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YOU  REALLY  CARRIED  A  WEAPON  AS  JW ????   hmmm.... STILL  MANY  PEOPLE  HAVE  TO  DIE  BEC. YOUR  CRAZY  LAWS  IN  THE  USA ;-((   poor people  and  kids


Several years ago, in Grand Prairie, Texas, Four Sisters out in Service were killed when their car was T-Boned at an intersection. Those that "live by the car .... die by the car"".

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James you said: "These things happen EVERYWHERE ... you just are unaware of it."

Is it that these events are only reported in the world media when they occur in the USA?

Oh! Silly me, I forgot: the Swiss are ranked third behind Yemen and the USA as respects gun ownership and they have a similar problems with lone gunman massacres..........they have had a few massacres there, but on a population pro rata  basis the USA romps home to win the Gold medal...........Yemen probably comes second, and they are in the throes of a civil war........I am a bit behind on my history - Has the civil War in America actually finished?


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You have tunnel vision, and it's a long tunnel, and what you see is an oncoming train.

There are thousands of massacres occurring all over the place, and always have been.

In 1995 Rwanda had a MILLION PEOPLE MURDERED , with 800,000 machetes the government bought for some carefully planned ethnic cleansing, by the general populace, against the general populace.

Just google Massacres, or Genocide, and the name of any particular country you want to know about.

Most massacres and genocides are done with edged weapons, or poison gas, or other non-gun methods, blunt force trauma leading the pack.


Even Australia has it's gun massacres  ..... as happened in Tasmania, at Port Arthur about 22 years ago.  Australia had been disarmed, but one of the guns confiscated  SOMEHOW was used to kill kill 35 people and wound 23.

OH WAIT!  Let me rephrase that .

The firearm was in a police storage area and was used as a tool to murder and maim them ... by an evil MAN.  The rifle itself was quite content in the dark, in a police impound area.

Of course the Aboriginal Australians were massacred, but massacre is hardly the right word ... GENOCIDE is.

You are WAY, WAY behind on your history.

Add that to an agenda driven perception and you will absolutely insure that as you said... you were wrong before, and will be wrong again.

And you are wrong NOW.



Rwanda massacre .jpg

Rwanda massacre s 2.jpg


Port Arthur Massacre .jpg

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James I do not recall bringing anything else into this conversation other than lone gunman statistics.

The USA has 88% gun ownership, nearly double that of the country with the silver medal - Yemen - and there is a war there.

Just for the record again, USA has had 90 mass shootings since 1982 by lone gunmen.......it would seem that you can go down to your 'local deli' and purchase the assault rifle of your choice.

Another statistic:   "Gun related killings as a % of homicides"

1. USA - 64%

2. Canada - 30,5%

3. Australia - 13%

4. England/Wales - 4,5%

What part of "America - seen as a whole - has a violent, gun loving culture" don't you understand? 

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Your selective memory is supplemented by your subsequent opinions and commentary.

America is in fact in fact a gun loving culture. 

Freedom is never free.

The tree of liberty and freedom has to be fertilized with the blood of good men of courage, and evil people.

Unfortunately, there are also side effects.

Reality is what it is.

Get used to it.

Until Jehovah replaces this System we have to live here the way it is.

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