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Ever lose patience with recalcitrant contrarians ?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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3 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:


If you haven't noticed ROOK! being kicked out of this forum because the librarian felt compelled to protect people like you, even though your obnoxious,  I FEAR NOTHING OR NO ONE. There is NO one that important in this lifetime other than the fear of God, that I worry about. But, if you're going to play for the other team? then do it with the strength and pride of saying I'm an ex-witness advocating through a false pretense like that hack Barbra Anderson.

There is absolutely nothing I can do to help you, AllenSmith ..... you are living in a constructed world of fantasy and delusion ... and the fact that you CLAIM to fear nothing and no one proves this .... as a man without fear cannot have any valor overcoming that fear, or long survive with his mental faculties intact.

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(New news ....)  A MONTANA Judge Orders Jehovah’s Witnesses to Turn Over Internal Documents Related to Childhood Sexual Abuse April 12, 2018   On April 5, 2018, Judge James Manley of Sa

Sorry.  This is what I was generally reacting to.  There is no support for the "weak", the victims of abuse.  I see the governing body/organization on the receiving end of donations, time, energy, the

I very seldom down-vote anyone Allensmith ... your arguments fall apart without any help at all. Specifically, "clergy / penitent" laws are made for ONE penitent and ONE confessor .... and if the

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... and AllenSmith .....

since you think of yourself as a man of unparalleled courage, perhaps you can take on the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper article at this link.   You may want to copy and past the entire article into a WORD document, as I did, as after awhile they are replaced with more current news.

Hmmmm... the thought just occurred to me ... you may want to copy, then paste the entire article here, then in a different color perhaps, refute it point by point.

This will show everybody how smart you are, and what a fool I am.


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In the end it all boils down to Church Discipline and Rules, Laws of the Land and what such laws consist of for they vary in each state, especially in regards to child abuse, and exemptions.


Mind you, this is a place that Child Marriage is a thing there whereas the rate is in the 10k, the age to marry is 15-16 with judicial approval being set for all minors, in addition with paternal offer consent being enabled, be it the minor is and or becomes pregnant or not.

It is hurdles like that that makes things far complex to deal with, mainly in regards to the abused.

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The problem is ..... the people who THINK they know the right answers .... and keep everything they do hidden in back rooms under a veil of secrecy .... DON'T.

That's why their proceedings MUST be kept secret.

So they will not be exposed as self-serving, self-aggrandizing frauds.

This applies to EVERYBODY, inside and outside of Jehovah's Witnesses.


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9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The problem is ..... the people who THINK they know the right answers .... and keep everything they do hidden in back rooms under a veil of secrecy .... DON'T.

That's why their proceedings MUST be kept secret.

So they will not be exposed as self-serving, self-aggrandizing frauds.

This applies to EVERYBODY, inside and outside of Jehovah's Witnesses.


It gets way deeper than that friend, for the Justice System has its ways with the rich, people of color, religious figures, and or those who are deemed an enemy in the eyes of the so called Christian nation who are for their own ideologies of the faith and their believe in the Justice system and the government.

The Jehovah's Witnesses, any faith of Non-Trinitarianism, any faith who are not for what is to come that the Christian nation who dwell in government and politics so gladly accepted, are categorized as targets, only few in the Justice System do not buy into such things, but the majority does.

It applies to everybody, yes, but a person of a specific status, background and or worth changes things that can benefit in favor of and or disfavor of the Justice System itself - history repeats itself, and I believe it has done so just recently, yesterday.


In the end however, those who do bad things will get hat is coming for them, but it amazes me how the plans of a now long-dead woman is in full force with such things infiltrating the churches. Makes you think what is to come in the next several years regarding the whole one government, one religion, one education system talk.

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32 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

Now I understand ROOK! He has a serious handicap when he suggests, everything is his mind should be an open book. It might sound right. However, what is the possibility the POPE will invite you into a closed board meeting only meant for their ears only? Or show you confidential documents meant for their eyes only?

If the goal is to imitate the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, we are well on our way.

Already we are baptizing children as young as 8 years old... and the exemplar, Jesus Christ was not baptized until he was 33 years old.

Trials and inquires in ancient Israel were in the City Gates, where all could see, hear, and make comments ... completely open and above board ... complete transparency of the institution of Justice, and the administrators of Justice.

It served God's people well for many thousands of years.

What we have now only serves the best interests of the Corporation.

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5 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

And you just proved how incorherent you and people like you such as "WITNESS" are since you still can't comprehend the difference between public and private, and the end game of which is suitable to be displayed, and to what end

Seldom do I see someone who has just been through a disaster ... getting his butt bit COMPLETELY off .... then shoot himself in both feet with the statement .... "And you just proved how incorherent you and people like you such as "WITNESS" are ...".

The irony of this is PRECIOUS, and very,  very funny!

Never type with teeth you bought off of Ebay!


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57 minutes ago, tromboneck said:

Ehhhhhhhh.....why dontcha' jest shat up....the whole lot o' yeh

Because, Tom,  this is harmless repartee', and cheap entertainment .... and it is incredibly funny when AllenSmith says "And you just proved how incorherent you and people like you such as "WITNESS" are " ... and he spells incoherent wrong in chastising others for being in his opinion, incoherent.

Now THAT'S entertainment!

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2 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Your better suited for ad1914 like the ex-betheilte, than pretending to be a witness for the Watchtower.

And I did not "sign up" to be a witness for the Watchtower, and have never even pretended to do so.

I seriously doubt anyone who has ever met me would consider me "Brother Watchtower" ....

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1 hour ago, AllenSmith said:

That’s true. You signed up to be a “witness” for God, through the Watchtower, and you have failed on both accounts. Hebrews 13:1

Of course, there is no such thing as a “brother watchtower” but there such a thing as a “brother of the same faith” which has failed you for some time now. James 4:1, 1Corinthians 5:11

Therefore, to me, you are NOT a brother associated with the Watchtower, so let's not play these meaningless games of wordplay. I get that too often from the ex-bethelite!

1 Corinthians 5:9 context: Expel the Immoral Brother


On the first  sentence of your reply, you are entirely correct. 

Many, many  times I have explained here on the Archive that I do not claim to be anything but a Barbarian interested in fairness, Justice, and equity.  We all fail God, so I have a LOT of company.

On the second sentence of your reply, you are flat wrong, wrong, wrong.

On the third sentence of your reply, thank you for the unknowing complement, even though you are the one "playing with words" ... the fact that someone who would be PERFECT as a Pharisee or a JW.ORG Lawyer condemning me is a significant badge of honor.

In the fourth sentence you rail against immorality in general, and me in particular .... but like the Klingon Language version of the Bible .... and the Pharisees of old, and the WTB&TS Lawyers, there is no real concept of mercy, only "playing with words".


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