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Jehovah's Witnesses have long understood the facets of the sign of the presence of Christ as a description of the conditions that would precede the great tribulation.
There is an initial sequence of events that leads to tribulation, but we should not assume that it extends for more than a century, or even for a few years. This fact is confirmed in Revelation with the opening of the symbolic parchment with the seven seals.

The opening of the second, third and fourth seals releases the riders from war, hunger and pestilence, in that order. That is the same ordering of the events Jesus talked about when he predicted:
Luke 21: 10-11 - "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; 11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and shortages of food; and there will be dreadful scenes, and great signs from heaven. "

Coincidentally, when God brought judgment against Jerusalem through Babylon, the same sequence of events is enumerated. The sword of war, the famine and the disease that Jehovah brought on Jerusalem and the surrounding nations obviously induced a tribulation, a time of great anguish .

Since 1930, the slave has taught that all seals were revealed in the period of 1914. In fact, until about 1970, the slave even taught that the great tribulation began during the First World War, but that God shortened it.

In the publication REVELATION, which was published in 1988, he continued to teach that the seven seals were opened consecutively around 1914. That includes the sixth seal, which announces catastrophic events, such as the sun and the moon darken and the stars fall from the sky and every mountain and island swings from its base.
The opening of the symbolic seals of the scroll of Jehovah's inspiring judgments is anticlimactic.

In this year, 2018, the Watchtower continues proclaiming that Christ came in 1914 and that the First World War and the Spanish Influenza were the visible result of his great coming.

The Great Tribulation is our immediate future. But the signs of Jesus PREVIOUS to the Great Tribulation are acquiring an unforeseen meaning to date.

Take, for example, the verse quoted above where Jesus declared: "There will be dreadful signs and great signs from heaven".

Vladimir Putin revealed on March 1 the hypersonic missile of Russia, which can cross the skies at more than 5,000 miles per hour and approach its goal at the level of treetops, evading all missile defense systems. We are not talking about science fiction. This is real. In addition, Russia and China are developing weapons that can launch satellites from the sky.

Consider also, killer robots that are already in production. Do you think it could be a fearful vision to see a machine killing people indiscriminately? The most sinister, the USA UU., Russia and China are all running to place nuclear weapons in the skies, in space.

With regard to food shortages, typically food shortages and famines occur as a result of poor harvests and, to a lesser extent, of the disturbances caused by the war; But in the modern world of just-in-time delivery, food shortages could occur in a time of plenty if a single link in the distribution chain breaks. For example, a war in the Middle East could close the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic strangler through which pass tanks loaded with oil that supply half the world's oil. No oil, no fuel for delivery trucks and agricultural equipment or raw material for fertilizers.

A global pandemic seems inevitable. Not only because more and more microbes are developing resistance to antibiotics, creating so-called "superbugs", but diabolical men have developed biological weapons that could be easily released in populated areas.
Fortunately, although we face world war, death and destruction on a scale never before experienced, and unprecedented persecution, Jesus exhorted us to rise and cheer when we see that all these things begin to unfold. And the most reassuring thing, no matter how severe the world's greatest time of trouble, God will cut it because of the elect.

Our slave teaches us that all these signs will be seen BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION, because it will be unleashed only when Jehovah motivates the eighth king to act against Babylon in a period of supposed world peace. So we still have to see horrendous things, before the Great Tribulation.


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REFLECTION THE GREAT TRIBULATION AFTER ANOTHER TRIBULATION. Jehovah's Witnesses have long understood the facets of the sign of the presence of Christ as a description of the conditions that wou

We are living in a very interesting time 

Thats  true,  our  dear  Brother  @william Angisiramo.... I  wanted  post  the  same  report,  but  bec. different  times,  USA / Germany...  our  Sister  *Bible Speaks*  is  so

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Thats  true,  our  dear  Brother  @william Angisiramo....

I  wanted  post  the  same  report,  but  bec. different  times,  USA / Germany...  our  Sister  *Bible Speaks*  is  sometimes  faster, :x :D  but  NO  problems  for  us...  Thanks  for  your  comment !

Enjoy  our  nice  reports  here....   Greetings  from  Germany :)

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Thanks my sister queen Esther , we are truly living deep into the time of the end, very soon Jehovah will open his hand and satisfy the desire of all mankind  who were Faithfully and loyally supporting his Kingdom, more bad news to come for Satan's world, but lets look beyond , because things seen are temporary but things unseen are permanent.

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Thanks  again  for  your  comment !   Yes,  Jehovah  will  make  his  plan  comes  true  and  very  fast  to  an  end !  We  all  know,  his  time  is  very  different  to  our  time....  1000 to 1  -  but  all  signs  are  very  clear,  coming  soon 1f44d.png1f64f.png1f601.png

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