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Have JWs solved 90% of the child abuse problems plaguing the rest of the world?

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This is actually a valid musing. I see the outrage regarding the child abuse issue as an evidence of one of the last sparks of morality in a dying and corrupt civilisation.  This issue has extrao

Allen, Your point should be the same as mine, and it would be a shame (literally) if it is isn't. I understand as well as anyone why you think that a knee-jerk reaction to protect the reputation of th

I love irony ! otherwise that would be an upvote. Hey! that quote is an "Elephant" AllenSmith could chew on !

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3 hours ago, Anna said:

@AllenSmith what were you trying to say with the Spartacus clip? Have you seen the movie?

My guess is he is a Lawyer, working for the WTB&TS ... who would view valor and courage, and integrity as spiritually immature, as it does save money by denying Justice, and not preserve your life at any cost.

I have asked him about that, on the last page, before, but he so far has declined to answer.

It would be interesting to see if he will answer BOTH of your questions, and my suppositions.

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4 hours ago, Anna said:

@TrueTomHarley  you were Vic Vomidog too?? You got me fooled there,  I thought he was an evil apostate 

Just for the record, if I ever catch me that foul-smelling, self-asggrandizing, wanna-be double-tongued yellow-journaist of a yellow lying double dealing back-stabbing sonuva you know what, I and me mates will make him walk the plank.

Do I make myself clear, lassie?

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8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Well the shaving part for Kal-El has been joked about before

Back to the purposely misinterpreted question of "How Christ-like is Superman?"

Many stories with a hero will have Christ-like elements. There was the book "The Hero With a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell for some evidence of this historically. Kal-El in Hebrew would appear to mean the "Word of God" (Voice of God) or the "demigod" or the "fast god."

Also, as Moses was put into a basket and sent down the river to be discovered by adoptive Egyptian parents, Kal-El, this "greater Moses" is put in a space "basket" to be discovered by adoptive earth parents.

There was another picture of Jesus in our publications around 1978 where he had the front hair curl on his forehead that was even closer to Superman style than the December 15 1979 Watchtower cover, but I don't remember which month it ran in. If I run across it, I'll post it.


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1 hour ago, AllenSmith said:

And if you have a problem with that?

I am not even sure what you think I have a problem with. But it doesn't matter. Often I do not know where you are coming from. I don't have to. On the list of seven things that God hates, that as by  miracle, expands to eight, is "any one stirring up contentions among brothers." I will not do it. And I don't think you are doing it with me, unless you think that I am not a brother. 

Maybe some of our miscommunication lies in the fact you have battled the villians in many nasty places, and I have not - and for over a longer period of time.  You have a terminology of internet lore unfamiliar to me. (Space Merchant is even more so that way)  I have been online for most of 12 years, but until recently I did not stray from my own platform, where I would take comments from opposers if they wished to make any, but I did not let them hijack the site.

About a year ago, as an experiment, I briefly forayed into an apostate site, being a very bad boy, but once they discovered I had no plans to defect, they were so unfailingly nasty that I soon withdrew. They were effusive in their warm welcome until they discovered I planned to stay where I was. 

Because I am playful maybe you think I am sometimes attacking you. I am not. Ever. If I say you are "abrasive," as I have, it is not said to put you down. It is just playful. Come now, would you have anyone believe here that you are not? You would probably be well-served to attend to that to the extent you can, just as I would be well-served to speak with less hyperbole, because it does get misunderstood. Not that I will do it. Not that you will do it. But I will nudge in the proper direction. You should too.

Otherwise, to the extent that you believe it about me, we are brothers. We must not fight. But if you do not believe I am a brother - well, I guess that's okay. It is not exactly the Kingdom Hall here, is it?

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Ever heard of the concept of an "emotional bank account"?

It goes something like this:

You cannot just walk up to someone in a casual setting and say "Who are you?

You might go up and say " Hi!, My name is Allen Smith, and I am from such-and-such congregation, and I am in town visiting relatives ...

That is the deposit in the "emotional bank account".

You now have something you can withdraw from that "emotional Bank account".

Now, you  can ask someone's name, because they have information on you that is meaningful.

"May I ask you name?" (That is the "withdrawal".)

Try it sometime.

They are not going to use that information to target North Korean missiles to your house, or send the Mafia by to kneecap you.

I go by my real full name, and tell many tales on myself, many disparaging and personal ... No. 1, because it doesn't really matter ... I will be quite dead too soon, the Universe will not even notice, and No. 2,  sans actual missile attack, anywhere around me is a "safe space".

This is not hand to hand combat with bayonets ... this is conversation via photons on a monitor ... NO MORE.

We can battle to the death in the Arena of Ideas ... sigh if we win or lose ... get up from our chairs, and go have dinner.

Lighten up.

You will live a lot longer, and be a LOT happier.



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