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"We Are Not in America," Russian Witnesses are Told


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Reports Chivchalov on February 9: (Anton Chivchalov Blog)
"At least 16 dwellings of civilians in Belgorod and 12 dwellings in Kemerovo ... are suspected of continuing the activities of the organization "Management Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia".
"In the evening of February 7, 2018 in Belgorod, large groups of law enforcement officers, consisting of police officers, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and armed fighters of the SOBR, simultaneously invaded a number of private houses of local residents. In some cases citizens were thrown on the floor, put to the wall, then all were forcibly taken to the police, in the homes they searched.
"… citizens were confiscated from the Bible, all electronic devices and media, passports, money, in some cases even photos hanging on the wall. Already the next day, interrogations of citizens began, which are in the police on the agenda. It became known that an investigation team was established, consisting of 12 (!) Investigators of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. …
"In Kemerovo, …[an official suspected that] at least 14 local residents continue to profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge of the central district court of the city of Kemerovo, Irina Ivanova, at one point satisfied at once at least 12 of her motions. As a result, a search was carried out in 12 houses of peaceful believers, which continued even during the night. In some cases, armed SOBR officers in masks opened their doors by force, bursting in, putting civilians face to the wall with their arms raised or falling to the floor. The apartment was sometimes invaded by more than 10 people, including police officers, Rosgvardia and the Investigative Committee. Citizens were denied the opportunity to make a phone call or to invite a lawyer; the refusal was accompanied by an explanation of Stanislav Shlagov, senior police officer for particularly important cases: "We are not in America."
"Citizens, including women and the elderly, experience a state close to shock. Many have exacerbated chronic diseases. Telephones, tablets, computers, personal belongings, information carriers are confiscated. It is reported that witnesses who were present during the searches were familiar with the police and actively assisted them, in some cases with their tips."
Anton Chivchalov has covered the turmoil of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia from before the ban. He tweeted dialogue, at 5-minute intervals, of the April 5th Court hearing leading to ban, at the July appeal, and at the subsequant hearing to ban the New World Translation of the Bible.  His veracity is well-established.
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Reports Chivchalov on February 9: (Anton Chivchalov Blog)   "At least 16 dwellings of civilians in Belgorod and 12 dwellings in Kemerovo ... are suspected of continuing the activitie

The Jews in Poland and Germany .... who sold everything at "five cents on the dollar", and left for America with the clothes on their back escaped in time.   The rest often escaped as hot ashes going

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11 minutes ago, Rosalie Barry said:

Are we to expect this kind of treatment here too before long.? The end must be close! It is like in Hitler’s Germany all over again!

No one knows ... but my best guess would be NO!

Three things the Russians have (had) in common with the Nazis ..... they BOTH had "Universal Health Care", which, if you can control the health care system, you can control the people , and what you can speak and what you can read is severely restricted, and both countries had excellent and almost total gun confiscation for the average person.

Here in the United States Trump is destroying mandated heath care that you are forced to buy, at outrageous prices ..... Freedom of Speech is STILL sacred, and every family has an average of somewhere around 4 firearms.

In any Society, when the people fear the Governors, tyranny prevails, and there are never any exceptions.

In any Society, where the Governors fear the people, there is Freedom and Prosperity.

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6 hours ago, Rosalie Barry said:

Are we to expect this kind of treatment here too before long.? The end must be close! It is like in Hitler’s Germany all over again!

It is not everywhere. There are hot spots. The two towns are 3200 km apart. Most Witnesses have merely tightened an already cautious deportment. They now must look over their shoulder more than in the past. It hints at the Jewish pogroms of long ago, which were very bad when they happened, but they did not always happen.

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I don't know either person, personally, but it seemed very clear that since EVERYONE without exception is under Satan's influence ... to go easy on those who are doing the very best they know how ... under challenging, often impossible circumstances, and in the face of immense and unrelenting opposition.

2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

You have a tyrant at the White House, personally handpicked by Satan, to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, how else could a detestable person win?

The way I look at it is that Trump set aside a billion dollar career, and is donating 100% of his government salary to charity .... and actively destroying Obamacare ... an unconstitutional mandate to make YOU BUY SOMETHING YOU DO NOT WANT ... so representing him as handpicked by  Satan is a bit rough, and COMPLETELY, TOTALLY irrational.

Even Hilary Clinton, the only once-viable alternative fiction novelist ...  could be smeared by your accusations, AllenSmith ... had she won the Presidency.


Get over it!

Besides. .... she obviously does not directly worship Satan.

Satan worships her.

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