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Which pill would we take ... Red? .... or Blue?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Red Pill .... Blue Pill.jpg

Which Pill Would We Take ..... The Red Pill? .... or the Blue Pill?

In the political world, more and more people are rejecting "Fake News" as provided by CNN (Clinton News Network), ABC (All 'bout Clinton) and NBC (Nothin' but Clinton), etc., and are seeking the truth about what they are being told ..... wherever it may be found.

Today John Stossel had an article about this on Foxnews which is incredibly important ... not only for the political ramifications ... but every manner of philosophical thought ....  and our very view of how the Universe works, and what "makes it tick".

If you have seen the movie "The Matrix" .... a MUST SEE movie .... you already know the common expression "Red Pill? Blue Pill?".

If you don't ... YOU SHOULD. 

The concept behind the expression is incredibly important ... as to whether we live in and artificial fantasy construct world ... or a world of what is actually REAL.

JOHN STOSSEL: More people tuning out mainstream media, embracing 'truth'


Oh ... and if you have not seen it .... get a copy of the movie, so you will actually get a "feel" for the depth of the now commonly understood  idiomatic expression.

(For those in Rio Linda, that has nothing to do with sex, it has to do with basic understanding .....)







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Which Pill Would We Take ..... The Red Pill? .... or the Blue Pill? In the political world, more and more people are rejecting "Fake News" as provided by CNN (Clinton News Network), ABC (All 'bou

Fox is horrible with the only exception being Tucker Carlson, who tends to break out of the Fox News mental lock at times to speak on critical things. CNN is by far the worse, and it is known as


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48 minutes ago, AlanF said:

While the major news channels that you mentioned do indeed often horribly slant the news, you should not leave out Fox News, which is by far the worst.


Fox is horrible with the only exception being Tucker Carlson, who tends to break out of the Fox News mental lock at times to speak on critical things.

CNN is by far the worse, and it is known as the Communist News Network by some, at the same time, real independent journalists (I exclude Tomi Lahren because she is utterly insane - a cuckoo for cocoa puffs nationalist patriotic irl barbie doll who is blind) are being wiped out and or cleanse by the people of CNN who speak truth, for CNN will send the dogs after such persons for exposing CNN several times in the past.

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On 3/28/2018 at 10:18 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If you have seen the movie "The Matrix" .... a MUST SEE movie .... you already know the common expression "Red Pill? Blue Pill?".

If you don't ... YOU SHOULD. 

The concept behind the expression is incredibly important ... as to whether we live in and artificial fantasy construct world ... or a world of what is actually REAL.


4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Is it possible, can somebody change colors of pill, red to blue and blue to read ... you see, i like blue color more then red.


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