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Jehovah's Witnesses Child Abuse / Pedophilia and the Governing body.


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@TrueTomHarley You seem to repeat the same old rubbish. You tell lies and twist things so i can see why you so love the Governing Body. You have so much in common. I don't even think you are a brother in the JW Org. I think you are just a trouble maker. 

All your lies and rubbish do not fool me however. I can see through you. 

The Governing Body does not care about it's members of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. They do not care about the amount of Child Abuse within. They did not want to prevent it in the past and do not want to prevent it now. All they want to do is look after themselves. Serve them if you want you hypocrite. Worship them if it makes you feel good. Give your love and devotion to them and not to God Himself, and then wait on judgement day to find the result. Jesus Christ will know your heart, your desires, and your motives. you may fool some people but you won't fool God or His son. 

you've come back to this stupid stupid idea that JW Org is ok because it does not have AS MUCH Child Abuse as other organisations. and like i said before, would the Nation of Israel have said to God "We did not kill as many of our children as the other nations did ". You hypocrite. you have no idea what Child Abuse is like. Go worship your Governing Body. 8 men, yes MEN, when the scriptures tell you "Put not your trust in earthling man". You forsake God, Jesus Christ and the Bible, and replace it all with 8 MEN. 

Your stupid reference to the pilot of an aeroplane has no similarity at all. A pilot does not tell you how to live your life. A pilot does not try to take the authority away from God and mistreat millions of people, like a wicked slave class. 

As for your book, I think you are looking for recognition through the lies that you tell, and to make money of course. Every writer hopes to make some money from their books... And there will probably be some people with little brain power that will buy and read your rubbish... Enjoy whilst you can, Armageddon is getting closer each day. 

As for apostasy, it means nothing.   Jesus was an apostate of the Jewish religion according to the Jewish religious leaders. The early Christians were also apostates to that same religion, hence Saul (who became Paul) was trying to get rid of them all..... Apostasy just means leaving a religion that you once followed... However it does not mean leaving God or Jesus Christ. 

As for encouraging pedophiles, well your Governing Body must be hiding them for sure. To pay out so much money so as not to release those documents, says quite a bit. Big payoffs to those two victims in America. For nothing, just to give away money, I don't think so ! Go back to sleep and dream on 

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8 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

@James Thomas Rook Jr. If you don't care about Child Abuse, why don't you just say so ? 

Child Abuse is a major issue and even if someone does not show such reaction to it, in their hearts they already know it is bad, despite not expressing it on places like the internet or a forum. For people will react the way they do, if they want to act tough at times, but in reality, it hurts them despite not expressing it on a social platform.

But I have said time and time again, no one is perfect, no one is pure, for in the realm of sexual immorality and child abuse it is at a global scale, and no matter the organization or the institution, child abuse will exist in some way, shape or form, and the abusers will always find a way to infiltrate such places, especially in, as the JW friends put it, worldly view, whereas pedophilia is deemed okay and normal, some take child abuse as a literal joke and or meme, silly as it seem, they even made a character of it such, which is ridiculous while the people on the social platform see it as funny to tag it, to screenshot it and to merge it with other images as a joke, when in reality, it is very very grim and serious.

The obvious truth is that child abuse will not halt and or cease one's pursuits of joining a religion or if said person is a convert to the religion of their choice. In regards to Jehovah's Witnesses, child abuse will not stop someone from joining the faith, no matter how hard you express something these people already know in regards to child abuse and religion - so it is not a good idea to condemn the group as a whole for the actions of a few bad persons, for all we know, we do not even know how the church leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses react to such problems, how they feel and so forth, but someone on the internet can easily take the words of others and being one-sided in this whole situation and attack the leaders head on who have nearly 8.3 million JW Christians with them, as the Muslims put it, the JW Tribe.

For if we are to condemn a whole group, then we must also condemn hospitals, educational institutions, the police force and several others for if we are to do the same for a religious group(s), we should do the same for such places too, even going as far to condemn either friends or family members who took part in child abuse. For in the past (present also), police officers have been subjected to child abuse and assault, some take it further by using their position to abuse their victims, either one or multiple victims, the destroying of child pornography images and videos in an botched attempt to destroy evidence, despite the ruins of said material being found via investigation. Despite the actions of such people who are sworn and by law to serve and protect, some of them abuse their power, be race, the sex of the person they target, class and age, and some victims are either children and or teenagers who are not even old enough to know what a Bank Levy, in some cases, some being involved with child and sex prostitution rings, for a change of a few dollars prevents such things to be kept in the dark by the wicked people who themselves partake in such things. In the end, we do not condemn the police force or the leaders of a department, unless they too are involved, hence why we still have the police around and to this day there is always the good cop and the bad cop,for the bad ones tend to get away while others get the book thrown at them, the good cop will continue to do good in the eyes of his/her department, his community and his/her family and friends. The police force and the military are no different from each other in terms of doing good for the community and family, but just like the police, even the military has a few bad eggs, like with recent news about the US military and their Afghan allies.

Many Hospitals around the world do not even follow guidelines for child abuse patients, and some are involved in the crime and or just pure neglect. Some doctors and nurses who have access to children and or teenagers tend to be the abusers to their victims also, regardless of this, it doesn't stop the outsiders from going to said Hospital, for the Hospital is a place to get checked out and or treated, the same can be said of a small doctor's/nurse's office, for if anyone in that area is an abuser, they will be dealt with in time, and replaced with someone of the same title and position who has a clean record and no mental issues, and life goes on as it should and such places are still areas of which strangers both young and old dwell in.

Same thing goes for other things, social media and online video games (possibly the subtly in these things tend to be very dangerous) to where abusers also use and prey on young victims, especially on popular games the kids play nowadays Minecraft, Call of Duty, etc (apparently old fashion Mario and Donkey Kong is too retro for today's tech kids) for predators will pose as a "friend" in the game to lure their victims, despite such cases already, especially the recent Minecraft one that had a happy ending to it for the child and her family (link here), the games were not commended, but the parent's as do others also, are told to better supervise and educate children of online games, as well as social media, for back then to now, social media was literally haven for abusers - some also who bribe children to do things, at times offering real money just so they can blackmail the victim and record or take images of them, a situation similar to a friend of mine who passed away via suicide due to exposure and blackmail, for I have mentioned this before here.

Educational Institutions is tricky, for in normal schools, most of the abusers tend to be female instead of male, and tend to get away with what they have done by prostituting themselves to an adolescent, other times, the female abuser will get a less sentence compared to their male counterparts (In the US, the culprits are mostly Caucasian - statewide). In addition to that, no one bats an eye because of how the teacher physical looks, for how it seems in the eyes of the law who investigate such in the educational institutions, the more pretty she looks, the less of a sentence. But like the others, you cannot condemn a school or the one who runs the school who at least make an attempt to deal with the situation, at times, the head of the school or the board are not always involved and if they are, they just simply say the teacher no longer works here - the same can be said of teacher abusers to students in Universities and Colleges, and I can tell you, there is a good side and a really, really dark side to Universities and Colleges, very explicit.

But yes, no one is going to condemn a religion for child abuse, if anything it is merely by choice should one does such or if it is the actual family of the victim or the victim themselves, it won't stop someone from joining said religion, faith and or church congregation, especially those who are or has Evangelicals/Missionaries and try to do what is right in terms of bible scripture. For if we are to condemn a faith, we are to condemn nearly everything else that is involved with government, this includes the American Dollar for some of the money is used in the Deep State in regards of child abuse, despite it being a necessity.

In my case, I am a Unitarian, similar to that of Jehovah's Witnesses, but even us Unitarians have several denominations, and when one of them do something, people will not just bash on us for it, they bash on the Christian faith itself, for child abuse is also an issue with us, but it does not stop me from following the faith, nor does become the very thing that keeps me away from bible reading and study. This goes for the church leaders of the Unitarian denominations, for even they differ, but the effect of child abuse has proven to be a problem with them, as do other religions.

Other cases, some people become sex offenders for being wrongly accused and or lied to, Zach Anderson being a prime and recent example of such - for he was not a pedophile, but the girl who got him into deep trouble was the root of him becoming a sex offender, avoiding 25 years. His life was obviously ruined,and to this day some side with him while other attack him or accuse him of being a pedophile.

As for the Jehovah's Witnesses and their leaders, just like everyone else, child abuse is an issue that is not easy to contain, for since anyone can be a member of their faith, anyone can come and have access to children and but out of the bunch you may have that one guy or girl who has a ill desire of children, and in order to get the trust of others and the kids, they will either work hard to just get a position of authority and use said authority to lure children in, as such is the case with anything pertaining to child abuse - for the bad people can and will infiltrate any religion of their choice just to cause a scene and or take action. And just like everyone else, they will do what they can to minimize the situation, in some cases, internal investigation or the like without breaking religious law, and should they find anything, they will advise the victim and or the victim's parents of the problem if the victim has not spoken up to their parents yet. Since it was said before, the JW elders will advise them to seek out authorities and should authorities ask for the help of the one who did the internal investigation should such an event is raised.

You may not be a Jehovah's Witnesses anymore, but what you can do to help them is to educate them on how to identify child abuse, so should an abuser attempt to join them in that church, they will be ready and not be caught off guard, for training on signs of abuse is a thing that people tend to do for sometime now, for educating such persons helps at least one child, which is something you can do like many others, but if you are to do it, be on the same level as the person you are speaking to, as well as being mild with them, and if you have a chance and close with a child or two, you can teach them if someone is bothering them, before any action is taken, the child, who has been educated on what child abuse is, will react - which is the same thing about an adult teaching a child about strangers, you can teach them about child abuse also, as with other things, so they can be aware and alert, for the children I speak to in my family and my friend's family this subject was raised and with what they know, they taught other children also, some who are of a different faith and nationality than them also. Regarding their faith, work with what they believe and what laws and rules from scripture they go by if you have to, for anyone who is bible strict, you have to work with them on their level.

Now, your other biggest problem is dealing with the situation of child grooming, child brides, child and or young adolescent forced to marry the very man that raped them, for such things do exist in America due to law, Florida being one of many of the states, while outside the US, such things is all over like wildfire in a forest, human sex trafficking, as well as child to child abuse and a field of other things in terms of abuse. For this world is full of sin and sinners, and should you choose to condemn everything or anyone because of child abuse, you may as well build a cabin house in the woods far far away from civilization, but the reality is, we all have to see this world for what it really is, imperfection and the sins of man, for even a good man can sin and commit child abuse, and their actions will effect those around them and the community. As for pedophiles what they to are danger to themselves, but at the same time, you have to realize that these people are sick in the head too, pedophilia is said to have an unknown origin, but tends to affect such person at birth as some say, and for them, it is as if they are born with a demon, one that cannot be expelled easily and should they go unchecked, they will enact what they see fit in targeting young children, be it teens or even young toddlers, other cases pedophilia of an older child can manifest and they will end up taking action on someone smaller and obviously not stronger than them.

For wherever there is children or a child, expect that there is or will be a predator near by, could be a churchgoer, a neighbor, a teacher, a gym coach, that guy at the store who is close with your family, or the obviously disturbed man in the car who is going around the neighborhood seeking to kidnap someone, and in most cases, it is most likely the relative, specifically the Father of the household who is the abuser, rarely it is the mother, but some situations this is the case. As for those outside of what is going on, also expect that they can or cannot help, as I said before, such persons tend not to get involved, especially if it can get them subjected to, injured, and or killed (or become the killer if involved) if it comes to that (a recent story: Lithuania Pedophile Controversy), regardless of their faith and or position, for at times they will simply give advise and or inform you to seek someone who is of better help. I say this because I was a kid myself, all of us were, and as an adult now, I take the word of a child for inner my circle of family and friends, the word of a child is key to truth - especially if the child is raised right and puts a great deal of trust in you. Educate the child or children on this matter, and if you have to, educate the parent of the child or relative, or someone close to them if you manage to jump on that subject in a conversation in an attempt to teach said person about child abuse, the signs of an abuser and or victim, etc.

Child abuse can only be prevented in some cases, if after, things can be done to help the victim(s), we cannot fight or stop such a thing, for if we are to think of such, we have to question ourselves if that is even possible for we cannot stop war, famine or racism, sickness, etc and we cannot stop child abuse - a reality we have to accept and be aware of in a world full of wickedness. All we can do is offer help and do the best way we can, some better than others, some will do the best that they can in regard to the problem, but in an imperfect and immoral world that thinks pedophilia is okay when the reality is it is a sickness that plagues the abusers at birth, it is very difficult and to some pose not just a threat, but a daunting challenge to deal with. You'd be surprise that not only the victims are helped, but the abusers affected by the ill desire brought upon them due to pedophilia are also fighting their demons, and there are people who have to deal with keeping such persons in check to prevent such ill desire to overtake them which will soon beget action that can land them in a world of hurt and trouble, and in some cases, exile, as for some victims, they tend to even go out of their way to forgive their abusers, which is rare in some occasions.

That being said, all of us have to be aware and vigilant, should we have to, better to educate people about such a matter and accept the fact that child abuse is a thing that has been around for ages and will not go away until God gives the okay for his Son to return to earth prior to end time tribulations, only then we will know that the days of the wicked are numbered, and the battle against child abuse that is an unwanted plague of mankind will most definitely be dealt with, only then we can breathe easy when that day comes when such things will be a thing of the pastas with other troubles and anxieties we have today.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is amazing! I can’t sneak anything past you. You have hit the nail on the head! I am writing a book because I want to be

F. A. M. O. U. S ! ! !

@JW Insider,!!! Run to the art room and fetch me a picture of a brother with puffed out chest thumbing to to the yacht and mansion behind him and the piles of MONEY (but no bikini-clad woman, for this IS a brother and we ARE talking a family publication.

I want that brother to be   ME!!! 

Swimming Pools!

Movie stars!

Sheesh. I’m writing a book for the same reason anyone writes a book – because I have a story to tell. Have you ever been to a library? There are a lot of them in there. I want to put one there as well.

This is true with anyone! What is wrong with you? 

There has never been any question from the ARC or anyone else that they were getting the right numbers. The only reason they have any numbers at all is because Jehovah’s Witnesses track wrongdoing so as to punish it and warn others as necessary. No other faith even attempts to ensure that members should apply what they learn!! No one else goes there.

Jehovah’s Witnesses worship the Governing Body in the same sense that passengers on a plane worship the pilot when they refrain from kicking in the cockpit door to and grabbing the controls. This is not hard to understand to anyone who has not mentally made himself a ten-year-old!!

It is like when the reporters ask Tillerson "Did you call the President a moron??!!!" and he says "I'm not going to dignify that question with an answer" because he knows that if he says no, they will keep pressing him until he says yes, and if he says yes, they will run off with what they think is the story of the century!!!  even though people routinely call each other morons - whether seriously or in jest, and it means nothing!!

"Worship the Governing Body" my foot!! I mean, there is only so much you can do with a person determined to be stupid!!

It gets worse.

Punishment is fine – for child rapists no punishment is too great, but prevention is obviously the higher priority. It looks like every tenth person on the planet is a pedophile, so punishment, even when you do it right, only goes so far in solving the problem. And Jehovah's Witnessed DO punish. Quite severely when called for. But their way doesn't dovetail with the world's preferred way and THAT is what is being resolved. It is also the ONLY CONCERN John has!

I am so done with this fellow! He does not care about prevention – he has made the point over and over again. He only cares about shaming people and revenge! (on Witnesses) He wants to punish it after it happens but does not seem to care about if it happens in the first place!!!

He wants revenge! He wants to shame people! He could care less about stopping child sexual abuse!! That's not his thing.


I am willing to disobey counsel in certain instances and engage with those who have fallen under the spell of single-issue fanatics, even if some of them also embrace apostacy.

But there is no way I am going to engage with one who would encourage pedophiles!!! He sees how it is being stopped to a ten-fold degree and it doesn't interest him at all!!!


The sad reality is that some may or may not accept is child abuse and the sickness that is pedophilia is far to great to be contained 100%. Some instances of preventing it or dealing with its aftermath, but it cannot be stopped. In regards to JWs and other faiths, even the so called mainstreamers who I disagree with, all are subjected to child abuse for it has infiltrated everything, even government. There is some stuff that the mainstream news and media isn't telling the people nor made public for such stories of child abuse deem far too brutal and explicit to some, perhaps far more unhinged compared to what is going on in religious, for it has a lot to do with the high and mighty people who partake in such things, the abusers.

That being said, it is unwise for some to condemn a group for child abuse, when it is all over. I say this because our schools, our police, our military, our churches, our institutions, our businesses, etc are subjected to child abuse, even our money that has gone to and out of the hands of wicked persons, as well as those committed to spreading child abuse.

But sadly, the whole child abuse thing has made a lot of people sad and angry so reactions and bursting how such vented emotions will eventually goes people to target persons and or groups due to child abuse.

Very soon stuff like this will end though and we will need not worry about child abuse. But as of right now, the problem is the spreading of child abuse and those who are accepting of it, while on the other side of the spectrum, people are trying whatever they can to minimize and or fight against child abuse the best way they can.


Elsewhere, the only literal fight (at times there has been fist fighting by some) some people are making a decision on in regards to child abuse is doing what they can to fight against people who accept pedophilia as if it is a good thing, people like in this image here, who pose a real threat and being the very persons who influence mentally ill pedophiles to seek out young people as if it is a good thing, there is a good reason as to why the bible says to not be part of the world:



As well as fighting against child grooming and marriage, something of which a majority of this world accepts, when in reality stuff like this is very wrong: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/11/29/pedophilia-in-the-us-more-than-200000-children-married-in-the-last-15-years/

But as someone once said, there are better ways to fight and or combat issues like child abuse, condemning a person or group or disrupting, attacking them is not the best way to go, for it causes the person or group to be targets while the real culprits are at work, infiltrating others and committing their vile crimes - but it seems not everything is outside of the box or thinking critically on this child abuse matter and will just go witch hunting instead.

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1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

you've come back to this stupid stupid idea that JW Org is ok because it does not have AS MUCH Child Abuse as other organizations

Now you've got it!  It's doing better than anyone else.  How can that be spun as a bad thing?

The facts are very simple. It was not the ARC's mission, but evidence was uncovered to show JW's cut child abuse by 90% overr the general population.

@JOHN BUTLER does not care about this! He insists that attention be drawn elsewhere.

How can be not be a friend of child sexual abuse?  (Granted that he has suffered it, and of course that calls for empathy. But it doesn't necessitate trashing common sense and it doesn't justify 'slash and burn' toward the people with the best record)

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

There is some stuff that the mainstream news and media isn't telling the people nor made public for such stories of child abuse deem far too brutal and explicit to some, perhaps far more unhinged compared to what is going on in religious

The authorities who must view child porn in the course of doing their jobs liken it to Medusa: "One look and you turn to stone"

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11 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

@James Thomas Rook Jr. If you don't care about Child Abuse, why don't you just say so ? 

WOW!    It's amazing what some people get out of an obvious shaggy dog story !

I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes ...

... until I met a man with no sense of humor, and who misunderstood EVERYTHING!


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6 hours ago, Witness said:

Watchtower’s Greek Interlinear uses “upon”:

Rev 5:10  - https://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/kingdom-interlinear-greek-translation/books/revelation/5/

RNWT – “and you made them to be a kingdom+ and priests to our God,+ and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

There is quite a bit of difference.  Makes you wonder why they changed it in their Bible.  At least it should make you question their intentions.  The GB have themselves in mind; the higher they believe they can ascend, the bolder they become in falsehoods.  

There is no difference nor is it their intention, for anyone who understands and respect Koine Greek and the manuscripts, they can see this with their very eyes. For the translation of this verse in regards to their interlinear has not broken any rules whatsoever. For you to consider that an error is quite laughable when one can review what is true online and with the facts placed before them, they will see that the interlinear made by the WT was not in error - which I have said and proven to you before.

I said this to you before, and I will say it again, learn your Greek.-_- There is no issue with "upon" for that very word is within the Strong's itself and no Strong's that differ from it, especially its use in said verse - in addition to various translations who uses that Greek word and use a word that derives from that Greek Strong's and that it alone. For it isn't the Watchtower's doing, it is the TR's itself of which said translations from the manuscripts derive from. The fact I have stated this to you before and you ignoring that pretty much proves you ignore the very manuscripts of which the bible originates from. I will re-post that link to my response to one of your interlinear comments, which I have already proven by my information to be fact, correct and true in terms of the sources used to translate such verses to the bible itself:


Revelations 5:10



Stephens 1550 Textus Receptus
kai epoihsaV hmas tw qew hmwn basileis kai iereiV kai basileusomen epi thV ghV

Scrivener 1894 Textus Receptus
kai epoihsaV hmas tw qew hmwn basileis kai iereiV kai basileusomen epi thV ghV

Byzantine Majority
kai epoihsaV autous tw qew hmwn basileis kai iereiV kai basileusousin epi thV ghV

kai epoihsaV autous tw qew hmwn basileian kai iereiV kai basileusousin epi thV ghV

Hort and Westcott
kai epoihsaV autouV tw qew hmwn basileian kai iereiV kai basileuousin epi thV ghV

Latin Vulgate
5:10 et fecisti eos Deo nostro regnum et sacerdotes et regnabunt super terram

American Standard Version
5:10 and madest them to be unto our God a kingdom and priests; and they reign upon earth.

Bible in Basic English
5:10 And have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are ruling on the earth.

Darby's English Translation
5:10 and made them to our God kings and priests; and they shall reign over the earth.

Douay Rheims
5:10 And hast made us to our God a kingdom and priests, and we shall reign on the earth.

Noah Webster Bible
5:10 And hast made us to our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Weymouth New Testament
5:10 And hast formed them into a Kingdom to be priests to our God, And they reign over the earth.'

World English Bible
5:10 And made them kings and priests to our God, And they reign on earth.'

Young's Literal Translation
5:10 and didst make us to our God kings and priests, and we shall reign upon the earth.'



Now as for the WT interlinear:


10 ???and ????????you made??????them??to the???God????of us?????????kingdom???and??????,priests,???and????????????they are reigning???upon???the???.


Look at also: https://www.blueletterbible.org/esv/rev/5/1/t_conc_1172010

??? (epi)Greek Strong's  #1909

A. upon, on, at, by, before

B. of position, on, at, by, over, against

C. to, over, on, at, across, against

??? epí, ep-ee'; a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.:—about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, × have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with.


I won't bother with root words this time because you seem to be ignoring pure facts regarding the very manuscripts that a majority of translators and copyist translates such to a readable verses/sentence, no one else expect the KJV translators have alter words that have Strong's in them, again, Textual Criticism.

Once again, I'm willing to even go as far as to find twice as many translations who respects the manuscripts and the Greek language. The silliness with some needs to stop. When you respect God's word, you also have to respect the very thing the bible comes from and or the very thing that is the reason as to why the bible exist today.


An error would be using a word that has no place in the verse to being with, an example if 1 Timothy 3:16 whereas few translations added God instead of HE, to make it seem that the Son was the Father, throwing people in to falsehood entirely and the only known bible to do this falsehood is the KJV/NKJV. Textual Criticism allows one to see this error and compare it to other translations who are in the right for that same verse the King James has altered.

I say this always, but it would seem you are not careful at all. But it seems to you if that interlinear was wrong, the very Strong and sources itself are wrong also, therefore, making all bible translation and the Septuagint itself, in error.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

For you to consider that an error is quite laughable when one can review what is true online and with the facts placed before them, they will see that the interlinear made by the WT was not in error - which I have said and proven to you before.


For an intelligent man, you are quite naïve of Wt.’s deceptive tricks.  What was my comment about?  What was I explaining? 

I will leave it at that. 

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3 hours ago, Witness said:


For an intelligent man, you are quite naïve of Wt.’s deceptive tricks.  What was my comment about?  What was I explaining? 

I will leave it at that. 

Never said you said such a word, I merely said you "for you consider that an error" I said this because what you posted here reflects what you have posted in the very thread I linked, for previously you stated that the WT has been deleting words when the reality is no rule was violated nor was any Strong's changed and or removed at all, but perhaps using "false" or the word "wrong" would have been a better choice - but the response would have been the same regardless, as with anyone who has made or lean on what they deem as  errors, falsehood, lies, wrongdoing, etc in terms of the manuscripts used and or denial of the Septuagint or any modern critical editions of the Septuagint, a response from people who knows such information will follow suit.

It is you who are naive for I have already stated similar information before, yet you continue to speak as such of a 1900s interlinear that sheds no violation in the realm of textual Criticism, let alone Biblical Hermeneutics, for most Interlinear bibles follow the same rules and rarely do they suffer from any violation unlike its counterparts of several Textus Receptus' that differ from Stephen's. An intelligent man would know the difference and realize what an Interlinear originated from, a blind man will continue to chuck stones at something he considers false.

The Bengel's rule; Lectio difficilior potior (Latin for "the more difficult reading is the stronger") for it is the main principle and rule of critical text also known as Textual Criticism, in this case, the Canons of textual criticism in regards to majority of interlinear translations. There is no deception, if you want deception, I can show you right up from from the Hebrew Old Testament to the Greek New Testament of something "added" and or "deleted" and or not matching any of the Strong's at all, for I have already given an example, 1 Timothy 3:16, perhaps several, 1 John 5:7, Acts 8:37, the list goes on for anything not using the oldest and most reliable source when it comes to scripture or those who tend to be leaning towards the Comma Johanneum.

As for the Interlinear Bible produced by the Watchtower, there is no deception, no matter the disdain you have for them which is evident, for it is very simple -  that bible used a variation of two manuscripts: Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, one can speculate that the 1550 (Stephen) was also used as well, but it is uncertain for most Interlinear translations done by the Bengel's rule tend to be similar to each other, an example would be the Novum Testamentum Graece, but the difference is this one tends to rely a bit more on another manuscript known as the Alexandrian text-type (Neutral or Egyptian).

Next time you speak of anything Interlinear, Watchtower's version or whatever Interlinear you want to bring up, know especially what manuscripts it is using before you say what you say in your comment here and on your other post, this way you better understand not just scripture, but also of what is the very things that allows you to even have a bible today - be it in your very hands, or a quick search and a click of a button.

That being said, no one can really claim deception of an interlinear expect some of the several TR's available and which translations use them.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The authorities who must view child porn in the course of doing their jobs liken it to Medusa: "One look and you turn to stone"

Unfortunately, it tends to get worse for them sometimes, as well as overwhelming. But as one will say, a job's a job no matter how good or bad it gets.

But the problem though is society today accepts and encourages such misconduct, which will influence those with such problems to target children even more. As we speak, there are those against such things who are now claiming and or pointing the finger at people of faith/denominations Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

That being said, the fight against child abuse and pedophilia only gets far more difficult as the days go by and now we have things like this: http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article204292464.html

Mind you, just like the Asia and European countries, it is widespread in the US also, perhaps far more greater than how it was around the last couple of years.

The only possible way to prevent such things the best way we can is to educate people, be it verbally or by articles, reading, radio, etc regardless of who they are, this is what people do not understand and when it happens to them or their child then things will end up going on a crazy and bumpy road. For if we can teach a child and a parent about stranger danger, about drugs, about sex, about alcohol, internet, bully prevention, growing up, etc.we can do the same with the likes of child abuse, as well as give warning of pedophilia, so people can see the signs - for this is, for some, better ways, and the common rule should a child be abused, they can tell an adult, if one adult is able to help or not, they can speak to another adult, be it a teacher or a police officer, even should said adult direct you to such persons, which people seem to forget they have a voice to speak on the behalf of the victim, especially parents, a friend and or relative.

For any man or woman who condemns isn't doing much to help the problem, for such persons can do what they can to help anyone by providing such information and teaching on the subject.

But sadly, I said it before, people prefer the witch hunt and targeting others when there are better ways of handling things. Witch hunts and targeting people will not help any child or at least prevent something from happening to at least one child, but it is what it is today in the US.

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6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

WOW!    It's amazing what some people get out of an obvious shaggy dog story !

I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes ...

... until I met a man with no sense of humor, and who misunderstood EVERYTHING!


Some people tend to not have a sense of humor when they are running through emotions and or serious, other times, they do not get the joke until later on. To some who are troubled, they rather have a good laugh than another tough and or hard day.

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It's snowing here in deepest Devon England. All of God's creation as far as the eye can see, is covered in white. There is peace on the land, probably because no one can travel far, but it's tranquil. Therefore i will sit here and pray to God, rather than spend time replying to comments on here. We all have our own opinion and it seems none of us will be swayed, so no point discussing it further. 

Have a good day whoever you are, where ever you are. Have piece of mind, be kind to others and show love to those who will receive it. 

Oh for judgement day, that God's will will be done, here on Earth as in Heaven. 


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