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A CO. told us in a talk from ca.125 billions of galaxies and ca. more than 70 sextillion stars....

Queen Esther

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A full Milky Way panorama over Death Valley National Park in California. One of my favorite places to take photographs..jpg

That  is  only   *ONE*    Milky - way......

A  CO.  told  us,  it  does  give  ca. 125 billions of  Galaxies and Myriaden or much more of  stars....

Hardly  ever  approximative  conceivable  for  us  tiny  humans  made  of  dust....

Jehovah  put  his  palm  of  the  hand  often  over  small  things, and  also  over  these 125  billions  of  Galaxies!  Seems, thats  not  big  for  HIM...
Now  I  can  better  understand  how  omnipotent  Jehovah  God  is. An  unimaginable  omnipotence  of  God. I  got  goosebumps  when  I  heard  that.  So  very  big  is  our  UNIVERSE..  and  we  know,  its  getting  more and more  larger.  Such  a  GOD  can  do  ALL  what  HE  want !
But  we  tiny  people  are  SO  importend  for  HIM,   HE  created  us  out  of  LOVE ?
Only  HE  can  protect  and  saving  us....   I  not  want  disappoint  HIM 

HIS  heart  is much bigger  than  from  sunrise  to  sunset >>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Now  I've  finally  a  tiny  vision  from  Jehovah's  unimaginable  power  to  create  such  a  unique  universe...
From  this  talk,  I wanted  this  little  part  share  with  you  all,  my  Brothers & Sisters :x

I'm  alot  thinking  about  that  all  and  its  now  so  clear  for  me,  we  never  ever  can  see  Jehovah,  thats  not  possible  for  us  people  ;-(   bec. we're  not  spiritual  creations....

We belong on the Earth, not to Heaven... :)

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That  is  only   *ONE*    Milky - way...... A  CO.  told  us,  it  does  give  ca. 125 billions of  Galaxies and Myriaden or much more of  stars.... Hardly  ever  approxima

@Queen Esther  Better to write in German.  Hugs.

Thank you for sharing......If you get a chance visit a planetarium.  Had a chance to talk with the narrator afterwards. No way one could deny Jehovah - his love for us is bigger than the universe

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Thank  you  sister  @Dee Gordon  thats  a  wonderful  idea !   Yes,  in  my  Birth-town  Hamburg,  we've  a  very  new  Planetarium  now.  In  the  older  one  I was  before  many  many  years !  Now  I  looked  by  google  and  found  interesting  pictures,  the  weekly  program  etc.  Thank  you  so  much  for  that  great  reminder !

Here  some  photo's....



Its  in  a  nice  big  park  in  Hamburg...



The  Foyer....


The  round  big  room  with  3D  glasses  for  that  special  program !   Very  cosy :)

I  will  try  enjoying  soon....  again,     THANK  YOU :x

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We Were Very Wrong About the Number of Galaxies in the Universe
2 Trillion New Galaxies . . .So no, we do not "also have to update the number of stars in the observable universe, which now numbers around 700 sextillion"
700 sextillion (that’s a 7 with 23 zeros behind it, or 700 thousand billion billion).


We Were Very Wrong About the Number of Galaxies in the Universe

Isaiah 40:26 (New World Translation (2013 Revision)

“Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.Who has created these things?It is the One who brings out their army by number;He calls them all by name.Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power,Not one of them is missing.

Isaiah 40:28

Do you not know? Have you not heard?Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, is a God for all eternity.He never tires out or grows weary.His understanding is unsearchable.Or “cannot be fathomed.”

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I wrote  CA. @Kurt.....  NOT exactly counts like you in comment !  I know, that no peoples knowing the exactly counts! But I believe more an CO. as your source website....  Right is, the counts are very very high and thats okay for me.

We all never will know the counts, only ONE is able for that, JEHOVAH, the Creator of ALL !!

I will a little change my title and then its okay for me and the others too :D :x  Thanks for your detailed comment, but it does not really help us, bec. NOBODY is knowing any exactly counts of our universe,  especially,  bec. we know, its growing more and more, maybe daily...

Greetings from Germany, Agape !

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2 hours ago, Kurt said:

The link is to a new technique for mathematically calculating the number of galaxies undetected by current astronomical methods. It adds 900% to the total. 

The following statement strkes me as a bit too much, a bit too pretentious:

“It boggles the mind that over 90 percent of the galaxies in the universe have yet to be studied,” noted Conselice. “Who knows what interesting properties we will find when we discover these galaxies with future generations of telescopes?”

Oh? And the visible 10 percent have been "studied?"

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We will never know the number, because Jehovah will never stop,crating them. He will never stop working so the number will keep,growing. A number with and infinite number of zeroes behind it, and Jehovah will never come up with Alzheimer's and begin to forget where he placed those galaxies and stars names and where we are and the other life forms he will create. Hmmm?????

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16 minutes ago, John Houston said:

We will never know the number, because Jehovah will never stop,crating them. He will never stop working so the number will keep,growing. A number with and infinite number of zeroes behind it, and Jehovah will never come up with Alzheimer's and begin to forget where he placed those galaxies and stars names and where we are and the other life forms he will create. Hmmm?????

He pops them out faster than I can pop popcorn.

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Oh yes,  I agree with your both comments, my Brothers @John Houston  and@TrueTomHarley:D

My post was going only at the unlimited omnipotence of Jehovah. Thats, what me gave goosebumps and a special new thinking about our so unique created universe. The very hight counts so hardly conseivable,  but that brought me Jehovah to another, better understanding point of view !  Much more awing,  but also love, safeness and unlimited faith??  I hope, anyone can understand what I mean :)

Thanks! ???

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