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"Human Opinion Elevated to Divine Status"


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“The coming of the lawless one (who rules/sits over the “temple” of God, the anointed ones:  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22; 2 Thess 2:1-4; Rev 13:1,5-8;Matt 24:15;Dan 11:31; Rev 11:1-3) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Pet+2%3A5%2C9%3B+1+Cor+3%3A16%2C17%3B+Eph+2%3A20-22%3B+2+Thess+2%3A1-4%3B+Rev+13%3A1%2C5-8%3BMatt+24%3A15%3BDan+11%3A31%3B+Rev+11%3A1-3&version=NKJV

is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,  that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thess 2:9-12


Pearl Doxsey at 4womaninthewilderness:

“No Part of the World”

“The Sign of the Son of Man”



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The Watchtower believes it does – it’s called reinstatement.  I do pray you wake up from your stupor!  You say the right words, you presented good information, but can’t see the forest for the “

I could address an entire article and you would have problems with it.  I reposted this under Bible Discussion since it has been buried under "controversial posts":    https://www.theworldnewsmedia.or

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22 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

No one has the POWER to save your soul.

The Watchtower believes it does – it’s called reinstatement. 

I do pray you wake up from your stupor!  You say the right words, you presented good information, but can’t see the forest for the “apostate” trees! 

Matt 3:10 – “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

Who are the trees?  They are the spirit-anointed ones.   Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8; Ezek 47:12; Rev 22:1,2   Out of their mouths are to flow “living water” from Christ, NOT their own opinions or understanding or timelines.  John 4:10,13,14; 7:37,38; Matt 12:35,37; 1 Thess 5:1-3

You are eliminating the governing body from those who “lean on their own understanding”.  This composite entity has taught millions of people false doctrine, based on their own understanding.  The individual in the video woke up to that fact.  Is he to blame for rejecting falsehoods and leaving them behind, or is the source of the falsehood the one to receive the blame? Jer 8:8,9 Yet, you excuse the governing body’s actions.  Are they Christ?  Are they Moses?


In the past, we thought that the great tribulation began in 1914 when World War I started. We thought that Jehovah “cut short” those days in 1918 when the war ended so that the remaining anointed ones on earth could preach the good news to all nations. (Matthew 24:21, 22) After that preaching work would be completed, we expected that Satan’s world would be destroyed. So we thought that there were three parts to the great tribulation. It would begin in 1914, it would be interrupted in 1918, and it would finish at Armageddon. ws13 7/15 pp. 3-8

Of course, we can't forget the generation analogies.

22 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

So, those that have been enlightened only to fall away by their own understanding, have become worse than a pagan or tax collector.

Who do you think has “fallen away” and misled “many” by their own “depraved conduct”?  2 Pet 2:1-3 The “wolves in sheep’s clothing” are among you!  Luke 21:8; Acts 20:29; Rev 13:11

22 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

There lies the teaching of Christ for a TRUE follower, and it hasn’t changed in over 1900 hundred years, other than to REVERT the early false teaching of those that looked upon it for their personal gain in POWER, rather than become followers of Christ.


I would hope you see how the teachings of Christ have changed by Watchtower’s doctrines!  WHO has power over the entire anointed Body of Christ and over all sheep?  Is it Christ, or men?  Again, these men are not Moses or Christ.  The man in the video rejected false doctrine as we are admonished by scripture to do.  Jer 23:16; Isa 9:15,16  Yet, he is most likely disfellowshipped for doing so and judged as a lost soul.   Mark 10:42-45; John 16:2,3

Just as the true followers of Christ rejected the Pharisees, the true followers of Christ today, FOLLOW CHRIST AND NOT WICKED MEN who are looking for their own personal gain.  Both then and now, only a remnant are found to leave lies…which is every conceivable wayward thought TAUGHT AS DOCTRINE BY THE GOVERNING BODY…behind. 

22 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Therefore, what can a person that REJECTS scripture due to their own perceived understanding of it, by blaming others and using that as an excuse, can offer another? Exodus 32:22-24, Matthew 25:41-45

Romans 1:20


Watchtower 07/9/1 p 31  Question from Readers:

What did Jesus mean when he said that his faithful slave would be “discreet”?

Consider also Jesus’ use of the word “discreet” at Matthew 7:24. Jesus said: “Everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock-mass.” The discreet man builds solidly, in view of the possibility of a storm. In contrast, the foolish man builds on sand and loses his house. THUS, a discreet follower of Jesus is one who foresees the bad consequences of FOLLOWING HUMAN WISDOM.  His discernment and good judgment lead him to base his faith, actions, and teachings FIRMLY on what Jesus taught. 

“The faithful and discreet slave” acts similarly.

Does it really?  “Beliefs Clarified” come to mind.  Every example of those changed teachings is none other than foolishness and human wisdom, the governing body’s “own perceived understanding of it”.  Every “clarified” teaching is an attempt to “mortar” the cracks in Watchtower’s walls.  Ezek 13:10-16; Isa 30:8-14; 1 Thess 5:3

Have they blamed others for their own foolish teaching failures?  Yes.  They blame the sheep.  I can give you examples.

“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.“  Acts 20:28-30

JWs call “Beliefs Clarified”, “new light”.  That alone is a clever twist on what are obvious falsehoods.  The meaning of “perverse things” – to distort or turn aside, corrupt (the truth!), turn aside from the right path; which is every falsehood the governing body has presented before the sheep as “truth”. They could care less about “sparing the flock”, but only for drawing away disciples after themselves – with continuous empty promises.  2 Cor 11:4,19,20

“to oppose, plot against, the saving purposes and plans of God”  The greatest instigator to plot against Christ’s seed is Satan.  He uses individuals to do his work and carry out his will. 2 Cor 11:13-15 The best option is to win over anointed ones to ‘plot against the saving purposes and plans of God” that involves the anointed ones.  Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:1-12; Rev 13:1,7,8,11,14-17; 9:1; 8:10,11


“WHAT is this you have done?” God asked Eve after she had eaten from the forbidden tree. “The serpent —it deceived me and so I ate,” she replied. (Gen. 3:13) Satan, the crafty serpent who led her to disobey God, was later called “the original serpent, . . . who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” —Rev. 12:9.

This Genesis account presents Satan as cunning, as one who spins lies with the intention of deceiving the unwary. Eve certainly succumbed to his deceit. Nevertheless, we should not think that Satan is the only one who can mislead us. The Bible also warns about the danger of ‘deceiving ourselves with false reasoning.’ —Jas. 1:22.

The thought of deceiving ourselves may seem highly improbable or even impossible. The divine warning, however, is obviously there for a purpose. So we would do well to consider how we might deceive ourselves and what sort of false reasoning could mislead us.

 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sowsWhoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”  Gal 6:7,8

Are you being deceived by false reasoning, handed out to you as life-giving nourishment from “Jehovah’s organization” – an idol that requires your “gold”? Exodus 32:22-24

In the time of the end, there is both a faithful and discreet slave/steward over his anointed House, chosen from among the faithful slaves, to care for Jesus’ belongings –which are his sheep. Matt.24:46-47; 28:18; Ps.2:8; Gen.13:14-15; 28:13-14; Dan.7:18)

…as well as his Truth/”gold” Rev 3:18; John 14:6;1:14; Ps 119:89; Matt 6:20; Isa 40:8; Luke 21:33; John 5:24; 6:27,51,55

And a wicked slave who maligns the Truth, deceives many with fabricated stories and tosses out their “fellow slaves” for speaking Christ’s Truth.   Matt 24:48-51

One appears magnificent, strong, powerful, with false humility, and having with a large following.  The “faithful slave” on the other hand, appears as Jesus did – rejected, lowly, weak and despised; tossed out of the “synagogue”, yet blessed with Holy Spirit.  1 Cor 1:26-29

You will know them by their “fruits”.  Matt 7:16-20

Rom 1:20-25

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened22 Professing to be wise, they became fools23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image (“Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization”)made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature (Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization) rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Rom 1:20-25

Can you, in your mind, separate God from the organization?  Can you walk away from it and give God the exclusive devotion that He demands?  Exod 20:4,5; Isa 45:5




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I could address an entire article and you would have problems with it.  I reposted this under Bible Discussion since it has been buried under "controversial posts":    https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/forums/topic/55510-korahs-rebellion-and-the-watchtower/

Eph 4:11-13 This pertains to the anointed Body of Christ, the Temple of God.1 Cor 3:16,17  Are any recognized beyond the governing body as having the various gifts to upbuild the Body?  NO.  These gifts are signified as bestowed on a “Gentile” elder body which is NOT ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE.  Matt 24:15; 1 Thess 2:3,4 ; Rev 13:5-8;  Ezek 44:6-9

You are not recognizing this, nor are most all other JWs.  You see a false priesthood as blessed by God to lead the congregations, forgetting that God already chose His priesthood.  Isa 43:10;1 Pet 2:5,9

You say,

You continue to echo the pattern of the Pharisees, and I HOPE one day, you will understand, you do a “disservice” to your proclamation of being one of Christ followers, by your personal actions and attacks! John 10:1-21, Matt 23:1-12, Mark 12:38-40; Lk 20:45-47

Jesus had no problem warning his people of the Pharisees.  So, to be Christ-like I too, will warn my people of today’s “Pharisees” – of the GB’s “leaven” (unscriptural doctrine) and the heavy burdens put upon JWs in the form of service to an idol, dress codes, how a kingdom hall should be cared for and cleaned, even the amount of donations to be expected by individuals in the congregations. Isa 28:10; Col 2:20-23; Rev 11:1-3  All spiritual provisions must be bought and paid for by service to an idol.  Rev 13:17   Go back to Haggai 1:6.  Everything you do for the organization and its leadership rewards you with a “bag of holes”.  Watchtower’s rotten fruit is nothing to bank on.   

“Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!”  Matt 23:24

Summoning the crowd, he told them, “Listen and understand: 11 It’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth—this defiles a person.”

12 Then the disciples came up and told him, “Do you know that the Pharisees took offense when they heard what you said?”

Which seems you have the same problem with my accusations against the GB. 

13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father didn’t plant will be uprooted. 14 Leave them alone! They are blind guides.  And if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

15 Then Peter said, “Explain this parable to us.”

16 “Do you still lack understanding?” he asked. 17 “Don’t you realize that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is eliminated?18 But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a person.

Preaching failed and changed doctrine does not build up, but defiles and erodes one’s faith. 

 19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, slander. 20 These are the things that defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile a person.”  Matt 15:10-20

Should God’s anointed priesthood obey men who parrot falsehoods and who are not part of the anointed Body of Christ? This would be unscriptural.  Jer 14:14; 2 Cor 11:4,20; 2 Tim 2:26; Rev 13:7

Should you?  All Watchtower’s leaders are blind guides.  Not one of their predictions has come true. Only those spiritually deceived to the point of drunkenness would call a lie, the truth.  2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 17:1-6; Jer 25:27-29; Rev 18:3,4

Allen, please – I beg all JWs to recognize the true Zion/Temple of God as the anointed one and not an earthly organization or its buildings.    This corporation is Satan’s master plan to destroy these “kings”; thus, the war of Armageddon is Satan and his “kings” warring against Christ and those owned by him.  You are witnessing this war as you read this.   It is a war of truth against lies.  Think about it, Christ exposed the Pharisees for their lies.  It has always been a spiritual battle of truth against lies, and prophecy has always concerned those in covenant with God.  John 8:44; Eph 6:12; Rev 1:5; 16:12-16; 6:15

Simply, Watchtower’s teachers are experts at covering over their lies.  Allen, you have a vast knowledge of scripture, and through scripture, we know that the apostles and all anointed who will “rule” with Christ, must be as blameless as he is.  Phil 2:15; Ps 119:1; Rev 14:5  They must be refined, they must repent of all falsehoods and idolatrous motives, and rely completely on Christ. Mal 3:1-3  Each one must “buy” their spiritual provisions from only him.  Matt 25:1-13; Rev 3:18  Each one must treat the other as his “member” – cherishing that person as himself; whether male or female. 1 Cor 12:20-26; Gal 3:28  The care and love for each anointed member doesn’t exist with the governing body who marks one as an outcast for refusing their human doctrine. John 16:2,3; Matt 10:18; 1 John 3:10-12; Rev 13:11-17  It cannot be manifested when the anointed are told to remain apart from one another.  The governing body members have no regard or love for their “fellow slave”.  Matt 24:48-51 

John 10:1-21 – Who is the door, the Watchtower or Jesus? 



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