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Why won't the head of the wt org admit it?


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2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Hmmm! That’s an exceptional thought. (You must be delusional). I wonder. How many TREATMENT CENTERS the Watchtower has for their problematic Elders like the Catholic faith has for their Priest?

I wonder, how many elders were sent to rehab for various things, instead of being disfellowshiped for their actions. And, now are proactive in criticizing the Watchtower because they feel slated, along with every person disfellowshipped for various reasons.

I can recall 1 example of a Catholic Priest murdering a Texas Beauty Queen, decades ago, and the dioceses ALONG WITH THE GOVERNMENT decided to send this priest to atone for his sin in a Catholic treatment center. NO jail time, AGREED BY THE STATE OF TEXAS, just treatment. Bias! much, on Behave of governments to select certain faiths to HELP! versus prosecute?

Fast forward, after an investigative journalist researched this claim? This priest was brought before Caesar's justice and sentenced to, 20 to life in 2017. Even though, this priest went on to live a happy life after the murder for about 55 years or so. Oh Yeah! he was found to have molested over a 100 children too and was NEVER charged for.

I guess the Catholics found a parallel with setting a murder-free (Barabbas) and condemned the innocence of that beauty queen to death (Jesus). Matthew 27:17

Then, there’s the infamous, phrase cover-up. If a Witness ACCUSED of molestation CAN’T be PROVEN IN CEASARS LAW? Would the accused be sentenced to a probability and NOT BE ALLOWED TO FUNCTION as a productive member of society under the Secular law? Or would that person be sentenced under public opinion for that possible crime? I believe the balance of justice would lean toward secular law.

Yet, the Australian government per say didn’t have a problem with judicial intervention but had a concern with NOTIFICATION. Their stance is, regardless if a CASE CAN BE PROVEN OR NOT, notify secular authority, and continue with whatever scriptural matters you have toward your congregation.

Then, the question becomes, what happens when secular authority CAN’T prove a claim, between the accused and accuser. What is the PUBLIC OPINION in involving yourselves in private lives? 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12, 1 Peter 4:15-16

If disgruntled witnesses spent as much time criticizing the Watchtower with LEARNING to understand scripture, Philippians 4: 8, they would get a clue, the BALANCE the Elders are obligated to have when weighing in on judicial matters AS PER SCRIPTURE to benefit the congregation. Now, this doesn’t apply to clueless opposers, that’s a different matter altogether! Proverbs 20:3

Then we have the infamous “leaked” document that by in large has been accepted by all opposers and many disgruntled witnesses. According to the prevailing wind of public opinion? All those 1006 accusations were found to be true even though, I’m sure the ARC would have scrutinized all the information within that document to make a SOUND JUDGEMENT, yet they only found 2 credible witnesses to go before their tribunal. 2 witnesses out of a document that reflects these supposed 1006 case convictions as per opposers, and OUT of 65 YEARS in that document. Now, mind you, ONLY opposers think this document was leaked without it being TAMPERED with. What do opposers have a HABIT of doing with manipulating Watchtower literature, and sound bits? So, no one actually knows, the ACTUAL document the ARC and Watchtower have. And ONLY opposers think, all those cases are convictions. There is ONE opposer here, that went out on a limb to STATE, NOT ONE! of these cases, were brought before, secular law. Even though there are many entries within that document to PROVE THAT PERSON A LIAR. But, if only 2 people could be accounted for, for testimony? Then, opposers have over exaggerated the content of this document.

I wonder how many CASES the Catholic faith has DOCUMENTED about matters that deserve at the very least scriptural intervention. I wonder how MANY parishioners have been excommunicated, for spiritual matters.

So, YES! There is, delusional thinking, and it all comes from demented opposers!! Romans 2:1-3

A disgruntled religious person who sinks this low makes them no different than the people who want to see ALL religions fall and all bibles, no matter the translation be it right or wrong, burned to ash.

Some people nowadays do not know how the law works nor do they know that child abuse is all over the place, not only within religions, but schools, businesses, clubs, sports, etc.

I also, a bit off-topic, find it odd that whenever a woman such acts, they are let off easy compared to a man, someone of race/color and or some religious background.

Sometimes the law can be at fault also when it comes to abuse.

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You misunderstand AllenSmith ... they WERE  sincere upvotes.  If I make it into the New System, I plan on going down to the local cemetery and play a GREAT game of Whack-A-Mole. You ought

Why won't the head of the wt org admit that abuse is a problem within the society (yes, I understand that j jackson has in a round about way admitted this) and that they are willing to accept help to

sigh ... If you only did one tenth as much to support the Christian leadership that has proven 10 times more effective in preventing child abuse, as you do your favorite politician.

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55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

No one is minimizing anything, for it is you who do not understand, we read the case studies and the final reports, you haven't, which is evident in your previous comments. For we take into account of the information we have before us and understand where the ARC's conclusion is about, some of us, like me, have been following ARC since 2012 (there is a HUGE timeline and it is on their website), for I didn't just jump on the ship very late into the game as you obviously did, use the line and read everything of all cases and reports and the very beginning of ARC actions towards the religious groups.

And no, don't bring the Olympics into this because last I check your focus was solely on the Watchtower, for if you did care about the child abuse issues than your comment would have been regarding all children not just children from a  single group, obliviously a single tarted religious group for all your questions and comments in your first post was directed to the Watchtower only or do you not recall what you even posted?

For we were talking about solely child abuse, we wouldn't be focused solely on a religion, let alone a religious group, but even if outside things are mentioned, people who read things are aware of things and do not jump to claims and assumptions of others over what is true.

Did you happen to forget where you are here? I thought we were on a forum about THE WATCHTOWER and Jehovah's witnesses. That being said, I think it is very appropriate to make such comments directly about the wt and single them out of the list the ARC provided.  The issue is the way the wt handles these types of abuse cases. OK,ok,ok I'm sure you're better, have the biggest, fastest car with the nicest house or whatever, it doesn't mean I haven't read and watched the same ARC proceedings. Statistics are one thing, but as you will note JTR's post above, it means nothing if it is not relevant. What is relevant is the wt's consistency to hide its pedo's like the Catholic Church did.  


1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

It is agreeable that child abuse is a problem. But some people do not understand that, which I have said time and time again to which some seem to ignore it, is a worldwide global issue when it comes to violence and sexual immorality, this includes child abuse. It takes place in schools, religions, clubs, even businesses that there to support children, sports, etc.

yes it is , you are correct. It is also a problem that some people and org's turn a blind eye to it or make it easier to continue. 


1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

As for the Watchtower, the Final reports in ARC has given them something to look into, to better clarify the rules to elders in the faith.

And with this, the wt has said "thank you very much, we'll do things our way anyway." 


1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

If you want to fight child abuse of any kind, there are smart and better ways of doing it. Trying to bring down a religion isn't the best way of doing it, for what difference is there between you and the anti-religion, black flag and cross wielding, people who want to see all faiths by knocked down permanently?

I see your point, but hopefully you can see mine as well:

If you see a problem, a serious problem at your workplace or neighborhood and it might bring harm to someone, do you just go to the city counsel or state department and speak up there or do you address the issue as it sits in your face? Have you ever heard the term "think globally, act locally" ?  It makes the statement that one must clean their own before tackling the world, and by cleaning our own, each of us, the world naturally gets cleaner. 

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8 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

it doesn't mean I haven't read and watched the same ARC proceedings.

He did, @Space Merchant You will have to back off on this one.

As soon as the janitor would unlock the doors each morning, he was there with an armload of pamphlets, saving seats for his friends, just like Witnesses do at the Regional.

There was a lot of boring stuff that had nothing to do with Witnesses and he slept through all that, but he came to when they got to the good part.

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I watched the whole video proceedings of ARC Cases No, 29 and 54 ... and although it was extremely cringeworthy, seeing the Elders, Branch Officials, and Geoffrey Jackson all lying under oath, and looking like deer in the headlights .... I did not find ANY of it boring.

I was however embarrassed FOR them.

Being on Video looking like idiots, is like a bug being trapped forever in fossilized amber.

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You would almost think from the way some carry on here, that a case of child sexual abuse "properly handled" means it did not happen.

It is like the team of grief counselors called in after a school shooting. Of course, it is nice that they are called in. But it would have been even nicer had the school shooting not taken place in the first place.

Therefore the transcending lesson to take away from this hearing is not the 1006 abuse victims whose cases were not handled properly in the eyes of Australian authorities. It is the 37,000 cases of abuse nationwide (in a single year) that would not have happened were greater society able to imitate the record of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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45 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

Then why don’t you carry your concerns to OTHER forums of faith to discuss their failures as seen through your eyes? I havenÂ’t seen you, witness, Srecko, or any other hypocrite ATTACK any other religion as you do with the Watchtower OK! OK! OK! So, Step down off your high horse, Mister. You don't get lard unless you boil the hog! ¬¬

how do you know I don't? Do you have spyware on my computer or something? On top of that, it really makes no difference if I am or not. Facts are facts Allen. If its too hot in the kitchen, go outside! 


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I upvoted those two for you AllenSmith .... because you just condemned yourself with your own paw tracks.

 Now THAT'S entertainment!

Have a nice day!

... try not to spit and drool at the same time.

Neither you or TTH live in a world of hard facts ... and when you try, you get them wrong.


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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Neither you or TTH live in a world of hard facts

Essentially, zeroing in on the 1006 from the group whose overall abuse-prevention record is 10 times better than the general population is securing the barn door after the cows have fled.

It was their job. It is not a worthless endeavor. Witnesses will learn from it themselves. But it pales in insignificance next to securing other barn doors so that their cows do not flee.

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2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Thanks for your insincere vote, JTR! It's not the First time "keeping up with the Kardashian".

You misunderstand AllenSmith ... they WERE  sincere upvotes. 

If I make it into the New System, I plan on going down to the local cemetery and play a GREAT game of Whack-A-Mole.

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

essentially, zeroing in on the 1006 from the group whose overall abuse-prevention record is 10 times better than the general population is securing the barn door after the cows have fled.

You ought to stay away from trying to use facts, TTH.... it was 1006 PERPETRATORS with over 5.000 cases of abuse.  And the WTB&TS of Australia refused to comply with requests for records, and they HAD TO BE SUBPOENAED, and were produced under threat of prison for contempt of court.


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On 2/27/2018 at 1:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

Did you happen to forget where you are here? I thought we were on a forum about THE WATCHTOWER and Jehovah's witnesses. That being said, I think it is very appropriate to make such comments directly about the wt and single them out of the list the ARC provided.  The issue is the way the wt handles these types of abuse cases. OK,ok,ok I'm sure you're better, have the biggest, fastest car with the nicest house or whatever, it doesn't mean I haven't read and watched the same ARC proceedings. Statistics are one thing, but as you will note JTR's post above, it means nothing if it is not relevant. What is relevant is the wt's consistency to hide its pedo's like the Catholic Church did.  

No, I know exactly where I am. We are talking about the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses, most importantly, we are discussing Child abuse, and when such things are to discuss, you need to be well aware of the facts and information that is public. The focus was indeed the Watchtower as stated, but you are throwing other players into the game as cover, friend, if you want to speak of abuse regarding the Watchtower only, keep it this way, and stick to the information. As for their handling and what the Watchtower has learnt from the ARC, I believe the information speaks for itself. One thing to note is that what is important is that the Watchtower will have to better clarify policies, rules and the like to some elders who are not as experience in handling such situations for any person who is inexperienced in something will not do their job any justice or any position they are appointed to. Information is far more relevant than claims, friend, it is always like this and will always be this way, for the worse thing that can happen is false claims and misinformation oppose to what is on public display on the ARC website and the information that anyone can see being present.

Fastest cars? Not everyone from the Caribbean seas such things, friend, I am too mild and humble to live the life as most people in the US do. Simplicity is how a roll.

On 2/27/2018 at 1:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

yes it is , you are correct. It is also a problem that some people and org's turn a blind eye to it or make it easier to continue. 

Not all of them, you are forgetting what I said previously as to why it is sometime people do not get involve and or in some cases will just offer minor assistance and or advise that the victim and or the parents of the victim can take action with the given information. Bystander effect is a thing that happens in religious institutions as well, mind you, in some churches when things take off, there has been consequences that puts the blood on the victim and the church's hands, and there has been quite a view stories in regards to child abuse. In the end, despite such persons who are like this, there will be people who will stand out from among the bunch to offer even more help if they are capable. In addition to that, you are also ignoring that even predators themselves will even con their way into the heads of good persons so they won't get caught, in some situations, the predator can be very violent or the roles could easily be switched with the victim's relatives taking vengeance into their own hands, something of which I most defiantly know any JW wouldn't want to be involved in such, for even other institutions be it religious and or educational themselves wouldn't want to get involved either should things escalate.

On 2/27/2018 at 1:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

And with this, the wt has said "thank you very much, we'll do things our way anyway." 

Check the reports again. For at least, they learnt something and this time they can better clarify things too for those who are not well-versed in handling such situations. Child abuse cannot be 100% stop, for such a thing can only happen in a perfect world, but the reality is what it is, as sad as that may seem, the price we pay for our imperfection. If anything though it would help to help those understand the signs of abuse also, that is a help, but it can't save everyone no matter the institutions. Educate members also the parents, even outside of religion, parents seem to not do as much, for example, a little girl nearly becoming a victim because her parents didn't monitor a game she was playing, Minecraft of course, whereas the predator was able to convince her to leave her house. Thank Jah the girl was saved -  This actually took place several days ago.

But it wouldn't hurt to educate some people, if some of us can do it, you can also. The JWs will have to get on the ball for it, but, they do have publications regarding child abuse, so such information can be used to help the members, and possibly reduction of any persons becoming victims of abuse, for one of the victims even stated she didn't know she sex abuse was until she read the publications regarding it.

Another factor is, some JWs at their churches tend to be more connected as a family unit than other JW churches, this is just from the African and Hispanic ones I am familiar with, for they are not just a family, but bounded by their culture also, more of a connect prevents abuse from happening, but not every JW church has this luxury nor do every church of any denomination.

On 2/27/2018 at 1:51 PM, Shiwiii said:

I see your point, but hopefully you can see mine as well:

If you see a problem, a serious problem at your workplace or neighborhood and it might bring harm to someone, do you just go to the city counsel or state department and speak up there or do you address the issue as it sits in your face? Have you ever heard the term "think globally, act locally" ?  It makes the statement that one must clean their own before tackling the world, and by cleaning our own, each of us, the world naturally gets cleaner. 

I have been in some situations for such I only speak with close friends and family about, for in some cases I have nearly lost my life at a young age, some close calls, being in the wrong place at the wrong time because of the actions of others in the area, one instance regarding a guy flashing his gun to people around him because of annoying high school students putting even children at risk of what could have happen and no one said anything, another gun incident regarding a carjacker, other cases where someone in the neighborhood (a quiet and mixed community of people) gets slashed up and no one would say anything because they didn't want to be that one person getting involved - hence the term you may here the young ones say today, Snitches gets Stitches. Experience and what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, and that is what I am today. I didn't understand what that met at first, it didn't faze me but I did take issue with people getting hurt or abuse, lost even. When things take place, do I often question as to why people are like this, and why they didn't get involved until I began to learn as to why some do and some do not try to do something.

Over time, I have seen depression from my brother who was addiction, sexual immorality and didn't tell anyone or the church about it because the problem really bothered him that badly causing depression, but I and my father helped him out and some in the church who realized what was going on helped him out and today my brother, a man clean and sober, has been freed for years now. I have spoken to those close to me who suffer the same thing my brother had been through, young ones today also, one young person I knew in my life, took her own life for what she has gotten herself into caused depression and was too much for her and very embarrassing taking the only way out she saw necessary, even though media has gotten a hold of what took place a couple years ago, I respect the decease for not saying her name but in her case it was not going into sexual immorality that led to her, it was the action of men who bribe her with money and riches to do something that would expose her, showering her with lies, resulting in family and friends, finding out etc and the media jumping on after she killed herself. Helping her didn't bring her back to normal, but we tried, even the family has tried, losing their only child because the depression and embarrassment was that great to her. What  had happen to her and others is an example of what I have experienced, been in and had seen, etc. Such experiences and memories will never be forgotten by me either.

Any person can see a problem and deal with it how they see fit, some who do not get involve will contact or advise the contacting of the police, other times it will be the action of a witness, someone nearby and the like who will take action from behind the scenes, other, yet grim situations, if so and so tend to be a witness of something and if they should speak upon what they had seen, they will most likely not live out the next couple of days if they are usually the witness of something or is known by other persons who knew that so and so had spoken up for not every problem a person can easily help out in, for at times, not being smart and playing the hero will reap you a tragic consequence - the very reason why the Bystander Syndrome/Effect is a thing to most people for they do not know what can of worms they will open should they jump in. The many reasons as to why society cannot be clean of such. And oh yes, I heard the term, but it won't always be applied by the general public though.

But what I can say, is that there are good people who do step up from all walks of life and do a bit of something to help out, especially when it comes to victims, and should the situation of exposing some deems a danger to one's life, they take that chance, even though in most cases it doesn't end well for the person and people in connection to such person.

As for me, I do what I can, I use to work for a bank, I am sure you are aware of Barclay's Capital, for when it comes to some illegal financial things, we report it to the director, or the head of that branch office and it is handled internally, but usually in come cases stuff like this is made public. Sexual harassment isn't a known thing at where I worked, however, we are instructed if anything of the like happens, or anything illegal, we report it to the director and or the branch. Should some cases be extreme, we are told to contact the police and or exit the building, at times you would have to be outside to contact the police, but Barclays cap is loaded with security officers, and have access to a special are with reception to contact the police. Outside of work, it is a different story, but you already see the idea of what I briefly explain of my youth, and what keeps me going is my faith in the scriptures and God's promise in the future by means of his Son, Jesus, as well as my friends, my family, and those I helped out to be better people, stronger versions of themselves including the next generation of children in my family and of my friends.

But since this is a topic about Jehovah's Witnesses and the ability to act on something, as you said, I know quite a few, I am friends with some of them and I respect them for both our culture are near identical regarding family and friends as well as our backgrounds, a few Muslim friends from the islands too. I apply the bystander effect on him and some people in that area also because we know how JW loves to preach in different areas, for there was something he stumbled upon while preaching, and the people know who he is because he has a study there, for they see everything, what was known about the area was that there was indeed some form of prostitution, the JW brother had said  that the a few of the people he saw looked like minors, but he didn't stick around because the people there kept staring at him, and of course a well dressed guy holding a bag, publications and a bible will always draw attention and not so smart for a 19 year old to make eye contact with people looking for trouble. The area is not so luxurious contacts such ones we call Lookouts and if anyone speaks of such, it won't end well for them. Such communities exist because the town spends so much money on working on casinos rather than help the people and clean up the streets, they will not even bother if anything missing cases pop up, for it is a thing regarding race. The JW  brother though had since moved elsewhere outside of the US, he was Swahili by the way, but he always spoke of how dangerous that area was when it was almost nighttime, and knowing how the people are, they apply the term of which I stated before if someone spoke up. At the time though, he did have a study there who really wanted to learn the bible, his study doesn't live there anymore, but the brother said he still contacts the guy. He obviously wanted to do something, but he knew the risk of what that would do him, and his family, possibly something could have gone down the church if those men who are suspicious of him chose to watch his movements carefully. It's been like several years now, but that area has been cleaned up, however, some parts are still not that safe while the state continues to blow money on complete and total nonsense. There was a report I believe of last year where they not only busted a dozen of those in position of explicit child material, but those who ran prostitution rings. But that is just a single example, for Jehovah'es Witnesses differ from each other even though they are of the same faith in one church.

But for me, if I see a problem, I know how to respond, and I do so in a smart way, one that would not put my own family and friends at risk if that situation was that grim, for we are to think about the situation before we act upon it for not thinking to do so you will most likely make you like a fish out of water to consequence which can either be minor or major. But in regards to Child Abuse, I would respond, and if it isn't possible for me to do so, I would advise someone.

In the end, the world can't be clean 100%, nor can everything be perfect for nothing can be prevented and stopped to its entirety, I do respect that comment though, but it is what it is regarding how this world is now. We can just suppress something briefly only for it it to happen again and or elsewhere, for you can stop a danger here, and there, but you can't stop it over here. We carry our troubles, our anxieties, stress, and even death on our backs as if it was a backpack filled with books. But keeps us going is doing the good that we can, even though such good acts is seen as insignificant to others, as well as our family, and most importantly, our faith and love for God, and the actions and examples His Son has left for us to follow.

There is good people who do good, and there is bad people with the intent to do bad, and will tickle the ears of good persons just so they can have their way, pretending to be repentant even, but eventually, it will be too late before the good person realizes it - but the actions of a bad apple or two does not justify the attack of other good people. I say this because I have a good reason, biblical ones, as to why I stay in my own lane.


EDIT: speaking of people taking action, a man was killed for exposing pharma dealers, helping the police, just cause, tragic end for cleaning the streets of his neighborhood. The man's name was Prentis Robinson. The killer turned himself in after a heartless killing of a man.  The police even said the man took great pride in cleaning up his neighborhood. Good people step up, but at times if speaking out can reap consequence, the good thing is the armed man is off the streets, but those like him still remain poisoning people.

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11 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

That’s always the case, thinking the Watchtower didnÂ’t handle all those cases properly. Was ANY complaining witness there when everything was being adjudicated in Australia? Or is EVERYONE basing their conclusion of what is out there on the internet, and testimony they didnÂ’t understand, even though they heard it? This one-sidedness only plays into the hands of the devil. It offers NO constructive solutions that in the end WONÂ’T HAPPEN UNDER SATANÂ’S WORLD!


How easy it is to forget the Psalmist. Psalm 139:1–3, when people think, it doesn’t affect us all! 1 Cor. 12:25-26)


ThereÂ’s a great difference between sex, lies, and videotapes! The insider knows, whatÂ’s! WhatÂ’s, outsiders, can only make, a, best guess. ThatÂ’s the jest of brutal honesty!




People will always judge something or someone, jump to conclusions, accept something as is, cherry pick, shoot first - ask questions later, a yes-man to everything, a follower, instigator, a minion, that one dude in the group, or a Loganger.

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