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Understanding Sheol and Hades results in deeper comprehension of many Bible teachings.
It is first good to establish that the Hebrew word Sheol, is the equivalent of the Greek, Hades.
We see that demonstrated by a comparison of Acts 2:27 (Hades - Greek) and Psalm 16:10 (Sheol - Hebrew).
The Greek word Hades (G-86) consists of a combination of two Greek words--
{From ἄλφα (G1) (as negative particle) and εἴδω(G1492)}.
The combination (not + perceiving), means, to be conceptually blind... unable to perceive spiritual light (Mark 4:12). Hades is the symbolic and spiritual consignment, of those in spiritual darkness (Eph.4:182Cor.4:3-4John 12:351John1:61Thess.5:4)... not "the common grave of mankind", as we were deceived into believing by the "wormwood" of the "Watchtower".
The "realm" of those who occupy this darkened condition, is symbolically depicted in the book of Revelation, as the abyss (Rev.9:1Rev.11:7) and as the sea / deep (Rev.11:7Rev.13:1Isa.57:20Jude 1:13).

Accordingly, Hades is occupied by those who are conscious, but considered spiritually dead (Eph.2:1Ephesians 2:5Col.2:13). Christ was there after his death (Rom.10:7) in order to preach to it's occupants (1Pet.3:19-20Jude 1:6)  (Isa.49:9) (Isaiah 42:7). It is a realm without the light of the knowledge of God, without which, we are in a spiritually dead condition (Isa.59:10).
Only those called out of that realm, gain understanding (1Pet.2:9Col.1:13John 1:4) through Christ. Those not granted, do not gain spiritual sight (Mark 4:11-12Isa.6:9).
They remain under the power of the spiritual realm, Hades.

When we ourselves have "light" concerning the meaning of Sheol/Hades/Abyss/Sea/Deep;
we then have an advantage, when it comes to grasping the meaning behind such verses, as Rev.13:1 , Revelation 11:7 andRevelation 9:1.
We then can "make our minds over", and remove former "Watchtower" misconceptions,
such as the doctrine which asserts that the Wild Beast arising from the sea (Isa.57:20Rev.13:1 and Revelation 17:8) is coming forth from "a place of inactivity". No... that is not the meaning of the abyss.
Satan's "abyss" of deception, is quite active in the minds of men. It is the source of the false prophet's great deceptive power, and the birthplace/source, of the Wild Beast/locust-scorpion collective (Rev.8:10-11Revelation 9:1,2,3Joel 2:2)  

Since Adam, we are all (including the Chosen) born under the realm of Hades, and the dominion of it's agents. 

Without the salvation granted by God, we would remain under that consignment of "darkness", confusion, "Babylon the Great", and death.
The power and realm of deception and death (Hades), is also symbolized as a covenant/"mother", of death 
(Isa.28:15Rev.9:1Revelation 17:5)
"She", has a husband (Heb.2:14Rev.9:11Isa.33:1).
All "her" children, are born spiritually blind and corrupted, and prisoners of death.
The power and realm of light and life, is also symbolized as a covenant/"mother", of life (Gal.4:26Gal.4:24). "She", also has a husband (2Cor.11:2Rev.14:4-5Rev.21:9-10Rev.3:12Rev.22:17).
Those born to her (Gal.4:19Rev.12:1-2John 3:3), are given spiritual enlightenment, and are her "seed" (Gen.3:15Rev.12:17).


 Pearl Doxsey 4womaninthewilderness



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How is the word he'll then brought into this conversation, since this word is also used to define something in scripture. If you have moved the definition of Hades and Sheol then where have you left hell? This must all fit if we have to put this puzzle together. You have removed pieces, let us get things right?

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“But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!”  Luke 12:5

“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched”  Mark 9:23

Does this sound like the “common grave of mankind”?  Watchtower uses John 5:28 to support their claim that “hell” is translated as “memorial tombs”, which is an entirely different Greek word.  

Blueletterbible Greek Interlinear meaning of “hell”:

“Hell is the place of the future punishment called "Gehenna" or "Gehenna of fire". This was originally the valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem, where the filth and dead animals of the city were cast out and burned; a fit symbol of the wicked and their future destruction.”


If you are familiar with Rev.14:11...
 "And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
 "The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."
 ...and feel confused by this seeming contradiction to the wicked being destroyed;
then please keep in mind that Rev.1:1 states that "Revelation" is written in symbolic terms 
(See Greek of Rev.1:1).
What does it mean to be tormented in the "lake of fire" forever?
Rev.20:14 tells us...
 "Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death."

Why "second" death, instead of first death?
Jesus said,
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell ("Gehenna")." (Matt.10:28)

The first death, is physical ("body").
The "second death", is by the One who judges (and can kill) the soul.
The basis for that judgment, is by means of the teachings of Christ....
Jesus said;
 "There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will judge them at the last day." (John12:48)

How are the damning words of Christ, the same as the "lake of fire"?
Jesus Christ IS the Word of God. All God's teachings are made available to us, 
to accept or reject,
by means of God's "Word", the Bible (John1:1,14).
Note what the words of God (through Christ) are compared to...

 "Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?" (Jer.23:29)
 "Therefore I cut you in pieces with my prophets, killed you with the words of my mouth-- then my judgments go forth like the sun." (Hosea 6:5)
 "Therefore this is what the LORD God Almighty says: "Because the people have spoken these words, I will make my words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes." (Jer.5:14)
 "And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner." (Rev.11:5)

I hope you discern from the foregoing scriptures,
that the "lake of fire" / "hell",
are God's judgments / condemnation,
by means of God's Word ("fire").
Those who do not obey the Bible, are judged worthy of the "second death" ("Lake of Fire").
According to Jesus, this condemnation by God,
is the death of the soul. (Matt.10:28)
That death results from a loss of God's favor, and His abandonment of you, to the Destroyer (Satan). When condemnation is based upon the standards set out by God's Word, one is consigned to that Word's just condemnation ("fire").
One's works are compared to that perfect standard, and the day of light exposes God's verdict 

God repays the wicked with their own wickedness.

    (The wicked do not burn people forever, 
     so according to God's perfect justice, 
     neither will they literally burn forever.)
"Jehovah's Witnesses" are taught that God is not sadistic, and does not desire to burn people forever.
The basis of that "Jehovah's Witness" belief, is Jer.7:31, where God says....
 "They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire--something I did not command, nor would such a thing ever enter my mind."

The "the Valley of 'Ben Hinnom' " (Hebrew) 
(where children were burned as a sacrifice to the false God, "Molech"),
is another name for the place "Gehenna" 
("Ben Hinnom" translated into Greek), 
and is the same place that most Bible translators, translate as "Hell". 

"Gehenna" is the word Jesus used, at Matt.10:28, above (that is usually translated as "hell").
In the King James version, Rev.20:14 reads;
 "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death."
Note that "hell" is also cast into the lake of fire. Is "hell" cast into hell?
No. "Hell", is also destroyed forever. 
Yet this Greek word at Rev.20:14 was not "Gehenna". 
It was "Hades". This is the realm of those considered spiritually dead (also the abyss/sea/deep/"Sheol" -Hebrew). It contains both those physically living, and physically dead.

When God's judgment of the "spiritual dead" is completed, there will be no further need for a holding pen, for those who await God's condemnation ("fire")(2Pet.2:43:7).
Those left standing after the final judgment, will live forever,
because they have repented, and have obeyed the words of Christ (Luke8:11,151John2:14).
 "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life." (John6:63).
Those who have no room for Christ's word in their hearts (John8:37,40Acts3:22-24), will remain under God's condemnation ("fire"), forever...
their legacy of shame will last forever, as recorded in the everlasting Word of God, which prophesied about them aforetime (Isa.46:1040:848:3Acts 15:182Pet.1:21Mark13:312Pet.3:7) (Dan.12:2Isa.66:24Rev.20:12-15).

Pearl Doxsey




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