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The trinity and it’s false theology.


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40 minutes ago, Jesus.defender said:

Any early church council disputes were over fine points of Trinity clarification, such as the substance, nature and omnipotence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, never over whether the Trinity was right or wrong. The truth of the Trinity was always accepted.

Let's plug in your pagan doctrine.  You claim Jesus is God... so let's go with it....

Who said, "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew 24:36)

Now you claim Jesus is Jehovah...so how do you get the opposite teaching from the Bible?   How is it that God claimed this???  You're the one Claiming Jesus is omnipotent....   Aren't you the one in a CULT that burns Bibles and Claims God burns people alive forever and ever?  How is it that you Claim that Jesus is God but Never say Jesus burns people alive forever and ever??  Have you never read "hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." (Rev 20:13 KJV)  

Is it because you are being a religious hypocrite like you forefathers that lied about Jesus Christ being God???  That false charge is a lie, don't you know anything Sherlock??



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This is where trintarians reject that Jesus was Begotten, they then reject that Jesus is Firstborn.  They also reject Jesus is Pre-eminent.  Notice the feminine nouns that are attributed to Christ to

@ShariKind He will not answer. Trinitarians like @Jesus.defender are known to tap-dance around such things, like football players with butter fingers cannot catch a ball at all. They say things they c

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1 minute ago, Brother Rando said:

Let's plug in your pagan doctrine.  You claim Jesus is God... so let's go with it....

Who said, "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew 24:36)

Now you claim Jesus is Jehovah...so how do you get the opposite teaching from the Bible?   How is it that God claimed this???  You're the Claiming Jesus is omnipotence....   Aren't you the one in a CULT that burns Bibles and Claims God burn people alive forever and ever?  How is it that you Claim that Jesus is God but Never say Jesus burns people alive forever and ever??

Is it because you are being a religious hypocrite like you forefathers that lied about Jesus Christ being God???  That false charge is a lie, don't you know anything Sherlock??



I have addressed those points again and again with you, my friend.


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5 minutes ago, Brother Rando said:


Is it because you are being a religious hypocrite like you forefathers that lied about Jesus Christ being God???  That false charge is a lie, don't you know anything Sherlock??



How rude. I am done with you.


God bless you. I will pray for you.


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8 minutes ago, Jesus.defender said:

To Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego in a furnace. ‘form of the fourth is like the Son of God’Daniel 3:25

Son of God is the angel of God.  "When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?" (Job 38:7)   "I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.’” (Rev 22:16)

"For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve," (Acts 27:23 KJV)

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Well... Didn't Jesus call the religious leaders who were claiming Jesus is equal to God hypocrites and offspring of vipers???

YES or NO?   Aren't you denying Christ by claiming Jesus is God?  Jesus didn't know the hour or day... ummmmmm

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Is Mary the Mother of God?  If so why worship an Idol of her?  Didn't SHE exist before God?? How is she ever virgin when Jesus had four brothers and at least two sisters? 

"Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?  And his sisters, are they not all with us? Where, then, did he get all of this?” (Matthew 13:55-56)

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1 hour ago, Brother Rando said:

Well... Didn't Jesus call the religious leaders who were claiming Jesus is equal to God hypocrites and offspring of vipers???

YES or NO?   Aren't you denying Christ by claiming Jesus is God?  Jesus didn't know the hour or day... ummmmmm

Question for Jesus.defender: would you say Christ did not know the day or hour because he was God in a human body and therefore did not know as much as God not in a human body?

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@Jesus.defender You do realize using the “@ function allows you to mention the person right, not solely quotations alone? I was not speaking with you; I was informing the other commenter about you. All in all, I really do not care if you are ignoring me or not, for the lack of such care is not in me, I only care about truth and untruths and will response to such directly should need be – direct or indirectly for falsehood in terms of scripture, in regards to the Church, in regards to Christology, as well as Christology of others who actually make the attempt to adhere to what the early Christian, the early Church has done, a response can and always will be made, as if that was not clear to begin with. That being said, it didn't stop you from making the same action in terms of response, so it would be wise to not pose yourself as an even bigger hypocrite who is above the rest and last I checked, you dove into the deep end of the pool because it wasn’t anyone else but a JW responding to Trinitarian heresy, should anyone else have said such you would not have made such responses afterwards, which was evident elsewhere. I only mentioned you, if you noticed, not much of a direct response because with how you operate, I know you will not really be able to answer @ShariKind, however, I too await to see what you will say granted by your actions, Deserter. When it comes to anything regarding the Bible, ones such as yourself have no strength against anyone who is literal of non-denominational following, but such ones such as yourself will go out of their way to go after JWs (mind you guys only for the inexperienced JWs for if met with an educated and well aware JW be it current or former, you shake and quake).

Also the fact that you are a follower of James White, The Trinitarian Theologian who has written well over 20 books, been in 160 or so moderated debate, kills your credibility for James White has been exposed as a false teacher by most, even by those in Islam, just as David Wood, just as Jay Smith, etc. Furthermore, even the non-religious are not fans either, and actually pointed out Trinitarians as well as KJV-Onlyist follow this man like moths to a fire.

The list goes on...

Also if you are aware like us at CSE, you would also know about Mr. White’s bad behavior online, known as a bully, sends his people after others, provokes people and the most silly thing he does should one becomes provoked and says something ignorant or stupid, he captures such and puts it on his social media and this behavior of his has been happening for YEARS.

That being said, I will say it again, you can babying around JWs all you want, but it is FACT that Trinitarians or in this case, a disgruntled JW such as yourself, is and will always act foolish, and the fact you support James White, well, that is further beyond of what can be seen of you. It is even more horrendous when met with the likes of an Agnostic.

So it is clear, the only God is the Father (to which you agree on this and it would be stupid to go back on what you have said for all that you said in this regard has been quoted).

Jesus is NOT God for Jesus is a man who professed the Law, he is the In-between for God and men to mankind, as if the story of Moses made that any clear. If you still want to play the God Card, why not call Moses God, that is, if you accept what the Trinitarians make of Exodus 7:1?

The Holy Spirit is not God and or a Person either, for the Bible never makes any mention of the Holy Spirit being a person. This is why we have problems with Trinitarians who attempt to use John 14 and 16 when the Greek Language Form is evident, for we know why Holy Spirit is referred to as a HE/Him the same way we understand why Jerusalem is referred to as a SHE/HER. They will attempt to use Paul when Paul, John and several others own testimony kills the Personhood belief. Moreover, a sane man will not accept your belief that The Holy Spirit caused Mary conceive Jesus for Mary herself stated she had no relations with a man, no one is going to take it from you that a Person came to visit 3,000 people on that faithful day at Pentecost, no one is going to take it from you that the Holy Spirit is aware of the day and hour of judgment, let alone this so called Personhood that has no seat around God, when the Bible makes it clear God  in his dwelling place has His Throne and the only one next to him is Jesus, at God’s right hand.

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