of the Bible makes it obvious that in antiquity, men and women of all social classes freely used the name. The question for many though, has been whether or not the true pronunciation can be discerned with any degree of certainty.
According to Gordon, the name was pronounced as Yehovah, with an emphasis on the final syllable. Many in the English speaking world are familiar with the similar - Jehovah. As with many topics related to religious points, the correct pronunciation is hotly debated. Many bring up that there was no "J" in ancient Hebrew and therefore oppose the name Jehovah. While this is technically true of every English letter, most who bring forward such arguments continue to employ the "J" in other biblical words such as Joshua, Jerusalem, Joseph, etc. Other arguments are based on the correct vocalization of the third letter and whether or not it is to represent a "v" or a "w." And of course there is the argument, based at least in part on Greek transliterations, and a quote from Josephus that the four letters were "vowels." According to this view, the four letter sounds ee ah oo ay, read together produce the common and perhaps most popular Yahweh.
In 2012, Nehemia Gordon published a book entitled Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence in which he argues that the true pronunciation of the name is certain and should be restored to use, and that opinions to the contrary were part of a major coverup, a conspiracy. The editor published a review of the work, which you can read here.
The editor has long believed that the correct pronunciation of the name is Yehovah. One evidence for this pronunciation is that within the oldest complete Hebrew Bible, called the Leningrad Codex, the name is written with full vowels dozens of times, producing Yehovah.
In Restoring Abrahamic Faith, author and UI President James Tabor advanced this pronunciation more than 20 years ago, saying among other things that the pronunciation Yehovah, "is compelling since it expresses...meaning in Hebrew," (pages 18-22).
United Israel respects the sensitivities around the use of the name and realizes that within our ranks we have Jews and non-Jews who hold differences in this, as well as many points of biblical faith.
Perhaps the most important point is that one recognize that the God of Israel does indeed have a name and the name occurs thousands of times in Scripture.
Nehemia Gordon holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelors Degree in Archaeology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. You can learn more about Nehemia and his work on his website. 


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On 1/26/2018 at 11:25 PM, Queen Esther said:


This whole claim is being oversimplified nearly to the point of dishonesty.

First of all, "Jehovah" is a perfectly acceptable English name for the Tetragrammaton as long as we admit that it is not intended to match the original Hebrew pronunciation. We have admitted this multiple times:

*** nwt p. 1735 A4 The Divine Name in the Hebrew Scriptures ***

  • He said: “Modern grammarians argue that it ought to be read Yahveh or Yahaveh; but JEHOVAH seems firmly rooted in the English language, and the really important point is not the exact pronunciation, but the recognition that it is a Proper Name, not merely an appellative title like ‘Lord.’”

Earlier versions of the NWT were very clear that the name "Yahweh" was considered by the NWT translators to be closer to the original Hebrew pronunciation, but chose to use "Jehovah" because it was better known in the English-speaking world. Non-English translations of the NWT are based on this same assumption made for the English translation. The following is from the Foreword of the NWT as published from 1950 through the 1960's:

  • While inclining to view the pronunciation "Yahweh"' as the more correct way, we have retained the form "Jehovah" because of people's familiarity with it since the 14th century.

None of this takes away from the point being made in Bible that the whole world will know Jehovah. This is a correct Bible statement even if the original pronunciation was actually YA-HU or YA-HO or YAH-VEH or even a dialectical pronunciation of I-O. The Biblical phras. e was obviously not intended to refer to a specific pronunciation, but a refers to specific actions from God.

Next, the initial video is from Michael Rood. Rood is a prophetic "crank" (crack-pot) who continues to use prejudice and misinformation to push his own "End of the World" routine because clearly an end of the world agenda attracts a lot of people and produces a lot of sales activity for his books and DVDs. Perhaps the beard makes one think of a Hebrew scholar, but he is a "Neo-Christian" doomsday preacher. Note the comments here: http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/spl_rood.htm His first major prediction was for the end of the world in 1999, and of course most predictions since then are tempered by using questions and inexact wording instead of direct statements. For example, notice how this video of his is sub-themed: "The Rapture: 2017?"

Now it's not fair to associate Nehemia Gordon directly with Rood. But Gordon has now been seen to use many such promoters of "crack-pot" end-times religions to help promote his own work. He may be a good scholar, but he participates in hyping it with people like Rood. I have already found several interviews with and about Nehemia Gordon where this method is obvious, and Gordon plays along with those like Rood and his competitors.

I am not saying it's exactly the same thing, but there have been several persons from academia who have worked on niche books and articles and then found a way to promote these through the support of religions whose members are expected to want that scholarly or academicc information to support a "niche" religion. People have even written articles in defense of "cults" like Scientology (using euphemisms instead of cults, like "new religions") and then used well-publicized "academic" seminars to their publicize information that they hope will be desired by members of the "cult."

This doesn't mean that Nehemia Gordon is wrong, but we should always be careful when we see anything hyped up using such methods. But we should also notice that a lot of information is being left out in order to lead people to the same conclusion that Nehemia Gordon has made.

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But Gordon has now been seen to use many such promoters of "crack-pot" end-times religions to help promote his own work.

Sometimes the liars of the other side are more useful than the pig-headed ones on yours.

If this is playing out per the laws of human nature, Gordon has found pretty good evidence that the pronunciation of God's name is NOT Yahweh, but that the vowels have been identified that they are consistent with Jehovah (or Adonai) - at any rate, three vowels instead of two. 

But much as in all matters of scholarship, the scholarship of his fellow Jews is that Yahweh is the pronunciation and they will not give it up come hell or high water.             h2o)


               The pig-headed ones on his side are useless. Why not use the liars on the other side? Sometimes one must take what one can get. 

Note of of this video's likens Yahweh to the god Jupiter.


How valid is he? a cursory inspection reveals he is genuine. doctorate at Hebrew University? On the team of those translating the Dead Sea Scrolls.?

Perhaps Beduhn regards himself in a similar boat with us.

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On 1/29/2018 at 2:10 AM, Queen Esther said:


Nehemia Gordon.png

( Nehemia Gordon )

Queen Esther,

I don't know if it was you who edited the title of this thread, but that's quite a change! I was expressing an opinion, and I still hold to it 100%, but the new title might make others uncomfortable, especially if they were only intending to responding to the thread under it's original title. Thanks for the vote of confidence to you, or whomever made the change. If the "hype" in some of the articles were reworded to a more rational presentation there would be dozens of little changes to make, and I'm not trying to be that picky. But Gordon's site does have several comments on it from Jehovah's Witnesses, too, and they are quite supportive of course. This was one of the reasons to be careful.

If I get time, I'll present some of these other problems for those who might be interested.

I just noticed that even Nehemia Gordon himself didn't like the new title of this thread. See?


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