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Like Money Soon it will be Elusive? Let Go and Let Jehovah God take care of You!

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Like Money ? Soon it will be Elusive? Let Go and Let Jehovah God take care of You!

Wise Counsel:

Manage Your Money Wisely

THE adage “Money is the root of all evil” has often been ascribed to the Bible. What the Bible really says is: “The love of money is the root of all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10, King James Version) Some people have indeed developed a fondness for money and have devoted themselves to the accumulation of riches. Some have become slaves of money and have reaped tragic consequences. When managed properly, however, money can be a useful tool. The Bible acknowledges that “money solves a lot of problems.”—Ecclesiastes 10:19, Holy Bible—Easy-to-Read Version.

For instance, the world’s preoccupation with prominence, money, entertainment, travel for pleasure, and other material pursuits can influence our thinking. (1 John 2:15-17) Some first-century Christians who pursued riches severely complicated their lives. The apostle Paul explains: “Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.”—1 Timothy 6:9, 10.

10 “One who loves money will not get his fill of money; nor whoever loves affluence, of income; this too is nonsense: 11 when there is much good cheer there are many eaters of it, and what result does its owner have except the looking on? 12 The worker’s sleep is sweet whether he eats little or much, but fullness for a rich man does not give him a chance to go to sleep. 13 There is a galling evil I have seen under the sun—riches watched over by their owner to his own harm, 14 and those riches are lost in some bad affair, and he has a son born, and he has nothing in his hands; 15 as he came out of his mother’s body, naked he goes back, going as he came, and does not pick up by his trouble anything that he can take along in his hand. 16 And this too is a galling evil: just the way he came, so he goes, and how much is he better off for putting himself to trouble just for wind? 17* and all his life is spent in darkness and mourning and many annoyances and diseases and exasperations. Here is the way I see it: 18* it is best that one should turn his attention to eating and drinking and seeing good by all his trouble that he takes under the sun in such time for living as God has given him, because that is his portion. 19* Also, when God has given any man riches and substance and the privilege of eating from it and of taking up his portion and of enjoying himself for his trouble, this is God’s gift, 20 for he will not much remember the days he has lived through because God busies him with his heart’s enjoyment.”

Ecclesiastes 5:10-20.


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Like Money ? Soon it will be Elusive? Let Go and Let Jehovah God take care of You! Wise Counsel: Manage Your Money Wisely THE adage “Money is the root of all evil” has often been ascri

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