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A frightening rain of spiders is falling in Brazil. ?


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The inhabitants of San Antonio da platina in Brazil are witnessing a very strange phenomenon; a frightful rain of spiders. This phenomenon is apparently due to what is called " Spider ballooning a technique that allows young spiders to jump in the air to find another habitat. These paintings are in the form of a veil and one breath of air to take them away. If it's not uncommon for spiders to fly, it's exceptional to see millions landing in the same place. There's worse than rain, hail or lightning: the rain of spiders! The small town of Goulburn, in Southern Australia, experienced this frightening phenomenon last week. The inhabitants have seen their gardens and houses being covered by a large amount of paintings falling from the sky. On These: millions of tiny spiders. Ian Watson described this spectacular scene on Facebook: "I am 10 minutes from the city, and we can clearly see hundreds of small spiders floating with their paintings and my home is covered". a balloon ride if The phenomenon seems to trigger a general panic, it is not uncommon in this part of Australia. It is actually due to a change in climatic conditions. After heavy rains, spiders living on the ground or in des are trying to escape drowning. To do so, they take flight thanks to a technique called " hot air balloon ". " hot air balloon is not a rare behavior for many spiders. They climb to a high area and point their back to the sky and release the canvas. Then they just take off," explained the arachnologue Rick Vetter to livescience. So Les use their canvas a bit like paragliding. More amazing, according to Rick Vetter, this behavior takes place more often than you think, " it happens all around us, all the time. Just, we don't notice ". what's really rare is that millions of spiders take off at the same time and land in the same place. Angel Hair? Of course, by practicing the hot-Air Balloon, spiders don't control where they go. They can be carried by the wind. And if there's a sudden depression, it happens that they all fall down to the same place. Like in Goulburn. Such a surprising stop for the inhabitants of the city as for small animals. When you observe such a quantity of spiders that have made the hot-Air Balloon, you call this phenomenon " rain of spiders ", or " Angel hair " because of the long light wires that they give up a little everywhere after their landing. The largest "Landings" observed nearly 40 kilometres wide!




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Scott Dodds I love this! But there's a level of bullshit here (entomology nerd talking).

These spiders are not falling or ballooning. They are suspended in their webs. Spiders can only balloon after they have just hatched, when they are the size of the head of
 a pin. Adults cannot or do not do it. It happens all the time, but since the slings (nerd talk for "spiderlings") are so tiny we only notice their fine silk strands hanging on grasses and trees. In fact many comment on how beautiful the "angel hair" is.

Second, the spiders in the video and those in the stills are not the same genus, much less the same species. Those in the video appear to be Angulate, those in the stills are genus Nephila. Both are fairly large orb weavers, very shy and gentle and cute and harmless. If they're disturbed they run away or play dead.

Spiders "escaping floods" (in Australia?) somehow keeps popping up on these faux articles in order to justify some kind of frightening behavior. Spiders don't run from floods. They drown.

This is not spiders "falling" over Brazil but shots from two unrelated events where an unusual concentration of spiders created a "bloom" over an isolated area. Happens every once in awhile.

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