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"Veni, vidi, vici"-G.J.Caesar vs. "I see, I read, I hear, I do not understand"-Jehovah's Witness

Srecko Sostar

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The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. So how can we answer Jesus’ question: “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?” (Matt. 24:45) WT feb 2017

What if a man claims his expressions are not inspired, but still expects us to follow his teachings and obey his direction?  Does he then get a free pass from testing process?  If we are commanded to test an expression which a man claims is inspired from God, how much more caution should we exercise when the man does not claim inspiration, yet expects us to accept his words as if he were channeling the Almighty? - 1 John 4:1

“By word or action, may we never challenge the channel of communication that Jehovah is using today.” (w09 11/15 p.14 par. 5 "Treasure Your Place in the Congregation")

To claim one is not speaking under inspiration, while simultaneously claiming one is God’s channel of communication is to speak a contradiction. 

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The home of the typical forum participant here:   TrueTom's modest abode:

“The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Bel

This has been said so many times by the Wt. that one JW told me “scripture says”…when it doesn’t.    In other words, the Wt denies any growth over time in the Temple of God. 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3;16

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9 "Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own. However, Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food. Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation. Each one of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today?’" - w16 nov p.15,16 p.9

jworg bible with comments;

The Good News According to Matthew

Overview of Matthew

Matthew 23:2

  • seated themselves in the seat of Moses: Or “appointed themselves to Moses’ place,” by presumptuously claiming his authority as interpreters of divine law.

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On 2/4/2018 at 8:30 AM, Nana Fofana said:

Thus far we have seen that Jesus followed a pattern when feeding his followers: He fed many through the hands of a few.


This has been said so many times by the Wt. that one JW told me “scripture says”…when it doesn’t.    In other words, the Wt denies any growth over time in the Temple of God. 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3;16,17; Eph 2:20-22   The apostles as foundation of the Body of Christ, taught more “living stones” to follow their example. Matt 16:18; Rev 14:5; John 21;17 Teaching didn’t stop with just the apostles. Every faithful anointed one since Christ is to present truth that the Holy Spirit gives them through the anointing. 1 John 2:27 By using it, they build on it. 2 Cor 1:22; Eph 4:11-13 The “feeding” program that Jesus outlined involved all anointed within the Body.  So…today in the Watchtower there is a large number of anointed ones who could “feed” and teach God’s laws, but a “wicked slave” will not have it. Heb 10:16; Matt 24:48-51; Rev 13:17; 3:18   Thus, their adopted slogan; ‘feeding many through the hands of a few. ‘


 The people do not receive merciful guidance through the laws fulfilled in Christ.  Mark 4:21  This is not God’s idea, but the idea of self-assuming, self-driven men fooling the masses of JWs, and 'shutting the door of the Kingdom of Heaven' - God's righteous "organization" found within his "priesthood".  Mark 10:42,43 ; 1 Cor 4:6; Matt 23:13,14  

“Her prophets are insolent, treacherous people;
Her priests have polluted the sanctuary,
They have done violence to the law.”   Zeph 3:4

“Although by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the basic principles of God’s revelation again. You need milk, not solid food.”  Heb 5:12


 “My covenant was with him, one of life and peace,
And I gave them to him that he might fear Me;
So he feared Me
And was reverent before My name.
The law of truth was in his mouth,
And injustice was not found on his lips.

He walked with Me in peace and equity,
And turned many away from iniquity.

For the lips of a priest (1 Pet 2:5,9)  should keep knowledge,
And people should seek the law from his mouth;
For he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.

“Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.”  1 Tim 4:16

“But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like someone looking at his own face in a mirror. 24 For he looks at himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of person he was.

God’s “priesthood” has forgotten their role – to be a “messenger of the Lord”.  Instead, they follow the dictates of men whose message is to preach an earthly “organization”.  Rev 13:12,14,8

 25 But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works—this person will be blessed in what he does.”  James 1:22-25

“Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and of the mysteries of God”.  1 Cor 4:1




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Space M. hi,

 let us skip the words "prophets and prophecies" in both aspects, as inspired and uninspired  

then we have "interpreters and interpretations" - not inspired :)) of course, GB are not the only one spokesperson for god as G. Jackson clearly gave his interpretation or explanation about that issue :) 


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Life is tough .... then you die.

Journey Lyrics

"Don't Stop Believin'"

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on, and on, and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlight people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on, and on, and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlight people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

[Instrumental interlude]

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people
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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Space M. hi,

 let us skip the words "prophets and prophecies" in both aspects, as inspired and uninspired  

then we have "interpreters and interpretations" - not inspired :)) of course, GB are not the only one spokesperson for god as G. Jackson clearly gave his interpretation or explanation about that issue :) 


Care to share some examples, let alone the church leader's comment since he was mentioned? In the meantime, I will re-check my other sources. As for the video, I pulled this from someone making a point in another Christian forum regarding church leaders who claim to be inspired and or uninspired, as well as those who use inspired and or uninspired bible verses to push what is true and or not true.


Any man can claim to be a channel and or spokesman to God the Father, the question is, from what they are doing, is it true or untrue, usually depends on the how and why one believes what they believe, which in turn, used to teach.

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2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Jeremiah 6:10, Zechariah 7:11, Deuteronomy 29

good verses :)

Yet the Lord says, “During the forty years ...... i spend (spent) my 40 years in JW religion :)))) 1975-2015

4 But to this day the Lord has not given you a mind that understands or eyes that see or ears that hear.  .... now i can see little, little more then before :)))

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16 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

Only apply Isaiah when you understand the NT, Philippians 2:3-4, James 3:16, Romans 8:5, 2 Timothy 3:2,


Therefore, youÂ’re STILL dealing with the desire of the flesh that has NOTHING to do with Christ message of LOVE. Proverbs 18:1

I believe your scriptures on the desires of the flesh as well as LOVE can be better put to use in explaining how they may fit in the following pictures.   Which building would you rather visit?  

Allen, if the organization knew love and practiced it, they would know their brothers and sisters in the anointed Body of Christ; God's TEMPLE.    BUT THEY ARE TOLD NOT TO GET TO KNOW THEM! 2 Thess 2:1-12   So, tell me, who is not practicing love?  Who is bent on feeding their fleshly desires but those who following the dictates of an earthly organization - A CORPORATION - who slave for it and revel in every fleshly manifestation of their worship, from cleaning the toilets, to constructing more buildings, making sure every physical piece of clothing they wear is just right - ALL TO MAKE A FLESHLY, APPEALING SHOW, WHEN GOD DOESN'T CARE!

All He asks for is mercy, and not sacrifice.  Matt 12:7








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