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607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?

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23 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

And as for this continual regurgitating of old spiritual food, isn't a bit like trying to eat yesterday's manna? It was good at the time, and certainly did what Jehovah wanted it to do...then. But today? Don't we find it's just like the manna of old which , when saved beyond it's current need,  just "bred worms and stank"?

This is the crux of the problem – that of holding onto a date, and comparing “new light” surrounding that date that must not lose its ‘significance’ -  to manna -  good for only a “day”; as if since Christ, that is the viewpoint to be held.

“What can we do to perform the works of God?” they asked.

 Jesus replied, “This is the work of God—that you believe in the one he has sent.”

 “What sign, then, are you going to do so we may see and believe you?” they asked. “What are you going to perform? John 6:28-30

 I see David Splane working through the “overlapping generation” doctrine, using a pointer and chart. 

“Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, just as it is written: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

 Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, Moses didn’t give you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.  For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” 

Then they said, “Sir, give us this bread always.”

 I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them. “No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again.  But as I told you, you’ve seen me, and yet you do not believe.”  John 6:31-36

The Watchtower is always chasing “new light”, since they desire a “sign” to follow.  So, they made one up, that requires “feeding”. 

“Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him: We ask you, brothers and sisters,  not to be easily upset or troubled, either by a prophecy or by a message or by a letter supposedly from us, alleging that the day of the Lord has come. 


 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. For that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessnessis revealed, the man doomed to destruction.  He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sitsin God’s temple, proclaiming that he himself is God.   2 Thess 2:1-4

The elder body “representing” the anointed priesthood – the Temple of God.  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22  “Exalts”?  Yes.  God’s priesthood must obey the elder body, or they are ousted.  John 16:2

JWs are like those who chased after Jesus once he fed them with literal, perishable, bread.

“When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum looking for Jesus.  When they found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”

Jesus answered, “Truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate the loaves and were filled.  Don’t work for the food that perishes but for the food that lasts for eternal lifewhich the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set his seal of approval on him.”  John 6:24-27

He is speaking of perfect spiritual food, not seen with the eye but discerned as holding the promise of life. The GB cannot obtain this food, to share with JWs.  They are not connected to the source, but they make JWs “work” for it, nonetheless.

“May we be diligent in partaking of all the spiritual food we receive through Jehovah’s organization.”  Wt 13/4/13

"Jesus promised that he would sustain them with nourishing spiritual food.” Wt. 04/3/1

For the believers in Christ; yes, he did.  But not through men who continually concoct perishable “new light”. 

“The timely spiritual food we receive is proof that Jesus, the Head of the congregation, is keeping his promise to feed us.”  Wt 13/7/15

No, it is not proof; since “new light” rots.  Matt 7:18; 12:33

 “Consider what makes it possible for the faithful and discreet slave to provide timely, nutritious spiritual food. “I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go,” says Jehovah. He adds: “I will give advice with my eye upon you.” (Ps. 32:8) Yes, Jehovah provides direction to the slave. We can therefore have full confidence in the Scriptural insight, understanding, and guidance that we receive from the slave.” Wt 09/2/15

They always throw in that word, “timely”, to cover the need to make “timely” changes.  It appears God’s insight and instruction must be short-lived; as if changes at a whim. 1 Sam 15:29

Once a light bulb goes out, darkness creeps in enough to shake one’s confidence in where they are stepping, until the bulb is replaced with a new one.  Jesus’ “light” never dims and never goes out.  “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12 

 “Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.:” W 17/2

He did promise his slaves who are faithful, perfect spiritual food, that would last; but not to a “wicked slave”.  Matt 24:48-51  They are blaming Christ in their excuse; yet change “faithful slave” to “wicked slave” and it becomes a true statement. 

Deception in its ‘true’ form.

“Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. “ John 15:4

“The ax is already at the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit (that lasts) will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”  Matt 3:10

Gal 1:6-9



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Hmmmm......I beg to differ. How about we both ask a number of friends a simple question at the KH this Sunday or in a field service group: "do you know how to explain why we believe 1914 and 607?"

This is where Freedom and sanity, and peace come from .... when you disregard people who have proved they have no credibility whatsoever ... and STOP BEING AFRAID OF DYING.  Every living thing th

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It's like when a circus clown car wins the Indianapolis 500 race .... the only explanation is divine providence.

I get headaches from watching the "new lights" flash on and off, on and off, on and off ....and it does bother me a great deal when, while swimming through an ocean of Jello, to see others drowning in it, and falling away

These are not bad allusions.

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36 minutes ago, Witness said:

This is the crux of the problem – that of holding onto a date, and comparing “new light” surrounding that date that must not lose its ‘significance’ -  to manna -  good for only a “day”; as if since Christ, that is the viewpoint to be held.

I can see you have not been to meetings lately - or you have been sitting there daydreaming of your own wonderful theories regarding proof of your own infallibility regarding the non-existence of  1914.... and how you are going to try to get a following on this website so they can reflect your own perfect spirituality/wisdoms.   

On the other hand, I have been attending meetings and very few of them have been about the date of 1914.  Most have been about applying the scriptures to daily living, meekness and humility. Many have been very interesting in the light of what we can expect during Armageddon..... How to stay neutral and not get involved in this world.

Of course - if you were part of the slave (the ones who you believe like to glorify themselves) -  we would get exciting new food every week (wonderful life-giving MANNA) that would be absolutely mind boggling! So we would never hear a rehash of 1914. 

This to me is so strange because all I see here on this forum is an OCD rehash of the  1914 issue  every time I open up my computer to come to this website .......and NO new interesting thoughts I can really think about.  Is this all this band of renegades can talk about?

So please do not accuse the slave of the very thing which you are doing ALL the time!   Just thinking of ONE thing. Satan was the big rebel and was accusing Christs brothers all the time!  I see the same here with the so-called intellectuals using "innocent intellectual discussion" to pull the slave apart at every opportunity available to them - and using the word of God in the most deceiving way to say so!

1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

and expect NOTHING from humans.

Self-sacrificing love means that we should not expect anything from no-one. .. just give of ourselves with no return. Our love should not be "hypocritical".   This is the secret to true happiness.

2 hours ago, Anna said:

no clue as to why historians arrive at 587

Most of the people offering their brilliant contrary claims to the slave on this forum and who accuse the slave of making a throne for themselves in the temple of God, (if I read the intent of the scripture quoted correctly), these brilliant historians - openly DENY that Babylonian and Assyrian timelines have been synchronized with the Egyptian timeline - so they do not know themselves where these dates come from!

 I have news for you -the Hittite timelines have also been synchronized with Egyptology. This is why Dr David Rohl (and others) are on a quest to prove the timeline WRONG! And this is the reason he is receiving so much opposition in the Egyptology departments because most of the Middle East histories have been synchronized and the Egyptian timeline because of the wars that went on amongst all these different nations. This would mean that most of the PHDs done in the past 150 years are inaccurate!

So why waste your time on this myopic quest and focus on the bigger picture - the theme of the Bible and how the government which is already ruling - invisibly - according to revelation 12 is fulfilling bible prophecy.  How this heavenly government is ruling from Zion over ONE nation and teaching these people (in the last days) to forge their weapons into agricultural weapons. How they are united in the preaching work which is being accomplished in all the earth - by one organization ONLY.  They are the only ones who knows how this government is going to function..... but I guess you have problems with that too!

This is why we needed many SIGNS - to pin point when the kingdom has started ruling INVISIBLY and we also needed a timeline of the world governments - given in Daniel - to gauge the time.  Timelines of world governments and of Jehovah's government! Daniel 7 also tells how Jesus would come before the ancient of old (in heaven) to receive his Kingdom!

Jehovah provides - but many are too blind to see it..  thanklessness.....to what Jehovah has given us.

On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:59 PM, JW Insider said:

When we realize that this is all conjecture and speculation, we should realize that we are trying to tread in an area that Jehovah said was only in his own jurisdiction

I do not 'argue' about genealogies but I do use it to show Muslims that Jesus is the only one with a proven history (genealogy) from Adam until his birth - which makes him the true "messenger" from God.   The ideology Jesus  preached is also the only ideology that can bring peace to the earth....if everyone willingly follows it. (I use this to speak to atheists as well - by comparing it to human philosophies). 

Genealogies and chronology (together with the history of israel as a nation and after this the history of the Christians) is very important to become a mature Christian - to follow the continuity of the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. 

If one knows about project management one will understand how the great "project manager" (Jehovah) has managed his affairs in heaven and on earth (without intervening too much into earthly affairs).  He only intervened when it was absolutely necessary; only when the 'final outcome' of his final purpose would be in jeopardy. He intervened with a flood for instance when his purpose could have been thwarted by Satan and his demons. He also intervened at Babylon with languages - he had very good reasons for doing so. He intervened with a dream when the parents of Jesus fled to Egypt to preserve Jesus's life - also important to preserve his purpose.  

Logic and continuity is very important in the timeline and this is why the prophecies and their fulfillment (relating to the timeline) is important. Ephesians 1:9 talks about how the purpose has been administered throughout the ages. While I will not debate over little silly things in the timeline - I have come to realize that it is highly important to understand that the bible is the ONLY reality on earth - and the only book which provides absolute reality and continuity.... every little thing fits into the predicted patterns ... and a timeline.... to the minutest detail.

This is why I see the bible as the only "reality" on earth..... and this is why I defend the timeline as presented by the slave - because it is logical and fits in with the purpose when one studies it in a logical way.  

I am studying this at present... and it is fascinating.... 

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

He intervened with a flood for instance when his purpose could have been thwarted by Satan and his demons. He also intervened at Babylon with languages - he had very good reasons for doing so. He intervened with a dream when the parents of Jesus fled to Egypt

He tried to intervene on this forum, too, but he found he couldn't mix it up more than it already was.

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20 hours ago, Arauna said:

of your own infallibility regarding the non-existence of  1914

Scriptures are infallible, right?

Ps 110:1,2 - This is the declaration of the Lord
to my Lord:
Sit at my right hand (“sit” - a primitive root; properly, to sit down (specifically as judge.) 
until I make your enemies your footstool.”
 The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion.
Rule over your surrounding enemies.

Jesus became a ruling King/judge once he was ascended and was sitting next to God.

“But each in his own order: Christ, the firstfruits; afterward, at his coming, those who belong to Christ. 24 Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when he abolishes all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he puts all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be abolished is death. 27 For God has put everything under his feet.  1 Cor 15:23-26

God said in both scriptures, that “everything”, including enemies, would be Jesus’ footstool.  During this time, Jesus is reigning UNTIL he also “puts all his enemies under his feet."  They are working together on this.

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, the Son is not able to do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father doesthe Son likewise does these things.  John 5:19

Two infallible facts are presented here.  The “Thousand Years” to come after Armageddon is a lie; since all rule, power, authority and death is abolished at the end of Christ’s reign ,which began when he sat down at the right hand of the Father.

Neither God nor Jesus waited until 1914 for everything to be put under his feet.  It has been in process for the last 2,000 years.

20 hours ago, Arauna said:

Most have been about applying the scriptures to daily living, meekness and humility.

No difference that I can see from teachings within “Christendom”.   Amos 8:11

20 hours ago, Arauna said:

How to stay neutral and not get involved in this world.

You mean like, not investing in military stock as the Watchtower does?  Or, not dodging court orders that the GB is so good at?  Ps 26:4

20 hours ago, Arauna said:

Of course - if you were part of the slave (the ones who you believe like to glorify themselves)

Every anointed one must strive to be “faithful and discreet”.  No anointed one has the corner on who should be recognized as the ONLY “faithful and discreet slave”; but since the GB has taken the title on, and dabbles in Satan’s realm, they fulfill the parable of the “wicked slave”.  Matt 25:21; 24:48-51

20 hours ago, Arauna said:

So please do not accuse the slave of the very thing which you are doing ALL the time!   

Are you referring to imitating the Bereans by examining the scriptures, and not taking the GB at their word that failed prophesies and changing doctrines are blessed by God and Christ? 

20 hours ago, Arauna said:

Just thinking of ONE thing.

Perhaps you are too use to “new light”?

20 hours ago, Arauna said:

Satan was the big rebel and was accusing Christs brothers all the time!  I see the same here with the so-called intellectuals using "innocent intellectual discussion" to pull the slave apart at every opportunity available to them - and using the word of God in the most deceiving way to say so!

The GB directs/controls the “spirit-directed organization”.  Through this direction, the organization has been given a spiritual “life”.  It is taught as the only way to salvation.  If anyone leaves it, it is considered they have left the path to eternal life.  Although this organization operates exactly as any other in Satan’s world, men who claim no inspiration by Spirit themselves, teach that God is “in control”.  Nothing short of a miracle.  

The act of spiritual immorality among anointed ones who mislead and malign truth by teaching soon-to-be failed doctrines, (WHICH ARE LIES SPOKEN “IN A MOST DECEIVING WAY”), marks them as “harlots’.  2 Pet 2:1-3; 1 Cor 6:15,16

“Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants (these are anointed ones) to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.”  Rev 2:20

Revelation’s “Harlot” directs/rides a Wild Beast, which is admired, and revered as having great power – an idol.  She “breathes” “life” into the Beast, causing great awe and admiration among every “tribe, tongue, and nation”. (most likely solidified around the ‘50’s) This Beast has been authorized to “war” against the anointed ones – of whom are found WITHIN the “spirit-directed organization”.  Rev chapter 13

The “slave” who does not recognize any other “slaves” -  Christ’s brothers -  but easily dismisses them from their sight through disfellowshipping, is the Harlot. Soon, it will be the Beast/organization that will chew up and spit out the Governing Body.  More “sins” will be exposed, so much so, that even the organization want her gone.

“Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (“kings” Rev 1:6; 17:12) which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18 And the woman (Babylon covenant of death) whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

These “kings” are anointed ones.  True to scripture, the GB/Harlot daughters of the “woman” presently reigns over the anointed “kings”/ of the earth.  Rev 17:15-18 (Rom 6:16)

By the way, I’m not looking for a following on this website.  Every anointed one should be representing Christ’s truths and leading people to him.  Jesus said, “I am the waythe truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  John 14:6  Yet, the organization overshadows the simplicity that is Christ. 2 Cor 11:1-4

This is what the apostles taught and what all anointed ones should be teaching.  It is also their job to “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God”  2 Cor 10:5  Sadly, those anointed still in the organization, rely on “buying” spiritual oil/”food” from the Beast instead of from Christ. Matt 25:6-10; Rev 3:18

Except for a seemingly few, I am becoming convinced that scriptures scare JWs away, preferring GB’s tainted offerings instead.




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You have exposed yourself in what you said above. You have NO love for Jehovah's nation and do not understand their teachings.  What are you doing on a forum like this?  Only to find a following for yourself or sow doubt?

Why not go to other Christian websites?  Why here?  Because you have a compulsive hate and frustration within you that must be fulfilled by association with specifically .... JWs.  Why do you need this association?

Because you are very much alone and NOT part of a world-wide congregation  which was predicted for the last days.  You are NOT part of that 'nation' which would be under invisible rule. This association would be doing the world-wide preaching work of that invisible kingdom rule....  This good news would be preached in all the world before the end.......Matt 24:14.  And what is more .... it would be done by a great army of volunteers..... who give the life giving water FREE (Rev 22).  

Where is your world-wide congregation which is doing this?  Oh yes - I remember - you have twisted the scriptures before on this forum to show that there would NOT be a group of people who would work unitedly together to do this....because you then will have to acknowledge the slave..... despite scriptures about the last days indicating this work will be done world-wide - spearheaded by a discreet slave... 

I have asked you before - where do you go to meetings to fulfill the obligation given us in Hebrews to attend meetings...... do you hold your own?  And how is your congregation organized to give life's word free across many nations? 


Working in the Muslim field has really strengthened my convictions because I have had to re-evaluate the scriptures and compare it with the falsehoods out there in other Christian denominations and that which Muslims believe. I use scriptures that most Christians do not even notice... Satan was sneaky - like most apostates he just twists the truth.  He took the scriptures of Jehovah and came up with a nation that would rule the earth so that Jesus can come back.  At Armageddon Jesus would come back in the flesh and fight the false-Christ the Dajjal and his rebellious Jews- (in shi'ah eschatology)  

Yes - the religion of peace does believe that the entire world must fall under Muslim control for the government of Allah to bring peace on earth.... They believe they are the nation that at present time is doing the work of Allah and most Muslims would justify the use of the literal sword  - if needed. 

Many learn only the nice things in the Mosque and are not aware of the extremely violent history of Mohammad because it has been kept away from them..... but ask them about the government - they will tell you it has to be an earthly government under Allah. They think they are the only nation of God on earth.  (Sunni and Shi'a hate each other - but suddenly become united if there is a threat to nationalistic islam - a reason there will NEVER be peace if they gain control of the earth - the sanctified use of violence and the hate of each other). All Jews must be killed - it is stated many times in the Qur'an and Christians must pay jizyah tax if they do not convert (and this tax goes up until they cannot pay)

They are surprised when I tell them there is another 'nation' on earth speaking more than 2000 languages and already living in cooperation and harmony.  Not perfect yet - but they willingly obey god out of free will and are no part of the political systems of the earth because they do not vote or fight (with the sword) for any human government - be it secular or religious.  They are a  morally clean nation and do not participate in any idolatry or pagan rituals. (Muslims believe that all Christians are idolaters with paganisms and very immoral.) Only one wife is allowed and faithfulness to one wife is essential and adultery is not tolerated (they think all westerners have no morals when it comes to sex).  Witnesses are neutral - do not take sides in earthly disputes.

Arab and Jew attend meetings together and work together in the field to sow the truth about the future Kingdom government. This "nation" on earth are already preparing people to live under the future Kingdom rule when strict LAW will be no more (Abraham was NOT under law and yet received the favor of God).

We are now under the new LAW of love and the principles that Jesus taught (which are stronger than the Sharia law) because these principles teach self-control and self-regulation - a strong component of the teachings of Jesus. 

I also show that the invisible kingdom is already ruling and a world-wide education is being done so people can follow these principles by free will - which teach, if you look at a woman too much you have already committed adultery in your heart.  If you hate another - you are already a murderer. (women love this!)

We do not have leaders which rule by 'control ' and fatwas ... but we have elders which are being prepared/educated to only be loving shepherds... facilitating and helping/serving  the sheep-like ones. We look like stupid, non-violent, sheep to others but we have Jehovah's protection who is the one who can give us a resurrection and compensate us for anything lost.  We therefore do not fear violent persons. We help people to prepare and strengthen themselves  for the final violent confrontations expected on earth in future.

On occasion (in this time before 1000 year reign), these elders are vigilant to keep the congregation clean from false teachings, bad influences and immorality.  Apostates / homosexuals and adulterers are not killed but are sent back into the world for God to deal with them. They are accepted back - only if they change their ways. It is only the right of God to kill another because he can see the heart (they all agree with this!).

We are all taught the principles that will bring much freedom but much more personal responsibility.  We do not need human Imams (with their morality police) to kill and flog those who dare to break spiritual authority.  We do not vote and get involved with politics (Islam is a political, highly nationalistic religion). The worldly governments are there to bring the punishment for murder etc.

I love the fact that I can compare the two world-wide nations that are now on earth.  The two are in stark contrast.  Yes - Jehovah's people are not perfect but they are united and in cooperative harmony when the world (and its religions) is becoming increasingly divided and violent.  (If not violent - they teach claptrap.  Here in Sweden a law was brought in recently by the church which says that God is not a HE - so this pronoun is not correct). 

If you know of any other world-wide nation I am unaware of - please let me know..... Jehovah's in his foresight has led the way - so we can use our existence as a NATION together with scriptures to inspire loyalty to his future kingdom which will remove all sin from earth under a kingdom of priests.  The fact that we can already be in peace (one nation from many nations) -without strict laws and police to enforce this - proves we are the people of God and harmony is possible on earth in future under invisible heavenly rule.  

How is this unity possible?  The united effort under the slave who use their resources to educate everyone under their jurisdiction!

Muslims are amazed when they understand that we do not need a literal government or harsh rulers/police to control our morality...

Pity they have so much fear for their fellow Muslims...when I say this.... most westerners do not understand the power that islam has over their subjects and how much injustice they just have to accept as the will of God or be killed.... (in majority muslim countries of course) but in the west we still see a lot of honor killings..... and rule by fear which keep those who want to leave in a fearful condition.

We have a lot to thank Jehovah for - too much....in comparison to other religions.




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16 hours ago, Arauna said:

This would mean that most of the PHDs done in the past 150 years are inaccurate!

This is why you do not squabble overmuch about 607 or anything else. 'Facts' are unstable building blocks that can be fashioned into palaces or outhouses. You don't blow 607 off as nothing, but neither do you let it spoil your day. Focus on the facts on the ground.

The dispute will be like the food pyramid that stands for decades and is literally turned upon its head. It will be like the generation avoiding fat because the scientists said so only to find that businesspeople had bought science and sugar is the culprit. It will be even be like the mathematical proof that the sum of all natural numbers is -1/12. Or that black holes violate either relativity or quantum physics.

It is the heart one must work to develop, not the head. For every Bible verse there is about the head, there are ten about the heart. Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of focusing on the heart is that people cannot argue themselves right! - gutting the underpinnings of many a forum.

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Many true words spoken about science.  This is why the so-called evidence for evolution is such a joke.... and they call it a 'science'.   Many of the assumptions have not been thought through properly.

The universities are in BIG trouble at present.  Many scholars worth their salt are saying so.   Young people are paying mega bucks for generic degrees and have insurmountable debt (that is never forgiven) and they sit with humanities degrees that is not even worth the paper they are written on. 

The Humanities usually carry universities but gender politics and social warriors for women studies and gender (which are not sciences) have taken over all the departments at great institutions.  Most of the middle east departments have been taken over by Islam apologists (most of whom I think have not even read the Quran because their commentaries are sooo silly... and based on unrealistic assumptions (a better word for politically correct lies).  

The world is in trouble because the freedom of speech is oppressed at most schools of higher education at present and many of the humanities students get "triggered"  by anything that is controversial.  By the way, these philosophies are also taught in schools....

Universities have special rooms where 'gender raped' students can receive support for anything said (not done) which may emotionally trigger them to go crazy... and lecturers are losing their jobs for the simplest things.  These departments are run by transgender professors who are now running the show and most of them are  non-binary "gender-fluid".  They do look very gender fluid to me - caricatures! .... and they have NO morals. They are teaching the youth that there is NO right and wrong; the Bible must be thrown in the garbage because patriarchal thinking is the cause of all the problems on earth.!

Canada now has a law which recognizes more than 2 genders and this includes the 57 different genders identified by state departments ......and they say that "biology" has nothing to do with gender.... lol - very scientific!!

People can lose their jobs if they do not recognize the request of a fluid person to be called by one of these transgender pronouns. (doctors, nurses, legal people, teachers etc).  There is a legal battle on at the moment about this because the law organization wants to force every legal person and citizen to accept this.  It is in one state at present but is ready to be introduced everywhere!

These students will get out of university soon ( they are also part of ANTIFA and similar very  militant organizations which remind me of the bolsjeviks in Russia and Robespierre of the French revolution (very dangerous)  - they want all those in power to go - be eliminated - well this is how some of their leaders talk!  They want a revolution ... because anyone with power (mostly men) represent oppression!  If I recall how many people died in the French revolution and the Russian revolution (This was 40 million alone  when one includes the people killed by Stalin). I can see where this is heading if the authorities do not get a grip on it.

We are facing extreme times..... close to the end. Within a few years we can really be facing the  biggest crisis the earth has ever seen because this time round the technology for killing is bigger than ever before and the different revolutionaries are sitting at the heart of almost every country and pulling strings.

Wicked organizations and bad people (with billions) who benefit by chaos are also putting large amounts of money into these revolutionary organizations.  It is  crazy what is going on and the governments cannot contain this wild thinking and actions.



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We are talking about lack of scientific evidence for these dates  and how most of the humanities sciences are not worth much any more. Here is another example: 

Sciences for Middle Eastern studies and those sitting on the UNESCOs UN committee have already issued a ruling which stipulates that Israel has NO history in Jerusalem.!  How historically correct is that? Can one call this science? ..... When there is ample proof that Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE ?

So I would say it is relevant to the topic..... unless you have tunnel vision and cannot relate to anything else which puts more light on the subject by widening it out.  If you put your trust in these departments and their professors - you are going to be misled!  



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