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IS  MISSING  FROM  MANY  BIBLES “…the distinctive Hebrew name for God – usually transliterated Jehovah, 
is in this translation 
represented by “LORD.” – Today’s English Version (preface)

There are many different reasons why GodÂ’s name
was removed from the Bible.  I will attempt to
briefly discuss them here.

First off, it was a MISTAKE to remove GodÂ’s Name
from the bible.


As Author of the Bible, Only God himself has the 
right to change or alter the Bible.  God himself
gave mankind a warning – in his own Word – The Bible;
to NOT add to – NOR take away from his Words. “I warn everyone who hears the words 
of the prophecy of this book: 
If anyone adds anything to them, 
God will add to him the plagues 
described in this book. 
And if anyone takes words away 
from this book of prophecy, 
God will take away from him 
his share in the tree of life.”
(Revelation 22:18,19)(NIV)-BibleGateway – A  MISTAKE – “…the suppression 
of The Name (Jehovah) 
has entailed upon the reader, 
and especially upon the hearer, 
irreparable lossÂ…
its suppression was a  MISTAKE…” –Rotherham, 1, Ch. IV, 22-29 “…the most common “ERROR” made by most 
translators in the last 3500 years…is their 
elimination of heaven’s revealed Name of 
the Most High, Yahweh (Jehovah)” – A. B. Traina;
in the Preface of the Holy Name Bible “The substitution of the word “Lord” is most unhappy; 
forÂ…it in NO WAY represents the meaning of the
sacred name (Jehovah)…”
– The 1872 edition of Smith’s Bible Dictionary 

“In the first two centuries nearly all the 
various readings of the New Testament came 
into existence, the majority of them by 
deliberate alteration of the text…in the 
interests of (the trinity) dogma…”
-the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics;
 The Bible in the Church

“Codex B (Vaticanus)…was altered by a later hand
in more than two thousand places.  Eusebius, therefore,
is not without grounds for accusing the adherents 
of….the newly-risen doctrine of the trinity 
of falsifying the Bible…” 
-(Fraternal Visitor 1924, p. 148; 
translated from Christadelphian Monatshefte).

“The removal of the Tetragrammaton (Jehovah)
from the New Testament and its replacement 
with the surrogates KYRIOS and THEOS blurred
the original distinction between the Lord God 
and the Lord Christ, and in many passages 
made it impossible which one was meant.  
As time went on…it was often impossible 
to distinguish between them. Thus it may be 
that the removal of the Tetragrammaton (Jehovah)
contributed significantly to the later…Trinity “
– George Howard,  Bible Scholar ;
The Name of God in the New Testament, 
BAR 4.1 (March 1978), pg 15 
“It was they who demanded, in effect, 
that Christianity be “updated” by blurring
or even obliterating the long-accepted 
distinction between the Father and the Son.”
– When Jesus Became God 
by Richard E. Rubenstein, p.74 

   Because the God of Christ – The Jewish God, Jehovah,
   was not popular with the world of mankind, they
   sought to remove him from their Bibles.  Bible 
   translators knew that for their Bibles to be purchased
   they would need to appeal to their readers.  They 
   also knew, that if they used God’s Divine Name Jehovah,
   then people would not purchase their Version and thus
   they would lose money.

GodÂ’s name Jehovah/Yahowah appears in the original hebrew
text about 7000 times, but the NIV fails to mention it even once. 
When asked about this,   Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D., 
Executive Secretary for the NIV’s committee wrote : 

“Here is why we did not :  You are right – that Jehovah is 
a distinctive name for God and ideally we should have
used it.  But we put 2 1/4 million dollars into this
translation and a sure way of throwing that 
down the drain is to translate, for example, 
Psalm 23 as, ‘Yahweh (Jehovah) is my shepherd.‘ 
 Immediately, we would have translated for nothing. 
Nobody would have used it (or purchased it). 
Oh, maybe you and a handful [of] others.  
But a Christian has to be also wise and practical.   
We are the victims of 350 years of the King James tradition. 
It is far better to get two million to read it-
that is how many have bought it to date-
and to follow the King James, than to have two thousand
buy it and have the correct translation of Yahweh(Jehovah)
. . . It was a hard decision, and many of our translators
agree with you.” 
– The Reason NIV removed Jehovah’s Name
      Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D., 
    Executive Secretary for the NIV‘s committee 

“The situation today, where many translations…
exists largely because of the amount of money 
to be gained…”
-(The Preservation of the Bible By Faithful Churches) 
      –By Charles V. Turner

   It was a tradition of the Jews to avoid using God’s
   name altogether.  They stopped all mention of him.
   No longer using God’s Divine Name, they no longer used
   it in their prayers, even making it a sin to say his
   name out loud.  They considered it “blasphemy” to
   utter the name of God, Jehovah.  Many translators
   admit to following this “Jewish Tradition” and have
   thus removed Jehovah’s name and replaced it with Titles
   such as “LORD” and “GOD” – all in capitals – to show
   that they have removed God’s name in those places.
   Jesus condemned the man-made tradition of the Jews.
   Following their lead in this – would be directly against
   Jesus’ Teachings on this issue.

“…Yahweh (Jehovah), is the proper personal name 
of the God of Israel…the term Adonai,  ‘My Lord’ 
was later used as a SUBSTITUTE.  The word  LORD
 in the present version represents 
the TRADITIONAL usage.” 
– New American Bible (Catholic) 
   Introduction to the O. T., Page XI.

“In this translation
we have followed 
the orthodox Jewish TRADITION
and substituted ‘the Lord’
for the name ‘Yahweh’ (Jehovah)”
— Preface – 1935 Bible ;
   J. M. Powis Smith and Edgar J. Goodspeed

“Jesus replied, 
“And why do you break the command of God 
for the sake of your tradition? 
…Thus you nullify the word of God 
for the sake of your tradition. “
(Matthew 15:3,6)(NIV)-BibleGateway 

   During the time when Israel was in slavery to Babylon,
   she absorbed and adopted many Babylonian customs and
   ideas.  One of these was the “Superstition” against using
   the name of a God – for fear that bad things would 
   happen to them.  As the Babylonians called their Chief
   God – Marduk by the title “LORD” so as not to offend 
   him, so too – the Jews adopted this idea in reference
   to Jehovah God.

“When the Yisraeli (Israelites) came out of Babylonian
captivity, they brought along with themthe Babylonian
culture, and along with it Babylonian beliefs and 
superstitions.  One of these pagan Babylonian practices
or beliefs was called “ineffability.” 
This was the SUPERSTITION  against using the name
of a deity for fear of something bad happening to them.
The idea was that if you said the name of a deity 
he or she would notice you. The pagan practice of 
ineffability was further reinforced by Greek 
-(b.Pes. 50a) (b.Kidd. 71a). 

“The avoidance of the original name of God (Yehowah) 
both in speech and,  to a certain extent, in the Bible…..
first arose…..in Babylonia.  According to Dalman 
(l.c. pp. 66 et seq.),”
-The Jewish Encyclopedia
Crawford Howell Toy, and Ludwig Blau 

“The idea that only the priest could utter 
The NAME of The HEAVENLY FATHER, and that he 
was to disguise or hide it from the common people,
came from the idea that the NAME was“ineffable” 
or “unutterable”. However this was a pagan doctrine 
that they adopted from the Egyptians, Babylonians, 
and the Greeks…”

Marduk was, therefore, a very important god of Babylon.
In the first millennium BCE, his name was considered 
so holy, that it was almost never pronounced; 
instead, people said and wrote Bêl, ‘LORD’. 

Herodotus correctly calls the supreme god of Babylon
Bêl (“lord”), because his real name was not pronounced. 
-[Herodotus, Histories 1.181-2; 
tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt]

“The ineffability of divine names 
was on old idea in EgyptÂ…
the name of Osiris himself was said 
to be ineffableÂ…the name Marduk of Babylon
was also declared ineffable. The Greeks 
avoided the names of their deities 
and preferred to call them by 
the  titles Kurios and Theos.”
-The Final Reformation 
By Dr. Koster; pp. 54 and 112 

“…But at least by the third century B.C.E. 
the pronunciation of the name YHWH (Jehovah) 
was avoided, and Adonai, “the Lord,” 
was substituted for it…”
– Encyclopedia Judaica (p. 679).

“The Hebrews considered The Name of God
to be ‘ineffable’ and substituted in reading 
Adonai (My Lord).”
-Columbia Encyclopedia Vol. 2 
  under the subject ‘God’ 

   Some Bible Translators say that they have removed
   God’s name from the Bible – because Jehovah is not
   the proper way to say God’s name in Hebrew.
   This reasoning is merely an excuse and not a reason
   at all.  For if this reason was valid, then we
   would also have to remove Jesus name from the Bible,
   since the name “Jesus” is not the way that it was
   written or spoken in Hebrew either.  Many Hebrew
   names are written in the Bible – which are not as they
   were in Hebrew and yet we do not remove them.  
   Therefore this reasoning is truly invalid.  Examples
   of Jewish names in the Bible which are translated 
   into English – much differently than their original
   Hebrew couterparts  – are :  Jesus, Jeremiah, Jonah,
   Joel, Jerusalem, Joshua, etc.

“… the Committee… is, omitting the name of God
(because) the word ‘Jehovah’ does not accurately 
represent any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew…”
– The Preface of the Revised Standard Version 

Thus, the Hebrew  “ye-ru-sha-LA-yim” 
became “Jerusalem“; 
“ye-ri-HO”  became  Jericho; 
and “yar-DEN”  become  “Jordan”. 
Hebrew personal names such as
“yo-NA”  became  “Jonah”, 
“yi-SHAI”  became  “Jesse” 
and “ye-SHU-a”  became  “Jesus“.

Likewise “YHWH, Yahweh, or Yehowah” 
became  “Jehovah” in english.

   God does not need to be distinguished from other gods.
   Some translators have made this statement.  Who are 
   we to say that God doesn’t need a name ?  God deemed
   it necessary to name all the stars in the heavens, and
   to place his name upon people that he liked, and upon
   places that were important to him.  His own word the
   Bible – emphasizes the importance of a name.  The
   translators of the Bible did not remove Satan’s name
   from the Bible – nor did they remove the names of 
   numerous false gods from the Bible.  

“the use of any proper name 
for the one and only God… 
is entirely inappropriate 
for the universal faith 
of the Christian Church.”
-the preface of the Revised Standard Version; 
 Under reasons (excuses) for the removal of 
 God’s personal name – Jehovah

“He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.”
(Psalms 147:4)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“Lift up your eyes on high, 
and see who hath created these, 
that bringeth out their host by number; 
he calleth them all by name…
The everlasting God, Jehovah, 
the Creator of the ends of the earth…”
(Isaiah 40:26,28)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; 
to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”
(Proverbs 22:1)(NIV)-BibleGateway

“A good name is better 
than oil of much worth…”
(Ecclesiastes 7:1)(NLV)-BibleGateway 
“…The Sacred Name Yahovah
was revealed to man by Yahovah Himself 
and is not a man-given name” 
-(see II Apol., 10, 13; Trypho, 126, 127).

In the Bible, refusing to mention the name of a god 
means refusing to worship this god (Ex 23:13) 
and that is why Satan incited the Israelites, 
by means of the prophets of Baal, 
not to use the Name of Jehovah (Jr 23:27). 

“Yahweh (Jehovah) is the name 
that indicates the God of the Hebrews. 
Where the Philistines worshipped Dagon, 
the Egyptians, Amon, and the Ammonites, Milcom, 
the Hebrews worshipped YAHWEH (Jehovah). 
The title ‘god’ (elohim) is ALSO applied to false deities 
in the Scriptures as well as Yahweh (Jehovah),
hence is NOT a term by which one can be 
distinguished from the others. 
When the voice said, ‘I am Yahweh (Jehovah),’ 
there was no doubt in any listener’s mind 
as to the identity of the speaker. 
He was the God of the Hebrews. 
So far as is known, no other peoples 
called their god by this name.” 
– Review and Herald, December 16, 1971 

“In the Scriptures there is the closest possible relationship 
between a person and his name, the two being practically
equivalent, so that to remove the name
is to extinguish the person. (Num. 27:4; Deut. 7:24) 
To forget God’s name is to depart from Him.” 
–Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, p. 571 (1964) 


Non-superstitious Jewish translators always favored 
the name “Jehovah” in their translations of the Bible. 
On the other hand one can note that there is no 
Jewish translation of the Bible with “Yahweh”.

non-superstitious Jewish translators 
always favored the name Jehovah
in their translations of the Bible. 
On the other hand one can note that 
there is NO Jewish translation of the Bible
with Yahweh.” 
—M. Gérard GERTOUX; a Hebrew scholar, 
  specialist of the Tetragram;
  president of the Association Biblique 
  de Recherche d’Anciens Manuscrits


“As a follower of Christ, 
Peter used Gods name, Jehovah. 
When Peters speech was put on record
the Tetragrammaton (YHWH / Jehovah) was here used 
according to the practice during the first 
century B.C.E. and the first century C.E.”
– Paul Kahle; Studia Evangelica, edited by Kurt Aland,
F. L. Cross, Jean Danielou, Harald Riesenfeld 
and W. C. van Unnik, Berlin, 1959, p. 614
(See App 1C §1.) 

“The early Christian scholars therefore 
easily learnt the true pronunciation.”
–The 15th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica,
 volume 12, p. 995, under the heading “Jehovah” 


“The ASV (American Standard Version) 
has “Jehovah”  in it about 6,823 times, 
just like the original Hebrew, 
but the NASB removed it every time. 
This makes for some awkward situations 
like Psalms 110:1, “The LORD said to my lord.” “
-Jason Beduhn 
 Northern Arizona University 
 Department of Humanities Arts and Religion

JesusÂ’ name appears only 500 some times in the Bible;
whereas Jehovah’s Name appears almost 7,000  times.

Obviously Jehovah is proud of his name.

So how does he feel about mankind removing HIS Name
from the Bible ?


“Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached,
 O Jehovah, And that a foolish people 
hath blasphemed thy name.”
(Isaiah 74:18)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“And now this admonition is for you, O priests.
If you do not listen,
and if you do not set your heart to honor my name,”
says  Jehovah Almighty,
“I will send a curse upon you,
and I will curse your blessings.”
(Malachi 2:1) (ASV)

“How long, O God, 
will you allow our enemies to mock you?
Will you let them dishonor your name forever?”
(Psalm 74:10) (NLT) -BibleGateway

“And all day long
my name is constantly blasphemed.
Therefore my people will know my name;
therefore in that day they will know
that it is I who foretold it. “
(Isaiah 52:5,6) (NIV) -BibleGateway

“Therefore, behold, I will cause them to know,
this once will I cause them to know 
my hand and my might;
and they shall know 
that my name is Jehovah.”
(Jeremiah 16:21) (ASV) -BibleGateway

“And I will sanctify my great name,
which hath been profaned among the nations,
which ye have profaned in the midst of them;
and the nations shall know that I am Jehovah.”
(Ezekiel 36:23) (ASV) -BibleGateway 

“And it shall come to pass,
that whosoever shall call 
on the name of Jehovah 
shall be delivered…”
(Joel 2:32)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“…this is what was spoken 
by the prophet Joel: 
‘In the ‘last days’…..
everyone who calls 
on the name of the Lord (Jehovah)
will be saved.'”
(Acts 2:16,17,32)(NIV)-BibleGateway 


So rather than follow the Jewish Traditions –
that Jesus Condemned – We should follow Christ’s
example in making his FatherÂ’s name known.

“Our Father in the heavens,
let your name be sanctified.”
(Matthew 6:9) –  BibleGateway

Jesus used his father’s name –
 and told us to do the same.

In prayer to his father, Jesus said:

“O righteous Father, 
even though the world does not know you,
I know you, and these know that you have sent me.
I made known to them YOUR NAME
and I will continue to make it knownÂ…
“I have manifested Your name
to the men whom You gave Me out of the world.”
(John 17:25,26,6)(ESV)-BibleGateway

“I will praise thy name for ever and ever..
Great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised;
And his greatness is unsearchable.”
(Psalm 145:2,3)(ASV)-BibleGateway

“That men may know that thou,
whose name alone is JEHOVAH,
art the most high over all the earth.”
(Psalm 83:18) (King James Version) -BibleGateway

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