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Roaming about?


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Could you please supply  more detail? With what you have posted so far, it can be instantly dismissed. Perhaps both quotes in context, so a person who does NOT have any idea what you are tal

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Could you please supply  more detail?

With what you have posted so far, it can be instantly dismissed.

Perhaps both quotes in context, so a person who does NOT have any idea what you are talking about, has a clue.

Further, if you want to be taken seriously, don't just "give a clue" .... spell it out in unmistakable detail with such clarity and hard facts that whatever you are trying to say becomes defacto irrefutable?

With what you have provided so far, it can quite fairly be instantly and completely dismissed.

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I do remember Losch saying this in a video.  “Roaming about” is depicted to occur at the end of the days, prophesied by Amos to God’s unfaithful people;

“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord,
    “when I will send a famine through the land—
not a famine of food or a thirst for water,
    but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.
12 People will stagger from sea to sea
    and wander from north to east,
searching for the word of the Lord,
    but they will not find it.  Amos 8:11,12

  Contradictory teachings are a sign of the GB’s “roaming about”; speculation on the meaning of God's Word.  

“During the great tribulation, faithful anointed ones cannot help anyone who became unfaithful. It will be too late. So, what will happen to the unfaithful? Notice what happened to the foolish virgins who went off to buy oil: “The bridegroom came. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut.” When Jesus comes in his glory near the end of the great tribulation, he will gather the faithful anointed ones to heaven. (Matthew 24:31; 25:10; John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:17) However, Jesus will reject the unfaithful ones. Like the foolish virgins, they may say: “Sir, Sir, open to us!” But how will Jesus respond? Sadly, he will give them the same answer that he will give to many goatlike ones: “I tell you the truth, I do not know you.” —Matthew 7:21-23; 25:11, 12.

The marriage feast is a spiritual banquet, the opening and meaning Revelation’s scrolls given to the faithful by Jesus Christ.  Rev 1:1 The Wt. is accurately stating that unfaithful anointed ones will be present during the great tribulation, as virgins searching for another source of “oil” to fill their lamps.  They are the ones “roaming about”.

The next Wt. paragraph contradicts the above paragraph by saying,

"Was Jesus saying that many of the anointed will become unfaithful and need to be replaced? No. In Matthew chapter 24, we read that Jesus warned the faithful and discreet slave not to turn into an evil slave. This did not mean that he expected to see that happen. Similarly, the parable of the ten virgins is a warning. Just as five virgins were foolish and five were discreet, each anointed Christian must choose to be prepared and watchful. Otherwise, he or she could become foolish and unfaithful.”    “The warning in the parable of the ten virgins reveals that Jesus had similar confidence in the anointed. He knows that each of his anointed servants can remain faithful and receive the wonderful reward!”   Wt 15/3/15 pp 9-14

Is the parable just a warning, with no possible outcome of unfaithful ones being present, or will there actually be unfaithful ones as the first paragraph states?  The first paragraph supports the parable, the second paragraph shoots it down as just a warning, letting all the anointed within the organization breathe a sigh of relief. 

If Jesus did not expect an evil slave to appear, why even go there; especially if he KNOWS that each anointed one “can remain faithful” as the Wt. declares?

The great tribulation is here; the refinement period for God’s priests is in the process, for those who submit to it. Rev 3:17;Heb.12:6,11; Eze.33:11 The Marriage Feast is here.  Those of the remnant “sealed” in heaven are found present on the earth when Jesus returns in glory. 2 Cor 1:22; Heb 12:22; Rev 3:12

The “foolish virgins” “buy” their source of “light” from a wicked slave/GB, and not from Christ. Each virgin receives a seal of ownership, according to the Master they serve and obey – directly, either Satan or Christ; indirectly, for the unfaithful, it is the GB who has made it perfectly clear that the anointed ones must obey their direction. Rev 13:16,17  They have rejected Christ as the only recognizable authority over them. 

 For those who accept Christ’s refinement and leave this captivity to falsehood, slave only for Christ and not for men.   John 14:6; John 16:2; Rev 3:18; Mal 3:1-3 They no longer, are “roaming about”.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+14%3A6%3B+John+16%3A2%3B+Rev+3%3A18%3B+Mal+3%3A1-3&version=NKJV

The Marriage Feast, where all are invited, is found “outside “apostate” spiritual “Jerusalem” Matt 22:4-10; 2Cor.6:16-18; Eph.4:24-25; 5:11; Ps.26:4; Rev.18:4; Jer.51:6,9,45; Isa.48:20; Matt.24:14-16




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Sorry about the delay, been traveling for work. Here is a video by Watchtower Examination, this man does a great job examining watchtower false doctrine. So at exactly 1 min this governing body member says that they are still roaming about. Feel free to watch the rest of the video and if anyone has problems with this mans viewpoint, talk to this man on you tube.


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On 3/1/2018 at 8:05 AM, Matthew9969 said:

Why does the mouth piece of Jehovah, the governing body say they are still roaming about? There is only one scripture in the bible that describes 'roaming about'.


You probably mean "rove about" or roving about. Dan 12

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17 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

You probably mean "rove about" or roving about. Dan 12

So why would anyone trust the words of a group of men who put themselves on the same level as God....when they are roving about like blind people? 

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