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The trinity and it’s false theology.


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13 hours ago, Brother Rando said:

Who said, "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew 24:36)

God or Jesus Christ?

The problem here is Trinitarians, well at this point, the James White Tribe, will say God only knows and they accept that God is the Father, which is understandable, but at the same time, they will say Jesus knows and they will contradict their own belief regarding Jesus being God, as well as the Holy Spirit, of which they make-believe into the text to be regarded as a person. Furthermore, it kills the notion of them saying Jesus is all knowing, for if Jesus was indeed all knowing, the day and hour would be a piece of cake, being able to make mention of it without hesitation.

Acts 1:7 even says it does not belong to know what the Father knows about what He has already scheduled.

This is why when they attempt to teach the idea of a Triune God, small things like this they twist in order to keep their sinking boat of a belief afloat and it is a shame too, for such ones do not understand what their bible says.

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This is where trintarians reject that Jesus was Begotten, they then reject that Jesus is Firstborn.  They also reject Jesus is Pre-eminent.  Notice the feminine nouns that are attributed to Christ to

@ShariKind He will not answer. Trinitarians like @Jesus.defender are known to tap-dance around such things, like football players with butter fingers cannot catch a ball at all. They say things they c

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14 hours ago, Jesus.defender said:

the firstborn of every creature:

If Jesus is not the firstborn of every creature according to you, then want does it mean?   Are you now really going to Claim God is the firstborn of every creature?  Don't creatures come from Creation?  How is it that you claim Jesus always existed when he is Firstborn?  According to the scriptures, "For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself.  And he has given him authority to do judging, because he is the Son of man." (John 5:26-27)

Since you claim "Jesus is God'   God never granted the Son to have life in himself?    Who gave Jesus this authority to Judge?  In order for Jesus to begotten from the Father, didn't the Father have to perform an act to bring forth his Son.  

Did God learn obedience from the things he suffered or Jesus Christ?    And what about Peter who your religion claims was the First Pope?  Why are you rejecting the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? (1 Peter 1:3)

The Bible says, "No Man has seen God at ANYTIME" (John 1:18)  




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@Space Merchant In all there Official Doctrines they claim that the Holy Ghost is God, therefore God is a Ghost.  Christ deniers have their children go door to door every Halloween and dress them up as little devils and goblins begging for treats.  Is this really Christian or Anti-Christian?    Of course it's fun... how else would Satan entice little children to worship him?

"However, to sit down at my right hand or at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared." (Mark 10:40)  <~~~~ Whom made this statement God or Jesus Christ?  Only a Christ Denier would make the claim that God said, "to sit down at my right hand or at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared."



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6 hours ago, Brother Rando said:

If Jesus is not the firstborn of every creature according to you, then want does it mean?   Are you now really going to Claim God is the firstborn of every creature?  Don't creatures come from Creation?  How is it that you claim Jesus always existed when he is Firstborn?  According to the scriptures, "For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself.  And he has given him authority to do judging, because he is the Son of man." (John 5:26-27)

Since you claim "Jesus is God'   God never granted the Son to have life in himself?    Who gave Jesus this authority to Judge?  In order for Jesus to begotten from the Father, didn't the Father have to perform an act to bring forth his Son.  

Did God learn obedience from the things he suffered or Jesus Christ?    And what about Peter who your religion claims was the First Pope?  Why are you rejecting the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? (1 Peter 1:3)

The Bible says, "No Man has seen God at ANYTIME" (John 1:18)  




Now THAT is a good question to ask -- if Jesus is God, and the "firstborn of every creature," (and, I might add, if Jesus is God-in-the-flesh thus quite different from the other two persons of the Trinity) is it that God is firstborn? Because unless someone wants to come up with their own theology, it does not add up.

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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The problem here is Trinitarians, well at this point, the James White Tribe, will say God only knows and they accept that God is the Father, which is understandable, but at the same time, they will say Jesus knows and they will contradict their own belief regarding Jesus being God, as well as the Holy Spirit, of which they make-believe into the text to be regarded as a person. Furthermore, it kills the notion of them saying Jesus is all knowing, for if Jesus was indeed all knowing, the day and hour would be a piece of cake, being able to make mention of it without hesitation.

Acts 1:7 even says it does not belong to know what the Father knows about what He has already scheduled.

This is why when they attempt to teach the idea of a Triune God, small things like this they twist in order to keep their sinking boat of a belief afloat and it is a shame too, for such ones do not understand what their bible says.

That's why, when someone really examines the Trinity doctrine, a normal person will scratch his head and say, "What"? And because it's been claimed that the Trinity is incomprehensible (i.e. a mystery), that settles it. LOL! ? 

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9 hours ago, Space Merchant said:


@Jesus.defender You do realize using the “@” function allows you to mention the person right, not solely quotations alone? I was not speaking with you; I was informing the other commenter about you. All in all, I really do not care if you are ignoring me or not, for the lack of such care is not in me, I only care about truth and untruths and will response to such directly should need be – direct or indirectly for falsehood in terms of scripture, in regards to the Church, in regards to Christology, as well as Christology of others who actually make the attempt to adhere to what the early Christian, the early Church has done, a response can and always will be made, as if that was not clear to begin with. That being said, it didn't stop you from making the same action in terms of response, so it would be wise to not pose yourself as an even bigger hypocrite who is above the rest and last I checked, you dove into the deep end of the pool because it wasn’t anyone else but a JW responding to Trinitarian heresy, should anyone else have said such you would not have made such responses afterwards, which was evident elsewhere. I only mentioned you, if you noticed, not much of a direct response because with how you operate, I know you will not really be able to answer @ShariKind, however, I too await to see what you will say granted by your actions, Deserter. When it comes to anything regarding the Bible, ones such as yourself have no strength against anyone who is literal of non-denominational following, but such ones such as yourself will go out of their way to go after JWs (mind you guys only for the inexperienced JWs for if met with an educated and well aware JW be it current or former, you shake and quake).

Also the fact that you are a follower of James White, The Trinitarian Theologian who has written well over 20 books, been in 160 or so moderated debate, kills your credibility for James White has been exposed as a false teacher by most, even by those in Islam, just as David Wood, just as Jay Smith, etc. Furthermore, even the non-religious are not fans either, and actually pointed out Trinitarians as well as KJV-Onlyist follow this man like moths to a fire.

The list goes on...

Also if you are aware like us at CSE, you would also know about Mr. WhiteÂ’s bad behavior online, known as a bully, sends his people after others, provokes people and the most silly thing he does should one becomes provoked and says something ignorant or stupid, he captures such and puts it on his social media and this behavior of his has been happening for YEARS.

That being said, I will say it again, you can babying around JWs all you want, but it is FACT that Trinitarians or in this case, a disgruntled JW such as yourself, is and will always act foolish, and the fact you support James White, well, that is further beyond of what can be seen of you. It is even more horrendous when met with the likes of an Agnostic.

So it is clear, the only God is the Father (to which you agree on this and it would be stupid to go back on what you have said for all that you said in this regard has been quoted).

Jesus is NOT God for Jesus is a man who professed the Law, he is the In-between for God and men to mankind, as if the story of Moses made that any clear. If you still want to play the God Card, why not call Moses God, that is, if you accept what the Trinitarians make of Exodus 7:1?

The Holy Spirit is not God and or a Person either, for the Bible never makes any mention of the Holy Spirit being a person. This is why we have problems with Trinitarians who attempt to use John 14 and 16 when the Greek Language Form is evident, for we know why Holy Spirit is referred to as a HE/Him the same way we understand why Jerusalem is referred to as a SHE/HER. They will attempt to use Paul when Paul, John and several others own testimony kills the Personhood belief. Moreover, a sane man will not accept your belief that The Holy Spirit caused Mary conceive Jesus for Mary herself stated she had no relations with a man, no one is going to take it from you that a Person came to visit 3,000 people on that faithful day at Pentecost, no one is going to take it from you that the Holy Spirit is aware of the day and hour of judgment, let alone this so called Personhood that has no seat around God, when the Bible makes it clear God  in his dwelling place has His Throne and the only one next to him is Jesus, at God’s right hand.

Again, multiple things in one topic. i remember why i stopped replying to you.

I am only going to address the james white follower accusation as i think i have addressed your other lies elsewhere.

You are mistaken, my friend.

i do NOT follow any man. i disagree with james white on more than one point. He is a calvinist which is anti-Christian. Just because i post a video of his, that means i am his "follower"? Do YOU "follow" every person you quote?

However, he DOES know how to explain things like the "trinity" far better than I can.


Just like the jehovahs witnesses are anti-Christian, yet in some points they put Christians to shame.


You have to eat the meat and spit out the bones.


I can list other people too:





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1 hour ago, ShariKind said:

That's why, when someone really examines the Trinity doctrine, a normal person will scratch his head and say, "What"? And because it's been claimed that the Trinity is incomprehensible (i.e. a mystery), that settles it. LOL! ? 

Wrong, they will say, oh, God tells us that God the father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are each referred to as God. 

We are also told that there is only one God. Therefore, SOMEHOW, the three "entities" ( for want of a better phrase ) constitute the one, everlasting, eternal God.


If we must reject everything that we cannot understand, God help us!

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I will no longer be addressing anything on this thread.

This is due to the behavior and attitude of a few people.


I have started and may start new threads if anyone wants to participate in those.

Or, start a thread and mention me and i will respond.


But, PLEASE, ONE topic per thread or just a couple of Bible verses per thread, otherwise i will not bother.

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46 minutes ago, Jesus.defender said:

I will no longer be addressing anything on this thread.

This is due to the behavior and attitude of a few people.


I have started and may start new threads if anyone wants to participate in those.

Or, start a thread and mention me and i will respond.


But, PLEASE, ONE topic per thread or just a couple of Bible verses per thread, otherwise i will not bother.

I laugh pretty easily, but your response gave me a good laugh. Also, I must say that from reviewing a couple of your posts, you put in a lot of information and do you expect people to accept your information without question?

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1 hour ago, Jesus.defender said:

Wrong, they will say, oh, God tells us that God the father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are each referred to as God. 

We are also told that there is only one God. Therefore, SOMEHOW, the three "entities" ( for want of a better phrase ) constitute the one, everlasting, eternal God.


If we must reject everything that we cannot understand, God help us!

Whether you answer or not, I do have a few questions. Naturally it would be helpful if you would answer, but I'll ask them anyway. It is important to know which Bible translation you use and if you believe it is directly the word of God, as if the translation itself is dictated by God. Perhaps we can discuss that in another thread. Because God does not tell us that there are three entities each called God combining into one entity called God.

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On 7/9/2018 at 8:49 PM, Jesus.defender said:

Again, multiple things in one topic. i remember why i stopped replying to you.

I am only going to address the james white follower accusation as i think i have addressed your other lies elsewhere.

You are mistaken, my friend.

i do NOT follow any man. i disagree with james white on more than one point. He is a calvinist which is anti-Christian. Just because i post a video of his, that means i am his "follower"? Do YOU "follow" every person you quote?

However, he DOES know how to explain things like the "trinity" far better than I can.

Just like the jehovahs witnesses are anti-Christian, yet in some points they put Christians to shame.

You have to eat the meat and spit out the bones.

I can list other people too:

No, not multiple topics, you brought up James White, I simply made mention of everyone who not only refuted James White, but those who refute the Trinity itself. I do not care if you reply to me or not, I make responses direct and or indirectly, for this is evident.

If you do not follow him, then why play his game? Let alone bring support about the Trinity by bringing up an old video of his that has been refuted up and down Hyde Park? You say you do not follow any man but you take up strongly to Christian Infighting, a design of men. Also you didn't quote Mr. White, you posted his video to justify the Trinity, if you quoted him there would be several quotes in his name rather than a video to prove a belief - know the difference.

He does because he believes in the Trinity, he also believed that Mary didn't mean what she said when she met with Gabriel and that the Laws of the Jews were not that important, hence his Trinitarian stance, example he eludes John 17 when speaking of John 10:30 and acts like a bully to anyone who proves him wrong, for White is known to go after the inexperienced and even advocates for Infighting, the very reason why people steppe up against him and refute him greatly.

Jehovah's Witnesses are Restorationist, they do not adhere to the mainstream Christian practices, they adhere to the practices of the early Church of the 1st century, if they are anti-Christians, they why bring up those who explain the Trinity when they too speak of the early church of which they do not follow? Hypocritical.

As for spitting out the bones, the hungriest of men will devour both meat and bone in order to survive.

Does not matter how many Trinitarians you throw, they all have been refuted in the past and discovered for some falsehood.

Robert Morey (pastor), He is the founder of the unaccredited California Biblical University and Seminary as well has his strong hate for Islam and those that practice it, and he enacts and prompts Christian Infighting who do not share his belief You cannot preach about love then go around your own back and preach that blasphemers should get the worse coming for them, that is a message that does not even sit well with most Trinitarians, which is fact.

Walter Ralston Martin is an American Baptist Christian minister, to some extent, more of a Protestant also and somewhat of an odd interest in the Trinity believing version of Jehovah's Witnesses known as the Seventh-Day Adventist. This pastor has quite the controversy around him and deeming everyone has cultist for not sharing His view of mainstream Christendom, in regards to the Watchtower, it is and will always be known that Restorationist like them, do not follow that of mainstream Christendom, hence the claims and attacks coming from Mr. Martin. He is only brought up by former JWs in order to prove a faulty point, rarely he is mention as much on those who share his belief. Mr. Martin, like Morey, share a connection in the Kairos Movement, this movement being of Babylon.

Ravi Zacharias is no different from the other two, but he is a hardcore Trinitarian, I only know of him because of a Youtuber named Mario aka The Vigilant Christian, of whom I refuted years ago, for anyone who proves Mario wrong, he make lies and hate messages towards such a person, he got his just deserts last year though when exposed. Anyways, Ravi is a strong advocate of the Kairos Movement like his current day counterparts and the late ones it should be known to you by now those who dislike JWs also do not want any part of the Kairos Movement, it is no surprise you post Ravi's video to prove your belief, not realizing what he is in connection with. Moreover, he has a strong bases with the the Charismatic Preachers scene.

Jeff Durbin, it is no surprise you are a fan, I made mention of this false teacher for his defense on a practice that has a strong connection to Druidism and Shamanism and a whole mixed bag of other things. What I have already said about this pastor I need not say again, another thing to mention for a pastor who says he is of God why be part of something that caused ESRB to even exist in the realm of video games, for there is a reason why you see E,T,M, etc. for a very very gore-filled and violent game was the cause of it, and a pastor, Jeff Durbin, had involvement in such a game. A man of God does not play a game or add his talents to a game such as Mortal Kombat, it would seem this pastor, was awed by the tearing of one's skull and spine from one's body. Other than that, Jeff is a Trinitarian, to make matters worse, he teaches to ignore God's Laws, which was the case with the post made by Matthew69 a while back, and I only brought it up when I mistaken Shwili for Matthew.

What all these pastors have in common is the Kairos Movement, the very religious movement in connection with E.I.I. that seeks to gather all religious leaders as well as promote a gospel that differs from the Bible itself, twisting the Bible even, and everyone knows such a group is the religion of the Harlot, the very one that consist of false teachers. Perhaps next time, try looking up someone who has no connection to such a Movement, lastly, some laws that is NOT of Christian origin, such pastors and their churches practice, an example would be adding the Law of Levities inside the Church when this Law is NOT something to be applied by Christians, this is but one of many things.

As much as I do not like James White for seeing the Law as nothing special and or of importance, this man is not a Calvanist, nowhere have I seen him speak of TULIP in a respect he shows to the belief of a Triune God. It's no surprise you through the man under the boss despite trying to prove your belief with his information, the same can be said of the others, if anything, Jeff Durbin himself is a Calvanist, mainly when you look into what he had said in regards to his interpretation of John  chapter 6.

Deserter, I know every teacher, pastor, bishop, scholar, early father, women ministers of bible times, etc. In the way I was brought up, to tame the fire you must understand it, in this sense, I know of every teacher there is, those who make the effort to follow the Bible, those who are confused, those who are far from Bible truth, etc, and all the pastors you have mentioned, are clearly far from the truth, they adhere to the Trinity doctrine when they believe that even the early church was not Trinitarian, they are not really fans of the Law of God, as seen with Jeff and James, and lastly, these men all share a connection in the religion of Babylon, the tendrils of said religion lies in E.I.I, Lucis Trust,  and anything of and or connected to  The Kairos Movement.

So I welcome you to try and refer and or post information from a Pastor that share the same belief as you that is NOT of the Kairos Movement an or have anything connection to it, a task that will be quite the challenge.

You will have to do better than that for even these men cannot save your believe when it comes your understanding of the Bible, which is evident in your response to Anna, to which you were in the wrong.

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@ShariKind Most Trinitarians use the King James Version (KJV), as well as the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, some will tend to use the New International Version (NIV) and or the American Standard, be it New and or Revised (AS, NASB, RAS). At times the Revised Standard Version (RSV), for the RSV is the go to for Modalist and Homosexuals also when it comes to defending a practice that does not originate with God.

This Trinitarian in particular is using the New World Translation, NWT in a majority of his post, however, he never quotes a verse directly, saying just says the book, chapter and verse only majority of the time, rarely a quite and ignores the cross-references. If I am not mistaken, the NWT itself literally holds your hand when it comes to cross-references to a passage and or verse, but he does not use it, in fact, Trinitarians only use cross-references to support their belief, an example would be 1 Peter 1:1 and 2, they will use this verse, but never go to verse 3 because it defeats the purpose of their belief, or John 10:30, yet they never go to John 10:16, 10:48, 17:11, 17:21-26.

As for questions, you can simply make a list of them, perhaps me or someone else can answer some. It would seem the surprise of which I have spoken of has been revealed to you, as expected, this is why I compare Deserter to the preacher known as Bob the Builder, for Bob has resurfaced again with his outlandish claims and trying to start a fight with someone who knows the Bible better than him.

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