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Advertising Babylon in all its glory

Guest Kurt

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The  same  terrible  posting   We should build ourselves up spiritually, because the world is truly bad enough.... we read that already in the Bible !  Maybe this type of topic belongs in a s

Why always the counts SOOO  importend for peoples ??  In this case, 1%  were too much !  But today we know, these bad things we've around the world...  In nearly all  business /Industry sectors,Â

ITS SO NEEDLESS,  BEC. NUMBERS DAILY CAN VARY !   We never get exactly numbers,  not by rolls  until  to the stock market...  haha    AND....  @James Thomas Rook Jr.... you  forgot  the %

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Hello  @Kurt....

We  know  that  from  TV  &  the  press !   Why  we  had  to  watch  it  now  here??   Many  sisters  and  brothers won't  see  that.  Jehovah  hates  such  of  doings !!

All  JW  learned, a wedding is forbidden between  2 women  or  2 men. Jehovah  created  the  wedding  for  1 man  & 1 woman :x  that  makes  sense !

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I love great biting satire .... makes me want to be a shark!

A GREAT way to show the hypocrisy and evil of the Churches without using a heavy hand..

I would like to see a similar high production value, comedic video made of infant baptisms .... considering that there is NO Biblical record of children being baptized ... and Jesus set the example HIMSELF by being baptized at age 30.

Perhaps someone baptizing a baby shark in a baptismal font.

Or an 8 year old girl  in an indoor  pool.

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Of  sure  NOT  a  shark....   then  rather  an  8 year  old  girl / boy ! :)

We  all  KNOW  these  EVIL  things  -  its  not  necessary  to  post  all  forbidden, worldly  muck  here  too !   When  YOU  like  it,  JTR.  ok  -  but  the  most  here  won't  see  a  GAY's  wedding  with  kissing  etc.  -   bec. Jehovah  hates  such  of  things  >:(   THATS  NEEDLESS / WASTE !!

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Half of Priests and Bishops Are Homosexual

The American Catholic Church is largely controlled by homosexual clergy and their allies. Those not in the network are powerless to confront it owing to its vast influence and fear factor, as well as not really understanding how it operates. The Catholic establishment media won't get within a million miles of this issue of the homosexual collective because they too are scared.

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 Homosexual priests in the United States: from 23 percent to 58 percent, with even higher percentages for younger priests.Here

Some Catholic clergy say most priests are gay.Here

If we are lovers of Jehovah: soon no doubt, God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message,the destruction of the religions of Babylon the Great. A strong faith is needed, we'll get it Here

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Why always the counts SOOO  importend for peoples ??  In this case, 1%  were too much !  But today we know, these bad things we've around the world...  In nearly all  business /Industry sectors, churches, policy, private, etc. we find ton's of sex. active  homosexuals, pedophiles and similar people !  Needless and awkward, to post this regular between our nice JW and the other nice postings here >:(  Perhaps, @kurt  can open a special  'homosexual'  category?  Its anyway a theme for men...


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1.) Reality is what is always behind you with sharp claws and a ravenous appetite, and is ready to eat you alive if you forget it is back there, and get distracted.

2.) All of us live in a fantasy world of our own constructions, to one extent or another.

3. Being able to determine how much... how long... how high ... how deep, etc. and how MANY keeps our opinions in check.


If some idea cannot be expressed in numbers ... hard factual numbers ... then they are ONLY opinions ... and if they are not reality based, Reality will have us for lunch.


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ITS SO NEEDLESS,  BEC. NUMBERS DAILY CAN VARY !   We never get exactly numbers,  not by rolls  until  to the stock market...  haha :D   AND....  @James Thomas Rook Jr.... you  forgot  the % numbers  from  JW  Brothers / Elders :(   I  know  links  from  video's  and  a  website...

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