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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Be a sport .... do it.

My ramblings were to explain Watchtower’s 85% drivel.  

Your first step to find truth is by asking God and Christ for it.  Jesus did say, “come to me”.  Through prayer, you ask for direction to recognize truth without the 85% drivel.  You ask for Holy Spirit to guide you in serving God in spirit and truth, and what that means. 

There are good “trees” out there, to be found on the internet. (Matt 17:11)  I can send you to a “congregation”, but you won’t enter a building, or pay a tithe, or be captive to men telling you how to wash your laundry.  Instead, you build your relationship with the Father and Christ, because through God’s Word, and the blessings you receive from relying solely on them; you recognize right from wrong, good fruit from bad fruit, because this discernment, this ability, reaches your heart. You recognize that serving God through or with an organization, is idolatry, even if 15% of its teachings are truth.

You will read good “fruit” from anointed who’s words are in harmony with Christ.  Luke 17:31-37

Is that what you want?  I can send links in a pm.   

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What a lot of twaddle this has been. The bible students were totally wrong about a lot of things, we all know that. Is any of this important ? Surely what is important is the state of the Organisation

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What do you mean by fruits?  Jesus tells us it is teachings.  It has nothing to do with visible growth of any kind.  What type of fruit is hanging on the Watchtower’s trees (anointed are compared to t

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I get that a lot on IRC "..let me send you a private message (pm)"

I don't do private messaging.

I think EVERYTHING should be open, above board, and PUBLIC.   That way ... stupid ideas can be ripped to bloody shreds by those who have enough experience to know the difference.

Remember .... your many thousands and thousands of words HERE were to try and convince others to YOUR VIEWPOINT !.

Don't choke now that your poker hand has been called.

Up the ante ... and lets have some links.... right here... right now ... with your considered opinions of what they offer is better than what I have now.

Links by themselves are USELESS to a person that already has a workable, if somewhat clumsy product.

This is a SALES JOB ... and you are the salesman.  Explain fully the differences in what YOU are selling.

Sell, sell, Sell, SELL, SELL!  Jump up and down and gimme some gestures, passion and hard info !!

Give it your very best shot!

If you can convince me on the basis of reason, logic, and verifiable facts... I will abandon what I have now, and embrace whatever it is ... THAT YOU CAN REALLY PROVE ..... is better .....  and thank you for the direction !

Pretend you are selling a King Size Mattress to a guy that already has a mattress!

To put that another, more simple way (sigh....).

17 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Please ... show me an Alternative Congregation of God that has BETTER FRUITS ... where the "rubber meets the road".

This is the FIFTH time I have asked you this question, and got ZERO for a real answer.

I am beginning to think that the Ward Nurse does not know you have snuck (sneaked?) out of your room to play on the computer..


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There is a guy who has studied Russell for well over 50+ years, and some who have somewhat of extensive knowledge of Russell. I myself don't think he is a Mason, since the Masons weren't really a fan of him, he spoke ill of the Masons in one instance, and those who claim that he is a Mason don't have Lodge Registry information or Lodge number, status and tenet to back it up, even former Masons today have said the same thing, they either don't know who Russell is or can't seem to find accurate information of him on Mason registries. The head honcho who has the most knowledge on this man isn't Jehovah's Witnesses, tend to put blame on JWs for something they didn't do i.e. the monument near the grave-site of Russell, he says a JW had it erected, but the reality was it was a Bible Student who had it set up, things like that. Despite his disdain for JWs, he will do whatever it takes to defend Taze Russell to those who keep attacking him.

I have also taken the time to do research of the grave-site, which puts my conclusion of this man to where it is now. That being said, a lot of conspiracy theorists and Anti-Christians/Religions will try to put some religious leaders in the lime light for Masonry without getting to the core of what is true.

I have some good sources, I may post them up later, even a few neutral websites that JWs and others are found on, even former JWs, as well as current and former Bible Students, another site whereas all Christians are present as well as "Bible Seekers" for we call these guys as such because they want to seek scriptural information, depending on the topic of course.

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12 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This is the FIFTH time I have asked you this question, and got ZERO for a real answer.

Do you remember the day when I did continually link to a particular blog; so much so that admin gave me a warning not to; which I have tried to respect since then?    During that time, I sent you a pm with a link to the blog when you asked a similar question as you have now.

But, I am willing to sacrifice my “life” here and will give you several links. 

Firstly, a bit more rambling (or skip to the links…) The Wt. teaches that the discreet virgins are found within the organization.  However, the parable shows that the foolish ones buy symbolic “oil” from another source than Christ.  Their “light”, or what they teach comes from those who “sell” it – the GB.  Matt 25:8-10; Rev 13:17  The Wt. practices a spiritual commerce, where each one is given regulated “food” to in turn “sell” to others. It is taught that this unfit food is blessed by God’s guidance, by Holy Spirit.   Can an anointed “virgin” be wise when the majority of the teachings they “buy” from the GB/Harlot are in error? Luke 6:45

  The wise, alert virgins bring their “receptacle”, symbolized by the heart, with them to the Marriage Feast.  Luke 12:37; Rev 3:20  The “oil” that initially fills their receptacle, is the Holy Spirit that was already deposited in their heart at the anointing.  They are wise enough not to let any other “virgin” take it from them.  Luke 8:18; Matt 25:9,10  For doing so, they are blessed with more Holy Spirit to fill their heart. 

This symbolic parable takes on an earthly element when Wt. interprets it:

“They realize that their service to God will require giving up material comforts found in Satan’s world, but they are willing to do so. They are determined to serve Jehovah loyally, not because the end is near, but because they love him and his Son. They keep their integrity and do not allow the world’s materialistic, immoral, and selfish attitudes to affect them. “  Wt 15/3/15

Foolish harlots, comfortable and surrounded by riches obtained through materialistic means and selfish attitudes, are feeding foolish virgins with lies. Rev 18:4-8 The wise virgins open the door to Christ and enter the Marriage Feast of spiritual provisions, outside of a corrupt form of spiritual commerce.  Matt 13:12; 2 Cor 4:6  They begin to “know” Christ.  Phil 3:7-11; John 14:21

I had to get this said since it isn’t widely known among JWs that many members are disfellowshipped for rejection of lies, not for sinning, and also many anointed ones are disfellowshipped by their “fellow servants”/GB because they too cannot swallow the lies. Matt 24:48-51  There are anointed ones who can still be found teaching their own brand of lies, outside the Wt. walls.  Yet, “Elijah” has come to restore all things and can be found if one chooses to seek. Matt 17:10,11; Rev 11:1-10; Matt 16:24-27

If you no longer see me here, you will know I was busted by admin.

Pearl Doxsey - http://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/

This first group below on facebook has many members, incredibly a large majority are JWs. The second is a sister group.  You don’t seem to be the type that would have a facebook account, but I do encourage you to start one up.  After all, M. Stephen Lett still has his, up and running. 








“When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of (spiritual) Israel before the Son of Man comes.”  Matt 10:23

“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”  Matt 10:6


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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

There is a guy who has studied Russell for well over 50+ years, and some who have somewhat of extensive knowledge of Russell. I myself don't think he is a Mason, since the Masons weren't really a fan of him, he spoke ill of the Masons in one instance, and those who claim that he is a Mason don't have Lodge Registry information or Lodge number, status and tenet to back it up, even former Masons today have said the same thing, they either don't know who Russell is or can't seem to find accurate information of him on Mason registries. The head honcho who has the most knowledge on this man isn't Jehovah's Witnesses, tend to put blame on JWs for something they didn't do i.e. the monument near the grave-site of Russell, he says a JW had it erected, but the reality was it was a Bible Student who had it set up, things like that. Despite his disdain for JWs, he will do whatever it takes to defend Taze Russell to those who keep attacking him.

I have also taken the time to do research of the grave-site, which puts my conclusion of this man to where it is now. That being said, a lot of conspiracy theorists and Anti-Christians/Religions will try to put some religious leaders in the lime light for Masonry without getting to the core of what is true.

I have some good sources, I may post them up later, even a few neutral websites that JWs and others are found on, even former JWs, as well as current and former Bible Students, another site whereas all Christians are present as well as "Bible Seekers" for we call these guys as such because they want to seek scriptural information, depending on the topic of course.

Thank you.  Although evidence shows he was not registered in any book as a Mason, he appears to have been highly influenced by them.  

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20 hours ago, Witness said:

Thank you.  Although evidence shows he was not registered in any book as a Mason, he appears to have been highly influenced by them.  

Come on, man, let's not be vague about this. influences such as?

And yes, stuff like this is important because it helps one see if the so called individual is really a Freemason and not some tinfoil-hattery madness that is being thrown about.

So if you would be so kind, you may be able to provide some of what is listed below, if possible, since you know, you said the man was a Freemason or assuming he is one, the so called Bible Student leader, with parents who are Potato Farming Immigrants.

  • Any Tenet(s), made, accepted, and or bounded to?
  • You said he was influenced by the Masons, the very group he tends to bad-mouth talk about even on their home turf, can you provide the information you claim so I can see how it lines up with those who know CTR very well for a span of 50+ years and their sources?
  • Do you have any Registry information and Status; Mason database info?
  • Info on any Blood Oaths made (physically if possible or just sworn b him), information regarding this?
  • Did he have any Templar knights, deans, and Lewis' at his disposal?
  • Why wasn't he punished for saying/talking about Jesus when that in itself is disrespect to Masons, how was he able to avoid grounds of excommunication because of this? 
  • Why wasn't punishment made for him preaching for preaching is grounds of excommunication as well as talking about Jesus?
  • Why did he speak God by name "Jehovah" when it is Mason standard to take the name and mix it in with other Gods of the Masons? For Masons did take "Jehovah" and turned it into "Jao" to merge it with other false god names.
  • How did he start the Bible Students if he is a Mason when Christians at the time didn't even like Masons, Russell included?
  •  When asked why did he speak vile of Masons when the motto for masons is to "talk" about the brotherhood when confronted, where was the change?
  • Did he say anything about wanting to be "Like God" or "Equal to God" who Masons consider The Grand Architect, as all Masons seem to want such a thing and consider it a goal, did he say anything as such?
  • Did he encourage charity work and building foundations from charity works (for charity work is a "major priority" to Masons; high standard even)?
  • Did he get the "book on pedestal" when recruited like all masons do, lodge number and data?
  • Lodge/Grand Lodge Information if possible? Info from when before he was a 33 degree.
  • Was he a Liberal? Yes this is vital too.
  • If he is a 33 Degree Freemason, where is his Masonic history, let alone the Lodge of someone of the highest rank? this is vital information.
  • When was he given the rank of 33 Degree Freemason and what was his previous rank before he hit the highest one?

This is just some of the things one can see who is really a Mason and who isn't, this is just several out of a dozen things that would consider one a Mason. I know this much because I have clanged Masons in the past, others, former Masons, were kind to give detailed information and the like that prove useful, in other words,

to combat thy enemy, you must know thy enemy.

I know enough to say what I said and I am quite familiar with Freemasonry myself. When it comes to information, you have to provide in order for people to see what you are claiming, I will give you an example below:

An example: Roscoe Pound, who is a Mason. How is this known? He is the founder of Society of Innocents, he is/was a former member of the Lancaster Lodge No. 54. He served as Deputy Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1915 and delivered a series of Masonic lectures. He helped to found The Harvard Lodge A.F. & A.M. along with Kirsopp Lake (also a Mason) a Professor of the Divinity School, and others. Both of them appear in Freemason Registry and Databases with their information and connection to others. Another well known Mason is the US president, the 1st one, George Washington, in addition to that, King James I and Francis Bacon, both of whom were involved with the King James Bible, were also Masons.

I have been around the block, for that is how I roll, reasons being is to know the true enemy, you must learn about the enemy, and Masons are somewhat as a minor threat to Christianity.

That being said, just because some guy is throwing symbols around does not make him 100% Mason. For Christians in the past have spoke of Masonry and gave examples from the work of Masons to prove how dangerous of a group they truly are.

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I understand Charles Taze Russell once had Tasers for hands, and used to roll around on small tank treads yelling "Input!  Input!  Input!!.

He was influenced by a time traveling robot named Johnny 5.

Lets discuss THIS ad nauseum.

Or ... "you know who" could , um ... Please ... show me an Alternative Congregation of God that has BETTER FRUITS ... where the "rubber meets the road".

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13 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I understand Charles Taze Russell once had Tasers for hands, and used to roll around on small tank treads yelling "Input!  Input!  Input!!.

He was influenced by a time traveling robot named Johnny 5.

Lets discuss THIS ad nauseum.

lol :D. What is known about him is that his Presbyterian Family were immigrants, Christian Potato Farmers, who moved to the United States.

That being said, if any robot were to show up in his day and age, he would have, as with the others, ran for the hills lol.

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15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Or ... "you know who" could , um ... Please ... show me an Alternative Congregation of God that has BETTER FRUITS ... where the "rubber meets the road".

You want physical rubber hitting the physical road.  I think that’s what you already have!  YOU will have to look for something similar if you are not satisfied with what I gave you.   The true Christian congregation is the anointed Body of Christ with Christ as Head. Col 1:18 This is why Jesus spoke his words to the woman at the well – no longer are we to worship on a literal “mountain”, high place, physical church of centralized authority. 

I gave you links to anointed ones who are part of the Body – the true congregation.  With them, are those who recognize truth from their lips.  John 13:20  These anointed “living stones” are the “mountain” where many will stream to...

In the last days
the mountain of the Lord’s temple
 will be established  - (the “restoration” of the Temple stones, the “capstone” is happening. Eph 1:912; Zech 4:8-10,6,7
    as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
    and all nations will stream to it.
3 Many peoples will come and say,

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
    to the temple of the God of Jacob. (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22,10)
He will teach us his ways,
    so that we may walk in his paths.”
The law will go out from Zion,
    the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." Isa.2:2,3

The Watchtower “mountain” is the counterfeit Zion.  Wouldn’t you know.  Another lie.   

2 Cor 5:7; 2 Cor 4:18               

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15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

So if you would be so kind, you may be able to provide some of what is listed below, if possible, since you know, you said the man was a Freemason or assuming he is one,

I don’t recall saying he was a Freemason, I said he was highly influenced by them, which the video clearly shows. 

I have read various write-ups about the history of the Masons, but I am not at all an expert on their teachings.  I can say, that what I have read, doesn’t make them out to be a benign religion.  I will ask you, since I do believe from what you say, that you are up on who they are.  Do they believe Jesus was only a man?  If so, that is a destructive sect.  But, I would need proof of that.

15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

ou said he was influenced by the Masons, the very group he tends to bad-mouth talk about even on their home turf, can you provide the information you claim so I can see how it lines up with those who know CTR very well for a span of 50+ years and their sources?

Are you familiar with this source?  It doesn’t appear that he is bad-mouthing the Masons while on their home turf, at least not when giving this presentation.  Skip down to page 914



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